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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 1, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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if we turn specifically to historical sources, yes, that’s it, here are the negotiations, yes, here are the notes of historians about the political situation that was in england, yes, now the classification of secrecy has already been lifted, but the question is different, that this cannot be put into public space. yes, well, historians know that england took part in the formation and outbreak of war there, but somehow, well, this is not particularly brought into the public field.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious. in russia has a clear and clear signal. is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? need to mobilize all resources? would you give me a recipe in general, how to achieve what you have achieved? do you feel like you're on top of the world? he stood up, shook himself off and went. is russia ready to change? does evolution occur in any structure? in the recent past, you were a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then you quit medicine and became a doctor. an ordinary police psychologist,
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i’ll kill me, why did you provoke him, i wanted to help the guy, she’s digging under you valera is in the most dangerous place for you, you are a predator, somehow, they say that you people know how to look directly into his head, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the application or on the website. may in eastern siberia and the european part of russia will start with cold weather. olga mikhailova will tell you how much the temperature will drop, where the snow will fall, and how long the bad weather will linger. the hurricane and dust storm fanned the fires in eastern siberia. how quickly the heat and squalls were replaced by snowfalls, when will the polar invasion end in this region and can we wait? snow in the european part of russia. this.
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weather, a joint project of the russia 24 tv channel and the fubus center. i'm olga mikhailova. hello. squally northern winds simultaneously make their way to the russian plain and eastern siberia. the grass is burning, the house is burning. horror. the sky at dulanud turned orange-red from the flames on tuesday evening. traditionally, on holidays, residents, despite warnings from the ministry of emergency situations, grilled kebabs and chewed dry grass. fire with hurricane winds up to 34 m/s. at midnight local time , the outbreak area reached 1000 m. shkvalisty the wind seriously complicated the situation with fires in the irkutsk region. in the area of ​​shelikhov, khomutovo and not far from irkutsk , a forest near the road caught fire. fortunately, the fire was quickly extinguished. visibility in the region was worsened
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not only by smoke ; a dust storm raged in the irkutsk region. drivers slowed down and turned on their hazard lights to avoid crashing into other cars. wind gusts reached 28 m/s. in angarsk, a storm tore off part of the roof from a building. in irkutsk, people were hiding from fragments of house cladding flying through the streets. rampage the disaster continued with snowfalls in the irkutsk region in buryatia. at the same time, in irkutsk the temperature dropped from +20 to zero in just 3 seconds. in ulanud, the same cold collapse took 8 hours. there was no snowfall in central russia, but the wind also managed to scare many. the following shots are from yaroslavl. four trees fell simultaneously, it was windy on the black sea coast. on the morkhodsky ridge near
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novorossiysk, a traditional beard of clouds hung, associated with the strengthening of the northeast wind. because of the nor'easter the regatta was cancelled, and the work of the kerch poromnoy was temporarily suspended in crimea. today in the south of siberia the cloud fields of the cold atmospheric front will continue to shift; this zone will include the territory from the upper reaches to the spurs of altai. such strong winds as the day before are no longer predicted, while in some places in the upper reaches of the abi in the north of transbaikalia , more than half of the monthly precipitation may fall in one day, and in the middle and northern latitudes of the region in the form of snow. the frontal wave, which made its way to the north of the russian plain, will move to the east of the region and from here it will become. pump air masses into european russia from the barin sea. as a result, warm weather today will linger only in the middle and southern latitudes of the russian plain. here after noon +18:23, the cooling will fully manifest itself in the north. during the day , the thermometer will not rise above
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+5-10. it will be 3-4° warmer in the northwest. approximately the same temperature regime awaits residents of southern siberia, up to +8-13 during the day. over the next few days, cold air will continue to push deep into the russian plain towards the weekend relatively warm weather will remain only in the southern half of the region; in siberia, on the contrary, the cooling will soon end. starting on friday , winds will blow from the southern directions and air masses that have warmed up in the steppes of mongolia will begin to flow to the shores of lake baikal. in ulan de , due to the arctic invasion, today it is only +8, almost 8° colder than usual, there will be light rain, the atmosphere will calm down. but already on thursday-friday the temperature regime. no return to the climate after noon +14-17, well, on weekends to the capital of buryatia the june heat will return, in the afternoon +21:23. abnormally warm weather will linger in moscow today, the maximum temperature in the capital is +19, then cold temperatures will come to central russia along with short-term rains,
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+11-14 in the daytime. on sunday, precipitation in the region will increase and it will become a little cooler. that's all for me, goodbye.
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we'll tell you later. at the end of the great patriotic war, the red army liberated prisoners of concentration camps and jewish ghettos, including in the czech city of terezen, where out of almost 150 thousand people, just over 20 thousand survived. about this, as well as about the continuation of the west’s struggle against russia using hybrid methods, immediately after the advertisement. professional coloring
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on may 9, 1945, our country celebrates the day of victory in the great patriotic war, which was part of the second world war. the price of victory for the soviet people was terrible: 27 million people died, the country lay in ruins. despite this, the soviet union was able to liberate not only its own from the fascists... however, today in the united states and western countries they prefer to forget about the role of the red army in
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the victory over fascism. we cannot allow victory to be stolen, let us remember what the soviet did union for europe around the world. the idea of ​​questioning it had never occurred to anyone before. the role of the soviet union is certainly hushed up in the west,
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the victories of the soviet people over nazi germany are downplayed or even leveled out, and this is being done for what, so that we become outcasts, yes, in order to deprive us of history, yes, historical memory, roots , and i want to say that, um, if we take... such an average european young man, then most likely he will say that...
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and the caricature was like this, it means a well- known character, mustachioed, with a pipe, everyone immediately understood that it was stalin, early in the morning calling london, so to speak, like a comrade, since they had already met in tagheran at a conference like a comrade, winston , good morning there, it’s me joe, the americans and the british called stalin joe, winston -
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from the point of view, that means, of the russian nation, the russian nation, he should be banned here, you know what’s the matter, but they were normal ideas, they were generally considered the idea of ​​racism, i say, right up to the end the second world war, they were considered normal, i remind you that the whole of europe fought with us in the second world war, if
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i’m not mistaken, only two countries did not fight, did not participate, these are serbia and greece. although they do not recognize this, as for whether it is possible for this to happen again at the present time or in the future, we see this in the example of ukraine, too, and in general, which means that the actual legalization of nazism, fascism, it is happening in the world, and we can generally say here that western countries
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have no idea of ​​racism at all. then for training, they are invested with, let’s say, western imported values, and after some time, armed with, let’s say, there with... their own different understanding of russian history, international history, and even just they already assure, many of them, that
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the war was not won by the soviet union, but by the united states of america, england there, i would not be surprised if european countries and the united states of america will cultivate a new hitler in the same europe or in asia, wherever, so this, this is connected. with the fact that overcoming this nationalism xenophobia of nazism to some extent, i would say, it did not end with the end of the second world war, you know, what’s the matter, fascism with the end, that is, of the second world war, with the victory over fascism, that means it did not end, in in latent form, i think, the ideas of nazi nationalism do not exist, including in europe.
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we are, as it were, the ones who showed this video, they somehow laughed, but hitler was, well, a great moratorium, yes, that is, scholz, which means he unconsciously or subconsciously takes his style of communication with the audience, yes, then this is all very, very serious, even if he is not so charismatic, this... the personality may not be so ambitious, but he will never admit that he will be on par with adolf hitler, but the manner of conducting dialogue with the audience,
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even the pace of speech very similar. today , young europeans do not know the whole truth about the concentration camp system with which hitler entangled the whole of europe. the soviet union did not just pull the countries of eastern europe, including from under german occupation, out. the soviet union later helped them restore new infrastructure, but still very important. the fact is that in europe, since 1933 , concentration camps began to be built on german territory. by the way, some of the first to end up in these concentration camps were members of the german communist party, that is, those who would. young europeans are not told who actually freed most of
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the prisoners and closed the death camps. these conservation camps acted as machines for the destruction of civilians, including until 1944-45, until the liberation war of the second period began. which was started by the soviet union, including the most terrible phenomenon - the salaspes children's blood camp. not a single european state that declared the activities of the red cross and so on closed these camps. once again, this is a terrible realization: from 193 to 1945, the camps existed and until the red army reached these territories, no one closed the camps. let's repeat. the concentration camps continued to operate until 1945, and no european state closed them until
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soviet soldiers did so, and only after with them, the death camps began to be closed by the allied troops, that is, the soviet union not only, not only helped restore the independence of these states, the soviet one. the soldiers pulled these little children out of the concentration camps in their arms and fed them. it would seem that there are irrefutable facts testifying to the role of the red army in the victory over fascism. is it possible to dispute this? documents can be corrected, they can be sent there to all sorts of state depositories, etc., etc. we have a digital one, let’s say.
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which, if they sing to one, let's say, historical trumpet, then at first it will seem incredible that the soviet union did not defeat hitler there, yes, then some will begin to doubt, yes, then they will say, yes, it did not win. the struggle is in general for our souls, for our values, for precisely the purpose of reformatting a person, because well, such a great country as russia, and an earlier one like the soviet union, can still be destroyed only from the inside, otherwise, by influencing the minds, let’s say, throwing up a certain
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negative. emotions introducing comparisons into some political discourse, some incorrect comparisons that at first seem incorrect, and then more and more people in the west, well, get used to equating between, say, fascism there and modern russia there, here, of course , we have a major task to repel this attack, there are many of them, just like in the second world war, here... there are significantly fewer of us, but we are on the right path, it’s true that she will win.
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the current ukrainian government acts exactly like the bolshevik government, yes, which separated the church, it is best in these conditions to unite into one orthodox ukrainian church, some for the sake of jesus, others for the sake of the bread of taste. and today there is a spiritual battle going on inside the lavra. the united states, the west, set the ocu has nothing to do with religion, initially the task was to tear the ukrainian people away
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from the russian. the lord is wonderful about his saints, let's see what happens next, stand, who are they, new people, this is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i am a battalion commander, call sign trigger, call signs everyone has it, i’m adam, why adam and not adam, i’m a chechen, an artist, a white gun, you can, i can, you can sing it somehow, i shave lee, we don’t need names, don’t bother her, or what, don’t bother, don’t yours, well, you, daisy, light of god, what to do, commander, shoot, call sign passenger, call sign passenger, i suggest changing it to the call sign rebin, no, this is the call sign of my brother, you remain a passenger, that’s right.
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in buryat, a large-scale fire was extinguished at night; the fire destroyed 17 country houses in the vicinity of ulan ud. most of the building was abandoned only five houses turned out to be residential,
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there were no people there at the time of the fire, no one... gave, but in general it burned out.


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