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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 1, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm MSK

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all cis countries celebrate all workers' day, may day marches and concerts are held everywhere, and today the president signed a decree awarding the title of hero of labor to five russian citizens. fights and provocations in the georgian parliament continue, passions over the scandalous law of foreign agents still do not subside. we will tell you in more detail about the new clashes between protesters and the police and the inappropriate behavior of legislators. five more russians were awarded the title of hero of labor for their high professionalism, and the teams of five enterprises were awarded an honorary badge for success in work. the presidential decree was published today on labor spring day. one of the main traditions of this holiday is rallies of political parties and trade union actions. in addition, folk festivals, fairs and concerts are held throughout the country. about how may day is celebrated, anna voronina. on worker's day. so, without his new heroes
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, vladimir putin, by his decree today, awarded the title of hero of labor to five citizens of the country for many years of conscientious work and outstanding labor achievements at engineering enterprises, factories and design bureaus. well, those who are just starting their careers gathered at vdnkh today. more than 5.00 students and schoolchildren took part.
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homeland. invasion noted that thanks to participation in student teams, over 25 thousand students annually gain professional experience during the holidays, which helps them choose a future profession. if you are teenagers, then, of course, be sure to try early professional tests, come to the enterprise, at least to your parents, in order to already decide who you are, an engineer or after all, he’s a humanist, so he should choose his future profession properly. about the importance of protecting the rights of those who are just starting to work and others. has no experience, they said today at a rally of the communist party of the russian federation, they propose to take the soviet experience as a basis. we must do everything to pass our law, education for all, it will give every young person the right to have accessible, free education, and a first job without dismissal rights in the next 3 years. the protection of workers' rights was discussed today at the ldpr rally, as the leader noted party, it is necessary to eliminate the gap in wages between regions and establish.
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actions of solidarity with the trade unions of donbass in donetsk and lugansk today a convoy with 60 tons of humanitarian aid was sent from the capital, including medical equipment, personal hygiene items, warm clothes, as well as construction materials and protective equipment for repair teams that are rebuilding houses and infrastructure. we do not forget the residents, civilians, who also suffer from these actions, which are merged by the ukrainian nazis, so we have assembled food packages. long-term storage and
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household chemicals, about 8 thousand of these kits were assembled and then sent to the residents of the dpr itself. in honor of may 1, they decided to paint the asphalt, thereby showing that with the arrival of spring and may 1, there was no place left for gray tones. anna voronina, maya alyonova, asya aslanyan, anna nikulaesh, news. russian troops attacked the headquarters of the operational command of the armed forces of ukraine, south, the ministry of defense reported. russian units continued to occupy more advantageous positions and improve their position along the front line. the center group conducted active military operations on the territory of the donetsk people's republic, in particular, nine enemy counterattacks were repelled. a unit of the group of forces of the center improved the tactical situation and defeated the formation of
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the twenty-fourth hundredth mechanized 142 infantry brigades of the armed forces of ukraine, in the areas of leninsky, keramika and ochretin. nine counterattacks of assault groups 20 were repelled. the third mechanized, the ninety-second assault, the sixty-eighth, the seventy-first hegel brigades of the armed forces of ukraine in populated areas novgorodskaya, solovyovo, semyonovka, neytailovo, novokalinovo, shumy and berdachi points. sergei shaigu held a meeting today at the headquarters of the joint group of troops. the minister heard reports from the command on the current situation in the zone of the special military operation, after which he instructed to increase the volume and quality of equipment and weapons supplied to the troops. dear colleagues, vos groups continue to carry out combat missions in accordance with the special military operation plan to maintain the required tempo of the offensive ensuring the increase in the combat strength of troop groups, for further actions it is necessary to increase the volume and quality
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of weapons and military equipment supplied to the troops, primarily weapons of destruction. the central bodies of military control are carrying out targeted work in this direction, state contracts have been concluded with industrial enterprises, taking into account their full load and the maximum reduction in the production time of samples, weapons and military equipment. in the process of this work , issues arise that require special attention. urgent solutions, especially to provide the most sought-after samples. we will discuss measures that will ensure the fulfillment of the objectives of the special military operation. sergei shaigu drew the attention of commanders to the importance of repairing equipment. he instructed to reduce the period of restoration of engines and other components to increase the volume. spare parts, and the minister of defense was shown modernized weapons to combat drones, this is a machine gun with a special sight, as well as a projectile firing a special nylon net, to catch enemy drones. over the past 24 hours, the ukrainian armed forces fired more than a hundred shells in the belgorod region and launched more than ten
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drones, governor vyacheslav glotkov reported. this afternoon, the air defense managed to shoot down one of the ukrainian drones, the ministry of defense has already reported this. in addition, the russian military constantly... identifies the positions of the ukrainian armed forces in the border areas, after which artillery attacks them. igor pikhanov with details. crew to the gun. the artillery crew of the d-20 howitzer prepares the gun for firing. in the territory neighboring state, scouts discovered enemy military equipment and fortified positions. ukrainian militants tried to get close to our borders in order to attack populated areas of the belgorod region. level 30:00. yes. from gate 58:30 to gate 58:30, and in a matter of minutes, russian artillerymen aim their guns at the target and open fire, one by one high-explosive fragmentation shells of 122 mm caliber fall on the enemy, they leave no chance for the enemy, piercing even well-fortified
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bungees. artillery units of the group covering the state border destroying enemy military... equipment camouflaged positions in the ssu. the soldiers call their howitzer a legendary weapon. it fires quickly over a long distance and uses modern guided missiles called krasnopol. despite the long distance, russian artillerymen hit the target exactly. this is the result of a long study of training. each fighter has vast combat experience behind him and dozens of units of military equipment of ukrainian militants have been destroyed. according to russian there are militants on the opposite side of the front.
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for zhukov. with the help of drones, intelligence officers monitor the gray zone around the clock. as soon as militants are detected , artillery is used to neutralize the enemy. long-range weapons are camouflaged on the line. combat contact, the enemy is trying to respond to our fighters with kamikaze drones, here is a net hanging so that they either throw the drone or kamikaze, it gets tangled up and doesn’t happen, and camouflage, of course, is also there in front of the gun, ukrainian rocket launchers have been destroyed, mortar positions in the armed forces of ukraine, artillerymen have been awarded orders and medals, the soldiers say that the reward is not the main thing for them, every...
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5:13 pm
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weapons captured by the russian military in the special military operation zone opened today on poklonnaya hill. one of the main trophies was the american abrams tank, which was knocked out in the avdeevsky direction. other trophies include about three dozen vehicles, including german leopard tanks, small arms, drones, maps and other documents. alexandra perfileva has details. completely burned out engine and main controls of the main tank. usa abrams m1. according to nato, it is invincible, but 3 days ago it was in the zone of a special military operation, and today, as a trophy on poklonnaya hill, it was captured by our fighters. in the avdeevsky direction, we see that the chassis was completely destroyed, there was a strong, serious explosion, which led to the restoration of the tank, the vaunted the nato vehicle, which in fact turned out to be quite vulnerable, this farm with a russian military, was first knocked out and then pulled out literally in front of the militants in the village of berdache. the weight of such a machine is about 60
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tons, and its maximum speed is 67 km/h. main battle tank. us army, it is armed with a 120-mm cannon, has three machine guns in service, two 7.62 rifle calibers, one large-caliber, from here it is clearly visible, the caliber is 12.7 mm. in total, there are 30 samples of military equipment at the exhibition, produced in twelve countries, this is the french amx10, the american bradley, here is one of the heaviest units on poklonnaya gora: the vaunted german leopard, its weight is about 65 tons. the main gun is 120 mm, plus a 7.62 machine gun, which is located on the turret, then there is 800 mm of armor, that is, almost a meter, the turret also has modular ceramic steel armor, which is also almost a meter, plus 1500 horsepower, engine, which accelerates it on a good road to 70 km/h allows it to maneuver very well, and
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this is the t-72 ag, the only one of its kind, made in ukraine, by the way, on the basis of the soviet one... it was produced in a single copy, that is, we don’t have anything else like it, ukraine doesn’t have anything like it anymore, to see the captured equipment, people came from other cities, we live from the city of kstova in nizhny novgorod, we came from zelenograd to see because we are volunteers, patriots,
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i came to the victory museum with a portrait of my father, whom i last saw when she was 10, i wanted someone here -i looked at him and realized what young people went to war, who fought for us and to whom we owe our lives, and our freedom, our homeland, in general, i love them, all the soldiers who defended us, they attached photographs of their heroes in belgorod and... in germany they set fire to the summer house of the head of the arms concern ring metal; according to media reports, this was done by left- wing activists; they accused the company of enriching itself by supplying equipment to ukraine.
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according to them, rmetall accumulates old tanks and sells them to kiev along with ammunition, getting big. but in the united states, not all pentagon contractors are eager to conclude contracts for the supply of weapons to kiev. artyom krosulin will tell you why. the situation of the ukrainian armed forces at the front is deplorable, which means that danger is approaching europe. guided by this logic, official oslo announces an increase in spending to support the kiev regime. this year norway plans to spend about 2 billion euros for these purposes. we will increase support for ukraine in 2024 by 7 billion crowns. this means that the total amount of assistance from norway in the current year will amount to 22 billion crowns. this decision was made for the safety of norway and europe as a whole, since the situation in ukraine has become more serious and more unpredictable. they don’t quite understand the essence of what is happening at the front in washington. so says former intelligence officer scott ritter. according to him, the president does not receive reliable
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information from his administration. intelligence has become so politicized that junior analysts are simply afraid to tell their superiors the truth themselves. forms a picture of what is happening, which in turn is transmitted middle managers, who also need their bosses to be happy, correct these reports again, and then they reach senior management. ultimately, the picture the president and other leaders see is about as far from reality as it gets. the leaders of military enterprises are a little more aware of the consequences of the desire to pump up the kiev regime with weapons. us department of defense contractors do not want to enter into long-term contracts. agreements when drawing up contracts for the purchase of weapons to replenish empty army warehouses, they are not satisfied with fixed prices for weapons and unsolicited production volumes. entrepreneur erik prince, founder of the private military company black water, points out the problems of the rut, noting that this is due to mistakes made by the country's leadership, in particular, washington's desire to constantly
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wage extraterritorial wars. it seems more obvious to any sane, reasonable person that with america's current military capabilities, our ability to project power in the world is something seriously not like that. advanced american technologies are also losing their international reputation. the us department of defense admitted that russian troops have found effective and... expensive ways to counter the high-precision weapons delivered to ukraine. experts note that russian specialists quickly adapted electronic warfare systems for this purpose. however, the white house administration is not going to abandon its aggressive anti-russian rhetoric and sanctions policy. the us senate approved a bill to introduce a ban for the import of low-enriched uranium from russia. the document was sent to joe biden for signing, and it will come into force 90 days after adoption. at the same time, according to the data. moscow supplies the united states with approximately a fifth of the total volume of enriched uranium used as fuel for american nuclear power plants. observers believe that replacing these supplies will be
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a challenge for washington, and the cost of raw materials could rise by 20%. artyom krosulin, evgenia zemtsova, lead. french cities were engulfed in riots during may day marches. in in paris, radicalized protesters are smashing shop windows and bus stops, and throwing firecrackers and bottles at police officers. law enforcement officers do not stand on ceremony with provocateurs; they push them back with batons and throw them to the ground. the situation is similar in lyon. during the march, some of the protesters began to smash banks and throw smoke bombs at the police; law enforcement officers responded with tear gas and water cannons. 17 demonstrators were detained. the may day march in nantes also turned into riots. in total, about 300 events dedicated to the day are held across the country. workers' solidarity. pro-palestinian activists also joined unions in many cities. the protesters also oppose the olympics; in paris they burned a paper model in the shape of the olympic rings.
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partners sincerely wanted to help, why should russia completely copy all western structures? american democracy is now also shaky, this scale of russia, you have something russian that europe does not understand.
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