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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 1, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

10:30 am
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10:31 am
, i directly resurrected, i'm amazed, very cool, inspirational, simple, i love children, this is real, an unreal movie, this is straight up the level, this is a childhood story, this is bones from the future, a film from the future, from the future to the past, from the past to the future, once again, i i understood correctly, the future, yes, but the music, graphics, i liked the humor, i’m not from the parent committee. “i don’t have any changeable furrow, the main thing is love, i see how he looks at you, yes, how he looks, well, how they look, look like that, there are so many different things, surprise, of course, like that, 10 out of 10, a brilliant choice, it will be interesting for everyone, we’ll meet in the future, tell me, when is 100 years from now?”
10:32 am
the current ukrainian government acts exactly like the bolshevik government, yes, which separated the church, best of all in these conditions to unite into one orthodox ukrainian church, to separate completely from moscow, was created. a meeting that is not the church of christ, the ocu has nothing to do with religion, some for the sake of jesus, others for the sake of the bread of taste, and today there is a spiritual battle going on inside the lavra. the united states and the west initially set the task of tearing the ukrainian people away from the russian people. lord. at
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our saints, let's see what happens next, stand, who are they, new people, this is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i'm behind my brother i’ve arrived, i’m a battalion commander, call sign is trigger, everyone has call signs, i’m adam, why adam and not adam, i’m a chechen, an artist, a white rose, you can, i can, you can sing somehow, i shave , lively, we don’t need names, don't bother her or what? trosh yours, well, you, crumble, light of god, homer to the machine gun, there is something to do, commander, shoot, call sign passenger, call sign passenger, i suggest changing the call sign to rebin, no, this is the call sign of my brother, you remain a passenger, that’s right.
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hello, kirill vyshinsky is with you, and this is a program typical of novoross, our name everything is said, we are talking about the territory that has returned to its historical roots. about novorossiya. with the help of a careful look at history, we will try to reveal the uniqueness of its present day, to find typical features of the valor of novorossiya.
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what is a labor feat today? conversation with a program expert. fierce arnauts, like the balkans, grew the best wheat for pasta in new russia. may 1 is the labor spring holiday. international workers' day. that's what it was called not so long ago. the beginning of a series of favorite may weekend. for new russia, may 1 is a special holiday; it is closely connected with the concept of labor valor. during the years of the first soviet five-year plans, the twenties and thirties of the last century,
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novorossiya became the locomotive of industrialization of a huge country. the main volumes of iron ore and coal were mined here, and 3/4 of the electricity of the then ukraine was produced and 20%. of all electricity in the ussr. such an industrial fish production became possible only thanks to dedicated work. it is no coincidence that the stakhanov movement named after the miner-cutter of the lugansk mine is central alexei stakhanov’s irmeno became a symbol of labor kindness for many years. there were hundreds of innovating workers who exceeded the plan many times over during the first five-year plans in the donbass. tractor driver pasha angelina, locomotive driver pyotr krivonos, miner nikita izotov and many others. new labor traditions and technical solutions appeared where the main industrial potential of the country was concentrated.
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worker dynasties have become common in novorusia. devotion to your plant, mine, responsible and creative attitude to work passed on from generation to generation. not long ago, two cities of labor valor appeared in the donbass - lugansk and gorlovka. the capital of the people's republic is well known for its labor traditions, and gorlovka, less than 50 km from donetsk, received this title after it became a city of military glory during the independence of the dpr, by decree of its first president alexander zakharchenko. vladimir putin. noted the significant contribution of the residents of gorlovka to achieving victory in the great patriotic war and the massive labor heroism and dedication. gorlovka residents still show these same qualities today. since 2014, the city has actually been on the front line and is almost daily subjected
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to attacks from the ukrainian armed forces. despite this, its utilities and many businesses continue to operate. about what labor valor is for the residents of donbass and how glorious labor traditions are preserved here. in the story of anna efimova. the central street is full of traffic, parks are surrounded by greenery, everything here is like in any other city in russia, on the eve of may, fences are painted with fresh paint, flowers are planted, and citizens go out on clean-up days. we clean the yards ourselves, we raked everything out.
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already knows, literally 10 years after the end of the great patriotic war, it again became one of the most developed regions of the ussr,
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but the whole country raised the war-torn region of industry and coal, revived factories from the ruins, drained mines flooded by the nazis, for their restoration, in 1947 in the soviet union they even established a separate medal. grandfather of vladimir lavrinov, pavel siversky, worked in the mines as a teenager, had underground experience, as they say here, for about 40 years, and had the title of coal master. the family is proud. with his two orders of lenin, which pavel received even before the great patriotic war, for stakhanov’s shock work, and post-war for the restoration of the donbass mines, he restored three mines, 28, 28 bis and the twenty-ninth mine, he talked about it, that it was very difficult, there was almost nothing, everything was done by hand, they were terribly cold, it was always, well, it was necessary, that means it was necessary, people didn’t force anyone, well truth.
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hell on the restoration of the regions during the great patriotic war, but even after that, when the regions that were not affected by the withdrawal of hostilities took processions over the devastated regions of the soviet union, these are not just the mines of donbass, this is certainly, of course, an important thing, but this is also metallurgy, this infrastructure, this is just a peaceful life, because donbass, liberated in winter, at the beginning of forty-three, launched stalin’s first schools. wartime, continue
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to create and save lives. this person's name is probably everyone knows donbass. doctor of science, honored doctor, hero of labor of the dpr vladimir kirillovich chaika. thanks to him , more than one generation of donetsk residents came to light. our parents once upon a time gave birth to us here with chaika, with the professor, this maternity hospital is ours, it’s like, well, we’ve been here since childhood, one might say, generation after generation. vladimir kirillovich has been in medicine for more than half a century, was born in volnovakha and his whole life is inextricably linked with donbass, he says that he entered the meth by accident, he wanted to become an engineer, but failed entrance exam in mathematics. we can say that in this sense donbass is extremely lucky. over many years of work , vladimir chaika managed to build one of the strongest schools of obstetrics and gynecology in the entire post-soviet space. where i was born is where i came in handy. i was an assistant to the offspring.
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he has a special relationship with a woman, not just a woman, a mother woman. most recently, in april, a new modern republican perinatal center opened in donetsk, which bears the name of professor chaika. the most modern the region's medical facility was built in record time, in less than a year. and this is not only the best illustration of how donbass can create, but a symbol of its hopes for a bright future. anna efimova, valery savelev, anastasia popova, typical new russia.
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we will talk about what labor valor means for the residents of donbass and novorosiya with our regular expert, political scientist rastislav ishchenko. rastislav, good afternoon. good afternoon. rastislav, novorusiya and its most industrially developed part, donbass, were mastered with hard work. factories were often created on in a bare place, the virgin soil of the wild steppe opened up. how did you put it on? population, but to a large extent donbass is different not because it was developed this way, because it was developed this way quite recently, and there is one more point, after all, it was a region that was under threat almost all the time, even in contrast to the zaporozhye troops, and the don army existed during the 19th century
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later, because it was closer to the caucasus, and the caucasus...
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there was also a serious popular movement there, it didn’t come to an uprising, that is this is some last step, and some last straw was not enough for the local population, and in order to move from simple resistance to an armed uprising, in donbass this happened almost immediately, precisely because, well, from my point of view
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, yes precisely because these are people who are constantly in their blood, the blood of generations has been ingrained. the feeling of military danger and the readiness to defend against it, the labor valor of donbass today, with all the external differences from what we know, what we were told about the labor feat during the great patriotic war, there is something in common between these two phenomena, or today in the donbass there are different people, a different attitude to work, when we still talk about...
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a front-line city, this is also a feat of the local
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population, this is first and foremost the labor feat of the local population, what is the value of something that goes unnoticed, that there is a war going on in the city, what is this attitude towards labor in the donbass? today, what can these people show and bring, as new citizens of great russia, to this huge country, to our country, well, i would say that the main thing, yes, what we can take away from this, the main idea, the main philosophical thought that we can take out from this, is that your life, yes, you yourself create with your labor, how is it different mentally? nationalist in ukraine from patriot to donbass, what ukrainian nationalists say, declare, they say, our happiness.
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and so on, they simply support normal life with their labor, in addition to the fact that they work for the front, they support normal life in their city, this is a demonstration that everything depends only on you, you can live on the front line, and at the same time live normally, or you can live deep in the rear and at the same time live like a golitan, thank you very much for the frank conversation. the multinational palette of new russia consisted of different peoples and ethnic groups; albanians were one of the most curious and small in number. in russia at the end of
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the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries, orthodox albanians were called arnauts and were often confused with other people from the balkans and greece. during the russian-turkish wars under catherine the great, when the arnauts sided with russia and actively helped. fleet, they decided to move from the lands controlled by the ottoman empire to novorossiya, and the arnaut albanians brought with them the traditions of gardening and farming to the new region. arnoudka was the name given to one of the wheat varieties that took root well in the ozovo region and was very popular in italy and southern europe. in the mid-19th century, it was believed that the best pasta was made from ground flour. from arnaudca. in italy it was called pasta teganrok. it sailed across the sea from the largest port of novorossiya at that time. in odessa about albanian settlers are reminded of the names
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of two streets: bolshaya and malaya arnaudskikh. the next major resettlement of albanians took place following the results of another victory over the ottomans, when, according to the peace of bukhare in 812 , russia ceded the lands that became part of... the besarabia province. these places were abandoned by the nomadic nagais and settled by bulgarians, gogauzes and albanians. this is how the village of karukurt in izmail district arose. from here the albanians settled throughout the entire ozovo region. the albanian community now lives compactly in three villages in the melitopol region. according to the latest ukrainian population census of 2001, there were about a thousand. about how... azov albanians live today, do they manage to preserve the traditions of their ancestors? in the story by olga mokhova. i believe that we are exactly where we
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should be in the russian federation. before our interlocutors were able to speak so confidently about their current situation, their ancestors had to travel a long way. as soon as the ottoman empire conquered the balkan peninsula. at the turn of the 15th-16th centuries from west to east, to the territory of modern bulgaria, the first massive wave of immigrants, orthodox albanians, poured in. there was a threat that it was necessary to convert to islam, they took a risk, took a risk, abandoned everything, went to exclude islamization, and in general the orthodox faith in order to,
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accordingly, devnenskaya was once called tas, and the village of gamovka was called dzhendran. the russian government
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provided significant up to fifty migrants to the transdanubian migrants. tithes of land and perpetual banking courts. in addition, the colonists were exempted from military service. thanks to thanks to these privileges and, in addition to natural hard work, the albanian refugees lived prosperously here. during the soviet years, local collective farms were even considered millionaires. they were experts in farming, melon growing, and it was precisely in such dry, steppe , open areas that agriculture was carried out, and farming and cattle breeding were difficult. in 1869 there were 194 family households and approximately 500 albanians; by the beginning of the 20th century there were already about 3,000. but actually counting them was not easy. sometimes albanians were called greeks according to the orthodox faith, and sometimes bulgarians, according to the country where they came from. in the soviet years , it was more prestigious to register as russians or ukrainians; the ancestors of the local albanians were completely arnauts. the arnauts are not just abbanians who preserved the orthodox religion. for this reason, it turns out that the abbanians. this means
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that muslims treated the arnauts historically very poorly, well, that ’s not all, indeed the arnauts served in the turkish army and therefore the word arnaut began to mean, in general, a turkish-born christian. for a long time, prizovo albanians did not welcome mixed marriages, such began to be practiced only from the middle of the 20th century, although there is a lot in common, the same folk costume, household items, tools of labor among the albanians, bulgarians and gagauzians are very similar, after all, they have been for more than one century... almost every week they are made of a cross made of mother-of-pearl, they even buried threads within threads of another, and old women were sure to hang in this decoration, such little things, and they make us one with our people. the main difference between the azov albanians is their spoken language; they were able to preserve it, despite the five centuries
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separating them from...
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express their desires and would also like to create a conversation club where people of our age will meet, of course, i would like to support and encourage more young people, the azov albanians call themselves gatante bots, which means our people are from ours, in their souls they feel completely russian, about their historical the homeland of balkan albania was discovered here only in the second half of the 20th century, all thanks to the hard work of ethnographers, historians, and linguists. we feel like russians. people, this is our homeland, what is happening there in albania, what path are they there elected us, this is not very important to us, what is important is that we are here as albanians, what we can do for our homeland, well, let’s say hello, oh, chito sam, the zaporozhye arnauts are very friendly, they know that the albanians, although not as compactly as here, but they live in other cities of russia, and therefore hope that
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now they will have more opportunities. for communication. olga mokhova, anastasia popova, valery savelev, typical novorossiya. that's all we wanted to talk about today. kirill vyshinsky was with you. see you soon. at the headquarters of the joint group of forces, they discussed the current situation in the zone of the special military operation and increasing the effectiveness of the fight against the enemy. the meeting with the commanders was held by the head of the ministry of defense, sergei shaigu. the minister noted that the groups are successfully completing their tasks and pointed out the measures necessary to maintain the pace of liberation of the territories.


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