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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 1, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm MSK

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the armed forces, the transfer of part of the defense state, the unilateral reduction of production for civilian needs, received the approval and support of the soviet people, the world community, and the leaders of many states.
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bam the so-called borodin we had andrei mikhailovich, a great whole-hearted worker, the first secretary, that’s when the break was announced, and bam this borodin comes out, and brezhnev follows him to solemnly celebrate may 1, the day of brotherhood and the fighting unity of the working people. countries, a holiday of spring, a holiday of labor and peace, former to this borodin, he says, why are you sleeping all the time, sleeping in all these meetings of ours, he says, lenya, why are you tired of everything, the same thing is disgusting, listen, when will we all end with this, when will we change something, he says , yes , i’m also tired of it myself, it’s all disgusting, but everything is so connected, so we’ll take it now, and...
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name, when i didn’t want to join komsovo, he told me: but you’re wrong if you want something don’t like it in an organization if you think it doesn’t work, but you agree with its meaning and content, you i should step in to try to change this, can you imagine what an amazingly beautiful, naive charm, and so were, by the way, a lot of people thought like that. the floor for
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the report is given to the general secretary of the central committee of the communist party of the soviet union, mikhail sergeevich gorbachev. the decision on the new economic policy is also permeated with the deepest revolutionary dialectics. a truthful analysis should help us solve our current problems of democratization, legality, and transparency. it was a rebuild of all society in principle, the speed with which this reorganization occurred showed that soviet society, in principle , was a capitalist society that expected these changes, which would have accepted a return to private property and diversity and a clear accounting of personal property if the cpsu had agreed to it, like, for example, they went for it in china, that is, if similar reforms had happened here in the seventies, if... she hadn’t been stubborn, wasn’t afraid of losing her
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privileges and changing something, blocking any proposals for reform would go for reform, just as the chinese leadership went for reform. then society would have accepted it completely calmly, and would have accepted them, well , maybe with some criticism, but still these changes would have taken place, for example, the privatization of apartments, the privatization of small shops, the development of private trade, cooperation in in some kind of freer format, all this could have been carried out from above, is it possible not to experience it. satisfaction with the strength of our ideas, the effectiveness of our policies, the creative the energy of our people. but the problem is that in the nineties, all this was implemented in the format of a disaster, that is, the reforms were so delayed that the reformers simply
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rotted, potential reformers, they simply turned out to be unable to do anything, so the process of change was chaotic, under the guise of democracy. this is democracy - it was a sign that this is democracy, this is freedom, this is liberalism, this is the adoption of western values, the fact is that the word democratization was understood by this, to me it seems, by most people, some kind of provision of some kind of privileges that were not available to citizens of the soviet union, i mean. private business, conducting private businesses, traveling abroad, a delegation from the magadan region arrived in lyaska, purchasing some goods and so on,
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because we are all hungry, one might say, we no longer have anything in the stores, while those who said about democratization, either by design or ignorance, they simply forgot that democratization also has the other, reverse side, responsibility to the state within the framework of democratization, somehow this was not mentioned, people spoke openly, this is the most important thing now, our whole consciousness is changing, perestroika is taking place, our society is democratizing, well, i think that probably democracy glasnost, in general
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, well, i was a member of the party, they gathered our party organization at the institute and announced that the party was disbanding, as it were, our party organization was disbanding, it was a kind of shock, in general, and then i said that, well if the district committee disappeared there, why should we disband, then... the answer was this: there is nowhere to hand over the fees, and our party cell at the institute seemed to have dissolved, this was actually a heavy blow for me too, because i still think that the country needs the party.
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of course, the party elite was just an arrogant bourgeoisie, they were not soviet people at all, they had their own separate tsykovsky brick houses with a completely fucking layout that no one had ever dreamed of, including my parents, they began to enter these houses, because they began to invite people somewhere from moscow, as it sounded, but to all of us, to me, to my father... my mother made the same impression, such people went to these guests, went out and they said between themselves: wow, that is, as if we didn’t have something like this, we didn’t see anything like that and we understood that there was a table on the tables, and they,
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of course, have tsik’s ones, which means they receive orders, that’s all it was clear, but still at some point you still said to this, who cares, what are you telling us, that everyone is equal? and how could we, like a soviet person, give, that is, it was clear that the system was shaking in some sense like crazy, let’s say i have this tractor driver, he doesn’t believe it.
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from the plant - working as a party leader of the plant, i knew all the ins and outs of the plant, how it works, that this metallurgical plant , built in order to produce products and profits, dates back to the state, is called planned unprofitable, when i realized that the miners who provide coal, i thought they bring profit to the country, they date, when i realized that the bread was dated in the store.
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perestroika, we can handle any perestroika, if the party orders, i’ll fly into space, perestroika, perestroika, it drags on year after year, the perestroikaists will leave. but the mess will remain, we were, we occupied second place in
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the world in terms of gdp, the soviet union, and most importantly, we occupied second place in the world in the production of electronics and microelectronics, we overtook japan and we supported the united states of america, we began to support the americans, the americans took included in the budget. the floor is given to comrade yeltsin, first secretary of the sverdlovsk regional
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party committee. our party state, together with other fraternal countries, were able not only to begin the process of detente in the world, to fill it with concrete content, but also to prevent it from being disrupted in the face of frenzied attacks from imperialism. and the communists, all the working people of the sverdlovsk region, assure the delegates of the lenin congress. the central committee, personally leonid ilvich brezhnev, that for this grandiose and wonderful future, they will fight with all revolutionary passion and unwavering devotion to the cause of the communist party. he was elected as a people's deputy of russia, he was nominated by the chairmen of the supreme council, remember, it was 1990, may, suddenly a man appeared who began to tell the truth, a man from... partyocrats, a man who knows all this inside out, firsthand, like this , as they say, i myself
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was from this skin, people just began to take a closer look at them, and the first time they voted against, the second time against, and i flew to prague, from prague to go to the border with poland, i met there, i met with adam michnik, maybe you remember adam michnik, right? but the infection knew everything when we were sitting, i say that yeltsin will not be elected, because we have only 30% of democrats there, one of them told me there, wait, there is such work going on that - the yeltsens should be elected, yes i ’m scared, but before that i gave an interview in prague that they won’t remove yeitsin, because - so-and-so, so- and-so, so-and-so, i flew to moscow, met, he says, what are you you don’t trust me, i say why, so they gave me your interview, you say, i won’t be elected, yes, but yeltsen was elected, but it turns out that
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they talked to the director’s corps, they brought chubais in and said that... i remember the people’s great sense of freedom, but people don’t know many things about the collapse of the soviet union know. for example, in french we have only one word to denote
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the concept of freedom, in russian there are at least two. for me, democracy is something completely different. democracy is the establishment of a system of active participation of citizens in the life of the country, in in this case, the system should be based on the traditional values ​​of the people, because we are the russian people, we are used to it, you cannot live without a tsar in your head, democracy is a word that is not even russian, well, democracy is possible. just to say that this is all freedom, if you just take it literally, but this is not so and to give everyone freedom today, i don’t know, there you can again go into chaos in some kind of, yes, freedom of speech, thoughts and all that, but this does not mean that now everyone should say everything he thinks, there must be a framework, an order some kind anyway. honestly,
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i don’t know, i don’t understand this word, i honestly don’t understand, the further i go, the more incomprehensible, the more incomprehensible to me is this word, this term democracy, that this is a separate film that needs to be made, democracy, what is it? you russians have something that europe doesn’t understand. this is the breadth of russians, this scale of russia, this is strength. i would ask what
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the problem is, why russia should completely copy all western principles. russia has its own tradition, its own culture, its own civilization. she can accept some values ​​and foundations of the west, but it is not at all obliged to be equal to the west in absolutely everything. for me, democracy is something completely different. there is chernyaev’s recollection of a meeting when they met in malta and signed something there with gorbachev. chernyaev , well , gorbachev’s assistant, writes absolutely enthusiastically that over a joint dinner, the americans began to tell us how we need to democratize, and the british, too,
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who were present, they all began to say how we need to reform economics and so on, these were such wonderful people, they were sincere to us. wanted to help, they sincerely saw us as friends and partners, that is, a person has a consciousness like a guppy fish, this person, and a representative of the elite group that runs the country, this person does not have russia of the 16th, 19th centuries in his consciousness, he has no idea about a big game about the confrontation between the global anglo-saxon world and russian civilization throughout the 19th century. there is nothing at all, but in his mind there is some kind of unfinished soviet rashka, the great beautiful west, where there are supermarkets with carts, big beautiful ones... no one in america was going to help either
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the soviet union when it weakened, or , to be honest, both new and new russia, let me remind you of a well-known fact: july 91 year , mikhail sergeevich was invited for the first time to a meeting of the g7 in london; in fact, he was going to take an exam. he had to convince the leaders of the seven that he was carrying out reforms, that in general everything, everything was fine and so on, but an idea came, well, a wild idea that there will be a certain level of misunderstanding of what international relations are, what forces mean, ask for $20 billion in loans from the seyer.
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american and something else there, so american democracy is now also shaky, you know, so we don’t, we don’t need anyone’s democracy, we need to think with our own heads and build our own, well, no, you don’t want to call it democracy, well, our own system, he tells us , that you need everything like america, everything for american life, there in america. it will be good for us to be like everything else in america, we believed in it, we are about this, as we thought at that time , it seemed to us that this was right, we now live well and for some reason you understand, even
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when he remembers, we actually went, we went to moscow for doctor’s sausage, here we are there we bought several sticks of doctor's sausage and went back to chamois and wrote to gorbachev when...
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correspondents from a french newspaper, from an italian newspaper, from a german newspaper, he said, they called us that you would have a strike, and indeed a team went to the ministry that they began the miners began to walk and stand so on, only people die in the mines, no one cares, at home, it stops, everything at once, the war has begun guys, i’m an honest person, i’m a very naive person, i believe in everything. kind, good, you know with what fear, with what fear all this began, i was afraid, i was afraid for my son, i was afraid for myself, i was afraid for our whole city, guys, i might burst into tears,
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so listen! you know, what’s happening here right now, right now this very minute in the square, it’s called self-criticism, guys, you feel what a nasty thing is happening here, i have no words, people believed, many of them worked honestly, but with communism this is a complex issue, this thing is not well defined, but i still think that... socialism in some form, that is, a society without the rich, , that this is a progressive society and correct, and the fact that we have lost precisely this factor is also a tragedy, in russia, of course, we can now say that the ussr is a lost atlantis, it’s crazy what was invented from the point, well, from the point of view of ideology, i don’t know anymore, probably only the jews,
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who with...were leaving, how to say, looking for an inhabited land, well, perhaps, and the second we, 70 years of the soviet union, the country's fervent faith in the realization of the ideal, human, and we started with this, the twenties, there is the institute of the brain they built, studied history, they wanted to build a new person, a new person, in this sense, of course, they were wildly proud too. they argued with god, but, probably, they received a negative reaction, as it were, it’s incredible, in fact, the construction of the same thing, which means the tower of babel, relatively speaking, a confusion of languages, because, well, it’s too, like, arrogant.
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five more russians were awarded the title of hero of labor for their high professionalism, the teams of five enterprises were awarded an honorary badge for success in work. the presidential decree was published today on labor spring day, one
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of the main traditions. of this holiday, rallies of political parties and actions of trade unions, in addition, folk festivals, fairs and concerts are held throughout the country on how may day is celebrated, anna voronina. on labor day, nothing without its new heroes, five at once by his decree, vladimir putin today awarded the citizens of the country the title of hero of labor, for many years of conscientious work and outstanding labor achievements at machine-building enterprises, factories and design bureaus. well, those who are just starting their careers gathered today at vdnkh, more than 500 students and schoolchildren, and took part in the may labor krud procession. addressing those gathered, tatyana golikova noted that all conditions have been created for those who really want to work today. we implement youth employment programs up to the age of thirty, we provide career guidance for schoolchildren.
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your initiative has simplified the employment system for citizens aged 14 to 18 years. we do all this so that young people can realize their potential and benefit their homeland. invasion noted that thanks to participation in student teams, over 25,000 students annually gain professional experience during the holidays, which helps them choose a future profession. if you are teenagers, then , of course, be sure to try early professional tests.


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