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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 1, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm MSK

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at the headquarters of the joint group of forces, they discussed the current situation in the zone of the special military operation and how to increase the effectiveness of the fight against the enemy. the meeting with the commanders was held by the head of the ministry of defense sergei shaigu. the minister noted that the groups are successfully completing their tasks and indicated the intentions necessary to maintain the pace of liberation of the territories. dear colleagues, groups. continues to carry out combat
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missions in accordance with the special military operation plan to maintain the required the pace of the offensive to ensure the build-up of the combat strength of troop groups, for further actions it is necessary to increase the volume and quality of weapons and military equipment supplied to the troops, primarily weapons. the central bodies of military control are carrying out targeted work in this direction, state contracts have been concluded with industrial enterprises, taking into account their full load and the maximum reduction in the production time of samples, weapons and military equipment, in the process of this work issues arise that require special attention without delay, especially regarding the provision of the most popular samples, we will discuss measures that will ensure the fulfillment of the tasks of a special military operation. shaigu also got acquainted with the modernized weapons, which will improve the effectiveness of the fight against drones of the ukrainian armed forces. the minister drew the attention of the commanders to the importance of operations. repair of equipment in areas of
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military operations in the rear. he instructed to reduce the period of restoration of the engine and other components, and also increase the volume of spare parts. from today on poklonnaya hill you can see equipment and weapons captured by our military during a special military operation. an exhibition has opened in victory park, which presents more than thirty exhibits from nato countries, as well as the republic of uzbekistan, australia and ukraine. among the trophies is an american abrams tank.
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captured equipment that was captured by the soldiers of the red army from the army of the third reich of their allies. and from today a number of important innovations come into force in russia. so, payments will be recalculated for some categories of pensioners. for example, those who celebrated their 80th birthday in april will have their fixed surcharge increased. indexes the amount for those who received disability of the first group. also, pensions. miners and pilots will be counted, children with rare diseases will start receiving medications faster, 6 days have been allocated for this. previously, the procedure lasted about a month. it will become easier for applicants to enroll in targeted training, the work of russia portal will help, where the company will post proposals for concluding targeted agreements. utility debtors will be protected from debt collectors. the law prohibited the transfer of debts to such organizations; the innovations will come into force on may 3. now on
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our air there is a live broadcast of the may day rally of the communist party of russia , comrades, my friends, since the middle of the 19th century , the working people have spoken at small groups defending their rights, first of all the right to a decent life and an eight-hour working day. the bourgeoisie fired back when a powerful demonstration took place in chicago on may 1. they shot six people, eight were arrested, accused of terrorism and sentenced to hang, three were pardoned, replaced by 15 years of imprisonment, the rest were also shot. this is how the bourgeois government responded to the desire of the working people to protect their rights. just 3 years later, the parisian second international.
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at the congress, a special decision was made to celebrate the international day of solidarity of workers of the world on may 1. workers rose up in their defense. but ahead of everyone were the working peasants, the soldiers of our great power, who, under the leadership of lenin celebrated the victory of great october. yes, it was a holiday, for the first time in the history of mankind, the solidarity of working people ensured the establishment of soviet power. it was solidarity that allowed us to put out the fire of the civil war. and carry out a unique, the most unique modernization in the history, lenin-stalin, which raised the burnt russian empire from the ashes to the heights of victory over fascism and space. it was solidarity that allowed us to build
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9,000 before the war on the stupidity of the best factories to defeat the hordes of fascism. it is solidarity created a better social protection system. thanks to solidarity work for 30 years , it gave a record rate of 14%. they repeated it loudly, the chinese communists also ensured a rate of about 10% for 30 years. today we are going to this holiday, setting
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ourselves several specific tasks that cannot be solved without the unity and solidarity of the state-patriotic forces, of everyone who cares. our power, the main and first task is to defeat nazism and fascism, which occupied ukraine, this nazi scabbers today it has sprouted in many european countries. the two world war vaccines that europe received turned out to be ineffective. today they are arming themselves again, using it, again preparing for a campaign against odran hoston, nothing will come of it. but i would like to do it again today. appeal to president putin, who will enter a new term in the coming days in accordance with the constitution, appeal to the government and the state duma, appeal to the minister of defense, if we are going to win, then it is impossible to win without solving three
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fundamental tasks, first of all the cohesion of society, the development of the latest technologies and the mobilization of all forces and resources, and above all... in the squares and streets of our country, this is absolutely unacceptable, we believe that the main task today is to do everything in order to implement our program, the victory program , with which kharitonov went to the presidential elections, which has been published
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in a circulation of 26 million, it is in every family, in each of you, it is able to show how you can reach high... for this we need to adopt our budget development, it is ready, we approved it at the orel forum, our team is ready to implement it, setting an example in national enterprises, in sternin, kazankova and somarukov, who , according to the results of the competition at the may day meeting, were again the best in the country, we must do everything for in order to nationalize the main industries. and a mineral raw material base, without which it is impossible to win. we must curb this wild oligarchy, which, even in conditions of war, does not want to pay normal taxes, and more than 300 billion dollars dragged abroad again, trading across the
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front line. we must do everything to pass our law, education for all, the historian who had the signatures and great ideas of zharasaal fera, but... this document and vote in the duma, it will give every young person the right to have accessible, free education and the first job without dismissal rights in the next 3 years. i think this program is knocking on the door of the window, it can be calmly accepted. it is fundamentally important for us to stop the immigration that is sweeping the country and has nothing to do with respect for a working person when they take...
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andreevich does this. the komsomol ticket
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is awarded to ksenia petrovna kozhanaya. the komsovodsk ticket is awarded to ivan andreevich pavshin. the komsomol ticket is awarded to vera alekseevna shmileva. the komsomol ticket is awarded to maria konstantinovna likhovskaya. the komsomol ticket is presented to anastasia olegova sadzkina. the komsomol ticket is awarded to grigory alekseevich ramashov.
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the komsomol ticket is awarded to vasily ivanovich belantv. the party ticket is awarded. the party card is awarded to alexei vitalievich bestler. the party card is presented to nina borisovna bacharova. the party card is awarded to mikhail yuryevich demidov.
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the party card is awarded to sergei aleksandrovich zadreznov. this was a broadcast from the may day rally of the communist party of the russian federation; representatives of the liberal democratic party of russia are also holding their own rally today. symbolizes the protection and support of workers around the world. today russia is working. for its future, working for victory, today society is more consolidated than ever, because we are experiencing the main moment of truth.
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we have to do, we travel a lot around the country today, and we see the disproportion between the situation of those who live in different regions. a teacher in moscow receives 13,500 rubles per month, in st. petersburg - 51 thousand rubles per month on average, in novosibirsk 44. in some regions it is even less, we must do. so that in all regions of the country people live with dignity, so that they do not try to move to the capital by any means, so that they do not leave, on the contrary , they strive to the far east, to siberia, where where are the infrastructurally significant projects for
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the future russia, a task of national importance, by 2030, we must understand that with all the difficulties associated with carrying out a holy and noble special military operation, the last battle with nazism in the history of mankind, we must do it today, even yesterday we do everything possible so that we have
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fewer poor people; we are in favor of raising the minimum wage. it's very difficult. for families with low incomes , all their money goes to pay for food, housing and communal services, and they also need to raise children. we want russia to once again become a country of large families. therefore , today we must make a decision on personal income tax,
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exempting those who still have a low income from paying. with this tax, we must remember about the environment, we must close enterprises that today poison the air, poison the water, and poison people. harmful production is a signal that these industries should, in the 21st century, or better yet , leave our lives right now. dpr is building its environmental program aimed at preserving the health of the nation. you and i must make the right decisions in social policy. anything that involves
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working overtime is hard on people. an hour of overtime work must be paid double, we must reduce the work week to 35 hours a day, we must for mothers of many children, today a mother of many children hears me. in all regions of russia , reduce the working day by one hour. it’s difficult for parents to pay attention, full attention to their children. children are the future of great russia. children are the ones
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who will replace us, our country’s strongest youth organization, today we must not retreat into empty slogans. the ldpr has a specific program, a program to help people. we must, dear colleagues and friends, understand that what is being said at large, multi-thousand ldpr rallies across the country today is support for the tradition of the holiday of protecting workers, but we must understand today when society has united around. the president comes out to the people for our great victory, we must support ordinary people, their living conditions, their working conditions, today
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what the ldpr puts forward as priorities in terms of social policy and support for people, this is the basis on which the country should develop in terms of working with people in the coming years, we support all the ideas of the president and his approaches in this most important direction, but we say, as a party of constructive opposition, that it is hard for people to wait. today, when the fate of the country, the fate of the russian world is being decided, we must, we are politicians, we, the best party of modern russia, support those who are working today
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for the benefit of our great future. people trust the ldpr, people need our support, you and i have no other way but to justify people’s trust, yes!
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together with us in the name of the future of great russia! once again, my dears, all over the country, everyone who is with us, everyone who supports workers, those who work tirelessly for the country, once again, let’s be closer to each other. today , the ldpr is extremely consolidated, more than ever, - a party that supports people, supports
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workers, for our great future, for russia, for victory, for the liberal democratic party. according to the established tradition, i would like to invite you to present party cards to new members of the ldp party, an addition to our family, i invite vladimir igorovich sirsoev to this stage. these were shots from the ldpr may day rally. if the inflammation becomes complicated. fibrosis and the organ stops working normally, the smart enzyme langidase can help. langidase breaks down fibrosis and helps restore organ functions. langidase, just against fibrosis.
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to watch reruns of our original besagon tv program. i hope you remember them and enjoy them.


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