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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 1, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm MSK

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fight for the sporting glory of the country, and even though the live procession was canceled this year for security reasons, you can tell everyone about your veterans on the internet, with a print on a t-shirt or a photo on the window. the template is easy to create on the website, and you can find exact data on official resources. these are the sites of the ministry of defense of the russian federation, the memory of the people, the feat of the people, the obd memorial. in them you can track combat personnel by last name, first name, years of life, all known information. a way to find, for example, if there are documents about awards. officially the promotion starts today and will last until victory day. to remind people of the victory, you can simply place any symbol of the holiday in the windows, for example, a paper stencil with images of heroes, thereby making your contribution to preserving this memory. albert musin, alexander usatenko, ksenia klimina, maksasaprildyev, gennady lugunov and ilina goleeva. news. after a short advertisement , watch the continuation of the author's program view from st. petersburg. film directors.
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political figure vladimir burtok. gerrick addressed the military. in front of you a country where there is a lot of white bread, sour cream apples. take it all, take it. the master plan left no doubt about what they wanted to do with us.
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so i’m no longer in pain, fortunately, our corps left the very south of berlin, i understood correctly, the future, yes, yeah, twenty-four, well, 1.124, this is the situation, now i can jump to the century of the future and back, i see everything, behind us space pirates are hunting, well, they were already there when i came here. we need to find moms, what a meeting, maybe we can put the kids to bed and now is the time to sort everything out and it’s time to act somehow, questions, suggestions, objections, and nothing else that you want, come first.
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from traveling with avito, cashback bonuses for your next trip, avito travel , everything will go as planned with cashback and bonuses. i ate something wrong, what should i do? in case of poisoning, enterum enterosorbent of a new generation removes toxins while preserving useful substances, a smart solution against poisoning, in 1612, the nizhny novgorod militia appeared in moscow, under the command of kuzma minin and dmitry pozharsky, it forced the polish horizon of the kremlin to capitulate and mikhail romanov ascended the russian throne. the romanov dynasty ruled russia for 300 years.
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a negative image of poles arose and took hold in russian literature and mass consciousness. a national stereotype with an emphasis on arrogance, arrogance and unreliability of the police.
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art also came to moscow from the territory of poland, in particular , the slavic-greek-latin academy was opened in moscow in 1624, according to for example, existing. already at that time in poland the university of krakow. under the influence of polish architects , a new architectural style was established in the moscow state - the naryshkin baroque. starting from the end of the 15th century, serious changes occurred in the russian upper class costume, especially for men. the tatar caftan is finally going out of fashion, and is being replaced by the polish župan and kontush. in office work, the language is higher.
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positions of the russian empire, polish patriots did not give up attempts to restore the old polish-lithuanian commonwealth. under the impression of the july revolution in france , an open uprising known as the november uprising began in the kingdom of poland. after the suppression of the uprising by russian troops in the kingdom of poland, the new governor, film marshal ivan paskevich, abolished the polish constitution, and introduced a division into provinces instead of the previous voivodeships in 1839. nicholas i, upon arrival in warsaw, said to the visiting poles: “you wanted to see me, here i am, you wanted to give me speeches, this is not necessary, i want to save you from lies, i know that you do not feel that
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what do you want to assure me of? i know that most of you, if restored , would be ready to do again what they did during the revolution, choose, you want to be with europe, which is dying in the storms of the revolution, or enjoy peace with russia, choose, but do not forget that i built a fortress in warsaw, and there were cannons, yet from the beginning of 1860 , another revolution began in the polish kingdom, which resulted in an uprising in 1863. the uprising was again suppressed. at the same time, polish migrants in. western europe actively contributed to the negative image of russia. an emigrant from the right bank of ukraine, francis dukhinsky , propagated the doctrine of the non-slavic origin of the muscovites. some of dukhinsky’s theses were adopted by
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ukrainian nationalists in the 20th century. poles were also widely represented in revolutionary and terrorist organizations in the territory. as you can see, the poles, as they say, have something to remember. during the first world war in 1915, during the offensive of the german army, russian troops were driven out of the territory kingdom of poland, and a new polish state was formed. the head of poland became józef pilsutski, a former participant in the assassination attempt on
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alexander ii, and who served time, in fact, pilsudski’s political platform was a plan called. on september 21, 1938, polish leaders presented the czechs with an ultimatum to return the cieszyn region to them, but on september 17. germany attacked poland, the soviet government sent
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troops into the territory of western ukraine, that is, into poland. the note from the soviet government indicated that this at that moment, the polish state and government practically ceased to exist, and accordingly, all agreements ceased. during the war. about 22 thousand polish officers were shot; the executions were later called the katyn execution. the poles attribute this execution to the nkvd. many in russia believe that the germans did this in occupied territory. the topic of the katyn massacre remains one of the most painful historical topics in russian-polish relations. she fought in the red army formed in 1943.
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on the initiative of the ussr, poland included vast territories in the west that previously belonged to germany, pomirania, selesia, as well as the southern part of east prussia. instead of the published germans, these lands were inhabited by ethnic poles. thus, there was a shift of the territory of poland to the west, as well as an expansion of its ethnic lands, which should always be remembered... so during the first years after the liberation of poland, during the formation of the pro-soviet government, a terrorist attack took place
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the activities of the home army, this time was captured widely on our screens in the film directed by woad, ashes and diamonds, there was a cultural exchange between both countries. poland was for us like in the 14th century.
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from that moment a new chapter began in soviet, and subsequently russian-polish relations. after 1991, both countries began to have difficult relations. in 1999, poland joined nato. the plane crash near smolensk, in which polish president leg kaczynski and a number of high-ranking officials died persons flying.
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in may 2023, kremlin spokesman dmitry peskov said that poland is a country hostile to russia, and not just an unfriendly state. according to an international question conducted in june of twenty-two, only 2% of poles have a positive attitude towards russia, and 97% - according to
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the survey - this is the most.
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with this i want to say goodbye to you, all the best, goodbye.
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increasing the effectiveness of the fight against the enemy and the current situation in the northern military district zone. sergei shaigu held a meeting with the command of the ministry of defense. what operational tasks did the minister set? we'll tell you. abrams and leopards, american bradley infantry fighting vehicles. all this can be seen in moscow right now. today an exhibition of trophies of nato equipment opened on poklonnaya hill. how long will it last and what other samples are presented? concerts, folk festivals, car rallies. trade union actions throughout the country are taking place in honor of international workers' day, may day rallies about...


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