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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 2, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about the main thing for today. at the beginning, footage from odessa, telegram channels publish a video of a large fire in the kiev district of the city. it is reported that these are the consequences of russian missile attacks, and, apparently, a warehouse with shells just delivered from nato countries is on fire. repeated detonations are reported after arrivals. firefighters cannot
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begin to extinguish the fire, explosions and burning continue. an air raid alert was also announced this evening in cherkasy, kirovograd, nikolaev, odessa and dnepropetrovsk regions. as previously reported by the ministry of defense, the russian group of troops at the center repelled nine attacks by the ukrainian armed forces over the past 24 hours. the kiev regime lost more than 400 people, a tank and other equipment, including western-made ones. in addition, the department spoke about the work of the units of the vostok group. the military managed to take more advantageous positions and destroy over a hundred militants. in turn, the riyanovosti agency refers to a source in the military honey industry, who claims that in the kupinsky direction during special operations, the russian military destroyed two american haimers launchers. reportedly, the targets were eliminated by the crew of otrk iskandar m. in tbilisi, there was another rally against
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the law of obnoagents, protesters tried to break into parliament, a red danger level was declared in the building, security forces again dispersed the protesters, pepper spray, water cannons and rubber bullets were used to enter. according to the ministry of health, eight people were injured. on wednesday , the georgian parliament passed the bill on beno agents in the second reading, for which the majority of deputies voted, 83 for and 23 against. now.
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from the police, who used water cannon to disperse. it was hot in paris too. law enforcement officials identified about 800 rioters among thousands of peaceful protesters, which is why clashes broke out every now and then. people were beaten with batons, and indiscriminately. hands raised did not help. according to doctors and volunteers, several people received head injuries. they received assistance on the spot; tear gas is also an integral attribute of almost every such manifestation, as well as burned cars, innovation, burning olympic rings, there will be no economic changes, there will be no games - the protesters shouted, the garbage collectors, in turn, warned that they were preparing a strike for the duration of the competition if their salaries were not increased, for politicians may 1 is a way to remind ourselves in anticipation of the future...
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under various slogans, against poverty, for justice, for peace and, oddly enough, for stopping the supply of weapons to ukraine, people in the capital of poland demanded the same with
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slogans “for peace”, and this is not ours war, they took to the streets of warsaw with polish flags and calls to stop adding fuel to the conflict, which could have ended long ago if not for persistence. abrams and leopards, as promised by the kiev regime, nevertheless reached moscow, but as they say, there are nuances, captured nato equipment was displayed on poklonnaya hill, all these vehicles, according to the plan of the ukrainian command and its western curators, were supposed to change the balance of forces at the front in benefited the ukrainian armed forces, but became the prey of the russian army, alexander perfilev. conducted an inspection and the engine was completely burnt out. and the main controls of the main us tank abrams m1, according to nato invincible, but 3 days ago it was in the zone of a special military operation, and today, as a trophy on poklonnaya hill, it was captured by our
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fighters in the avdeevsky direction. the chassis was completely destroyed, there was a strong, serious mine explosion, which led to the restoration of the tank, we have already finished it off. the vaunted nato vehicle, which in reality turned out to be quite vulnerable, this abrams m1 was first knocked out by the russian military, and then they dragged him out literally in front of the militants in the village of berdache. the weight of such a machine is about 60 tons, and its maximum speed is 67 km/h. the main battle tank of the us army, it is armed with a 120mm cannon and has three machine guns. two rifle calibers 7.62, one large-caliber, from here it is clearly visible, its caliber is 12.7 mm. in total , there are more than thirty samples of military equipment from twelve countries at the exhibition, including the french amx10, american bradley and m150. and here, by the way, is the vaunted german
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leopard, one of the heaviest units here, its weight is about 65 tons. the main gun is 120 mm, plus a 7.62 machine gun, which is located on the turret, goes further. soviet t-72 was captured near kiev. another copy, by the way, made at the base in february of the twenty-second year on the basis of our soviet t-72 tank, it was released in a single copy, that is, we don’t have anything else like it, ukraine doesn’t have anything like it anymore, to see the captured equipment, people came from other cities, we
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live from the city of kstov in nizhny novgorod, we came from zelenograd to look, because we are volunteers, patriots, we weave networks, in principle, we wanted to take a closer look. the size of this tank , in order to help our guys, they came from other countries, victor endriquez from mexico, ayan johal from china, he says, he has never seen so much western equipment. it means a lot that the russian army has similar trophies obtained in battle during attacks by western equipment. it’s great that such an exhibition has appeared and we can attend it today. look at my loaches. and on may 1, at the victory museum , one of the new formats of the all-russian action immortal regiment. memory wall. elena grigorievna came to the victory museum with a portrait of her father, whom she last saw when she was 10. i wanted someone to look at it and understand what young people went to
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war, who fought for us and to whom we owe our lives and your freedom, your homeland. in general, i am. i love all the soldiers who protected us, and dasha’s great-grandfather is a machine gunner, he says he was awarded two orders of the red star, i ’m holding in my hands a portrait of my... great-grandfather mikhail semenovich kulakov, he led a company of machine gunners and accomplished a feat. my great-grandfather took on an unequal battle against a column of 300 germans. photos of their heroes in the belgorod and kirov regions were attached to the memory walls. the promotion will run until may 12. this year the immortal regiment has many formats, for example, portraits on t-shirts, the sides of cars and even the windows of houses, as a symbol of memory. and gratitude for our present. alexandra perfileva, maya alyonova,
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valentina velichanskaya, denis tsitsaronov and anton synchenko, conduct. the us treasury is again threatening beijing, they want to lead new restrictions on the sale of chips for energy networks, despite the fact that chinese engineers are not just doing without western technologies, but are developing their own microprocessors for artificial intelligence. i studied the new products presented at the beijing media forum. our staff correspondent alexander baltsky. neither the artists nor even the programmers spent minutes on this animation. at most, they typed the text of what exactly should be in the video, then click the mouse and the artificial intelligence created everything itself. unlike american litter, which generates minute video, developed by tsinghua university , creates only sixteen-send videos, but this is for now, the realism of the image - experts admitted is already maximum. artificial intelligence has not yet achieved the ability to create full-length films
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with one click, we still have a long way to go, but once certain conditions are met, we will undoubtedly make it available to everyone. this is no longer just a fake like these jokes, when even biden or trump can sing in chinese. and in the field of artificial intelligence china now leads 60% of all world patents. one of the risks associated with artificial intelligence is the risk in the field of information. this involves the creation of false information, including deliberate manipulation and deepfakes, which can pose significant risks. create clear mechanisms for regulating the use of neural networks in the information field. difficult, but fundamentally necessary, is the general position of the participants in the forum organized by the media corporation in china. in
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the hall is the head of vgtrk oleg dobrodeev, head the largest international news agencies and media structures from asia, africa, latin america, according to the head of the chinese media group shenhai, in the era of digital globalization, the media has a special responsibility; a balance is needed between innovation and compliance with the law, others add. it is important that the chinese media group led the process. creating artificial intelligence, because the media should be responsible for using it as a tool, and not replacing humans, not replacing real reporters on the ground. create any background on television has been possible for a long time, even now, even in beijing, even in moscow, but if you go back to china, here virtual studios are now actively used not so much by the media as by commercial platforms, and the emphasis in them is already on virtual presenters who independently conduct broadcasts for the sale of goods and services at least 24 times a day without stopping, the world's first virtual news presenter in china appeared 5 years ago,
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then it was called a breakthrough, but it did not catch on, because the trust of the viewer is important, but this is still not about virtual reality, and it’s one thing to use a neural network when working with archives and entertainment content, the same chinese media group creates tv show trailers and children’s animation, it’s quite another thing to use news, where messages fabricated by gpt chats, especially with fake video footage, can provoke economic political ...
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the first of may in moscow was bright, loud and emotional for football fans. spartak and dynamo met at the vtb arena. it was a match for reaching the finals of the regional cup russia. read more stas ridekultsev. at the end of labor spring day, another football celebration. fans can taste traditional may kebabs at the dynamo stadium, but of course, no fries. meat was a deciding factor in the sold-out arena. such a match should not be missed at the dacha. i think there will be a lot of goals today, especially against dynamo. i believe that spartak will win with a score of 2:1. my favorite team, my. first match in my life. dynamo and spartak, after failures in march and early april , gained fantastic momentum: the blue and white four wins in a row, the red-whites are unbeaten after the dismissal of the eccentric guillerm abascal. bosnian vladimir sliskovich, the acting head of spartak, is the complete opposite of abascal, zero emotions in the technical zone. vladimir can simply be said to have added general
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calm, regularity, well, one might say, regularity to our lives. since the last meeting between dynamo. less than a month has passed between spartak and spartak, and in general this season the country’s oldest football derby is being played for the fifth time, but it’s like playing with your favorite dish, no matter how much you eat, it’s impossible to get enough. in the ninth minute, spartak snatches the ball on the right edge of the attack, and mikhail ignatov, with an exceptionally accurate pass, finds alexander sobolev in the dynamo penalty area. it doesn’t matter to a big forward whether dynamo, lishch or shunin are in goal. 0:1, quick start to the match. dynamo has the ball,
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we just want to please the fans, you need to believe in everything, in a dream, in a fairy tale, in anything, we go from game to game, from the reshuffling of coaches in spartak, the result of the oldest russian derby between dynamo red and white does not change, but now spartak straight from the dynamo stadium, takes another step towards the final of the russian cup, in order to
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play at luzhniki for the cup on june 2, spartak needs to beat the winner of the baltika rostov pair on the rpl road to... this song the winner of the festival, “dzi”yu , performed in his native chinese, but the entire audience sang along with him in russian, standing. during heavy defensive battles, the holy war became the anthem for the defense of the fatherland, and remains so to this day. at the holoconcert of the road to yalta festival, vocalists from 15 countries sang songs without which russians cannot imagine the past, about
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the great patriotic war, as if sending a clear signal on the eve of victory day.
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decided that we needed to see with our own eyes what was happening in donetsk, what the russian spring was, in the blockades of donetsk, we had performances every day in donetsk and every day there was a full house, that is, people, even though the enemy was shelling the city, people wanted just to distract yourself from the bad, listen to french music, russian music, milan won silver at the festival.
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very important platform for intercultural dialogue. over the past 5 years , new challenges and new conflicts have appeared in the world, and confrontation has intensified. and today many are discussing how to make the world safer. the basis for this,
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in our opinion, should be dialogue between cultures. dialogue for peace, the slogan of this forum, the ideas that are discussed here are essentially a continuation of the recent negotiations between the two leaders. at the end of april, vladimir putin met ilham aliyev in the kremlin. the forum is aimed at developing relations between moscow and baku and strengthening their positions.
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which, of course, everyone loves. exchange of experience already museum workers from both countries are also planning a collection of russian paintings at the national museum of arts of azerbaijan. cones, yes, by the way,
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very good cones. paintings by famous masters, little known to the general public, many from private collections, here is a bocus view of the sea, brushes by pyotr vereshchagin, and next to it is an impressive landscape of the volga, works by kuinzhi, this is beautiful, somehow magical, yes, straight, yes, wonderful, yes , if you also change the frame, then it will be generally good, rector of the st. petersburg academy of arts semyon mikhailovsky and director of the national museum sign a memorandum of cooperation.
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they are proud here and read in azerbaijan too, mostly in russian. this is the baku book center, huge, almost 2.5 m2, but a very cozy space for reading, on two floors at once, you can go upstairs via this openwork staircase in the loft style. not every bookstore in moscow can boast such an area, but the main thing is such an assortment. about half of all the shelves here are occupied by books in russian, these are direct deliveries from russian publishing houses, here as modern bestsellers, as well as classic
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literature, here. i have already begun to engage in diplomatic diplomacy, but of course, culture still occupies a very large place in my life, in my work, because, of course, the embassy maintains all cultural contacts, today our relations are at such a high point in diplomatic, economic, cultural ties and purely human connections, the cultural forum in baku will last 3 days, on
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the shores of the caspian sea every evening... news: azerbaijan, baku!
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear and clear signal in russia, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers?


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