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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 1, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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at the headquarters of the joint group, the troops discussed the current situation in the zone of the special military operation and increasing the effectiveness of the fight against the enemy. meeting with the commander.
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purposeful work is being carried out in this direction; government contracts have been concluded with industrial enterprises with central military command authorities , taking into account their full load and the maximum reduction in production time for samples, weapons and military equipment. in the process of this work, issues arise that require special attention to urgent decisions, especially to provide the most popular samples. we will discuss measures that will allow.
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drew the attention of commanders to the importance of prompt repair of equipment in areas with weapons; it will increase the effectiveness of the fight against drones of the ukrainian armed forces. minister of combat action and home front. he instructed to reduce the engine restoration period and shaigu also got acquainted with the modernization of other components, as well as to increase the volume of spare parts. in the border areas of the belgorod region, russian military prevented the threat to... residents from the ukrainian armed forces. our fighters thwarted the enemy's plans to strike populated areas. the artillerymen successfully completed this important task. many of them joined the army as volunteers, but have already become experienced military personnel and are now ready to carry out any task. report by our war correspondent igor pikhanov. crew to the gun. the artillery crew of the d-20 howitzer prepares the gun for firing. scouts discovered it on the territory of a neighboring state.
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in a matter of minutes russian artillery they point the gun at the target and open fire, one by one high-explosive fragmentation shells of 122 mm caliber fall on the enemy, they leave no chance for the enemy, they penetrate. even well-fortified dugouts. the preparations are in progress, the artillerymen of the group covering the state border are destroying enemy military equipment and camouflaged positions in the ssu. the fighters call their golobitsa a legendary weapon. it fires quickly over a long distance and uses modern guided missiles called krasnopol. despite the long distances, russian artillery is hitting this target exactly.
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the result of long-term training , each fighter has vast combat experience and dozens of destroyed military equipment of ukrainian militants. according to the russian military, on the opposite side of the front there are fighters from ukrainian nationalist battalions and foreign mercenaries. in this frontline sector, the enemy is confronted by a combat crew consisting of volunteers. we have been working for a long time, we have been working on the d-20, it is a trouble-free gun like a kalashnikov assault rifle. during this time we were struck many goals. the team became united, they studied from scratch, they were taught by officers of the mikhailovsky academy, they learned something, they have something to be proud of, in the calculation, and there are already people with medals for military valor, for zhukov, with the help of drones, intelligence officers monitor the gray zone around the clock, as soon as militants are detected , artillery is used to neutralize the enemy, long-range guns are camouflaged on the line of combat contact, the enemy tries to respond to our fighters with kamikaze drones. here the net hangs massively so that
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the drone is either thrown or kamika, it gets tangled and no explosion occurs. well, and camouflage, of course, there is also in front of the gun, ukrainian rocket launchers were destroyed, mortar positions in su, artillery were marked with orders and medals, the soldiers say that the reward is not the main thing for them, every destroyed target means thwarted attacks on peaceful cities , lives saved. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgorod region. on poklonnaya hill today, everyone can see captured equipment and weapons, which was captured by our military.
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tatyana, i greet you, there is a very poor connection here, but we will try to show you live, tell you what is presented here, i want to say that the exhibition has been officially open for 5 minutes already, we see how many people have come here, from absolutely different countries, i want to note, but we will try to show, let’s start with the praised german equipment, this is the mardar infantry vehicle. here we see it on the left side, then we go to the vaunted leopards, this is one of the heaviest units, which is here, i’ll ask the operator to show it larger, but we can clearly see how many people have come, how many are looking, taking photographs, so
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we move on, but i would still like to start with the main battle tank of the united states, the abrams, which is now being actively supplied to ukraine. we will try to show how possible this is, andrey, i greet you, i see an abrams behind us, as far as i know, it was delivered just a few hours ago, this morning, and this abrams was captured by our soldiers in ukraine in april twenty years ago, just a few days ago, yes, this is probably the latest exhibit that was brought here to...
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which is located here, we see on the left side more american ones, you see a lot of people, american equipment that was made at abrams base, and let's still come to the equipment that is ukrainian, which was made in ukraine,
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in kiev, i want to separately show you a little closer the t-72 ag tank, which was made at the base.
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connections, so we see what the scale is here, i want to remind you that the exhibition captured equipment was last in moscow in the name. in gorky park in 1943, to show the soviet people how difficult it was for our fighters then and how, how not easy, how not easy it was to achieve this victory, in fact, in principle, as now, people come with each, i i think every minute more and more, because the exhibition is officially open from 10:00 in the morning, i think that we will now talk, find out what their impressions are , and we will tell you. in the next live broadcasts, tatyana, alexander, thank you for
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our correspondent alexandra perfelyeva was in direct contact with poklonnaya gora, where an exhibition of captured equipment opened. and a new website for the defenders of the fatherland foundation has opened in runeyt. for maximum convenience, it was created on the government services technology platform. visitors can learn about social and medical support measures for participants in a special military operation and their family members, as well as their employment and training. help is available on the site. lawyers will also publish information about public and charitable projects, and the electronic reception will accept requests from users. more than 60 people were detained during the rally in tbilis. several police officers were seriously injured. the hours-long standoff lasted until 5:00 am and was accompanied by clashes with law enforcement officers. the dissatisfied are against the law on foreign agents, which allegedly will prevent georgia's integration into the eu. the ruling party supports the document.
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in front of the georgian parliament, checkers are flying straight into the crowd of demonstrators, the police are using water cannons and rubber bullets, several protesters were detained, they they tried to break through the law enforcement cordon at the entrance to parliament, the dissatisfied wanted to. to prevent the deputies from leaving the building, the remaining demonstrators built barricades, the owners of buses and trucks blocked the streets with their cars, and this was already called tsarzont, the canopy from the cafe, according to the protesters , should save them from the police water cannon, the eu flag looms in the middle of the crowd. the protesters shout: no to the russian law, they even ignore their own legislators, who have repeatedly stated that the bill
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is a copy of the american one, but the crowd is not convince, in response they only attack the police. at the height of the protest, the president of georgia called on the head of the local ministry of internal affairs to immediately stop the dispersal of demonstrators. in her opinion, such a protest is peaceful and supposedly does not threaten anyone. i appeal to the home secretary to immediately stop the crackdown.
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minutes for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment. someone will go on a long-awaited vacation. megamarket sellers are changing the world. megamarket - just grow with us. professional coloring sios, permanent. cream dye: rich color, no gray hair, protection against damage, strong shine for colored hair. sios, hair like after salon i am chef kote aganezov, on my blog i share simple and quick recipes, and to make it even tastier, the right sauce is important. ostoria, now it's definitely delicious. how
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pensioners, a free savings card, favorable deposit rates, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, discount on... apply for a pension with sberbank online or in a branch. i incorporate bright color with care for my hair. permanent cream color palette gives rich color, the triple care system restores, moisturizes, and nourishes hair from the inside. no gray hair. palette is your best color choice. new in magnet. frozen cow from korinovka, 89.99. magnet - the price is what you need. every second ticket wins the russian lotto charity easter draw, from every ticket sold 10 rubles will be donated to charitable causes, buy tickets in branded stores on the stoloto website. deposit, best interest, up to 16% per annum in sberbank online. what mood are you in today, light and airy, romantic and sensual,
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relaxed sublime. find it! matvernel to suit your mood. a large fire was put out in the suburbs of ulanu that night. the fire destroyed about two dozen country houses on an area of ​​more than 17,000 m2. the fire was completely extinguished only by 4 am. now rescuers are examining the affected area and finding out the reasons. preview version - overlap of electrical wires.
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about 70 personnel and 19 units of fire equipment were involved, the fire was extinguished, there were no casualties, power supply was being restored in the irkutsk region, a storm wind, gusts of which reached 28 m/s, toppled trees, overturned stops, tore off roofs and façade cladding, and also tore power lines. 47 settlements were left without electricity, by the morning in half of them the power supply had been restored, power engineers... a greatly enhanced operating mode, additional teams were created. more than 60 specialists and over 40 pieces of equipment are involved in the repair. equipment lines that are not damaged after inspection will be put into operation. spring floods affected 18 russian regions. over the past 24 hours , 900 residential buildings and almost 2.0
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household plots have been freed from water. but about 7,000 buildings still remain flooded. there is a river in the tyumen region. shim continues to dwell, but not with the same intensity as before. during the day, the water level rose by 5 cm and is now more than 10 m, which significantly above the critical level. the river will reach its peak this week. construction materials began to be delivered to flood-affected residents of the kurgan region to repair houses. in addition, motor pumps, generators, heat and gas guns for drying the premises, as well as various tools and drinking water were delivered to the region. restoration work continues in the orenburg region; within 24 hours, power engineers have resumed power supply to 540 flood-damaged houses. international solidarity day workers are celebrated today in more than 140 countries. a large program has been prepared in the russian regions.
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residents of the far east were the first to greet labor day. events in honor of may day are held in a variety of formats. south sakhalin games and open-air master classes in khabarovsk, intellectual tournaments in magadan, fairs and concerts. in vladivostok , young people staged processions. for the holiday, the city embankment was transformed by a ship. decorated with flags. thematic zones for photoshoot. everyone was also able to take part in the gto test. and from today a number of important innovations come into force in russia. so, payments will be recalculated for some categories of pensioners. for example, those who celebrated their 80th birthday in april will receive an increase in their fixed surcharge. indexes the amount for those who received disability of the first group. besides. pensions will be recalculated for miners and pilots, children with rare diseases will begin to receive medications faster, 6 days were allotted for this, previously the procedure lasted about a month. enroll in targeted training
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it will become easier for applicants; the russian job portal will help, where companies will post proposals for concluding targeted contracts. utility debtors will be protected from debt collectors. the law prohibited the transfer of debts to such organizations. the new introductions will come into force on may 3. now is the time for economic news, maria filippova joins us, maria, hello, tell me, the limit on free transfers using the fast payment system has increased significantly, by how much? tatyana greets hundreds of times, but we are only talking about transfers between her accounts, now that’s all details. the limit for transfers via the fast payments system has been significantly increased from today from 100 thousand to 30 million rubles per month. there is a commission to achieve this amount. will not be, the innovation affects transfers by account number through mobile applications or a personal account on the bank’s website to your account in another bank or by your phone number. as for transfers at
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a bank office using a card number, the changes do not apply to them. in addition to expanding the limit , it is envisaged that banks will not be able to limit the size and number of transactions in within its limits. let me emphasize that all this concerns your accounts. when transferring to other citizens , the limit is still 100,000 rubles per month. and in russia today mandatory labeling of caviar began. manufacturers and importers must now put a special year on their products, as well as provide information about it to the state system with an honest sign. the introduction of caviar markings was gradual and began in april. in addition, sales of expired and illegal dairy products and bottled water began to be blocked at the cash register. now this is the regime valid only in large stores, but starting in september it will apply to all retail. when scanning a barcode, the cashier requests information about the product. and if there is a discrepancy or absence of data, it prohibits the sale. this measure prevents customers from accidentally purchasing expired products or products of unknown origin. from may
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, excise taxes on wine are also being increased in russia; on still wines they increase threefold, on sparkling wines by 2 and a half. this measure is aimed at protecting the russian market from imports, according to amendments to the tax code signed by vladimir putin, domestic winemakers will be compensated for this increased rate through. tax deduction, that is, imported wine will become more expensive, and russian wine will become more competitive. the price increase will not be immediate, market participants assure. changes in retail will most likely become noticeable only at the end of summer. the wine market has enormous inertia, but we have quite significant reserves; moreover, in anticipation of an increase in the excise tax rate, which was known in advance, additional volumes visible. georgia, for example, yes, with the goal of making the price increase less sharp, less noticeable to the consumer, so prices will
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rise more slowly than they could. today russian stock exchanges are closed on the occasion of the spring labor day. and it's time to sum up the results for april. in the previous month , the rts index grew by more than 30 points. the moscow exchange index also showed a moderate result in april. he added... 130 points. in this case, the market grows along with the real economy, which shows strong results despite sanctions. at the same time, foreign currencies somewhat strengthened their positions against the ruble in april. the dollar and yuan are up a little more than half a percent. for the euro, the strengthening is symbolic of only 7. frozen russian assets in the first quarter of this year brought the euro clergy over one and a half billion euros in interest income. this, by the way, is the lion's share of such income. depository established in brussels, in total for 3 months they amounted to less than 2 billion euros. approximately the same picture is observed within the euroclear group, banks.
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its balance sheet amounted to almost 200 billion euros - 160 of which are accounted for by russian assets blocked by sanctions. in addition, taxes in the amount of over 390 million euros were paid on income received from russian assets in the first quarter. the us senate approved a bill banning the import of low-enriched uranium from russia. the document is sent to biden for signing; the restrictions should remain in effect until 2040. at the same time , the united states, as always happens, has provided convenient loopholes for itself. first of all, the law will come into force only 3 months after signing, and secondly, until january 28, the us department of energy will be able to issue an import permit if there are no other sources. given that the states' major nuclear allies japan, france and britain have planned to rebuild their respective industries, a uranium shortage could indeed arise. at the end of the exchange rate, the dollar today is 91 rubles, 77 kopecks, the euro is 98 rubles. 2 kopecks. i have everything about economics.
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