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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 1, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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what will happen next, stand, who are they, new people, this is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i am a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, i am adam, why is adam and not adam, i am a chechen, artist, white rose, you can, i can, you’ll sing somehow, friends, she’s alive, we don’t need names, don’t touch her, or what, don’t touch her, not yours, well, you! frame, light of god, homer to the bullet gun, there is something to do, commander, shoot, call sign passenger, call sign passenger, i suggest changing to call sign rebin, no, i’ll forget my brother, you remain a passenger, yes sir.
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after a short advertisement, the author's program "view from st. petersburg", film director and political figure vladimir bortok. new release. about the history of relations between russia and poland. for headaches, there is ascafen p at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. you know, i'm actually not a taxi driver. you know, i'm actually not a comedian. i'm a real businessman. how much do you pay for the bill? would be account servicing,
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deposit - the best interest up to 16% per annum in sberbank online. hello, my name is vladimir burtka. what a good relationship. with honduras, with papala new guinea, this probably happens because of the peacefulness of these peoples, but also because they live quite far away, as for our
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neighbors, our relations with them were not always cloudless, our look today i want send to the field.
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poland, from the second half of the 15th century until the beginning of the 16th century, became the gateway through which culture and western europe penetrated into russia, and, as a rule, in polish processing. it penetrated everywhere,
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changing concepts and relationships, pressing equally strongly on the state order, on everyday social life, introducing new political ideas and civic demands. subsequently, the catholic church, until the 13th century, had no fundamental influence on the relationship between the two countries, and the confessional factor as a whole did not have any influence. both countries have long been united by family ties. in
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182, the light regiment accursed, the son of vladimir krasnosolnyshko, who fled from kiev, enmity with his brother yaroslav the wise, appealed for.
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roman, which entailed fundamental, far-reaching consequences. catholicism contributed to the development of latin-language culture, scholasticism, and universities in poland. since the 13th century, the development paths of the two countries diverged, the differences sharply intensified, and
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if the horde yoke sharply turned russia away from the european path of development, then poland , on the contrary, became increasingly europeanized and integrated into the western world. since the 14th century , poland has seen an increase in the number of people going abroad to study. in 1364.
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russian land, the final liberation of the country from ardyn dependence was achieved, a code of law, a code of laws was adopted, the current coat of arms of russia, the double-headed eagle, was adopted, the current moscow kremlin and the assumption cathedral were built, and under him the rise of russia began. from this time on, the russian state became a significant force in eastern europe and began to squeeze its neighbors.
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who was three times younger than him, that even beard, which caused horror among conservative
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society. they gave birth to a wonderful boy, ivan, later nicknamed the terrible. ivan the terrible started a war with the tirton order, defeated it, but then was forced to enter the twenty-five-year livonian war with dependent neighbors sweden, lithuania and poland. at the first stage of the war, russian troops achieved significant gains. belonging to asia and conspiring with the turks and tartars to destroy the christian world. similar messages can be heard from there to this day. in the opposite to the autocratic, servant state, in poland already in the 15th century there was a democracy of the gentry,
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in fact a kind of feudal republic with elected kings. thus, in early modern times, two neighboring, predominantly slavic countries represented polar versions of political regimes in europe. in 1563, polotsk was taken by the russian army, but it was not possible to build on the success, since in 1564 the russian army was defeated in the battle of the communion, and soon after this the aprichnina was introduced in russia. second.
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the right was expressed in the cry of the deputy: i will not allow it, the gentry was very proud of this right, but as we will see, it greatly weakened the country. in 1572, ivan the terrible, despite the war, but given that there are many signs associated with moscow in poland, wanted to take part in the royal elections in the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, but
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subsequently abandoned this. in 1500, in 76, stefan batory or istvan batory, a formidable enemy of ivan the terrible, who came from an old hungarian family, became the polish king. stefan baturius successfully for the polish-lithuanian commonwealth ended the livonian war. in 1580 , a truce was concluded in yamzapolye. russia lost all its conquests, as well as the lands on the border with the polish-lithuanian commonwealth and the coastal baltic. cities in 1584, ivan the terrible dies, leaving behind a complex memory, but this memory includes reforms of military service, the judicial system and public administration, under him the code of law of 1550 was compiled
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, the kazan, astrakhan and siberian khanates were conquered. but the selfish enemy is not the only enemy of our prosperity. worse than the germans, livonians, russian power, the formidable left behind significant
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literary works. the swede, after the death of tsar fyodor anch in 1598, the zemsky sobor elected
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boris gadunov as successor to the throne, according to modern concepts , liberals began the active penetration of progressive western ideas into russia. godunov reformed the judicial system. build lutheran churches in russia. the reign of boris was occupied by the beginning of a rapprochement between russia and the west. there was no sovereign in former russia who would have favored foreigners as much as the gatunovs. he began to invite foreigners to serve. to moscow merchants, doctors, industrialists, military men, and scientists were traveling. they received positions, good salaries, land with peasants. european culture has penetrated.
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with the turmoil and ruin of russia, i, an impostor who miraculously
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survived, appears from poland, the youngest son of ivan iv. tsarevich dmitry. but the fifth column in the moscow state, the boyar, a representative of the princely family, vasily shuisky, he meets the impostor in the air. he testified to the truth that the impostor was the true prince. a few months later the army swore allegiance to lies dmitry. in 1605, false dmitry the first ascended the russian throne, that is, he became king and promised the transfer of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth to smolensk and the seversk land. his wife, marina mniszech, a polish noblewoman, a devout catholic, hoped to convert the population of russia to catholicism and contrary to russian customs.
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recognizing him as her husband. the russian tsar vasily shuisky did not have enough strength to fight the impostor, and he was forced
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to invite the swedes to russia, which. caused great discontent in society. on july 19, 1610 , tsar shuisky was forcibly shot by monks imprisoned in the miracle monastery. the polish hetmandevsky took him to poland, where he was placed in gostyn castle. shuisky died there in 1612. marina mnishik found a defender in the person of otaman ivan zarudsky. ivan zarutsky and his little son mnishek were executed in 1614. shortly after this, marina mnishik died in prison. according to some sources, she was found strangled. this is what happens when the supreme power is weakened and traditional values ​​are abandoned. taking advantage of the weakness of the russian
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state. and the proposal of some boyars install the polish prince vladislav as king in moscow, sizmund ii, the polish king, besieged smolensk. the smolensk-russian army that came to the rescue was attacked and defeated. in 1810, the poles occupied moscow. the boyars offered the polish prince vladislav the throne on the conditions of maintaining the independence of the moscow throne and vladislav’s adoption of orthodoxy. vladislav was considered the tsar of moscow for 2 years, although he did not come to moscow himself, meanwhile the king of poland segismund laid claim to all of russia and sent detachments of poles to occupy the cities. it was a fun time, but this is precisely what united all russian people in difficult times.
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we buy everything in a magnet, we play in the app, we get grill prizes, buy a turkey breast steak, increase your chance, the formula for an excellent grill in a magnet, deposit, the best percentage, up to 16% per annum in sberbank online, selfish, that means i have it already gives me heartburn, it’s burning, we’ll put it out, but i have your food, heartburn, this is easier, heartburn from food, take it, it extinguishes it, fight heartburn.
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the state has abolished fees for transfers between accounts in different banks. from may 1st russians can transfer their money from one bank to another for free. the law came into force. now you can receive a salary from one bank and immediately transfer it to another, where it is more profitable. transfer money to a free alpha card, receive a super cash in rubles and a 16% rate on savings. not just profitable, alpha profitable.
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sergei shaigu gave a number of instructions during a meeting of the joint group of troops to increase the supply of spare parts and reduce the repair time for military equipment. the head of the defense department also ordered maintain a high rate of release. in the zone what else were we talking about? invulnerable as it was believed, nato technology has been defeated, and now scrap metal is only suitable for museum exhibits. an exhibition of damaged western-made armored vehicles and tanks, among the trophies, opened on poklonnaya hill. russia, most cis countries celebrate all workers' day. may day processions and concerts are held throughout the country. and today the president signed a decree conferring the title of
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hero of labor. russian citizens. fights and provocations in the georgian parliament continue. passions over the scandalous agent law still do not subside. about new clashes between protesters and the police. and inadequate.


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