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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 1, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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increase the supply of spare parts and reduce the repair time for military equipment. meeting
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of the joint group of troops. the head of the defense department also ordered to maintain a high pace of liberation of territories in the northern military district zone, what else was discussed? nato equipment, which was thought to be invulnerable, has been defeated and now the scrap metal is suitable only for museum exhibits. an exhibition of damaged western-made armored vehicles and tanks opened on poklonnaya hill. what's in the trophies? russia, most cis countries celebrate all workers' day. everywhere may day processions and concerts are taking place, and today the president signed a decree conferring the title of hero of labor on five russian citizens. fights and provocations in the georgian parliament continue, passions under the scandalous law on agents still do not subside. we will tell you in more detail about the new clashes between protesters and the police and the inappropriate behavior of legislators. at the headquarters
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of the joint group of troops they discussed the current situation in the special operation zone and increasing the effectiveness of the fight against the enemy. the head held a meeting with the commanders ministry of defense sergei shaigu. the minister noted that the groups are successfully completing their tasks and pointed out the measures necessary to maintain the pace of liberation of the territories. dear colleagues, troop groups continue to carry out combat missions in accordance with the plan for a special military operation for support. the required rate of advance to ensure the build-up of the combat strength of troop groups. for further actions it is necessary to increase the volume and quality of weapons and military equipment supplied to the troops, first of all, means defeats. the central bodies of military command are carrying out targeted work in this direction. government contracts have been concluded with industrial enterprises , taking into account their full capacity and the maximum reduction in production time for samples, weapons and military equipment. in the process of this... work, issues arise that require
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special attention and urgent solutions, especially in providing the most sought-after samples, we will discuss measures that will ensure the fulfillment of the tasks of a special military operation. shaigu also got acquainted with the modernized weapons; they will improve the effectiveness of the fight against drones of the ukrainian armed forces. in addition, the minister drew the attention of commanders to the importance of prompt repair of equipment in combat areas in the rear of the northern military district. he instructed to shorten the recovery period. improve the position along the leading edge. the center group conducted active military operations on the territory of the donetsk people's republic, in particular, it repelled 9 enemy counterattacks. the units of the center group of troops have improved their tactical skills.
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the situation defeated the formations the twenty-fourth, one hundredth mechanized and 142 infantry brigades of the armed forces of ukraine in the regional settlements of leninskaya, keramiki and ocheretina of the donetsk people's republic, repelled nine counterattacks of the assault groups of the 23rd mechanized, ninety-second assault, 68 and 71 ranger brigades of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of the settlements of novgorodskaya, solovyovo, semyonovka , nitaylov, novokalinov, shumy and berdyche. an exhibition of equipment and weapons captured by the russian military in the zone of a special military operation opened today on poklonnaya hill. there are about three trophies dozens of pieces of equipment, including german leopard tanks, marder armored vehicles, american bradley infantry fighting vehicles, as well as french, british, swedish and turkish equipment. the exhibition also includes small arms, drones, maps and other documents. and one of the main trophies was the american tank a. shot down in the avdeevsky
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direction. today he was brought to moscow along with an american -made assault engineering vehicle captured there. what we see is that the chassis is completely destroyed. there was a strong explosion, serious on a mine, which led to the restoration of the tank , the artillery worked on it, and accordingly, it destroyed all the main control and firing modules of this tank, that is , accordingly, it is absolutely completely dead, but the main defeat, of course, was stopped by the mine sappers, then there was already a hit from either krasnopolei or artillery fire, direct fire, they finished it off with fpv drones and a drop... by the executive committee of the immortal regiment. the essence of the action is to arrange galleries where portraits and stories of front-line soldiers. such stands will be located throughout the country from may 1 to may 8. in
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the victory museum, the memory wall is located in the regimental hall. anyone can attach portraits of relatives who participated in the great patriotic war there. the communist party of the russian federation held a may day rally in moscow today in the format of a meeting with voters. members and supporters of the party gathered near the monument to karl marx opposite the large theater. several people organized a spontaneous book sale, where they also sold badges from the soviet era, they sentenced us today we are going to this holiday, setting ourselves several specific tasks that cannot be solved without unity and solidarity.
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moment of truth in our modern history, the fate of the russian world, russian civilization and our great russia depends on today, on how our work turns out, today,
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when society has united around the sound ideas of the president, for the people for... a great victory we must support ordinary people, their living conditions, their working conditions. the moscow federation of trade unions sent a holiday on may 1 to donetsk and lugansk, a convoy with humanitarian cargo. more than 60 tons of necessary food items were transferred to the trade unions of donbass. the convoy carries there, for example, tools and building materials, camouflage nets and dugout candles. medical equipment in moscow was carried by over 250 trade union members working in various sectors of the city's economy; in donetsk and lugansk, the cargo was met by their colleagues from the federation of trade unions of the lpr and dpr. well, today, on labor spring day
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, vladimir putin for outstanding labor achievements and many years of conscientious work awarded the title of heroes of labor to five citizens of the country - these are workers of factories, machine-building enterprises and design bureaus from various regions of buryatia, krasnodar territory, arkhangelsk, kursk and moscow regions. in addition, teams of five enterprises that made a great contribution to the development of domestic industry were awarded a badge of honor for success in work. in istanbul, the may day demonstration turned into riots. trade unions and party activists tried break through the police cordon and to taksim square, despite the authorities’ ban on carrying out.
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about caviar, then all the details. today in russia the labeling of caviar has become mandatory.
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manufacturers and importers must now apply a special code to their products. the introduction of caviar markings was gradual and began in april. currently , 19,000 participants have already registered in the system. products are tracked using the honest sign system. this will not only protect buyers from counterfeit goods, but will also benefit the state and caviar producers. this will allow on the one hand. it is clear, to increase the efficiency of legal companies, a new market share will be freed up for them with the departure of their illegal competitors, legal companies will be able to earn more, here is an assessment of a financial institution under the ministry of finance, a research and development institution, that in the coming years, due to the whitewashing of the industry after labeling, additional budget revenues of illegal companies will amount to something on the order of 60 billion rubles, in addition, sales of expired and expired goods have begun to be blocked at the checkout counters... currently , this regime is valid only in large stores, but starting in september it will apply
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to all retail; when scanning a barcode , the cash register requests information about the product and, if the data does not match or is missing, prohibits the sale. this measure prevents customers from accidentally purchasing expired products or products of unknown origin. japan tabaka will not leave russia, business will continue as usual. he made this statement in an interview with the financial times. ceo of one of the world's largest cigarette manufacturers. he stressed that there is a threat lawsuits from shareholders in the event of winding down a successful business. the japanese top manager also admitted that the company was forced to adjust supply chains in order not to violate western sanctions. russian business provides about 20% of japan tobacco's profits, and , of course, there is no hurry to give this up. the us senate approved a bill banning the import of low-enriched uranium from russia. the document is sent to biden for signing; the restrictions should remain in effect until 2040.
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at the same time, the united states, as always happens, provided convenient loopholes for themselves. firstly, the law will come into force only 3 months after signing, and secondly, until january 28, the us department of energy will be able to issue import permits if there are no other sources. considering that the main nuclear allies of the states. japan, france and britain have planned the restoration of their respective industries. uranium deficiency may indeed occur. gas prices in europe increased by 6% in april, amounting to $324 per 1.0 cubic meters. about such dynamics london stock exchange data shows. the main catalysts were the sudden cold snap in april and tensions in the middle east. underground gas storage facilities in europe are now just over 60% full. the figure for spring is quite high, but not a record. and the reasons for this are very dubious. what saves europe is that recession and deindustrialization have begun there,
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so that those plans to increase gas consumption to 600 billion cubic meters per year in the european union, if they had preserved industry, these plans will no longer be implemented, moreover, recession reductions in production will make even the amount of gas that europe currently consumes unnecessary. the heating season in the european union ended on march 31, but this does not mean that there are no risks other than the middle east in the foreseeable future. experience from last year shows that an abnormally hot summer can lead to a surge in demand for electricity. everyone will turn on the air conditioners, and in the end this will also be gas. british-swedish pharmaceutical giant astrazenesa has admitted that its covid-19 vaccine could cause the deadly disease. about the telegraph reports this with reference to a court document. a class action lawsuit was filed against the company: victims and relatives of the deceased are demanding compensation in the amount of up to 100
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million euros. recognition of the company they hope to expedite the consideration of the case. it was previously reported that at least 100 people were affected by the astrazeneca vaccine, and several dozen deaths were reported. at the end of the exchange rate, the dollar today is 91 rubles 77 kopecks, the euro is 98.2 kopecks. thank you, it was maria filippova with economic news. the chinese auto industry is preparing to surprise with new premieres at the beijing motor show, which will open very soon in the capital of the middle kingdom. once again the emphasis will be on the car using new energy sources. and this is against the backdrop of accusations from the united states and europe that chinese electric cars, with their availability, are putting the american and european auto industry on the brink of extinction. so what is the secret of the chinese electric car miracle. about this in the china program with alexander baletsky. this
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has never happened before in the history of the global automobile industry. china produced more than 30 million cars, and a third of them are based on so-called new energy sources: hybrids, electric trains, even hydrogen fuel cars; in just 10 years, china has not only become a leader in the automotive industry, but essentially something new in the electric transport industry. this is china with alexander baletsky and today, together with cgtn russian reporter lyutin, we will tell you about all the secrets of the chinese automotive miracle. go! so with the face of the modern chinese auto industry, why are famous auto designers moving to china? now in china they are creating things that look very modern. is it possible to not even charge the battery on an electric train and what can artificial intelligence do? yes kaichachan? she must have understood me, and how does chinese
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technology behave in cold weather and what licenses do you need to fly in an electric car? screw in china, this is now a common thing: you go to a salon to buy a smartphone or tablet, and there are also electric cars in a row. at first they were from huawei, now xiaomi has caught up. but for now i just came to look. i wonder what she looks like in real life and what she can do. gadget manufacturers could not remain on the sidelines of this electric car race. moreover, that ’s what they say about modern chinese cars: a big smartphone on wheels, and that’s what they assemble. like a smartphone, when chinese cars were just appearing on the market, it was like such an attack of clones, they were so similar to famous western brands, but today a car with a chinese name definitely has its own face, and this face can be very individual and composed already taking into account the future owner. the future owner leaves his wishes here even before
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purchases. the buyer sets the parameters of his future car in the mobile application. by assembling it as a designer, body color, interior material, what wheels and other functions, and after the order is generated, it is in the system and is visible in all workshops. it turns out to be practically assembled to order. at the guangzhou auto plant, ion cars roll off the assembly line every 53 seconds, taking exactly 16 hours from sheet metal to finished product. chula, his motto is, the worse it is for the car, the better. prepare tests, so if in a turn, then speed, if off the track, snowdrift, in low temperature conditions, the coefficient of adhesion is lower, and you need to make sure that everything is safe for the driver, here is the reaction of the brakes, the paint, it is specially scratched to understand what is going on with corrosion, at the hay testing grounds, which is directly opposite the russian border, they test 80%
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of the models of the entire chinese automobile industry, many of the cars here are in special camouflage... somewhere individual elements, somewhere like this car the entire body, so that if they were caught in the frame, it would be impossible to count, draw details, because many models are not even in mass production, what you see now has never been seen by anyone. this is the future flagship of one of the chinese automakers, inside the know-how for 525 patents and the option, which was already surprising, due to the intelligent chassis system and special hydraulic suspension, the car itself shakes off the snow in heich, where winter is 200. 7 days a year - ideal conditions for checking the main unit of any electric vehicle - the battery. and at -30, when the temperature is even lower, the charge holds perfectly. with electronics everything is fine too, the door handles respond to touch. that's what all these points are for. the computer constantly analyzes how the position of each is affected by temperature, humidity, vibration, driving style, whether
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deviations and the same gaps appear. the emphasis, however, is increasingly on electronics and art. cars that were imported from china by gray chinese engineers, although they make a reservation in the diagrams and software. does not update in case of failure there is a chance that even a smart machine can turn into a brick. chinese concerns were able to lure real stars of the auto industry, so the former
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chief designer of rolls-royce, jace taylor, is now working with the favorite car of the chinese company hongzi, and the ex-chief designer of audi and lamborghini wolfgang eger is responsible for the appearance of byd, this is the most popular electric car in the world, so young turkish designer kemal kul, started in... perhaps here it all started with copying, but now in china things are being created that look very modern, and the world is switching to chinese brands, which we can make cheaper. his direction - car interior, that is, everything that is inside the car, and this is space, well, the team is completely international and has a desire to create. a dream car, based on the most advanced technologies, the head of kener si zenping set such a task when he was at this very plant, the place where he stood is marked with a red dot, next to it is a concept
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made of clay, the same one that began and the first chinese electric super, ordinary sports cars are associated with such a roar, well, you won’t hear this r here, because this is all an electric car, by the way, acceleration to hundreds is less... in less than 2 seconds, to be absolutely precise, 1.9. the power of the car is provided by three motors, their total power is 1,200 horsepower, this is only manual assembly. supercars are assembled manually on the so-called smart island, one car per day, and data on each operation, manipulations down to who tightened each nut and how, everything is in the quality control system. our data processing systems. analyze each action and determine whether everything was done professionally, the data can be at any moment, pick it up from the archive and double-check, the tires and wheels are like an airplane and the body made of hydrocarbon fiber, it seems
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, really, will take off a little more. either a helicopter, or an electric car with propellers, there are eight of them, but whatever one may say, it’s still a drone, just with a cabin for two passengers, and first you need to buckle up. there are three displays in the cockpit, two are information boards, that's all. information about the flight, altitude, angle, position in space, well, the third monitor, the route is built here. well, from screw? it is impossible to film in this cabin in the air, nor to fly along the route. the developer is still waiting for a new permit for flights, which are currently being carried out in unmanned mode. here the autopilot controls everything, the task for which is set by the operator control center. in general, a similar model has been in the sky... for several years now, and not only in china, where they even launched an air taxi; the first one flew between neighboring cities in southern china in the large bay area. the speed of this
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model is 130 km/h and can stay in the air for 25 minutes. well, it’s still more likely not a car, it’s more like a helicopter, but it’s so old, it’s about three or four years old at most. this is a very cool sports car, it has a lot of technologies that you don’t see in cars today, for example, a transparent screen in the front, and there is also a lot of carbon fiber products, seats with aircraft characteristics. for qiuming-tyua it was a matter of prestige, to be the first to fly into the sky not just a drone from a passenger capsule, but a flying electric car. officially it is called evtol, that is, vertical electric ice takeoff and landing in china between developers, a real battle, who will be ahead of whom in technology in obtaining
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a flight certificate, there are no technical regulations yet. we need to legislatively define the interaction of vehicles on the ground in the air, without this, no technical policy, no regulation, no construction of urban infrastructure for this area is yet possible, but right now... for a long time, but today such an option is often included in the basic configuration with fishing in the flow copes with parking quite well, it seems, too, these are the pens. and the steering wheel turns, it’s a great
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place, the car has chosen itself for parking, i like it, problems, of course, happen , where parking is prohibited, the system will never want to do this, you’ll have to take control into your own hands, but in beijing now even there are taxis without a driver, although only in one area with not the busiest traffic, but what is available in absolutely every, not even a district, in every parking lot in china is electric chargers, and not even just a charger. stations, and instant replacement stations battery, this brand has completely made it its own, which is called a feature: you drive onto a lift, the battery is changed automatically in a couple of minutes, so the question of where and how to charge the car in china is not worth it, and the batteries themselves become more powerful and capacious, to the point where that the resource of the latest developments is designed for a service life of 15 years and a mileage of 1.5 million kilometers, chinese manufacturers have already
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taken over 60. percent of the growing global car battery market, and this share continues to increase, sending batteries to almost all well-known automakers europe, where they missed the green turn. tin, look, 10, well, 15, even 20 years ago, chinese cars all over the world caused at least a smile, no one took them seriously at all, how come it is that today china dictates automotive fashion to the whole world , well, i wouldn’t say that china is already directly dictating to the whole world, but today the industrial design of china’s own auto industry has really already acquired a new look and this has been facilitated by competition in the market, investments from the automakers themselves, and thus over time, the contribution of foreign employees , in my opinion, plays an equally important role in this matter, but perhaps the most important thing, without which
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there would be no chinese electric cars. what makes the most fierce competition between their manufacturers is state support, then, as in motorsport, whoever went first gets to the finish line faster, in the celestial empire this happened. the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin. live broadcast: may 7 at 12:00 moscow time time on the russia channel.
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the current ukrainian government acts exactly like the bolshevik yes, which separated the church, it is best in these conditions to unite into one orthodox ukrainian church and separate completely from moscow, created. a meeting that is not the church of christ. the ocu has nothing to do with religion, some for the sake of jesus, others for the sake of the bread of taste. and today there is a spiritual battle going on inside the lavra. the united states and the west initially set the task of tearing the ukrainian people away from the russian people. saints
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ours, let's see what happens next, stand, who are they, new guys, this is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i am a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, i am adam, why is adam and not adam , i’m a chechen, an artist, a white rose, you can, i can, you’ll sing somehow, sad, alive, we don’t need names, it’s not a trosh, or what, not yours, well, you, daisy, light of god, homer to the bullet gun, yes, that do, commander, shoot, call sign passenger, call sign passenger, i suggest changing it to rebin’s call sign, no, that’s my brother's call sign, you remain a passenger, that's for sure.


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