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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 1, 2024 3:00am-3:30am MSK

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this is russia 24 and we continue, four large forest fires are now being extinguished in buryatia, their total area is 36 hectares, all outbreaks. far from
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populated areas there is no threat to residential areas, this was reported by rosleskhoz. the most serious situation is now in the suburb of ulanode, where a large fire in the private sector continues to be extinguished. by this minute , open burning on an area of ​​10 thousand square meters had been eliminated. no one was injured; 17 country houses burned down. this is the largest of three fire spots in the city's vicinity. the other two have already been eliminated. today at the republic is complex.
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special forces dispersed the rally in front of the parliament in tbilis, at the moment the situation has stabilized, the building is surrounded by security forces, the protesters were forced out of the avenue, mass arrests began a little earlier.
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activists brought gifts to the defenders . in different regions of our country , victory volunteers came to visit veterans of the great patriotic war on the eve of may 9, and they, in turn, said thank you to the military who are right now on the line of combat contact. learn more about how the gift promotion works. veteran, evgenia petrukhina will tell you. hello, hello, we've arrived.
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to congratulate on the main holiday, it was the victory volunteers who came with congratulations to semyon yakovlevich lyulk, a participant in the great patriotic war. he went to the front in 1943, joined the volunteers when he was 17, and defended moscow. a gift for a veteran, we do this together, the united russia party and victory volunteers, the party buys gifts for every front-line soldier, we
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take care of our front-line soldiers not only on may 9, not just one day a year, we do this is constant, systematic, here is the hero, ivan letkin’s volunteer for victory. here with flowers, thank you very much from the victory volunteers from all regions of our country, ivan petrovich, as he himself says, will carefully keep this card close to his heart. he went to the front in the forty -fourth, was a gunner of a forty-five-millimeter cannon, was wounded, then another, then served in reconnaissance, worked behind enemy lines more than once, celebrated victory day near riga, and today the veteran lytkin first of all says thanks to those who at the front now. i thank those which today. defends russia, that the main thing for a person, especially for a soldier, is faith, the power of our state. as a fifteen-year-old boy, he went through the siege of leningrad, fought for stalingrad, and after
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the war, in order to get to the makarov higher naval school in leningrad, he wrote a letter personally to stalin, worked on the nuclear icebreakers lenin and arktika. medal for the defense of stalingrad.
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a colonel of tank forces, he stormed berlin in 1945, and today he could easily become the subject of a documentary film. festival proper cinema started today in moscow at the victory museum. this year the mm festival acquired international status. we have a competition program for the festival in ten nominations, and of course
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we will announce the winners on may 10 at the closing of the festival. we have animated films, both feature and documentary. we can see the competition program in the popeda and krasnogorskaya museum. where will they show truly good cinema these days? evgenia petrukhina, maya alenova, news. in 1612 , moscow received the nizhny novgorod militia under by the superiors of kuzma minin and dmitry pozharsky. it forced the polish horizon of the kremlin to capitulate and to the russian throne. mikhail romanov entered. the romanov dynasty ruled russia for 300 years. a negative image of poles arose and took hold in russian literature and mass consciousness. a national stereotype with an emphasis on the arrogance, arrogance and
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unreliability of polish women. in poland, stereotypes began to dominate, emphasizing not the freedom of russia, but the despotism of power.
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she ruled, relying on her favorite, a convinced westerner, vasily galitsin. at sofia and galitsan, the level of penetration of western culture was very large. sophia was familiar with latin, spoke fluent polish, and under her rule an eternal peace with poland that was beneficial to russia was concluded. king jan ii sobieski assigned kiev, the frail ukraine and... all acquisitions to russia forever, it is also worth saying that such a phenomenon as higher
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education, theater, opera art also came to moscow from the territory of poland, in particular in moscow in 1684 year the slavic-greek-latin academy was opened, following the example already existing at that time in poland, the university of krakow. under the influence of polish architects , a new architectural style was established in the moscow state. in the ryshkinskoe borokko, starting from the end of the 16th century, serious changes took place in the russian costume of the upper class, especially for men, the tatar caftan finally went out of fashion, and was replaced by the polish zupan and kontush. a huge number of polonisms settle in office work and the language of the upper strata of society, and the baroque style is established in literature. the first westerners who appeared among us already in the 17th century were largely polynophiles. the russian
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diplomat order nashchokin dreamed of a dynastic union of russia and poland under the rule of the moscow tsar or his son. but since the end of the 16th century, due to the extreme weakness and instability of royal power in the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, remember, i will not allow, as well as devastating wars, the balance of power. augustus strong after peter. the attitude towards poland is changing a lot, poland’s channel for communication with the west is no longer needed, after peter we
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have direct access to europe, and russia could dictate your terms to poland. under anna ioannovna, augustus became king of poland. after the death of august ii. catherine ii sent troops to warsaw, after which her lover, stanislav poniatowski, was elected king. to deliver the lands and cities of a certain russia that belong to, inhabited by her fellow tribesmen
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and created in the same faith with us . russian ambassador nikolai repnin forced polish deputies to equalize the rights of orthodox catholics. without having its own constitution, russia took on the role of guarantor of the polish constitution, which turned the polish-lithuanian commonwealth is a de facto protectorate. russia, dissatisfied with these innovations , the gentry, in 1768 united into the so -called lordly confederation and openly ... opposed russia. the confederates gathered 5,000 people and occupied the zamosc fortress, which was defeated by alexander vasilyevich suorov. the lithuanian crown hetman aginsky gathered 800 confederates, but was defeated by suvorov in the battle of stolovich. general viominil, sent by the french government, captured the krakow castle, but after
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3 days he was besieged by suvorov. in 1972, in result.
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part of the russian empire, this status turned out to be very painful for poland and its national consciousness. we often underestimate the severity and drama of the loss of national independence for the poles. but some things weren't entirely bad. a representative of the highest polish aristocracy, adam czartarijski, became a friend and heir to the russian throne of alexander. alexander promised his friend.
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after the defeat of napoleon, most of the warsaw hertz at the vendian congress was transferred to russia and formed its composition autonomous kingdom of poland. alexander gave the poles a constitution, which did not exist in russia, and taught the sejm, that is, parliament. and here the liberal ideas that young russian officers absorbed during their stay in france begin to take their toll. the decembrists dream of ending. the most radical of them was to kill the tsar; they had a very vague idea of ​​what to do next, but tsar nicholas i turned out to be a nonsense of liberal ideas, and the decembrist uprising ended at the gallows in siberia. despite the liberal constitution and the admission of polish aristocrats to the highest government positions of the russian empire, polish patriots did not give up
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attempts to restore the old polish-lithuanian commonwealth. inspired by the july revolution in france. in the kingdom of poland, an open uprising began, known as the november uprising. after the suppression of the uprising by russian troops in the kingdom of poland, the new governor, marshal ivan paskevich, abolished the polish constitution, a division into provinces was introduced instead of the previous voivodeships, and in 1839 the uniate church was established, which is significant undermined the influence of the poles in the belarusian ukrainian lands. nicholas i...
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in the storms of the revolution, or enjoy the world together with russia, choose, but do not forget that i built a fortress in warsaw, and there were cannons, yet from the beginning of the 1560s , another revolution began in the kingdom of poland, which was drilling in the uprising in 1863, the uprising was again suppressed, at the same time polish migrants in western europe actively contributed to the negative image of russia. an emigrant from the right bank of ukraine, francis dukhinsky, propagated the doctrine of non-slavic origin of the muscovites. part of duchinsky's thesis was in 20'. poles were also widely represented in revolutionary and terrorist organizations in russia. in particular, the killer of emperor
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alexander ii was ignatius grenevitsky, a member of the people's will of polish gentry origin. in the last third of the 19th century , the policy of russification was studied. the name kingdom of poland was used less and less, and then instead it began to be used for... the assassination attempt on alexander ii and who served time, in fact, as a political platform pelsudsky had a plan called intermarium, poland from the baltic sea to the black sea,
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despite the cold attitude of the polish and soviet states, many prominent figures of polish gentry origin were in the ranks of the bolsheviks. his successor, vyacheslav minzhinsky. marshal konstantinsky and others. poland took part in the division of czechoslovakia. on september 21, 1938, polish leaders presented an ultivatum to the czechs to return them to the cieszyn region. but on september 17, 1939, 2.5 weeks after germany's attacks on poland, soviet.
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the poles attribute the execution to the nkvd. many in russia believe that the germans did this in occupied territory. the topic of the katyn massacre remains one of the most painful historical topics in russian-polish relations. the polish first infantry division, formed in 1943, fought as part of the red army, on the basis of which the first army of the polish army was formed. the so-called was also created.
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selesia, as well as the southern part of eastern prussia. instead of the expelled germans, these lands were inhabited by ethnic poles. thus, there was a shift of poland's territory to the west, as well as an expansion of its ethnic lands, which the poles should always remember. during the first years after the rise of poland, during the formation of the pro-soviet government.
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the plane crash near smolensk, in which polish president leg kaczynski and a number of high-ranking officials who were flying to events dedicated to the seventieth anniversary of the katyn massacre died, gave rise to anti-russian sentiments in conservative circles in poland. theories, since 2014, after the entry of crimea into russia and the development of the war in eastern ukraine, relations between russia and
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poland have significantly worsened.
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remember that poland is the homeland of shapin, director andrzej wajda and writer stanislav loew, it is also good for poles to remember when falling asleep at night about the three partitions of poland, and you see, anything can happen. with this i want to say goodbye to you, all the best, goodbye.
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goering addressed the military, before you is a country where there is a lot of white bread, sour cream apples, take it all, take it, ost's master plan left no doubt about what they wanted to do with us. having exhausted all attempts to bring our western colleagues to the negotiating table and sign something anti-gay, we realized that we are alone, we must ensure our own security. fighting in the city is not chaos, fighting in the city is the highest military art, and even psychological little things were thought out, the bet was that this would be the very contour offensive, the very miracle that would save.


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