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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 1, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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we return the rubles for the remaining minutes and run. can. dear friends, i invite you to watch reruns of our original program besagon tv. i hope you remember them and enjoy them.
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from today in russia.
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a number of important innovations come into force. so, payments will be recalculated for some categories of pensioners, for example, those who celebrated their 80th birthday in april will have their fixed additional payment increased. the amount is indexed for those who received disability of the first group. in addition, pensions will be recalculated for miners and pilots. children with rare diseases will begin receiving medications faster. 6 days were allotted for this. previously, the procedure lasted about a month. it will be easier for applicants to enroll in targeted training, it will help. work in russia, where companies will post proposals for concluding targeted contracts. utility debtors will be protected from debt collectors. the law prohibited the transfer of debts to such organizations. the changes will come into force on may 3. and today , on the day of spring labor. vladimir putin awarded the title of heroes for outstanding labor merits and many years of conscientious work. labor for five citizens of the country. these are workers from factories, machine-building enterprises and design bureaus from a wide variety of backgrounds.
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people, several police officers were seriously injured, law enforcement officers had to repel numerous attacks on the parliament buildings, it came to water cannons, rubber bullets of tear gas, protesters demand the abandonment of the bill on foreign agents, the document is called pro... the us senate approved
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a bill banning the import of low-enriched weapons uranium from russia. the document was sent to biden for signing. restrictions must be in effect until 2040. at the same time , the united states, as always happens, has provided convenient loopholes for itself. firstly, the law will come into force only 3 months after signing. secondly, until january 28, the us department of energy will be able to issue import permits if other sources are not available. considering that the main nuclear allies. it is japan, france and britain who have planned the restoration of their respective industries and a shortage of uranium may indeed arise. more than 100 people detained during pro-palestinian protests protests at columbia university in new york. this is what the media reported with reference to the police. the security forces led the students out with
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their hands tied. a squad of police managed to storm the campus, where protesters barricaded themselves with sofas and massive tables. in an official statement from the university. it is said that such measures had to be taken because the group of demonstrators was led by persons not associated with the educational institution, and the president of columbia university in new york asked the police to remain on campus until 17 may. large-scale student demonstrations for a ceasefire in the gas sector are taking place in sixteen american states. and then the author’s program “view from st. petersburg” by film director and political figure vladimir burtok. new issue about the history of relationships.
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well , i didn’t specifically consider any difficulties encountered during this time, but in my opinion, we fought with poland for more than 200 years, after continuous wars, alas, at present our countries are united by, how can i put it mildly, negative stereotypes, but that’s all or the characters of the two peoples have a lot in common, emotionally.
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western europe, and, as a rule, in polish processing. it penetrated everywhere, changing concepts, relationships, pressing equally strongly on the state order, on everyday social life, introducing new political ideas, civil demands, forms of community life, new areas of knowledge, remaking costume, mores, habits and beliefs, reshaping the appearance and rebuilding spirits
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the religious factor as a whole had no influence; both countries have long been united family connections, fled kyiv in 108. svetopolk the accursed, son of vladimir the red sun, quarreling with his brother yaroslav the wise, turned for help to his wife's father, the polish king bolislav i, the brave, preparing for battle, standing on both sides of the bukh river, the polish russian troops swore for a long time, shouting across the river , but what interests us in this story is not the content of the conversation, but the fact that the poles and russians understood each other perfectly. practically spoke the same language, prince vladimir vasilovich manomakh in
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in 1076, together with the volyn prince oleg svyatoslavovich, he came to the aid of the poles in a military campaign against the chekhovs. neighbors, you know, they somehow didn’t get along very well; russia did not have such similarities as with poland with any other country, but still the most important difference between the two countries was that russia. adopted the eastern version of christianity, and poland - the western, roman one, which entailed fundamental, far-reaching consequences. catholicism contributed to the development of latin-language culture, scholasticism, universities, and knighthood in poland, burghers, city government, guilds, cities themselves as centers of craft and trade. as a result, the country fit in. latin or catholic civilization, you observe, at the same time, the economic and
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cultural rise of the russian lands, practically the same, including the growth of cities, was interrupted in 1237 by the invasion of the mongols. thus, since the 13th century, the development paths of the two countries have diverged, the differences have sharply intensified and... if the ardyn game sharply turned russia away from the european path of development, then poland , on the contrary, became increasingly europeanized and integrated into the western world. since the 14th century , poland has seen an increase in the number of people going abroad to study. in 1364, following the model of northern italian universities , the krakow academy was founded, which later became the jagiellonian university. starting with the union of krevo, an agreement between the grand duchy of lithuania and poland, according to which the lithuanian grand duke
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jogaila, who married the polish queen jadwiga, was proclaimed the polish king, the created state became strong and powerful. a significant part of rus' during the 14th century it came under the rule of the grand duchy of lithuania. and russia until the 15th century. communicated with poland through lithuania, which separated it from poland, but in 1462 the moscow throne was occupied by ivan ii, the grand duke of vladimir and moscow, the sovereign of all russia, who received the nickname gatherer of the russian land. the final liberation of the country from ardyn dependence was achieved, a code of law, a set of laws, was adopted. the current coat of arms of russia, the double-headed eagle, built the current moscow kremlin and the assumption cathedral, with him the rise begins
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russia, from now on the russian state becomes a significant force in eastern europe, begins to squeeze its neighbors, and how? in place of the degenerated feudal principalities , a new major power in eastern europe emerged, which perceived. itself as a revival of kievan rus, but the mechanisms of its formation were qualitatively different from those of poland. in poland , the land of secular feudal lords was exempt from most state taxes. in russia, all classes, even boyars and nobles, from youth to old age, were obliged to serve sovereign, they could have taken away not only the estate, but also the patrimony. they could be subjected to corporal... punishment. since the end of the 15th century, the honorary title for the boyars has been the tsar's slave.
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the treatment of serfs reflected the largely powerless status of even the highest russian feudal lords, and radically distinguished them from the position of european feudal lords, with their rights and ideas about freedoms. but from the beginning of the 16th century, the lithuanian state was increasingly squeezed by the grand duchy of moscow. which is expanding its borders, had to resort to military assistance from poland. since 1505 vasily ii rules in russia. grand duke.
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elena glinskaya. the grand duke was so eager to please his chosen one, who was three times his junior, that he even trimmed his beard, which caused horror among conservative- minded society. they gave birth to a wonderful boy, ivan, later nicknamed the terrible. ivan the terrible started a war with the terton order, defeated it, but then was forced to enter the twenty-five-year livonian war.
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in 1563, polotsk was taken by the russian army, but it was not possible to develop the success, since in 1564 the russian army was defeated in the battle of chashniki. in russia, oprichniva was introduced soon after. the second half of ivan the terrible's reign was marked
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by a streak of failures. the kingdom of poland and the grand duchy of lithuania concluded the union of lublin, forming. the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, the polish people of shlyachen. the very creation of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth spread from mozh to mozh, that is, from sea to sea, from the baltic to the black sea. a dream now, exciting warsaw. was largely a reaction for the rapid strengthening and territorial expansion of the moscow kingdom. in 1572 , segizmun died on august 2, the king of poland and...
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weakened the country. in 1572, ivan the terrible, despite the war, but given that there were many nobles in poland associated with moscow, wanted to take part in the royal elections in the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, however, he subsequently refused this. in 1576 , stefan batory or istvan batory, the terrible enemy of ivan the terrible, became the polish king. russia was deprived of all conquests, as well as lands on border with the polish-lithuanian commonwealth and coastal baltic cities. in 1584, ivan
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rozny died, leaving behind a complex memory. this memory includes reforms of military service, the judicial system and public administration, under him the code of law of 1550 was compiled , the kazan, astrakhan and siberian khanates were conquered, bashkiria and part of the lands of the gai horde were annexed. the russian state towards the end of his reign. doubled in size and became larger than the rest of europe. i will not allow the evil neighbor to prosper the moscow state. resisted. our power was strangled by a trade noose, but not only the germans are the malicious
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enemy of our prosperity, you bayars, opposing my livonian campaigns, are worse than the germans, livonians, enemies of the russian power.
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elected boris gadunov as successor to the throne, according to modern concepts, liberals. and here the active penetration of progressive western ideas into russia began. godunov reformed the judicial system and allowed the building of lutheran churches in russia. the reign of boris dealt with the ongoing rapprochement between russia and the west. there was no rus' before sovereign.
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lands with peasants, european culture penetrated into russian everyday life, this included clothing, housing, social ceremonies, and even such things as cutting backs. it should be noted that polish influence in the muscovite kingdom manifested itself in all spheres of social life, from architecture and painting to clothing and manner of speaking. boris sent russian people to study abroad, but they, as a rule, did not want to return to their homeland. however, peter i had problems with this. in 1600, ambassador.
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troubles and ruin of rus', from poland dmitry i, the impostor, already appears. himself miraculously saved, the youngest son of ivan iv, tsarevich dmitry. but the fifth column in the moscow state, the boyar, representative of the princely family, vasily shuisky. he meets an impostor in tula. vasily shuisky distorted the truth and testified that the impostor was the true tsarevich. a few months later, the army swore allegiance to dmitry. in 1605. onzhe dmitry i ascended the russian throne, that is, he became king and promised the transfer of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth to smolensk and the seversk land. his wife, marina mnishek,
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a polish noblewoman, a devout catholic, she hoped to convert the population of russia to catholicism and, contrary to russian customs, preserved catholicism. in exchange, dmitry promised pskov and novgorod, and smolensk to her father. at the beginning of may 1606. but it was not in vain that the seasoned intriguer vasily shuisky met dmitry in tula on the night of may 16-17, 1606... a detachment
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of conspirators entered moscow, occupied all the gates and completely isolated the kremlin. dmitry i had already been killed, the poles who were next to them in moscow were partly killed, partly taken into custody and distributed to cities. and so in 1606, on may 19 on red square, in front of a huge crowd of people, it was proposed to elect whom to the kingdom? vasily ivanovich shuisko. in poland , another contender for the russian throne appears, a new impostor, dmitry ii. he was joined by a significant number of polish rakashans, rebels who had lost the uprising against the polish king zmund ii. in 1607
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, the smalensko-russian army that came to the rescue was attacked and defeated. in 1810, the poles occupied moscow. the boyars offered the polish prince vladislav the throne on the conditions of maintaining the independence of the moscow throne and vladislav’s adoption of orthodoxy. vladislav was considered the tsar of moscow for 2 years, although he himself did not come to moscow. meanwhile,
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king segismund of poland presented his.
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