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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 1, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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on poklonnaya hill in the victory museum , the all-russian wall of memory campaign began, it was organized by the executive committee of the immortal regiment. the essence of the action is to arrange a gallery where portraits of the history of front-line soldiers will be exhibited. such stands will be located throughout the country from may 1 to may 8. in the victory museum, the memory wall is located in the hall of generals. everyone will be able to attach portraits of relatives who participated in the great patriotic war there. an exhibition of equipment and weapons captured by the russian military in the zone of a special military operation. the trophies include about three dozen pieces of equipment, including german leopard tanks, marder armored vehicles, american bmp bradly, as well as french, british, swedish and turkish equipment. the exhibition also presents
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small arms, drones, maps and other documents, and one of the main trophies was the american abrams tank, which was shot down in the avdeevsky direction. today he was brought to moscow along with the woman captured there american -made assault engineering vehicle. we see that the chassis was completely destroyed, there was a strong, serious explosion on the mini, which led to the restoration of the tank , artillery was modified on it, and accordingly. destroyed all the main control and firing modules of this tank, that is , accordingly, it is absolutely completely dead, but the main defeat, of course, was stopped by the sappers with mines, then there was a hit from either krasnopol or direct artillery fire, they finished off his already fpv drones and dropping ammunition into an open hatch, assistance to kiev approved by washington will not change the course of the ukrainian conflict, a retired... general
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of the spanish army wrote about this in an article for the local press. according to him, these supplies will not help the ukrainian armed forces go on the offensive. in addition, in the united states itself, not all pentagon contractors are eager to conclude contracts for the supply of weapons to kiev. artyom krosulin will tell you why. the situation of the ukrainian armed forces at the front is deplorable, which means that danger is approaching europe. guided by this logic, the official oslo announces an increase in spending to support the kiev regime. this year norway plans to spend on these. the target is about 2 billion euros. we will increase support to ukraine in 2024 by 7 billion crowns. this means that the total amount of assistance from norway this year will be 22 billion kroner. this decision was made for the safety of norway and europe as a whole, since the situation in ukraine has become more serious and more unpredictable. they don’t quite understand the essence of what is happening at the front in washington. a former intelligence officer thinks so scott ritter. according to him, the president does not receive reliable information from his administration. intelligence has become so
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politicized that junior -ranking analysts are simply afraid to tell their superiors the truth and form a picture of what is happening themselves, which in turn is passed on to middle managers, who also need their superiors to be happy, they correct these reports again, and then they reach senior management. ultimately, the picture the president and other leaders see is so far from reality, as much as possible. a little more aware of the consequences of striving. pump up the kiev regime with weapons, heads of military enterprises, contractors of the us department of defense do not want to enter into long-term agreements when drawing up contracts for the purchase of weapons to replenish empty army warehouses; they are not satisfied with either the fixed prices for weapons or the requested production volumes. entrepreneur erik prince points to the pentagon's problems; the founder of the private military company black water noted that the reason for this is mistakes made by the country's leadership, in particular the aspirations of washington. jaana to wage
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extraterritorial wars. it seems more obvious to any sane, reasonable person that there is something seriously wrong with america's current military capabilities and our ability to project power in the world. they are losing the international one. reputation and advanced american technology. the us department of defense admitted that russian troops have found effective and inexpensive ways to counter precision weapons delivered to ukraine. experts note that russian specialists quickly adapted electronic warfare systems for this purpose. however, the white house administration is not going to abandon the aggressive anti-russian rhetoric of the sanctions policy. the us senate approved a bill to introduce a ban on the import of low-enriched uranium from russia. the document was sent to joe biden for signing, and it will come into force 90 days after adoption. at the same time, according to media reports, moscow supplies the united states with approximately a fifth of the total volume of enriched uranium, used as fuel for american nuclear power plants. observers believe that replacing these supplies will be
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a challenge for washington, and the cost of raw materials could rise by 20%. artyom krosulin, evgenia zemtsova, lead. slovak motorcyclists from the brother for brothers association.
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under sophia and galicia, the level of penetration of western culture was very large. sophia was familiar with latin, spoke fluent polish, and under her rule an eternal peace with poland that was beneficial to russia was concluded. king jan ii sobieski assigned kiev to russia forever, all acquisitions on the banks of ukraine. it is also worth saying that such a phenomenon as higher education, theater. opera art also came to moscow from the territory of poland, in particular in moscow, in 1644 the slavic-greek-latin academy was opened, following the example that already existed at that time in poland, the university of krakow. under the influence of polish
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architects , a new architectural style was established in the muscovite state, the ryshkin baroque, starting from the end of the 16th century in the russian costume of the upper class. due to the extreme weakness and instability of royal power in the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, remember, we will not allow, as well as
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devastating wars, the balance of power between the two countries was rapidly changing in favor of russia, the reforms of peter i renewed and strengthened the russian state, while the polish-lithuanian commonwealth because of the gentry abuses became almost incapable and entered a phase of prolonged decline and decay. catherine the second sent troops to warsaw, after which her lover,
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stanislav poniatowski, was elected king. catherine's attitude towards the poles are reflected in the rescript to ambassador jacob sivers, due to the fickleness and flightiness of the entire people, due to their proven malice and hatred towards ours, and especially due to the inclination expressed in them towards french debauchery and outrages, we will never have peace in them. unsafe neighbor, otherwise than by bringing him into sheer powerlessness and infirmity. at the same time, the goal was set to liberate the lands and cities of some that belong to russia, populated by its fellow tribesmen and created in the same faith with us. russian ambassador nikolai repnin forced polish deputies to equalize the rights of orthodox catholics.
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powers prussia, austria and russia. 20 years later in 1792,
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the unrest among the polish aristocracy following the french revolution was expressed in the kosciuszko uprising, in which another oginski, the author of the famous polonaise, took part. in 1794 , the kosciuszko uprising was severely suppressed by the same alexander vasilvech. national consciousness, we often underestimate the severity and drama of the loss of
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national independence for the poles, but something was not entirely bad: a representative of the highest polish aristocracy, adam czartarsky, became a friend, heir to the russian throne of alexander. alexander promised his friend to restore poland when he became king. alexander became king in 1800, and pan adam...
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became a member of the people's will of polish gentry origin, ignatius grenevitsky. in the last third of the 19th century, the policy of russification was studied. the name of the kingdom of poland was used less and less, and then the name
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vistula region began to be used instead. in government paper the polish language is disappearing. otherwise, as in st. petersburg. will understand, as you see, the poles, as they say, have something to remember, during the first world war, in 1915, during the offensive of the german army, russian troops were driven out of the territory of the polish kingdom, and a new polish state was formed. the head of poland became jozef pelsudski, a former participant in the assassination attempt on alexander ii, and who served time, in fact, was pelsudski’s political platform.
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germany invaded poland, the soviet government sent troops into western ukraine, that is, poland. the soviet government indicated that by this time the polish state and government had practically ceased to exist, and accordingly, all agreements had ceased to exist.
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many in russia believe that the germans did this in occupied territory. the topic of the katyn execution remains one of the most painful historical topics in russian-polish relations. the formed one fought as part of the red army. in 1943, the polish 1st infantry division, on the basis of which the 1st army was formed polish troops, the so-called regional army was created, led by the london government of poland in exile; before the advancing units of the red army arrived in warsaw, it launched a polish uprising with the goal of liberating poland on its own and preventing the soviet government from imposing a polish committee of national liberation. the uprising was suppressed by the germans with particular cruelty and cost the lives of several hundred thousand of the city's population. nowadays
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, the question of to what extent was assistance to the rebels from the red army is possible. and why did the polish government in exile approve the plans of the rebels, knowing that their forces were significantly inferior to the germans. in the subsequent offensive and the capture of berlin by the red army. the polish army took part, the largest foreign military formation that fought alongside the ussr. during the liberation of poland, more than 477 thousand soviet soldiers and officers died. more than one and a half million were injured. after the end of the second world war, the socialist polish people's republic, which later became a member of warsaw. pomerania,
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selesia, as well as the southern part of eastern prussia. instead of expelled germans, these lands were populated by ethnic poles. thus, there was a shift of the territory of poland to the west, as well as an expansion of lands, which always occurs. as in the 14th century a conductor of western ideas of western influence. samples of polish culture, literature, theater, and cinema were widely available in the ussr. daisky. soviet
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performers have more than once competed at the international song festival. a polish actress barbara brylska played the main role in the popular soviet comedy irony of fate with light steam. at an unofficial level , songs were popular in poland.
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flying to an event dedicated to the seventieth anniversary of the katyn massacre, gave rise to anti-russian theories in conservative circles in poland; starting in 2014, after crimea became part of russia and the development of the war in eastern ukraine, relations between russia and poland deteriorated significantly. in 2015, the polish authorities did not invite the russian president to the anniversary liberation. with ventsema, and president komarovsky refused to travel to moscow for the celebrations of the seventieth anniversary of the victory. poland became the leader in the demolition of soviet ones. in
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may 2023, kremlin spokesman dmitry peskov said that poland is a country hostile to russia, and not just an unfriendly state. according to an international survey conducted in june of twenty-two, only 2% of poles have a positive view of russia, and 97% have a negative view.
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with this i want to say goodbye to you, just have a good day, goodbye, i've been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally it has come, spring, warm, sunny, bright.
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the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition.
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increase the supply of spare parts and reduce the repair time for military equipment. an exhibition of damaged western-made armored vehicles and tanks, among the trophies, opened on poklonnaya hill. russia and the majority.


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