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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 1, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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maybe we can put the children to bed and now is the time to sort everything out and it’s time to act somehow. questions, suggestions, objections, other things, what do you want, the light is on ahead.
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we continue the release. today amendments to the education law come into force; they clarify the mechanism of targeted training. irina matyushenko will tell you in the program instructions what will change in the reception company this year. enter an educational institution knowing for sure that after graduation you will be hired. targeted training provides this opportunity. how does this work the mechanism and how it has changed this year, we will tell you in 5 minutes in the program instructions. let's start with what targeted training is: it is free for the student, he enters into an agreement with a company or organization and undertakes to work there for a certain number of years after receiving a diploma, and the employer or customer pays for the training for the employees. if the company or organization is state-owned, the customer is the state and the university receives money from the state budget. the student, accordingly, is allocated a budget place according to the target quota. on such places are held. contest.
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the government sets the quota every year. the customer can be any private company or individual entrepreneur, but if it is not included in the list of employers for the target recruitment, you will have to enroll in a university on a general basis. you can go all the way from finding an employer to concluding a targeted training agreement with him using digital services. this year, in accordance with the federal law, which, in general, has already entered into force. we ensure the submission of applications for targeted purposes in public services education is not only the university’s admissions campaign starts on june 20, and the future student’s path begins with finding an employer who will order the targeted training. this year the list of potential employers for target quotas has been expanded. previously, the state paid for training for employees of government agencies, government agencies, state corporations, state-owned companies, companies with state participation, and also agricultural producers. producing products from
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the list approved by the government. now personnel will be purposefully trained for private companies working for territories of priority development, in special economic zones and territorial development zones, in the arctic and the free port of vladivostok. for residents of skolkovo, the international medical cluster in moscow, innovative scientific and technological centers and the military innovative technopolis era near anapa.
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here on the portal work in russia sees the applications received in response from candidates, and accordingly, they then conclude an agreement for targeted training based on the results of the competitive situation at universities. one of innovations of this year's admissions company, it is possible to conclude an agreement on targeted training with only one customer. the main parties to the agreement: the applicant, the customer as a third party who will monitor academic progress. can be included in the employer’s contract, if the customer is not the same legal entity, you will need to work after graduation for at least three and maximum 5 years. another change is that you can now conclude an agreement on targeted training only after enrollment, but before the start of your studies. entering after the actual competitive the situation is over, he receives a decision from the university that he is included there, accordingly in the order for enrollment, after... this happens, he
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can actually sign directly on the government services portal, a tripartite sign is signed there, or in the general case it happens a four-party agreement, where the participants, respectively this is the university, where the customer of the targeted training and the employer, they are, as a rule... as a rule, still united in one person, the student himself, that is, the student himself, the future student, or rather, already an enrolled student receives a draft contract on the government services portal, which means he downloads the state key application, receives the state key, this contract itself, signs it in the state key and sends it to the university and employer for signing. in the contract, you should pay special attention to penalties for failure to comply with the conditions, and of course, you need to understand that targeted training is a big responsibility, if you do not master the program or do not... work for the required period in the company, you will have to compensate the customer for all expenses. let us repeat the most important: from may 1 changes to the education law have come into force; they clarify the rules for targeted education. the list of employers by target quotas has been expanded. on the russia jobs portal, all
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employers have the opportunity to place their applications. targeted training agreements can now be concluded only after enrollment. and the third party to the agreement should be the university. maximum. the period of service after its completion is limited to five years. if you have any questions, if you want to know how to get a sought-after specialty or job, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, and we will talk with experts and tell you everything in one of the next issues of the manual. house click. find a property that's right for you. is this klikbir's house? move to a new apartment in a new building, in a resale building, or build your own home from scratch. house click, where everyone will find a home for themselves. deposit, the best interest up to 16% per annum in sberbank online. what
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the barren cherry blossom sakura became a symbol of japan long before the country had other symbols, including a red circle of the rising sun on a white background as a flag. and a lyrical song in five strict from a poetry collection of the 20th century as a hymn. this is exactly what the japanese love the tree dates back more than a thousand years, to the season of admiring, in japanese, hanami. they're getting ready here. monitor the beginning of flowering according to the calendar in advance and carefully. there are many varieties of sakura in japan, in principle, you can catch the bloom in any month of the year, but the first powerful hall produces this species, it is called kawazu, kawazu zakura, after
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the name of the place on the izu peninsula, on the pacific coast, where the peak of flowering occurs in the twentieth of february, in tokyo. it blooms in the first week of march, it has such a distinct pink shade, and it is customary to decorate gardens and temples with these bright single torches, in particular this one, which is dedicated to one of the most famous samurai in japan of the 16th centuries, koto kiyomasa, he had extensive possessions on the island of kyushu and he built one of the most famous japan samurai castles in the city of kumamoto. winter sakura, of course, cannot be compared to the masses. a riot of flowering of the main species, but in the city parks hanami has already begun, bright yellow and deadly fragrant fields of decorative rapeseed are framed by flowering trees, from afar very reminiscent of cherries. the sakura season in
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japan is preceded by plum blossoms, which, by the way, was at first the main subject... fall in whole buds, they were associated with the severed heads of valiant warriors who committed harakiri or seppuku, as they say in japan, according to the rules at the end of secundan katana had to cut off the head of his comrade. the place where you can find out for sure whether cherry blossoms have begun in tokyo or
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not is located near the emperor’s residence, a gate decorated with a stylized golden image. tandems are open to everyone, but public people, especially politicians, should think carefully before entering here. yasukuni shrine is widely known all over the world, the attitude towards it is ambiguous, some call it a symbol of militarism, but it is here that the control tree grows, which determines the beginning of the sakura flowering season, the meteorological department deals with this, but if more than five flowers bloom on this particular tree, then the season is declared open. the beginning of march in japan turned out to be abnormally warm, during the day it reached 25°s, so flowering forecasts changed daily. sakura trees have large, twisted trunks, rough bark and broken branches, but once a year a transformation occurs, almost before our eyes. delicate flowers and rough wood create the perfect
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contrast that lies at the heart of the japanese canon of beauty. true, the unplanned march summer in japan is over. just as suddenly as it started, but sakura could no longer be stopped. in tokyo, this year sakura blossomed a week and a half earlier than usual , and the peak occurred during cold weather and rain. gloomy rainy clouds are not the best backdrop for fading flowers in the daytime, but in the evening the city's cherry blossom districts are illuminated, so... bad weather is not a hindrance for hanami. the streets of the city turn into multi-colored tunnels, which you can admire without leaving your car, although from the point of view of traffic rules this is of course not recommended. such cherry blossom alleys with beautiful illumination in iconic places, such as here next to the walls
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of the imperial palace, appeared relatively recently in tokyo. all these trees were planted in the late fifties of the last century. they say that the conditions here are unsuitable for them, they often get sick, it is technically very difficult and incredibly expensive to monitor their health, but for the sake of such beauty , the japanese do not spare money. cherry blossoms are a special time when the japanese are allowed to do things that are usually unspokenly condemned, and sometimes directly prohibited by law, but during the sakura season, having picnics in public places is a sacred thing. choose the tree you like, here’s a pretty cherry blossom, we spread out the equipment and begin to admire in order... to make the admiration more interesting, it is recommended to bring some food with us, we have specially prepared, this is a themed inari zushi, this is such juicy
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rice wrapped in fried tofu, please pay attention to how they are decorated, this soaked sakura flowers, well, arizushi itself also has a sakura flavor, we took a bottle of green tea as a drink, but our neighbors were more thorough, real hanamites prefer drinks on... spontaneous breakfasts on the grass, as well as lunches dinners under the shade of sakura is a centuries-old tradition, founded by medieval samurai and court aristocracy. the japanese honor tradition and willingly share their thoughts about hanami and sakura with foreigners. when the cherry blossoms bloom, the warmth finally arrives. the nightingales begin to sing. together with sakura, they are the main heralds of spring. after sakura has finished blooming, spring has fully come into its own. for us, this is a symbol of the final change of the season. it also lasts for a few
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days, and as soon as it blooms it immediately begins to fly around. and this transience is very consonant with the worldview of the japanese, it seems to me. this is laid down from childhood, from kindergarten to primary school, every year we celebrate hanami. at this age you don’t even think about it. in japan, this is the best time of the year. why aren't you drinking? come on, come on, don't hurt us. we have to keep the japanese to their word.
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one of the most popular cherry blossom attractions in tokyo is boating along the walls of an ancient military fortress in the heart of the city. this requires samurai patience and endurance, this year we gave our word: to fulfill this point program, whatever the cost. today we came here at 10:00 am, but the boat rental was suspended because it was raining a little. now it’s almost 33, about 40 minutes ago we were told that they would launch it in an hour, but if it rains, then everything will be postponed again indefinitely, but we decided not to leave here anywhere to drink this cup to the bottom. while we were waiting for the opening, the line behind us stretched the entire length, the ditch began to turn the corner, on this day luck
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was on our side. they gave us the treasured ticket for 3 hours, the maximum boat ride time is one hour, this is enough to examine in detail the most picturesque branches of sakura stretching over the water and feel the atmosphere of harsh feudal times. the cherry blossom season is the only opportunity to visit the moat around the imperial castle. everyone calls it a palace, although in reality there is no palace. the japanese emperor lives in an ordinary modern house, on the territory of a samurai fortress. this was shogu's bet. everything here is done according to military science, in particular, here the width of this ditch, as they explained to us, is about 80-100 m, designed in such a way that archers who would shoot from the other side
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would not be able to reach the defenders of this castle. previously, on the top of this moat were the dwellings of the heirs of the military ruler shogun, when in the 19th century he was forced to abdicate power, the imperial court that moved from... kyoto settled here. this place is called tidori gafuti, tidori ditch. chidori is a bird, because if you go up to a bird's eye view and look at it from above, the ditch looks like a bird with open wings. a shintaist monk performs a ritual of cleansing from evil spirits, imitating blows with a sword, kotana... the shrine of her shino in the vicinity of the ancient japanese capital of nara, here it becomes clearer why sakura acquired the significance of the main national symbol of japan. for centuries people.
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brought seedlings here, now there are about 50,000 sakura trees growing in her shino, they are planted on four different levels, which differ from each other in height, so you can admire it for almost a month. in 1594, one of the main unifiers of japan, tuyotomi hideyoshi , organized here a mass viewing of sakura, a mass hanami with the participation of about 5.00 representatives of the highest military and aristocratic nobility, among them was the future japanese shogun, tokugawa and iyasua. founder of japan's last dynasty of samurai rulers, who ruled the country for more than 250 years. in the main temple of these places there is a reproduction of a painting from the 15th century, so they admired sakura in those days time. this shrine displays personal belongings and scrolls from the library of the legendary japanese emperor godaigo. in the 14th century, he refused to recognize the authority of a protege
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of one of the military.
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if you take responsibility, you must carry it to the end and be mentally prepared when the time comes to leave this world easily without hesitation, like a sakura flower, this, if you like, is the life principle of the japanese. that ancient type of mountain sakura from which other varieties were bred, including the most common ones decorating streets, including including the japanese capital, it is called. in the wild, cherries live no more than 100 years, and tradition.
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they said chrysanthemum is the personification of the emperor, and sakura is the japanese people, so cherry blossoms always evoke a reverent feeling among the japanese. in april, the center of pilgrimage for hanaimi lovers shifts from warm coastal places to mountainous prefectures, when in tokyo and kyoto almost nothing remains of its former beauty, the ruins of the castle. takato in nagano prefecture is covered in a thick , bright pink cloud of mountain cherry blossoms. perfect the time when the hat is still fluffy, but under it fubuki’s sakura is already in full swing. this special word in japanese means cherry blossom. then the wave of flowering spreads to the northern prefectures. in general, the hanami season in japan lasts until the middle, in some areas of hakaido until the twentieth of may.
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at the headquarters of the joint group of troops they discussed the current situation in the special operation zone and increasing the effectiveness of the fight against the enemy. the meeting with the commanders was held by the head of the ministry of defense sergei shaigu. minister noted that the groups are successfully completing their tasks and pointed out the measures necessary to maintain the pace of liberation of the territory.


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