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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 1, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm MSK

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five more russians were worthy of professionalism, and the teams of five enterprises were awarded an honorary badge for success in their work. the presidential decree was published today on labor spring day. one of the main traditions of this holiday is rallies of political parties and trade union actions. in addition, folk festivals, fairs and concerts are held throughout the country. about how may day is celebrated by anna voronina. on labor day, without his new heroes, vladimir putin awarded the title to five citizens of the country at once by his decree. hero of labor for many years of conscientious work work and outstanding labor achievements at machine-building enterprises, factories and design bureaus. well, those who are just starting their careers gathered at vdnkh today, more than 5,000 students and schoolchildren took part in the may trut krut procession. addressing those gathered, tatyana golikova noted that
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all conditions have been created for those who really want to work today. we are implementing youth employment programs until the age of thirty. we provide career guidance for schoolchildren. we supported your initiative and simplified the system employment of citizens aged 14 to 18 years. we do all this so that young people can realize their potential and benefit their homeland. the invasion was noted that thanks to participation in student groups, more than twenty annually. thousands of students gain professional experience during the holidays, which helps them choose a future profession. if you are teenagers, then , of course, be sure to try early professional tests, come to the enterprise, at least to your parents, in order to already decide who you are, an engineer or something else. humanitarian, choose your future profession properly. the importance of protecting the rights of those who are just starting to work and do not yet have work experience was discussed today at a rally of the communist party of the russian federation; they propose to take the soviet experience as a basis.
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in all regions of the country, people lived with dignity, so that they did not try to move to the capital by any means, so that they did not leave, on the contrary, they strived to the far east, to siberia, where there are infrastructurally significant projects for the future russia. moscow trade unions united for an action of solidarity with the trade unions of donbass, in donetsk and lugansk, sent from the capital today.
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solona with 60 tons of humanitarian aid, this includes medical equipment, personal hygiene items, warm clothes, as well as construction materials and protective equipment for repair teams that are rebuilding houses and infrastructure. we do not forget the civilian population, who also suffer from these actions, which are united by the ukrainian nazis, so we have assembled food packages, long-term shelf life and household chemicals, this is orderly. 8 thousand of these sets were assembled here and sent to them. in the dpr itself, residents came out for a may day cleanup, activists organized a general cleanup in the park named after vasily from the heat, planted flowers and painted a children's playground; at the other end of the country in vladivostok, in honor of may 1, they decided to paint the asphalt, thereby showing that with the arrival of spring and 1 may there is no place left for gray tones. anna voronina, maya alyonova, asya aslonyan, anna nikulaesh, news.
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russian troops attacked the headquarters of the operational command of the armed forces of ukraine, the ministry of defense reported this. russian units continued to occupy more than advantageous positions and improve the position along the leading edge. the center group conducted active military operations on the territory of the donetsk people's republic, in particular , nine enemy counterattacks were repelled. a subdivision of the center group of troops improved the tactical position and defeated the formation of the twenty-fourth hundredth. mechanized 142 infantry brigades of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of leninsky, keramika and ochretin. nine counterattacks were repelled by assault groups, twenty-third mechanized, ninety-second assault, sixty the eighth, seventy-first hegel brigades of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of settlements: novgorodskoye, solovyovo, semyonovka, neytailovo, novokalinovo, shumy and berdachi. on poklonnaya hill today an exhibition of equipment and captured weapons opened for visitors. russian military in the zone
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of a special military operation, one of the main trophies was the american abrams tank, shot down in the avdeevsky direction, but other trophies included about three dozen vehicles, including... leopard tanks, small arms, drones, maps and other documents. alexandra perfileva has details. completely burned out engine and main controls of the main us tank, abrams m1. according to nato, invincible. but 3 days ago he was in the zone of a special military operation, and today he was on poklonnaya hill as a trophy. he was captured by our fighters in the avdeevsky direction. the chassis was completely destroyed. the explosion was strong, serious on a mine, which led to the restoration of the tank, they finished it off with fpv drones and by dropping ammunition, open the hatch. the vaunted nato vehicle, which in reality turned out to be quite vulnerable, this abrams m1, was first knocked out by the russian military and then pulled out literally in front of the militants
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in the village of berdache. the weight of such a machine is about 60 tons, and its maximum speed is 67 km/h. main battle tank. from the usa, armed with a 120-mm cannon, has three machine guns in service, two 7.62 rifle calibers, one large-caliber, from here it is clearly visible, 12.7 mm caliber. in total, there are more than thirty samples of military equipment from twelve countries, including the french amx10, american bradley and m150. and here, by the way, is the vaunted german leopard, one of the heaviest units here, its weight is about 65 tons. basics. horsepower, an engine that accelerates
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it on good roads to 70 km/h allows it to maneuver very well. among the trophies there is a unique one, for example, the t-72 ag tank. volunteers, patriots, we weave nets, in principle we wanted to see the approximate size of this tank in order to help our guys, they also came from other countries, victor endriquez from mexico and ayan jahal from china say they have never seen so much western technology before. it
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means a lot that the russian army has similar trophies obtained in battle during attacks by western equipment. it’s great that such an exhibition has appeared, and we... we can be present at it today, look at my soldiers, at the victory museum on may 1, they solemnly launched one of the new formats of the all-russian action , the immortal regiment, the wall of memory. elena grigorievna came to the victory museum with a portrait of her father, whom she last saw, when she was 10, i wanted someone to look at him and understand what young people went to war, who fought for us. to whom we owe our lives and our freedom and our homeland, in general, i love them all the soldiers who protected us, and dasha’s great-grandfather is a machine gunner, he says he was awarded two orders of the red star. i am holding in my hands a portrait
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of my great-grandfather mikhail semenovich kulakov, he led a company of machine gunners and accomplished a feat on the night of july 12-13 , 1944... when approaching the enemy closely in the prutsa area, belarus. my great-grandfather skillfully organized reconnaissance; my great-grandfather took on an unequal battle against a column of 300 germans. photos of their heroes in the belgorod and kirov regions were attached to the memory walls. the promotion will run until may 12. this year the immortal regiment has many formats. here, for example, are portraits on t-shirts and the sides of cars.
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next on our broadcast is the continuation of the documentary project democratization of peoples, about events that have had a key impact on the history of our country. mom, i want something tasty. to me
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i’m ashamed to look my voters in the eyes. i'm on the verge of resigning as a deputy. today you made a most disgraceful decision regarding this card system. they adopted a card system, blockade in conditions when the city is full of food. they followed the lead of the trade mafia.
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we grew up and it finally dawned on us that we were once given candy in a bright wrapper, we were very happy, very trusting, this is also one of the qualities of the russian mentality. the men were completely upset; they were all told that there was no need for an engineer. no need for an academician and the women walked around with these laminated bags, you know, this is the nineties for us, this is a kind of, so to speak, great patriotic, ours, our generation, when they tell us, oh, listen, stop it, there was freedom there, i’ll tell you when whose throat rolled when in the nineties i walked along tverskaya street, getting on the metro, willingly row from my theater, so along tverskaya there were boxes, on these were my grandmother’s boxes. they sold everything that was in the house, a ballpoint pen, one
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glove, books, notebooks, preserved ones, at least something to eat, i everything i waited for a while that they would like to send me 700 rubles, 500 rubles, this is some kind of me, i have a degree, it was 700 rubles. i went to the bank every day, already in the bank he can see me 100 meters away through the window. nemashe, guy, there is nothing for you, i turned around and walked home, i go and look in the park with... a woman is walking with such a fighting dog, so very serious, i was so hungry that i could, i don’t know, flex my muscles there, probably, if i saw, or a rat, there are very, very many rats in st. petersburg, they walk there like cats, so i saw from afar, that there’s a hot dog lying on the ice, well, i’m so on the sly, well, yes, well, it’s early, now i’ll get to this hot dog, i’ll finish it
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until this corner, before no one takes it to the dorms in my pocket, i’m going to some- that moment i saw what... this dog saw this hot dog and this dog no longer cared about the owner’s restraint, as soon as he broke free he ran to this hot dog, but i realized that i would not give up this hot dog, i was with i ran so fast to this hot dog, i ran with this hot dog, it was ice cold, i just put it on batri, looked at him very much and waited for him to thaw, got very tired of sitting, well , naturally for 2 days, then just lay there, dying, i see you smiling, after all , i wonder why you are smiling, i’m smiling because that i think that after all, a good life will begin again for us. do you think that it depends only on us? yes, yes , what do you guys think, what good will happen someday, the end, everyone jokes as best they can, in stores they joke as best they can, we joke as best we can, i have a book for 250 rubles, nothing , what a joy sex is, no matter how it’s strange, but these are the last years
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of the existence of the soviet union, when the communist party was trying to finish it off with all its might. the central apparatus, when the party functionaries did everything to push the country into this bloody meat grinder into collapse, intentionally, unintentionally, i think that they just didn’t really understand what they were doing, they didn’t fully understand, the soviet union was collapsing, the flow of goods from snickers to mercedes, borders are opening, and a flow of goods, you know, you can buy this in a tent on the street, you can... in a store, this not supermarkets yet, but something like that, yes, yesterday you were imprisoned for trading, in dollars , and today or for exchanging currency, but today you can go somewhere there for currency, like a white man, that means, to an irish bar on novy arbate, and the reforms had to go by themselves, these ultra-market
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neoliberal economists, led by gaidar, they simply did not take into account how it really was. the system is structured, that it needs to be remade, that it is necessary to create not slogans of free trade, not to free everything, but it is necessary not to free all all processes, yes, but you need to create corporate structures, that is, you need to create large corporations from this system, try to preserve them somehow, combine planned methods and the market with the expansion of market mechanisms, but in order to avoid huge losses of many tens of hundreds of billions of dollars. in economics he brought this ideology into this economy of ours, gaidar did not deal with this matter, he covered it up, this jeffrey sack brought with him about a thousand americans who sat in the offices of chubais, there in our government, they
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we prepared documents in english, then they were translated to us... the government meeting had already begun, it was already said 13 at night , he was bringing in these folders of papers that we must approve the government decree, they were still hot from these rotary prints, from the cars there, everything from the nineties - not for years paid for... wages, sometimes months, sometimes years, i, for example, came here when i left, in 2003 they just finished giving me a salary that i was earning before 2000, that is, there was a delay of 3 years, that is, well there were no such people there some big money, but they also kept it, gave it out as much as they could, some food
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stuff, sometimes you had to give some money some... well, i don’t know what to call it in order to get at least some money , it was necessary to share the rest of the salary, for the disadvantaged elderly and orphans of children, his government for the fathers. it’s probably not in vain that when we play a symphony with helmets for the president, one of the slogans is. the miners have nowhere to retreat, russia is behind us, we tried the first snickers or mars there, like this, the candy wrapper didn’t last for a long time they threw it away, they went around and boasted that
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look, it cost a lot of money, you couldn’t buy it everywhere, and the chewing gum was just like that, it still has such a beautiful illustration with an insert, so they also collected, saved, and stuck on it. everyone was talking from the tv, we were watching the program, the look when you watch tv and think, god, how good it is somewhere overseas, it means it will be like that for us too. ninety- nine, something like that, ninety-eighth, ninety-nine, a lot of enterprises closed for some reason, i remember
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in my memory, it’s like three regional factories immediately collapsed, that is, they stopped working overnight, they simply closed. we also had the same prerequisites, but we, as probably relates, have a good head and character as a people, but... who, uh, the working people did not allow us to do this, that is, we somehow survived, but there were difficulties, we all remember the nineties, in general, when enterprises didn’t pay any money, we didn’t have places in kindergartens, there seemed to be a birth rate, but there weren’t places in kindergartens... i have to go to work, but i don’t know the children, what to do, let’s put a sweatshirt somewhere, put it on the floor, so that the child doesn’t get in the way, then we’re already working here, there was
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a time when we live well now, this is bad, as if it’s very hard to remember and i don’t want to even remember. that the west wanted, wanted too much to help. it is one thing to assist, advise, and give the people the opportunity to choose their own path, and another thing to put pressure on them, using various kinds of pretexts. the west completely missed the chance to help russia adapt to the new reality.
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today in the kremlin, boris elson met with the famous american billionaire george soros. soros arrived in russia at the invitation of yeltsin after he announced the provision of unprecedented humanitarian assistance to us. maybe sometimes you can even forgive the imperial habits of this or that leader. they can be fixed. but one cannot forgive servility and servility. this cannot be forgiven. it is impossible for a state like russia to take these positions. george soros claimed that he never deals
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business in countries where he is seriously involved, charity, promoting humanitarian ideas. in russia, your money is now part of a huge privatization process. and the last known one is communication.
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"the thought of a variety of conspiracy theories, which i previously denied was simpletongue and said, well, it’s nonsense, the thought of malicious intent, yes, i have it, another question is that maybe this malicious intent successfully coincides with quite simple and uncomplicated tasks like this , well, so to speak profit and business, i think that everything went wrong and no." yes, precisely because, of course, the country was betrayed, if we scratch who ran some processes, who became, so to speak, at the head of which banks, at the head of private television channels, and so on, that’s who understood who could, who could have information about where zin’s money was,
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who, as it were, started importing computers there, the same khodorkovsky, as it were, and from this, who. generally understood who kept the poveto’s nose, it was these guys, and we know all of them shut down factories, when it became easy for people, and they were city-forming, wow, the city was mowed down, when once every 3 months, or even... six months, they give out salaries, but you can go buy a tv, and then wait again, i don’t know, he is a human being and adapts to everything.
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well, then there were millions, i was also a millionaire, our salaries also amounted to millions, of course, how the country was destroyed, now looking back, well, this is a crime, listen, well, like the factories that were closing, but i myself remember these footage of how these tails were sawed off by this plane, because that means let them not fly our planes, but let us only have boeings, boeings are good, i of course understand that this was absolutely, excuse me , ideologically. version today, i can’t call it any other way, it was just absolute penetration, and i even understand the logic, now having partly lived in a capitalist society, so that i wouldn’t understand, huge market opportunities are opening up, simply gigantic territories, 149 million of us today , then there were even more of us, the republics have not fallen away from us, not a damn thing, not a plowed field, just savages who can use beads, actually
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beads. you could exchange with us, just conquer us completely, like a market, now no one even talks about ideologists, just like a market, they pushed and soldered into our brains that your planes are bad, why, why are our planes bad, for now, boeing is simply better, and this was absolutely the case in many things. you know, 1992 was probably a difficult year for our country, when markets opened, other countries are also our great friends, a lot of raw materials came in, if we talk specifically about tea, then a lot of tea came from india, from china, these raw materials were much cheaper in cost than the tea that was grown in the krasnodar region and, of
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course, it was unprofitable for state farms to grow tea, collect it, process it, accordingly, the enterprise began to slowly die, probably in the ninety-second year our enterprise was reorganized, that is, the collective farms were completely closed, well, since no one was processing tea, accordingly the tea plantations were overgrown, overgrown with trees, now when we are restoring them, there are 25 rings in a tree cut, sometimes 30 rings each.


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