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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 1, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm MSK

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in lyon, more than two dozen people were detained, some had knives confiscated, while thousands walked peacefully through the streets, calling this labor holiday a family holiday, others staged battles with the police, who used a water cannon to disperse. it was hot in paris too. law enforcement officials identified about 800 rioters among thousands of peaceful protesters, which is why clashes broke out every now and then. people were beaten with batons,
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and indiscriminately, everyone in a row, raised hands did not save, according to doctors and volunteers, several people received head wounds, they were helped on the spot. tear gas is also an integral attribute of almost every such demonstration, like burned cars, innovation, burning olympic rings, there will be no economic changes, there will be no games - the protesters shouted: the garbage workers, in turn, warned that they were preparing a strike during the competition if their salaries will not be increased. for politicians, may day is a way to remind themselves ahead of the upcoming european elections. we must subject this government to the harshest selective punishment we can. apply it. it's a shame, but the european union project was flawed. we need a real social europe. the socialist candidate who is gaining popularity is raphael glucksmann.
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stop adding fuel to a conflict that could have ended long ago if not for the persistence of the west. anastasia popovia bernatsky, denis sokolov, lead the european bureau. well, in
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russia on may 1st there are processions, rallies, cleanup days, as well as new student projects, and of course, an important part of the holiday was the presentation of state awards, more details anna voronina. in a day labor cannot do without its new heroes; by his decree, vladimir putin today awarded five citizens of the country the title of hero of labor for many years of conscientious work and outstanding labor achievements at machine-building enterprises, factories and design bureaus. well, those who are just starting their careers gathered at vdnkh today, more than 500 students and schoolchildren, took part in the may labor is cool procession. addressing those gathered, tatyana golikova noted that for those who really want today work, all conditions have been created. we implement youth employment programs until the age of thirty, and provide career guidance for schoolchildren.
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we supported your initiative, we simplified the employment system for citizens aged 14 to 18 years, we do all this so that young people... are just starting to work and do not yet have experience, they said today at a rally of the communist party of the russian federation, they propose to take the soviet experience as a basis. we must do everything to pass our law, education for all, it will give every young person the right to have affordable, free education and the first
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job without dismissal rights in the next 3 years. the protection of workers' rights was discussed today at the ldpr rally; as the party leader noted, it is necessary to eliminate the wage gap. between regions and establish fair working conditions. we must make sure that in all regions of the country, people live with dignity, so that they do not try to move to the capital by any means, so that they do not leave, on the contrary, they strive to the far east, to siberia, where there are infrastructurally significant projects for the future russia. moscow trade unions united for an action of solidarity with donbass trade unions in donetsk and lugansk. today , convoys with 60 tons of humanitarian aid were sent from the capital, including medical equipment, personal hygiene items, warm clothes, as well as construction materials and protective equipment for repair teams that
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are rebuilding houses and infrastructure. we do not forget the residents, civilians, who also suffer from these actions, which are being carried out by the ukrainian nazis. provided food packages - long-term storage and household chemicals, about 8 thousand of these sets were assembled here and sent to them. in the dpr itself, residents came out for a may day cleanup, activists organized a general cleaning in the park named after vasily dzharty, planted flowers and painted a children's playground; at the other end of the country in vladivostok, in honor of may 1, they decided to paint the asphalt, thereby showing that with the arrival of spring, the first. .. today in volgograd there is a big concert by alexandra pakhmutova, it opens a whole program of anniversary events that will take place on all over the country. this year the people's artist
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of the ussr turns 95 years old. report by maxim akhmetov. nice girls, helpful friends, friendly faces. it was especially important for alexandra pakhmutova to be the first to invite her fellow countrymen to her holiday: this is the city of childhood, the city where the first play was written when she was
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only 5 years old, she told our film crew about her emotions a few minutes before the concert, i’m happy, that the city has changed so much here, i’ve always loved it, now... it’s such a beautiful city, what there were wars here and what heroes there were, it seems to me that this city should be treated kindly by both the people and those who come here . larisa dolina, ildar abdrazakov, vasily ladyuk and many other famous performers take part in the concert. the grandiose musical event is being held with the support of the russian ministry of culture and the rosneft oil company. the central concert hall on the banks of the great volga, the flow of spectators seems endless, there are no seats, a full house. among the spectators are veterans of the great patriotic war, members of the northern military district. this is a man
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a legend, on whose work so many, two or three generations of our compatriots have grown up, of course, this concert is an event for volgograd. songs give life to the people, health, movement and so on. another gift to the audience, the premiere of the new song stal gres, stalingradskaya district. the station is a place connected with the fate of the composer's family. maxim akhmetov, dmitry shutos, dmitry belyansky, elena bidyaka and alexandra berezkina. news from volgograd. the american ministry of finance is again threatening beijing; they want to introduce new restrictions on the sale of chips for neural networks. despite the fact that chinese engineers not only do without western technologies, but develop them.
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and in the field of artificial intelligence, china is now in the lead with 60% of all world patents
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related to neural networks - made in china, according to the world intellectual property organization, and the more pressing question that the chinese themselves are asking is what to do to prevent a fake from becoming a news fake. one of the risks associated with artificial intelligence is the risk in the field of information. this is due to the creation of false information, including deliberate manipulations and deepfakes that may represent. significant risks, creating clear mechanisms for regulating the use of neural networks in the information field is difficult, but fundamentally necessary, the general position of the participants in the forum organized by the chinese media corporation. in the hall is the head of the all-russian state television and radio broadcasting company oleg dobrodeev, the head of the largest international news agencies and media structures from asia, africa, and latin america. according to the head of the chinese media group, shen haixiong, in the era of digital globalization, media has a special responsibility, we need a balance between innovations. it is important that the chinese media group takes the lead in creating
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artificial intelligence, because the media should be responsible for using it as a tool, and not replacing humans, not replacing real reporters on the ground. it has been possible to create any background on television for a long time, even now, even in beijing, even in moscow, but if you go back to china, here virtual studios are now actively used not so much by media, but by commercial platforms and the emphasis is them. already on virtual presenters who independently broadcast the sale of goods and services at least 24 hours a day, without stopping. the world's first virtual news presenter in china appeared 5 years ago, then it was called a breakthrough, but it did not catch on, because the trust of the viewer is important, and this is still not about virtual reality, and it is one thing to use a neural network when working with archives and entertainment content, the same chinese media group creates television shows and children's animation, something completely different, news where fabricated...
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roseti, but also living people, in the end, artificial intelligence is still very artificial. alexander balsky, blame the samsons, nikolai petrov, lead beijing. star combo from may 6 to a delicious point. when you cook. with pleasure. dirty dishes can stop the rhythm of your kitchen. the gold tablet itself with an intensive
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cleansing formula effectively removes burnt-on dirt. let you have a delicious meal together, and let samat take care of the dishes. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will come to finish first, someone will create comfort in the apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation. megamarket sellers are changing the world. megamarket - just grow with us. my back gets tired on my feet all day, because of work i lead a sedentary lifestyle, i exercise on a daily basis, but how to protect my joints? thanks to special collagen in the form of triple... helps support healthy joints. artneo - just one capsule a day to protect the joints of the spine. feel free to face your expenses, with yota your money will not fly away. we return rubles for leftovers minutes and gigs. every month, maybe.
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professional coloring by sjos. permanent cream paint, rich. without gray hair, protection against damage, strong shine of colored hair, sjos, hair like after a salon. experts choose rosneft magnum oil. with rosneft magnum, oil consumption is one third less. 83% of customers choose it again, it reduces deposit formation by 20%. rosneftmagna motor oil, we are sure you will buy it again. every second ticket wins the russian lotto easter charity draw, from every ticket sold. the rubles will be transferred to charitable causes. buy tickets in branded stores on the stoloto website. grant and grand picant pairs at an attractive price. only tasty, period. magnet - the price is what you need. sausage dyndynoch 999. have things become dull after washing? use lasca gel, it maintains fabric strength and restores color. things
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look like new three times longer. new? no, i erase with affection. in mvidio and eldorado there is a 50% discount. construction sites are easy to find on the avito sale. hurry up to buy construction supplies at discounts up to 60%. all that remains is to build. avito! grab it on sale and build! there are classics that i like more and more.
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classic grand burgers and new ones. grand piquant with spicy tomato sauce. delicious, period. number one in russia for keeping the toilet clean and fresh.
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this is the sign of the international police forces of the united nations and the sign of the guard, which is the highest of all the seventy -sixth airborne guards division.
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after world war ii, it was a strong power, it was really strong in
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central europe, which is why the split occurred. the collapse of yugoslavia occurred during war, and the soviet union managed to go through the collapse mostly peacefully in the nineties, largely because the west was not interested in starting a new crisis there at that moment, primarily due to russia's nuclear weapons. we helped supply weapons to bosnia, including. iranian weapons are the so-called green policy. president clinton gave his consent in april 1994, which only prolonged the war. we
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this was done unofficially, but he gave clear instructions: to supply iranian weapons to busnia. we helped al-qaeda and osama bin laden enter bosnia and fight on the side of the muslims. in 1991, we had a conflict in slovenia, then in croatia, then in bosnia and herzegovina. in 2000, there was even a small conflict in north macedonia. meanwhile, in 1999 , serbia came under direct attack from nato. the attack occurred because it would have been impossible to separate the autonomous province of serbia, kosovo and metohija, which were inhabited by residents are of muslim faith and albanian origin. nato illegally stationed its military there.
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economic situation, which was inevitable due to the collapse of the socialist camp, they began to put pressure on interethnic relations, on the long-standing... remember some long-standing historical conflicts between serbs and croats, between serbs and slovenes, there serbs, macedonians, etc. comrades, we must not give in to those who violate the unity of our country. we cannot give in to something that can harm our country, and we let's protect her.
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albanians make up the bulk of the population of kosovo, as the serbs themselves claim, the albanians are displacing them. my mother is from kosovo. i have been to kosovo many times, even when i was a child. i understood what muslims needed from the serbs, the albanian children drove me out of kosovo from my land, the land of my ancestors, they threw
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stones at us and shot at us with pneumatic weapons, no one had to explain anything to me, then i myself understood what everyone needed from serbia, i took part in this conflict when i was still just a child. the problem is, that during communism the border with albania was open. albania has always been a poor country, there is only desert and stones, people have nothing to live on, and kosovo and metohija is a fertile land. the titans and communists opened the border and albanians began to move freely. no one thought what this would lead to, but they have huge families, their families have 10-15 children, they still have a tribal way of life. if we look, in the sixties these were underground, in the seventies these were already some kind of protest actions, movements.
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because the serbian population was subjected to constant pressure, they were faced with belgrade, they were forced to send troops there, cruel treatment and murders and robberies, after the death of titus the slogans of kosovo were constantly heard to the kosovars, we are not yugoslavs, we are albanians, kosovo is a republic, that is, the question was in implementation, we are protesting because we do not like what is happening here, the serbs say that... persecuted on the basis of nationality, according to them, albanians, who can be identified by white national headdresses, destroying orthodox churches , raping serbian women. this was clearly planned to provoke a nato reaction. look, they are inciting the genocide of albanians, we must help them. it was a well-thought-out plan to justify military attacks.
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further, they pushed bosnia and herzegovina into war, they needed it, first of all, to see how the situation would develop , it was a space that they could control, there were not so many inhabitants, if there were 200 million in the soviet union citizens, there were only 20 million here, and
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there was no nuclear potential. civil war, then the civil war in yugoslavia, the civil war in bosnia, the terrible images that came from this , regardless of who was in the frame, all who were victims in these...
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human rights. after a day there, i discovered that they had given us a real mincemeat. yes, yes, it was minced meat. comedy. serbs and croats were forced to act out scenes in front of us and say how pluralistic the regime was. while he was not one. they, like schoolchildren, recited a rote lesson, but in reality everything was completely different. in fact, bosnia at that time was ruled by a dictatorial islamic regime. during the time of yugoslavia, yugoslavia was considered in miniature, it was the most multinational republic within yugoslavia, there were not only the three current states of the constituent people, serbs, croats and bosnian muslims, but also numerous minorities, these were jews and gypsies and albanians and so on, that is, there is a lot, a really motley composition, and if you look again at history of yugoslavia, then it seems to me that
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the most important cultural one was there. center, all the outstanding singers, writers, musicians, all from sarajevo, such pistro, of course, served as a disservice to this city, this country as a whole, because all these sentiments, nationalistic and ethnic conflicts were present, but the politics then literally extinguished, that is, they were persecuted for any statements, so to speak, in an unfriendly spirit, they were suppressed, even in...


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