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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 1, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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i want to say goodbye to you, all the best, goodbye. gerrit addressed the military: before you is a country where there is a lot of white bread, sour cream apples, take it all. take it, the ost master plan did not leave the slightest doubt about what they wanted to do with us, having exhausted all attempts to bring our western colleagues to the negotiating table and sign something anti-gay, we realized that we were alone, we must ensure our own safety. fighting in the city is not chaos, fighting in the city is the highest martial art, and even psychological little things were thought through, the bet was that this would be the most contour offensive, the very miracle that would save. germany, took aim and
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fired the first shot under the window. we were afraid, of course, to rush to the machine gun is not very good, it’s already lucky. our corps reached the very south of berlin. did i understand correctly, the future, right? yeah, twenty -four, 2.124. this is the situation. now i can jump to the future and back. i see everything, space pirates are hunting us, well, they were already there when i came here, we need to find mom, what meeting, maybe we can put the children to bed and now is the time to somehow fix everything and it’s time to act somehow, questions, suggestions, objections, and nothing else that you want, were given. let's go ahead.
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tectonic shifts on the gas map of europe. the groninggen oil field, the largest in the european union, will officially close today. it is located in the netherlands and until recently provided a significant part of the gas needs of the entire north-west of the eu. it is difficult to overestimate this event, since it was groninggen that was a symbol of prosperity of the former europe. and it was there that the rules were formed that... today
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the entire gas market is guided; for the groningen field, a basic pricing system was even created, what we now call take or pay, that is, in many ways, it was precisely this that the europeans were counting on, that from there they would to be supplied with gas is why europe actively developed gas generation, because they were openly afraid to develop nuclear power after the accident.
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exchange, and not contract, then now europe will have to live - in those conditions when the price of gas is unpredictable, it can be as much as 200 dollars for 1.0 cubic meters, as much as 2,000 dollars for 1.00 cubic meters. it is worth mentioning the groingen field itself, it is located in the north-east of the netherlands, almost on the border with germany, there are about 300 wells, production was carried out there for 60 years, the business was managed. through a joint venture between the american companies shell and axonmobil. as a parliamentary investigation last year showed, almost half a trillion euros could be said to have been siphoned out of groninggen's land in 60 years. most of went to the dutch treasury. well, we could, in principle, pump more, if not for the earthquake. mining was carried out at a depth of up to 3 km, as a result of which the north-east of the country began to shake periodically. since the early nineties , mining has occurred in the area. almost a thousand
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earthquakes, some magnitude 3.6. according to official data , at least 127 thousand houses out of more than 300,000 were damaged during this time, that is, almost half. well , it is noteworthy that back in early january the government of the netherlands was temporarily resumed production due to severe cooling in europe. it was then reported that the country's authorities use this deposit only in case of emergency. despite the official closure of the wells, the website of the country's ministry of economy still talks about ways to extract the remaining gas, and this is explained by the events in ukraine. the fighting in ukraine is forcing many european countries to look for alternatives. large-scale gas imports from russia, resulting in much media attention being given to the remaining natural gas at the groningen gas field. various sources suggest that the injection of alternative gas or liquid will help both to extract residual natural gas in the bowels of groninggen, and will reduce the pressure difference in
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the groningen gas field, and seismicity research. in reality , ukraine has nothing to do with it, just like russia, it was europe that decided to reduce purchases of russian fuel, plus the history of compression...
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the obsession that russia is to blame for everything. slana petrovna, good afternoon, security service of your bank, just a moment and the fraudster would have had access to the money
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and recorded a suspicious transaction on your account. but svetlana petrovna turned on the scout. seconds counted. urgently dictate your card number so that the money can be transferred to a secure account. i put it in the bank myself. hang up, no matter who the scammers pretend to be, trying to get money out of you, hang up without talking.
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dear friends, i invite you to watch reruns of our original program besagon tv, i hope you will remember them and enjoy them. the main intelligence directorate boasts about imaginary drone strikes on military infrastructure in the russian rear, although instead of the promised million modern drones, the kiev regime launches literally flying garbage into the sky and takes credit for other people’s innovative developments.
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we’ll tell you more about everything right now in the stop fake program on russia-24 . so, the department of the professional terrorist budanov continues to celebrate colossal successes, which, according to the zhovtoblok version. ahmedia were reached at the airfield near morozovsk rostov region at the parking lot of our long-range aircraft in the yeisk-krasnodar region. fake launchers claim that the drones managed to cause almost no damage. not one and a half dozen modern russian missile carriers will irrevocably destroy six heavy bombers, in general, the scale of the victory is beyond exaggeration, but satellite images very quickly dotted them; upon closer examination , nothing even remotely similar to the traces of an attack was found on them. the enemy acts in principle as he should act in information conditions information warfare in the context of an information operation, it is necessary as soon as you have abandoned the narrative. it is necessary to immediately confirm it with something, a bright attempt by the ukrainian chick
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to turn off critical thinking in people again, and try to impose your narrative, try to show and try to immediately celebrate your painted picture of the world, because well, the way you report and proving your effectiveness also depends on your, so to speak, grants and benefits from the west, which ukraine now receives, this content that we are now distributing in the form of proofs, of course, unfortunately, will not reach the target audience of kraisk, because we are blocked there, well , it would seem that having disgraced themselves once, the propagandists should have restrained their ardor, but soon they came exactly on the same rake, reporting the arrival of a drone at the container over-the-horizon radar station in the mordovian city of kovylkino. as the “war on fake” project ironically notes, those in the know have reached a new level of evidence base, since they simply circled in red squares, a certain location on the map." and... in reality, the radar actually does not represent any one object, it is attention,
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a one and a half kilometer series of metal masts, an extremely difficult target for a uav. this is intended for those who have no idea what it is radar, what is it in mordovia, where is it located, and the fact that one drone can shoot down, well, what happens, they say, 144 pillars, well, that is, it’s important to understand, this is a huge extent, this one here - a drone - is not some kind of bowling ball that it flies in like a domino and knocks everything down, but that’s not how it works. moreover, this ukrainian drone didn’t even fly anywhere, it was shot down on approach, it was eliminated, then it was a victory, they reported what, well, they drew pictures somewhere in photoshop and said that this is our victory. by the way, the unfathomable power of ukrainian unmanned aircraft is a reason to remember how the junta through the mouth of the head of its government, shmygal. threatened to acquire as many as a million modern drones over the coming months, and some especially
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a zealous, for example, deputy minister of some kind of strategic development also multiplied these fantastic numbers by two. among other things, they were going to establish serial production of leleko reconnaissance uavs, stitched for coordination with the rszzo hymers, or high-precision strike furies, which were supposed to become the quiet death of russian soldiers on the battlefield. well, finally... a tank can have at least some kind of effectiveness, anything can have any kind of effectiveness, and even a sharpened stick can have any kind of effectiveness , the question is that military products that... they are produced industrially, yes, they undergo a certain testing and testing, they
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have expected efficiency, and in the case of producing something like this from scraps and sticks, yes, well, that is, it’s like a lottery, you’ll be lucky, you’ll be unlucky, and in the case, when these products carry explosives, bad luck can occur even before the start, and can lead to problems for the creators themselves, which , by the way, often happens. in short, the wunder waffe of the nato model clearly does not look like a wunder waffe, but in a sense, bandera’s ingenuity must be given its due. who else could come to mind to build a structure from the contents of a garbage dump. the basis of the fuselage was a piece of sewer pipe with a diameter of about 110 mm. the body and tail wings were cut out of plywood, then covered with cheap vinyl film. as for the tanks, they are replaced by four five-liter plastic water bottles. consequently, the fuel supply of a homemade fake is, well, plus or minus 20 liters, which... like some motorcycle models,
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compared to other components, is quite expensive, almost a thousand dollars, but on the rest they saved a lot, but here the question is, where did the nine-figure sum collected from donations on paper go, to the last penny invested in the creation, ukrainians have recently... learned to use social engineering methods in order to extort money, they are trying to play on patriotic notes, they are trying to prove that we can resist, that we have the technology, that we are ready to produce millions of drones. just give us the money, these millions that the citizens of ukraine are throwing away in order to supposedly help with their own army for production of uavs, they, of course, end up in the wallets of scammers, they do not end up in any production, ukraine does not have the resource to produce millions, not tens, not hundreds, not thousands, but millions of drones, there are simply no such production, production facilities capacity, no, no technology, so those drones
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that russian troops shoot down are literally assembled on their knees, this is a handicraft production, and these are... single productions, these are piece goods, and talk about millions is, of course, a fake. however, they steal not only money, but also other people’s ideas, a vivid example of the post-popular in certain circles telegram channel all-seeing eye, whose authors hastened to call the brainchild of ukrainian engineers a prototype of a compact submarine that fires missiles and torpedoes, but in reality the emirati is working on the mini submarine project the cronos systems company became independent, had nothing to do with it, and, moreover, was fake. even a photograph of an assembly shop supposedly opened in ukraine appeared, the original looks like this, and its geolocation is in the american state of texas, at the lockhead martin plant, where it produces the f-35 fighter jets. this boat was developed by our russian man, living in the glorious city of egeisk, who later left there and works in the united arab emirates and showed this boat there.
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it would be nice if at least some ukrainian created all this, some native there. uh sumy, kharkov, odessa, kiev, i don’t know, although these are not ukrainian cities either, well, maybe from lvov there would be such a person, no, this is our russian person, so they talk about how, uh, russia is dying a country, gas station, i repeat, by the way, these are also other people’s narratives, the americans said this too, they can’t even come up with anything of their own, here the first frame they produce, they themselves end up with a young man from... baumanke, who has serious training, serious education, this boat here, which was created by god, these are russian brains. and it would be okay, we were talking about a single episode, but there is no obvious trend. in particular, the visit of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine syrsky and the minister of defense umerov to the demonstration site caused a lot of noise in the forest, where, among other things, they drove an armored vehicle with some combat
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modules, allegedly of independent ukrainian design. however, a couple of days later the situation was brought to the attention of the south african media. republics, which easily identified the momb6 car, created specifically in ur, and how it got into square deserves a separate discussion. this is a demo version that was delivered to the northern military district on the territory of ukraine, as there is potential for potential contracts, but cooperation did not happen, and now this machine represents the achievement of the ukrainian military-industrial complex. the only thing is that they added a module, which, apparently , is a combat module. polish production, but why do they say that it is ukrainian? well, the fact is that one of these social public discontents in general in ukraine, yes, is due to the fact that the ukrainian military-industrial complex is in a complete knockout, in order to show that the government, the president there, is doing something, so they invent such fakes on camera with
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ukrainian armored vehicles, in the end the regime can only rely on the help of its nato patrons, but with it... not everything is going smoothly either, you read ukrainian resources and you might think that the 61 billion dollars allocated by the us congress will go entirely to zelensky’s needs, and to some in joy, there are already glimpses of the prospects for a new counter-offensive, much more successful than the summer one, but in fairness, individual propagandists nevertheless studied the original american law and discovered that almost 50 billion of the above-mentioned amount will be taken by the pentagon to restore weapons stocks, while ukraine will receive weapons worth 1.5 billion and another... about 8 billion will be given to it in the form of a loan, that is, not at all free of charge, the entire technological chain, all the money actually remains within the united states, that is if the united states says that they are allocating 60 billion for help, this means that at least at least 30 billion will end up in the wallets of those who make the decisions of the leaders of the military-industrial complex, another 15
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billion will end up in all sorts of intermediaries who participate in the technological process the production of the dpk, of course, will receive crumbs in the form of some kickbacks, in the form of some kind of handouts so that the ukrainians supposedly see that such a civilized west is helping independent ukraine in order to fight the barbarians from russia. next, according to tradition, to kharkov, where there is a howl of local gouleiters from the attacks of our troops on supposedly peaceful infrastructure. here are the usual tales about s-300 missiles, which are said to have been converted from... anti-aircraft strikes and complaints about certain attempts by the russians to literally sow panic and a feeling of inevitable disasters, in general, are presented in such a way that the only goal of the attacks is to intimidate the civilian population, but sometimes... the truth finds its way to a wide audience, you just need to be able to carefully notice the details, for example, a typical video from the kharkov segment of social networks, absolutely
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there are clearly sounds of secondary detonation there, that is, it is either an ammunition depot, a warehouse, perhaps with some kind of equipment, spare parts, someone like that, well, which is another of the many, many dozens that fall under such russian sanctions every month blows. it’s interesting that when the ukrainian side, there representatives of kiev, yes, to the whole world complain about the lack of air defense systems, they complain specifically about the combat impact of the russian army, yes, that reserves, warehouses with equipment, ammunition and their... are needed protect and please provide air defense, when we are talking about such internal propaganda, then all the arrivals, as one , fall, of course, on peaceful targets.
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thus, when refuting misinformation, it is important not only to watch, but to listen, especially when the visual content is harsh blocked by censorship, although they still showed some things without cuts, the moment of the fall of the kharkov tv tower, according to the idea of ​​​​the gang with the bank, should symbolize almost the barbarity of the russians. obviously. this is obvious intimidation with the aim of making the terror visible to the entire city, as well as an attempt to limit kharkov’s access to information. but let’s figure it out: at a height of just over 240 m, the ill-fated tower folded almost in half, this result was achieved by the x59 high-precision guided missile with a three-hundred-kilogram the high-explosive-accumulative part, it essentially cut into the tower, like a giant knife , and at the same time disabled a lot of equipment of the armed forces of ukraine. according to information. open sources on the tower were located communication amplifiers for air defense, without which it is much more difficult for operators of missile systems to exchange information, accordingly, anti-aircraft missile systems
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will have to be located close to each other, which means they will cover a smaller area, in addition, repeaters were attached to the tallest building in kharkov for drones sent to russian cities, this is not to mention the cellular network infrastructure needed to keep scam call centers running smoothly. but there is one point that outweighs even all military goals, even if there were laser weapons, this point, which i will now name, it outweighs all such military topics, this is the broadcast of an endless telethon, this is the supply of the internet to kharkov mobile phones , through which they watch all this nonsense that is being poured into their brains, while this brain burner is working, ukrainian propaganda is moving, the ukrainian army is working, there is even someone signing up for the ukrainian troops, this brain burner needs to be demolished. one way or
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another, detox from the zombie telethon is a pleasant and useful bonus, especially since even the west, loyal to kiev , should not object in this case, because the united states state debt has included the notorious unified news in the report on human rights violations by the ukrainian authorities, saying that such a broadcasting format is contrary to the principles free access to information and restrictions. alternative points of view, so now that the owners expressed dissatisfaction, they seem to be able to close down the shop, but of course they will find other ways to produce ridiculous fakes, which we will definitely continue to expose in the stopfake program on the russia 24 tv channel
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. investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious.
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psychologists, and i’ll kill me, why did you provoke him, i wanted to help the guy, she’s digging for you valera in the most dangerous place for you, she’s such a predator, what a predator she’ll be it hurts, they say that you people know how to look directly into his head, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the application or on the website.
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i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, here all my feelings are heightened to the limit, happiness has resurrected me, she loves me, call sign passenger, go, i’ll come back for you, do you hear, the russian ministry of emergency situations. warns: protect your home, install a fire detector. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry.
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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch in the application or on the website.
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this is russia 24, we continue, four large forest fires are now being extinguished in buryatia,
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their total area is 36 hectares, all hotspots.


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