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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 1, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm MSK

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it’s just starting, today we gathered at vdnkh. more than 5.00 students and schoolchildren took part in the may trut krut procession. addressing those gathered, tatyana golikova noted that all conditions have been created for those who really want to work today. we implement youth employment programs until the age of thirty, and provide career guidance for schoolchildren. we supported your initiative and simplified the employment system for citizens aged 14 to 18 years. we do all this so that young people can realize themselves and benefit your homeland. invasion noted that thanks to participation in student teams, every year over 25 thousand students gain professional experience during the holidays, which helps them choose a future profession. if you are teenagers, then , of course, be sure to try early career tests, come to the enterprise, at least to your parents, in order to already decide whether you are an engineer or a humanist, choose. properly future profession, about
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the importance of protecting the rights of those who are just starting to work and do not yet have experience, today they said at a rally of the communist party of the russian federation, they propose to take the soviet experience as a basis. we must do everything to pass our education for all law; it will give every young person the right to have accessible, free education and a first job without the right to dismissal in the next 3 years. the protection of workers' rights was discussed today at the ldp rally. as the party leader noted, it is necessary to eliminate the gap in wages between regions and establish fair working conditions. we must ensure that in all regions of the country people live in dignity, so that they they did not try to move to the capital by any means, so that they would not leave; on the contrary, they sought to go to the far east, where there was infrastructure. significant
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projects for the future russia. moscow trade unions united for an action of solidarity with trade unions in donbass. to donetsk and lugansk. today, convoys with 60 tons of humanitarian aid were sent from the capital. these are medical equipment, personal hygiene items, warm clothes, as well as construction materials and protective equipment for repair teams who are engaged in the restoration of houses and infrastructure. we do not forget the residents, the civilians who are also suffering. of these actions, which are united by the ukrainian nazis, therefore they assembled food sets, non-perishable items and household chemicals, about 8,000 such sets were completed, sent to them here. in the dpr itself, residents came out for a may day cleanup, activists organized a general cleaning in the park named after vasily jorta, planted flowers and painted a children's playground; on the other side of the country in vladivostok, in honor of may 1, they decided to paint... the asphalt, showing those
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the most important thing is that with the arrival of spring and may 1st , there was no place left for gray tones. anna voronina, maya alenova, asya aslanyan, anna nikulaesh, news. russian troops attacked the headquarters of the operational command of the armed forces of ukraine, the ministry of defense reported this. russian units continued to occupy more advantageous positions and improve their position along the front line. the center group conducted active military operations on the territory of the donetsk people's republic. nine were reflected in particular. the troop center unit has improved its tactical the situation was defeated by the formation of the twenty-fourth hundredth mechanized 142 infantry brigades of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of leninsky, keramika and ochretin. nine counterattacks of assault groups of the twenty-third mechanized, ninety-second assault, sixty-eighth, seventy-first hegel brigades of the armed forces of ukraine were repelled in the areas of the settlements of novgorodskaya, solovyovo, semyonovka, neutailovo, novo. kalinova, shumy and berdochi.
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sergei shaigu held a meeting today at the headquarters of the joint group of troops. the minister heard reports from the command on the current situation in the zone of the special military operation, after which he ordered to increase the volume and quality of equipment and weapons supplied to the troops. for further actions it is necessary. dear colleagues, the force groups continue to carry out their combat mission in accordance with the plan of a special military operation in order to maintain the required tempo of the offensive. and ensuring the increase in the combat strength of troop groups, for further actions it is necessary to increase the volume and quality of weapons and military equipment supplied to the troops, firstly line of weapons. the central military administration authorities are carrying out targeted work in this direction; state contracts have been concluded with industrial enterprises, taking into account their full load and the maximum reduction in the production time of samples, weapons and military equipment. in the process of this work , questions arise. requiring special
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attention and urgent decisions, especially in providing the most popular samples. we will discuss measures that will ensure the fulfillment of the tasks of the special military operation. sergei shaigu drew the attention of commanders to the importance of repairing equipment; he instructed to reduce the period of restoration of engines and other components and increase the volume of spare parts. the minister of defense was also shown modernized weapons to combat drones. this is a machine gun with a special sight, as well as a projectile that fires a special nylon net to catch enemy drones. now let’s turn to a short advertisement, then we’ll continue. stay with us. deposit, best interest, up to 16% per annum in sberbank online. it is profitable to retire with sberbank. for pensioners, a free savings card and a favorable
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what atmosphere is everything taking place in, which of the participants have you already managed to communicate with? yes, dmitry, greetings, on the eve of victory day. on the main stage of russia in the kremlin palace, songs about the great patriotic war are heard, and they are heard in thirteen different languages, because representatives have passed the finals of the international music competition road to yalta. by performing songs about the great patriotic war,
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foreign vocalists contribute to the preservation of historical memory, but some help not only with words, with their voice, but also with deeds, for example, vocalist from france françois mademe came to russia 10 years ago, visited donetsk and stayed there. now he serves in the donetsk philharmonic and even he was a member of the svo. 10 years ago. my friends and i decided that we needed to see with our own eyes what was happening in donetsk, what the russian spring was like in the blockades of donetsk, we had performances in donetsk every day and every day there was a full house, that is, people even though the enemy was shelling the city , people just wanted to take their mind off the bad and listen to french music, russian music, italian and... on and on. according to
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the figurative expression, the creator of the festival, the vaccination against fascism, which humanity received almost 80 years ago, has already ceased to work, and today revaccination is simply necessary. we are trying to somehow remind humanity of what it should be, and what we should do so that these terrible tragedies of the second world war... do not happen again, and music is the language in which we communicate with the audience , our contestants, and there is a language in which sooner or later people will have to agree, the foreign media called the last festival propaganda, but the organizers festival responded, albeit propaganda, but with common sense, because its main task... the main idea of ​​the festival is to preserve the historical truth, to once again recall the feat of the soviet people in the fight against
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fascism, to remind that no one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten. dmitry, we will now return to the auditorium to find out who won the festival. let me remind you that there will be three prizes with cash prizes and, of course, an audience award. we will now find out who these lucky winners will be, later. we'll get back to you. yes, sofya, thank you, sofya sergieva was in direct communication from the state kremlin palace. where the final holoconcert of the international music festival road to yalta takes place. well, now urgent news from the lent-inform agency: the georgian parliament still supported the bill on foreign agents in the second reading. it must be said that clashes, including between the opposition and the ruling party, are now continuing; opponents do not support the adoption of this bill, citing the fact that it will limit the timing and general possibility of joining the european union. the third reading is scheduled for...
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the last minutes of 1989 are passing, and with them a whole decade goes into history; we are entering the nineties, the last decade of the 20th century.
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if there was such a madman who would still manage to provoke the division of the country, this would be such a disaster for this country, for everyone.
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the order of the people seems to have been clarified, if you are democratic, that means you are organized, you must fulfill it, as it were, and so, despite the fact that this order was there, they gathered people, and began, therefore, to discuss how this matter, that is, to fall apart, and began to write
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new, that is, papers, they, the main ones... people understood what they were doing, well , an anti-democratic act, they were waiting for this violence, they having gathered there, they all the time expected that they would be arrested, and the other guarantor of democracy, gorbachev, did not arrest them, although, that means, he had to guarantee this democracy in the village, he had to defend the thesis expressed by the people about unity. well, where is democracy? no, it means that the word has actually lost its meaning, in reality, apparently, it, it simply does not exist, as such, come on fascism, let's go to parliament! our
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salvation is only the people's power of yelchin. they can seize power, but it will be very difficult to rebuild the economy, you know, the economy cannot be built with tanks. there was a story when there was a state emergency committee, when they pulled me out at night during this state emergency committee, when this swan lake was sick, they pulled me out to headquarters, and we started drawing target maps, well , the next day there should be an alarm, the target map is you drawing a combat mission , which
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the pilot opens in the air and, accordingly, enters the coordinates, let's go, we... open this package, and there is one of the cities of russia, with a population of over a million in the coordinates, it will go beyond baikalia, we think that this is a mistake, because well , this cannot be, that is, well, it could be a testing ground. be the coordinate there, i don’t know, china, mongolia, whatever, yes, but, but not a russian, well, not a soviet city, there’s a ballet on tv.
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the general formation is good, we are brought in at the front of the line, which means that they are enemies of the people, and the real enemies did not, did not carry out the orders of their homeland, we begin to explain, well, let’s figure it out, there is a city right there, but there is no which one.
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a rebellion is already brewing, yes, that is, no one there is going to judge anyone, and the leadership of the regiment seems to be taking the position of the government party, this shitty headquarters, and accordingly they are starting to lead us to the conclusion that we are, in general, military criminals, we go out, so we put our party cards on the table for this trial, the next day the party...
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of russia itself, the russians, for the fact that russia saved democracy, saved the union, saved the world, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, when yaitsin flew to belovezhskaya pushcha.
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i was already generally worried, which means there is a process that is already underway; it doesn’t fit into ours, our contacts, into ours, so to speak, you know, there are conversations going on, i’m talking to one, to another, asking, what, so to speak, here , then shushkevich called me and said that here we came out with an agreement, i want to read you what kind of agreement, but why are you calling
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is that no belovesian pashta was planned in advance, we planned to meet at garbachev’s on december 9, i elsin, kravchuk, gorbachev in four, in order to discuss how to continue this novy vorevo process, when we discussed what the confederation will now be in what form. we will preserve, there will be a commonwealth, there will be an alliance, that they finally wanted to discuss this issue, so i was just going to meet with gorbachev on the ninth
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. only then, having arrived at vnukovo airport, did i find out, because yeltsin called me from belarus and said, come on here, that means we have gathered here, come on, come on, we will sign some kind, it was a car prepared, with the kazakh national a flag for his meeting, and the fact that the corridor and security was careless is a fact, here we will meet such a person coming, i say, what are we talking about?
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bush they said and this is generally a shame, you are talking to the president of the united states of america, you are not talking to the president of the country, this is shameful, shameful, shameful, so it’s unclean, in general, this is morality, shushkevich informs me, and boris nikolaevich is talking
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with bush.
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it’s unclear how you got there, you weren’t informed about the intentions with which you flew there bialowieza? no, well, they really had intentions, but how to develop them, after all, in general, the intentions were to discuss with koravchuk, well, they were bringing some documents there in their cases, one from kiev, the other from minsk, they say that they wrote there, and so.
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political, and economic, some kind, where all state structures are abolished, let's talk about what the motivation was for the adoption, russia also adopted a declaration of independence, the reason for the adoption was, in general, if honestly... completely different, russia believed that it was being fleeced, that it was being taken from it, that it was being robbed, and the republics also believed that it was being taken from them, that they were being robbed, you know what’s the matter, listen.


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