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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 1, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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this is russia 24 and we are continuing four major forest fires. now in buryat, their total
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area is 36 hectares, all outbreaks are far from populated areas, there is no threat to residential areas, rosleskhoz reported this. the most serious situation is now in the suburb of ulano-de, where they continue to extinguish a large fire in the private sector. by this minute , open burning on an area of ​​10,000 m2 has been eliminated. no one was injured; 17 country houses burned down. this is the largest of the three burn points in the city's vicinity, the other two have already been eliminated.
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enough, we managed to stop the spread of the fire, extinguishing, reconnaissance were carried out, there were no preliminary casualties, we brought it under control. the cause of the fire could have been a broken power line, the head of the republic alexey tsedenov announced this on his telegram channel, and the spread of the fire was facilitated by dry grass and a hurricane wind of more than 30 m/s. and here is the comment from the prosecutor's office. the prosecutor's office of the republic of buryatia in connection with the fire. in the territory of the city of ulanu and its suburbs, a check of legislation on emergency situations was organized, in during the inspection, the causes of the fires will be established, the guilt of persons in the fires will be established, and if there are grounds, prosecutorial response measures will be taken. special forces dispersed a rally in front of parliament in tbilisi. at the moment, the situation has stabilized, the building is surrounded by security forces, and the protesters have been forced out.
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a little earlier , mass arrests began from rustov avenue, stones, bottles and generally various objects were thrown at the police, officers of the georgian ministry of internal affairs used rubber bullets, water cannons and pepper gas. protesters against the law obnogents, threw eggs at them, tried to blind them with laser pointers. doctors provide assistance to the victims. according to local media, among them is georgian mp anna tsitlidze. let me remind you that georgian deputies are meeting today. in different regions of our country, victory volunteers came to visit veterans of the great patriotic war on the eve of may 9, activists brought gifts to the defenders of the fatherland, and they, in turn , said thanks to the military who are right now on the line of combat contact. learn more about how the gift promotion works. evgeniya will tell the veteran.
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here are the heroes of ivan letkin, the victory volunteers come with flowers. thank you very much from the victory volunteers from all regions of our country. ivan petrovich, as he himself says, will carefully keep this card close to his heart. he went to the front in the forty-fourth, was a gunner of a forty-five-millimeter cannon, was wounded, then another, then served in reconnaissance, and worked more than once behind enemy lines. i celebrated victory day near riga. and today, veteran lytkin first of all says thanks to those at the front. i thank those who today they are defending russia, the main thing for a person, especially for a soldier, is faith, the power of our state. as a fifteen-year-
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old boy, he went through the siege of leningrad, fought for stalingrad, and after the war, in order to get to the makarov higher naval school in leningrad, he wrote a letter to stalin personally and worked on nuclear icebreakers. arctic for the defense of stalingrad a medal, yeah, this is the most valuable thing, i ended up in the 321st division, which arrived from siberia, so they accepted me almost at the front, and i was a graduate at the beginning was, they thoughtfully write every word, these letters to veterans of the great patriotic war. will be sent today, in each envelope there are warm lines from victory volunteers from the voronezh region, here they are visiting nikolai nikolaevich borisov, during the war the tank crew commander knocked out 10 enemy combat vehicles, i personally knocked out 10 tanks,
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lost five of mine during the entire war, here is the first award, this is the order of the red star for three destroyed tanks. for anatolyakov from the tyumen region, the victory volunteers prepared an entire concert of songs from the war years, which anatoly matveevich himself performs today no worse than the artists. there are so many medals on his jacket that it seems there is no room left. during the war he was wounded three times. grigory razuman. a colonel of tank forces, he stormed berlin in 1945, and today he could easily become the subject of a documentary film. the proper cinema festival started today in moscow at the victory museum. this year the festival acquired
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international status. we have a competition program for the festival in ten nominations, and , of course, we will announce the winners on may 10 at the closing of the festival. we have animated films and feature films. we will be able to see the documentary competition program in the victory museum and the krasnogorsk branch of the victory museum. where will they show truly good cinema these days? evgenia petrukhina, maya alenova. news. the winners of the children's cossack song competition were awarded in krasnodar. the ceremonial ceremony and the goal-concert are dedicated to victory day. this is the third time that the creative event has been held in kuban. this year the number of participants is more than 1,300 people. these are soloists and... groups from different regions, all the details of the award in inna nikishina's report our children, thank you for winning, dozens of voices sing in unison about love for the motherland, about its defenders and
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great people, these motives have united talented youth from all over the country for the third year at the children's cossack song competition . the results of the musical competition are summed up today in krasnodar, on the stage of the main musical theater. the kuban capital, its stars, finalists. from nizhnyanovorod, they dress in black. the festival, with the support of the country’s investigative committee, is held by the russian legal academy of the ministry of justice of the russian federation. the gala concert takes place in krasnodar, the heart of the cossack capital. the governor of the region addresses the winners. venyamin kondratev notes how significant the song is for the russian people. people always sang folk songs, you know, when it was hard, when it was very hard, when it was joyful, they sang too, that’s how our people are, it’s always easier with a song, ours.
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today they are carrying out combat missions - during the northern military district, we know that many cossacks are now in
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the ranks of our armed forces, performing the most difficult combat missions with honor and dignity, showing courage and heroism, and today we see those who accept their banners will go into battle with them. the geography of festival participants is growing, as is their number; most of the competitors are from the krasnodar territory. if in 2022. we accepted 700 applications, then this year there are already 1,300 participants, we have once again seen how rich our country is in talents, you, our dear guys, are true patriots. the region has become a traditional venue for the finals of the competition; the region highly values ​​the traditions and culture of its ancestors. in the ranks of the kuban thousands of cossack troops join each year.
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today in the western world the americans are considered the victors of world war ii. how bitter it is for us in russia to hear such words and how the united states erases the feat of this program from history, we will not talk about the soviet people. we will voice facts that are hushed up by the americans and answer the question: who financed the creation of the military machine of the third reich? indeed, hitler’s rise to power is not the coming of an enterprising person, it is a policy that
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was nurtured and financed very serious financial circles of western countries. january 15. in 1920, the commander of american forces in germany, general henry allen, wrote in his diary: germany is the state most capable of successfully repelling bolshevism. the expansion of germany at the expense of russia for a long time would distract the germans to the east and thereby reduce the tension in their relations with western europe. the working class in the 19th century in europe. began to fight for his rights, it was unprofitable for the elite, but the elite was, the elite was interested in to promote military potential, in fact, to drag this same working class into the most difficult, absolutely, the most difficult military conditions, during which it was the working class that perished, that is, those contradictions that existed within the country were redirected to the external sector,
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the working class has nothing to gain from this didn’t win, so yes, indeed... the fight against communism, the fight against the idea of ​​equality, it began in europe, life or death. in this economic situation , conflict arose between those who worked and those who led. therefore, in business circles, big business, cereals, kison, flick, and many, many other well-known siemens companies, somewhere this pan-european idea arose, it was there.
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to say that germany was very popular in scientific and military circles, it was clearly stated there that germany should be the military leader of europe. hitler's most powerful financial backer, the united states of america. the united states has been involved in political struggles through the hands
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of third parties for more than 200 years and always makes good money from military conflicts. that's how it was the first time. became the main creditors of the european powers, american banks acquired enormous power precisely during the first world war, because great britain, drained of blood by the war, which was the first financial power in the world and which was the richest country in terms of gdp in the early
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twenties, cedes this primacy to the united states of america, this started... they became the first world economic superpower, they became an economic superpower, in fact, well, at least a third of world production - that was american made. if before the first world war the united states owed europe 6 billion dollars, then by the end of the first world war europe already owed the united states about 11 billion.
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it turns out an interesting point: the united states of america earned the largest amount of money during the first world war, entered into the , when everyone was already weakened and offered the world woodre wilson’s 14 points, they offered an open world, they proposed the creation of a new one. the very policy of monroe, which determined america's foreign policy america's strategy for americans, it did not involve america's interference in the affairs
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of european powers, but after the first world war this policy changed radically. and therefore, yes, indeed , the united states of america received very great opportunities to form revenge and during the second preparation for the second world war, they had finances, they had politically. according to official data, the united states alone invested about 800 million dollars in the industry and financial system of hitler's germany. americans this means they bought shares of many german companies, including 40% of siemens.
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roosevelt acted in accordance with american business, that is, there seems to be a law that prohibits trade with germany at
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the state level, but this law made it possible for american private companies to sell strategic materials, including military ones, to germany and its allies during entry of the law that is adopted. was adopted in the united states of america, what is most interesting is that this law was in force until forty something years. a similar situation developed in trade relations between the united states and spain, which was not formally a participant in the second world war. franco , quite an interesting one, pursued a policy that led to the fact that spain remained supposedly neutral, supposedly, this is very interesting, but in fact, spanish troops also participated in the war against russia and the soviet union. here, but here it should be noted that most likely roosevelt acted, which means, under pressure from lobbying organizations, private, private
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business organizations of the united states states of america, including the largest standard oil, which was engaged in the sale of oil and petroleum products. the spanish tanker fleet worked almost exclusively for the needs of the wehrmacht, supplying it with american black gold. even in the first months. 1944, germany re-exported 4,800 tons of oil from spain every month. this loophole, it made it possible for american business to trade not only with members of the anti-hitler coalition, but with the opposite side, thereby the americans repeated the path they took during the first world war, that is, enriching yourself with...
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villains, reformatting in two generations can be done quite easily, in fact, the task of the russian federation, and, let’s say, the diplomacy of the russian federation, its some structures that work with information, let’s say, in the field of information wars there , this is not to be silenced.
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