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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 1, 2024 5:30am-6:00am MSK

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holidays in russia are gaining popularity, travel around the country is becoming more accessible, comfortable and safer, thanks to the national tourism and industry project.
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east and kamchatka. the total investment portfolio from the kaliningrad region to dalniy exceeds 500 billion rubles. today we suggest that businesses use government support measures. help with financing is one of the most important points: entrepreneurs throughout the country can receive preferential loans for the construction or reconstruction of tourist objects. these are multifunctional hotel complexes, water and amusement parks, infrastructure for... ski resorts, sanatoriums, hotels. the category of the hotel or inn must be at least three stars. room capacity from 120 rooms, both for hotels and multifunctional complexes. preferential loans are issued for a period of up to 12 years, at an interest rate of 30% of the current key rate of the bank of russia plus 3%. conditions, the interest rate will be 7.8% per annum. this allows almost twice as much. increase
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terms of return on investment in each investment project related to the development of tourism infrastructure. please note that the project must be highly developed, that is, documents for the land have been drawn up and a business plan has been developed. if you have everything ready, you can contact an authorized bank. they evaluate the reliability and financial stability of borrowers. if the bank is ready to approve the loan, it transmits the information to government agencies. the final decision is made by the ruler. funds can not only be borrowed from a bank, the state can provide additional subsidies, for example, for the construction of modular hotels. what is the mechanism here? the business must invest at least 50% of the project cost, then the rest of the amount will be invested by the state, while for one room in a modular hotel state aid will amount to no more than one and a half million rubles. preference will be given to projects based on existing hotels. with
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a number of rooms of at least 50, there is a high chance of a subsidy in special economic zones of the tourist and recreational type. what do you need to do to get it? to start contact the locals. the administration to find out all the conditions, then develop a project for the future hotel, indicate where it will be located and other characteristics, and of course, how much it is planned to invest in construction and what subsidy is needed. then you need to draw up an estimate taking into account force majeure, and finally submit an application and a package of documents. if the project has already been implemented and you want to compensate part of the costs, you will need documents about the finances invested in construction. each region has its own application deadlines. and additional criteria. you can also receive a regional subsidy for the development of your project. funds can be allocated for the development of the beach and laying out the route, for the purchase of equipment and holding events that increase the tourist attractiveness of the region, the creation of a tourist code for the city,
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and for the construction of modular accommodation facilities and berths. to receive a subsidy, you need to contact your local administration, they will tell you how to apply. another significant support measure is public-private partnership. business invests its own funds in tourism infrastructure projects, and the state ’s own. the investor from the state is the russian federation tourism corporation. in addition to material support, the russian tourism corporation will help in reducing administrative barriers, marketing the project, attracting additional investments, interacting with government agencies and much more. if you want to cooperate with a corporation. first, you should register on the online platform for investors and fill out an investment questionnaire. after its assessment, it will be possible to sign an agreement of intent to jointly develop a master plan and implement the project. today, any entrepreneur can go to the information portal turism of the russian federation,
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get acquainted with existing investment lots and finance the development of tourism infrastructure, or leave a request for support of their own project. corporation experts will promptly contact each remaining person. application to help in the formation of the questionnaire, in the formation of the necessary documentation and applications for obtaining additional funding, if necessary. let us repeat the most important thing: under the national project for tourism and the hospitality industry, businesses can receive financial support, these are preferential loans for the construction or reconstruction of tourist facilities, as well as subsidies for the creation of prefabricated modular accommodation facilities for their own projects in the field of tourism. in addition, business can... can attract co-financing from the russian tourism corporation within the framework of a public-private partnership. do you have any questions, would you like to know more about measures to support business in priority areas for the country, ask in our telegram channel. we will talk to the authorized agencies and will tell you everything in the next issue of the instructions.
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the current ukrainian government acts exactly like the bolshevik government, yes, which separated. church, it is best in these conditions to unite into one orthodox ukrainian church, to separate completely from moscow, a meeting has been created that is not the church of christ. the ocu has nothing to do with religion, some for the sake of jesus, others for the bread of taste. and today there is a spiritual battle going on inside the lavra. the united states and the west initially set the task of tearing the ukrainian people away from the russian people. the lord is wonderful among his saints. let's see what will happen next.
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in april 1944 , planes of the us air force, allies of the ussr in the anti-hitler coalition, civilians of belgrade, etc., appeared in nibe yugoslavia and bulgaria. they did not expect to be bombed, but on april 1 bombs fell on belgrade. on april 16, the us air force again launched a massive attack on belgrade, and on april 17 carpet bombings practically wiped out the centers of the capitals of yugoslavia and bulgaria. at the head of bomber aviation.
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it is clear where the border will be between the zones of responsibility of the soviet union,
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post-war, yes, and the zones of responsibility of the allies in the anti-hitler coalition, so the americans and the british, in principle , began bombing eastern europe, massively, starting from the end of 43, 44, 45. the united states of america understood perfectly well how... how they could win, unfortunately, yes, it’s very scary to say, is this how they can win this war? here, first of all, there is psychological pressure, as you understand, the united states of america entered the war very late, when they realized that the scales had tipped to the side, towards the soviet union, in order to indicate their position, to show taxpayers where they actually... went this money, yes, which was allocated by the same united states
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of america, to support, as it were, the soviet union. in fact, back in forty-three , oil companies affiliated with the united states of america supplied fuel and lubricants to the third reich, yes, that is, they introduced their commercial activities until the very end. and a very simple question arose: how to do it? so that at the time of the redivision of the post-war world, this is very important, yes, the redivision of the post-war world turned out to be beneficial and convenient for the united states of america, because they are the future favorites, very big questions were raised, the question of how to divide the world, into what spheres influence, who will go where, and how to make sure that your opponent the territory was more destroyed than in... the territory of the sphere that you will enter,
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the americans even managed to destroy concentration camps in the vicinity of belgrade, as a result of the destruction hundreds of prisoners in the concentration camp died, maternity hospitals were destroyed, women in labor, babies, newborns died, in only one nine mothers died in the maternity hospital. and their babies. according to various estimates, about 2.0 civilians died in belgrade. about a thousand people were injured of varying degrees of severity. on easter. people, like families, were at a worship service in churches, some were already at home, which is why the consequences were so devastating for people, for the residents of belgrade, absolutely not military civilians. and what is yugoslavia like during 4 years of occupation, people were in a very difficult condition, they starved very hard under the germans, they starved very hard
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under the germans, the most severe, completely cleansing of the serbian population, one of... such difficult examples is the execution of serbian high school students, and more than 300 boys were shot because they were serbs, because they were in the conquered territories. the americans, in fact, in belgrade worked hand in hand with the fascists, destroying the cultural heritage of the serbian people, yes, because the fascists destroyed the public library of serbia and burned 350 thousand manuscripts, and the americans also destroyed museums and libraries in belgrade during their bombing. russia has paid great attention to the balkans since the 18th century. in the 19th century, as part of the russian-turkish war of 1877-78, russia was indeed able to almost completely liberate the balkans from the turkish
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yoke; moreover, it helped form independence for many states. russia has invested such. strength for many reasons, secondly, we considered the serbs a fraternal people, and we still consider the serbs a fraternal people, this is very important for russia, the balkans, as a logistics center that allows russia to leave the mediterranean directly in the ocean, for us too very important, and of course the countries of the western world understood perfectly well that for us serbia, that for us the balkans, hit precisely those zones that were very important for the soviet union, for russia, for russia today. what was the need for the bombing of the city of sofia, the capital of bulgaria, which, in which there were no industrial enterprises for military purposes, in which there were no large military contingents, and in general the bulgarian army, in
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principle, during the second world war behaved quite passively and some active then actions on... that's why these cities were chosen, sofia was bombed very heavily, the bulgarian population, again social facilities, were not really here, unfortunately, yes nothing new, again social facilities, schools, hospitals, large cities, almost 400 people died in sofia, these are only official data, many died in
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fires, so it was difficult to identify the bodies, the exact number is very difficult... and still there is still no historical center in sofia and belgrade, many buildings have been destroyed and cannot be restored. let us emphasize that the bombing of the air force, the usa and great britain did not make the path of the red army any easier. the most interesting thing is that until forty years the british and americans did not touch kenesberg. in 44 kenesberg was subjected to twice. bombing, the historical center of the city was destroyed, about 189 bombers fell on the city, but at the same time , not a single one of the military forts of kensberg was touched, and kensberg, which means when ours already took this city in 1945, here is my father was a participant in this operation, we
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had to bite in this way, and we lost several tens of thousands. soldiers before we took these forts, but the us had much worse plans when the manhattan project was in full swing, plan to create a nuclear bomb, there was no certainty which of the ossian powers would collapse first, the americans were not sure that germany would capitulate. the fifth year, therefore the first plans for atomic bombings, judging by these documents, they concerned specifically germany, were already planned in the forty-fourth year.
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when the soviet army approached the borders of eastern europe, carpet bombing began on all these capitals of large cities in eastern europe, that is, this was the goal set to intimidate the soviet union. these bombings were aimed in the same way as the bombing of nagasaki, these were acts of intimidation.
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terms, this is of course a hypothetical formulation of the question, but it is certainly terrifying. during the war years, great britain and the united states increased their fleet of strategic bombers, great britain had about 1,600, and the united states. america brought it to 2,080 pieces, that is, this is a huge mass, one document is interesting, which means it is called thunder, this document was presented
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by churchel in 1944 to roosevelt, this document stipulated that it was necessary in order to influence the german people psychologically, a massive bombing of cities is necessary, it can be cities no less.
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in order for these countries to regain their independence, today very few people remember that the soviet union helped the european countries regain their independence, today they talk so much about european sovereignty, that sovereign countries are very important, but these european countries for 4 years we sat under the influence of the germans, for 4 years no one spoke about sovereignty, we were on the territory of these countries. the most terrible, completely concentration camps were located, and the heads of these countries could not close the concentration camps, the soviet union, the soviet soldier returned
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sovereignty to the countries of eastern europe , including, and today it would be nice to remember this, but today it does not fit into those the political agenda that is being announced today, but we should at least remember this, remember to tell our children about this, because indeed our country made a very big contribution to the victory. including the victory of world war ii war restoration of countries after world war ii.
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with you is a country where there is a lot of white bread, sour cream apples, take it all, take it, the master plan of the island did not leave the slightest doubt about what they wanted to do with us, having exhausted all attempts to bring their western colleagues to the negotiating table, to sign something anti-hitler, we we realized that we are one on one, we must ensure our own safety, battle in the city is not chaos, battle in the city is the highest martial art and we even thought through... psychological little things, the bet was that this would be the very contour offensive, the very miracle that would save germany, i took aim and fired the first shot under the window, everyone was more afraid , of course, to rush into a machine-gun burst, you could no longer escape from it, our corps came out the most south of berlin, i understood the future correctly, yeah, 24, 2124. this is
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the situation, now i can jump a century into the future and back, i see everything, space pirates are hunting for us, well, they were already there when i came here, we need to find moms what a meeting, maybe we can put the children to bed and now is the time to somehow fix everything and it’s time to act somehow. questions, suggestions, objections, whatever you want, come first.
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your brother is there in the donbass, in short, you have to go there, call sign is a passenger, a fighter, i came for a brad, i have to find him, if you are a creative, ambitious, young professional. then quickly take part in the national open championship of creative competencies artmas.
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a large fire was extinguished in buryatia at night.


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