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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 1, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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sergey mengazhev, alexey pechko, east asian bureau of news from japan. at the headquarters of the joint group of troops they discussed the current situation in the special operation zone and increasing the effectiveness of the fight against the enemy. the meeting with the commanders was held by the head of the ministry of defense sergei shaigu. the minister noted that the groups are successfully completing their tasks and pointed out the measures necessary to maintain the pace of liberation of the territories.
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groupings of troops, for further actions to ensure the build-up of combat strength to maintain the required tempo of the offensive it is necessary to increase the volume and quality of weapons and military equipment supplied to the troops, primarily weapons. the central military command authorities are carrying out targeted work in this direction. government contracts have been concluded with industrial enterprises taking into account their full capacity.
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operational repair of equipment in combat areas in the rear of the northern military district. he instructed to reduce the restoration period for engines and other components and increase the volume of spare parts. on poklonnaya hill today everyone will be able to see captured equipment and weapons captured by russian troops during a special operation. an exhibition with more than thirty vehicles from nato countries, as well as south africa, australia and ukraine opens in victory park, including abrams and leopard tanks and much more. our correspondent alexandra perfilyeva has already walked through the exhibition; she is in direct contact with the studio and is ready to share her impressions. alexander, greetings, how do you like the scale of the exhibition? yes, roman, i welcome you, but the scale is really impressive, we are at yet another point towards may 9, victory day, on poklonnaya hill, near the victory museum , there was an exhibition of captured equipment, behind me you see the vaunted german leopard. here, of course,
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there is equipment from many european countries, but i want to say that there is also a french tank, the mx-10, in addition to this , there are bradley and american tracked vehicles, but let’s still start with the main tank, this is abrams, american -made, this is where the trophy, so to speak, that was captured is located ours...
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well , in principle, all developed countries have armored repair vehicles, and this specimen is also quite interesting, it was developed a little earlier than american main battle tanks, and can pull out, yes, tow small equipment, armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles. engineering vehicle m150
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and let me show you here, also on the right side there is equipment that was produced directly in ukraine, one of these rather valuable trophies is the a72 tank, because this is the only tank that was produced by kiev, captured by our soldiers in the zone of a special military operation, here we see another armored personnel carrier. here we are smoothly moving towards the t-72 tank. sergey, greetings, once again, tell us how this tank was captured, in what direction? this tank was captured in february by our valiant paratroopers, during
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the capture of an important strategic facility like gostomel airport. presumably, the tank is in good condition, it was somewhere dug out of... a gar for an attempt to repel the attack of our paratroopers into capture, but the attempt was not successful and after our military paratroopers gained a foothold in positions, it was captured in such good condition, the only copy, yes, the only copy, here in front of us in good condition , was released in 1997 by the kharkov design bureau, but as i understand it, it’s still based on a soviet tank, but of course it is. based on our soviet t-72a tank, it ’s practically no different from ours, that is there are some insignificant indicators, technical characteristics, in principle everything is the same, thank you very much, but i want to note that here in tents, i think that
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a little later in the next direct passages we will definitely tell you about the equipment, communications equipment and small arms , i want to note that here i’m directly looking at how direct government services go out... to the platform, visitors can learn about measures of social and medical support for participants in the special operation and members of their families, as well as employment, training, on the website legal assistance is available, in addition, information about public and charitable projects will be published, and the electronic reception will accept requests from users. in
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the suburb of ulan ud, a large fire was extinguished this night; about two dozen country houses covering an area of ​​almost 17 square meters were destroyed by the fire. now rescuers are examining the affected area and finding out the reasons; our correspondent tatyana kostygova has all the latest information. a large-scale fire occurred at night in the republic of buryatia. the snt-brickworks, which we we are now. in snt, located in the vicinity of ulanude, a fire destroyed 17 country houses, there were no casualties, since 12 of them were empty buildings, there were no people permanently living in the partnership. scale. that means, you see, yes, that , that, that we’ve already walked around and looked at, that means that 21 areas were damaged, of which five buildings, the summer version, the houses were completely covered up, there were no people in them, because at that time they were at their place of registration, so it means that at this time
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we are not injured, only the property of citizens. the preliminary cause of the fire, established by the ministry of emergency situations, was the whipping of electrical wires as a result of hurricane winds. the day before, fire raged in the republic for the same reason in several areas at once. the total area of ​​the fire in the suburb of ulanude was 17.2 m2. the fire was completely extinguished by 4 a.m. local time. together with firefighters and rescuers , volunteers fought the fire all night. investigators are currently at the work site, establishing the cause of the fire. we send at the expense of the victims and record the property that was damaged in the fire. also working on site are employees of the fire testing laboratory, which is focused on establishing the cause of the outbreak. the fire was extinguished; about 70 personnel and 19 units of fire equipment were involved in extinguishing the fire. a special commission has begun its work to
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determine the extent of the damage caused by the fire. the republican authorities promise to quickly provide assistance where permanent housing has been damaged. tatiana kostygova, oleg onosov, lead buryatia. in the irkutsk region , power supply is being restored; a storm wind, gusts of which reached 28 meters per second, knocked down trees, overturned stops, tore off roofs and facade cladding, and broke lines. 47 settlements were left without electricity, by morning the power supply had been restored in half of them, power engineers had come to an enhanced work schedule, additional teams were created, more than 60 specialists were involved in the repairs , over 40 units of equipment, lines and equipment that is not damaged after inspection will be put into operation. spring floods affected 18 russian regions. over the past 24 hours, 900 residential buildings have been freed from water , almost 2.0 meters in size. plots, but about 700 buildings still remain flooded. in the tyumen region, the ishim river
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continues to exist, but is no longer as intense as before. over the past 24 hours , the water level has risen by 5 cm and is now more than 10 m, which is significantly higher than the critical level. the river will reach its peak this week. for flood-affected residents construction materials began to be delivered to the kurgan region to repair houses. in addition, motor pumps, generators, and heat were delivered to the region. guns for drying rooms, as well as various ones , we will tell you right after the advertisement. tools and drinking water. continue at home. money transfers, caviar and champagne, restoration work in orenburgskaya , what changes await us in the economy, the region, within 24 hours, power engineers restored power supplies to 540 flood victims, what do we bring back from our travels with avito? cashback bonuses for your next trip. the avito
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, russians can transfer their money from one bank to another for free. the law came into force. now you can receive a salary from one bank and immediately transfer it to another, where it is more profitable. transfer money to a free alpha card, receive a supercake in rubles, and withdraw cash from any atm for free. not just profitable, alpha profitable. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation. megamarket sellers are changing the world. megamarket - just grow with us. i love to cook imagine. tadam. you don't eat mayonnaise, do you? now i eat it because the brand i love to cook has created a new pure mayonnaise, without sugar, without vinegar and without starch. how delicious and nothing superfluous, create without restrictions, mayonnaise is pure, bright taste,
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more benefits. sber is introducing a loan with a 2% cashback so that you have even more opportunities, opportunities to get everything you have long dreamed of without delay, opportunities to please those who may be difficult to please at first, opportunities get new impressions, a flurry of new impressions. we continue the release. from may 1, russians will face a number of changes to laws and regulations, including in the economic field. anna lazareva joins me. anna, good morning, what new awaits us today? roma, good morning, the changes will affect money, caviar and champagne. an innovation that will allow you
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to significantly save from may 1 the amount that can be transferred online from bank to bank without commission. grew 300 times, from 100 thousand rubles per month to 30 million, but this only concerns transfers through sbp and to yourself. let me remind you that everything above the limit was subject to a fee of half a percent of the transfer amount and in order to save money you had to withdraw from the card in one bank and put it into your own account with another, in general it was troublesome and inconvenient. according to forecasts , the share of transfers in the fast payments system will increase significantly after the changes come into force. next year it will increase at least twice, that is , we expect a good, good increase in sbp more and more, so to speak, expansion of sbp is taking place. more one change awaits the alcohol market; from may 1 , excise taxes on sparkling wines will increase,
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including russian champagne to 119 rubles per liter, on fortified wine to 140.
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noticeable to the consumer, so prices will make the price increase less sharp, rise less slowly, which means than they could, and another innovation concerns caviar; according to estimates from the higher school of economics, the share of illegally produced products on the russian market exceeds 27. in other words, every third can of caviar is sold in violation of the law. from may 1st will be required to be marked. 19,000 participants have already registered in the system. products will be tracked using the honest sign system. this will, on the one hand, understandably, increase the efficiency of legal companies, and
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a new market share will be freed up for them with the departure of their illegal competitors. legitimate companies will be able to. earn more here assessment of the financial institute under the ministry of finance research that in the coming years due to the whitewashing of the industry after labeling, additional budget revenues and legal companies will amount to something on the order of 60 billion rubles. the honest mark system has already proven its effectiveness; for example, before the introduction of labeling of dairy products, the share of goods with signs of counterfeit was estimated at 30%. now it does not exceed half a percent. and today a number of export duties on agricultural products are changing; if for sunflower meal they are reduced by almost a third, then for sunflower oil, like the last 11 months, they will remain zero. the former excitement has long subsided; domestic producers not only fully satisfy domestic demand, but also set export records. to date, about 3.5 million tons of oil and almost 2 million tons of meal have been supplied abroad.
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the record is expected based on the results of the entire season. most likely, russia will unload over 5 million 5,100 sunflower oil for export, maybe even 5,200, and unload approximately 2,700,000 tons of meal onto the world market, which will also be an absolute record for our country, so domestic prices are quite stable regardless of how they change duty and...
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on the territory of the park russia is my story, everything those who wished could pass the gto standards or visit a fairy-tale village, the reenactors club equipped a corner dedicated to russia of the 9th-11th centuries, every attribute and costume was made with their own hands, there is a forge, where our blacksmith vakula forges, and here you can try on chain mail, hold a real sword in your hands and the shield is a holiday, but a holiday of labor, and today it honors, first of all, those who have shown excellent results in their work for the benefit of the development of the city. region of the country, i would like to thank, thank all of us, everyone, and outside depending on age and profession, all those who work to
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make the city of vladivostok better every day, this feeling of the best city on earth was constantly present in the heart, one of the gifts for the residents of vladivostok is the beginning of the fountain season, now from 10 am and until 22 pm the city center will be decorated with crystal streams, ksenia kolchina, denis yunak, vadim telegin, in tbilis, more than 60 people were detained during the rally, the many-hour confrontation lasted until 5 am , accompanied by clashes with the police. the dissatisfied are against the law on foreign agents, which allegedly will prevent georgia's integration into the eu. the ruling party supports the document on the methods of struggle of the georgian opposition olik komarov. hundreds of people at protests, arrests, tear gas grenades and mass clashes with the police. the scene of the action is the square in front of the georgian parliament, checkers are flying straight into the crowd of demonstrators, the police are using
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water cannons and rubber bullets, several protesters were detained, they tried to break through the law enforcement cordon at the entrance to the parliament, the dissatisfied wanted to prevent the deputies from leaving the building. the remaining demonstrators set up barricades, along with bus and truck owners. they blocked the streets with their cars, and this was already called the tsar probe. according to the protesters, the canopy from the cafe should save them from a police water cannon. the eu flag looms in the middle of the crowd. the protesters shout: no to the russian law, they even ignore their own legislators, who have repeatedly stated that the bill is a copy of the american one, but the crowd cannot be convinced, in response they only attack police officers. at the height of the protest, the president of georgia called on the head of the local ministry of internal affairs to immediately stop the dispersal of demonstrators. in her
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opinion, such a protest is peaceful and supposedly does not threaten anyone. i appeal to the minister of internal affairs to immediately stop the dispersal of a peaceful demonstration, the use of disproportionate force, and violence against young people who came with their bare hands. the action is peaceful and does not pose any threat to order in the capital. protests were held by opposition deputies, as if they were deliberately they provoked the police, then with tears in their eyes they assured that the actions of the special forces were not justified in any way. what the police are doing is illegal, people held a peaceful protest, you see what the police are doing, they are behaving illegally, but our people will never give up, the georgian people will win this battle, there were some fakes, representatives of the georgian opposition channel were imprisoned in front of camera...
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the idf will carry out an operation in the city of rafah, regardless of the agreement with hamas. there is a concerned escalation, as the secretary general said antonio guterres organization, if israeli strikes on rafah do not stop, disaster cannot be avoided. in recent weeks , airstrikes have struck the rafah area, a military attack that would have led to an inevitable escalation that would have killed thousands more
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civilians and killed thousands more. forced to flee again would have devastating consequences for palestinians in gaza. meanwhile, the israeli army carried out a new air raid on the central region of the gaza strip. idf fighters attacked active tunnels, a launch point, anti-tank rockets and destroyed an observation post at one of the hamas infrastructure sites. more than 100 people were detained during pro-palestinian protests at columbia university in new york, media reports citing police. the security forces took us out. students with their hands tied, a squad of police managed to storm the campus, where the protesters barricaded themselves with the help of sofas and massive tables. the official statement of the university said that it was necessary to take such measures due to the fact that the group of demonstrators was not led by people associated with the educational institution. the president of new york's columbia university asked police to remain on campus until may 17; large-scale student demonstrations for a ceasefire in the gas sector are taking place in
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sixteen american states. after a short pause about the weather, we’ll talk about the colder weather, where it will snow again.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear and clear signal in russia.
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they will kill me, why did you provoke him, i wanted to help the guy, she’s digging under you, valera is in the most dangerous place for you together, you’re a predator, what a predator, it will hurt, they say that you know how to look right into people’s heads, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the app or online. a hurricane, a dust storm in the east of siberia fanned the fires, how quickly the heat and squalls were replaced by snowfalls, when the polar invasion in this region will end and whether to expect snow in the european part of russia. this is the weather, a joint project of the russia 24 tv channel and the fubus center. i'm olga mikhailova. hello. squally northern winds at the same time.


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