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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 2, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal. is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? it is necessary
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to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, here’s how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change, evolution occurs in any structure, you are a psychiatrist in the recent past , a famous scientist, and then quit medicine, became ordinary police psychologists, i ’ll kill you, why did you provoke him, did you want to help? guy, she's digging under you, valera, in the most dangerous place for you, god's predator, how, it will hurt, they say that you people know how to look right into his head, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the application or on the website what do you remember about this day in history? we'll tell you right now.
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hello. on may 2, 1785, catherine ii signed a document that secured the rights and privileges of the nobles and formed the estate free citizens legalized the inviolability of private property in russia. this is a certificate of rights, liberties and advantages of the noble russian nobility. initially, the nobles constituted the lowest stratum of the nobility. the word nobleman means a person from the princely court or... a courtier, for centuries the nobles received land and other benefits in exchange for compulsory military service, only under anna ioannovna - this is 1730, the eldest sons in a noble family received the right not to serve to manage the estate. peter ii gave the nobles the right to choose to serve themselves or not to serve, thus relieving the nobility of the main responsibility of this class. but there are many rights left; according to the charter of catherine the great, there are even more of them.
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soon after returning to the ussr, the idea was proposed by the artistic friend of the moscow theater for children, natalya sats. the fairy tale was supposed to introduce the child to the instruments of the orchestra. each character, pioneer petya, his grandfather, wolf, duck, bird and others, is represented by a specific musical instrument, oboe, flute, horn, and the text is read by a reader. the wolf ran faster
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cartoons were made in the ussr, europe and hollywood. in 2004, the grammy award in the “children's spoken album” section was awarded for the disc petit and the wolf, mikhail gorbachev, bill clinton and sophie laurent, who narrated the tale to the music of the russian national orchestra. on may 2, 1945, at 6:30 am, the chief of defense of berlin, general helmut weidling, surrendered and gave the order.
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the remnants of the capital's garrison cease resistance. just a week earlier , hitler had entrusted him with the defense of the city, from which weidling was horrified and uttered the now the famous phrase: so that they would shoot me, and after the fuhrer’s suicide, the general realized that resistance was useless and had already signed his last order as the former commander of the defense of berlin, and then certified with his signature the documents of the surrender of the german troops, crossed the front line, accompanied by three generals, and surrendered. already in moscow he was tried by a military tribunal; in berlin, as weidling's order was conveyed to the defenders, resistance ceased. some units that did not want to surrender tried... to break through to the west, but for the most part they were destroyed. on may 2, at 10:00 am, everything suddenly became quiet, the fire stopped, and everyone realized that something had happened. we saw white sheets that were thrown in the reichstag on the building of the chancellery and the royal opera. this is how
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alexander besarap, a participant in the battle for berlin, recalled this morning. 10 years ago, on may 2, 2014 , a tragedy occurred in the odessa house of trade unions. the fire was one of the largest in number. victims in ukraine, it became the final episode of the confrontation in odessa between pro-ukrainian activists, nationalists and those who did not accept the coup in kyiv. then euromaidan supporters, right-wing fighters and other extremist groups destroyed the camp of anti-maidan activists on the kulikovo field. people tried to escape by barricading themselves in the trade union building. they threw molotov cocktails at each other. as a result, a fire started in the building. the exit from the building was blocked. firefighters arrived late, trying to get out, those inside jumped out of the windows, 42 people died. that day became a turning point in the political crisis in ukraine, and actually marked the beginning civil war in donbass, and no one was punished for this tragedy.
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even the un noted the lack of progress in the investigation, calling for those responsible for the may 2 tragedy to be punished. but this never happened. this is what this day in history was like. the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin. live broadcast: may 7 at 12:00 moscow time on the russia channel. today in russia the labeling of caviar has become mandatory. manufacturers and importers must now apply a special code to the product. the introduction of caviar markings was gradual and began in april. currently , 1,900 participants have already registered in the system. products are tracked using the honest sign system. this will not only protect
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buyers from counterfeit goods, but will also benefit the state and caviar producers. this will, on the one hand, understandably, increase the efficiency of legal companies and free up space for them. market share with the departure of their illegal competitors, legal companies will be able to earn more, this is an assessment of the financial institute using research, that in the coming years, due to the whitewashing of the industry after labeling, additional budget revenues of illegal companies will amount to something on the order of 60 billion rubles. in addition, sales of expired and illegal dairy products and bottled water began to be blocked at the cash register. now this regime is valid only in large stores, but since september. will apply to all retail, when scanning a barcode, the cash register requests information about the product and if there is a discrepancy or absence of data prohibits sale. this measure prevents customers from accidentally purchasing expired products or products of unknown origin. japan tobacco will not leave russia, business will continue as
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usual. this statement was made in an interview with the financial times by the ceo of one of the world's largest cigarette manufacturers. he emphasized that there is a threat of a lawsuit from shareholders in the event of the winding down of a successful business. the japanese top manager also admitted that the company was forced to adjust supply chains, so as not to violate western sanctions. russian business provides about 20% of japan tobacco's profits, and , of course, there is no hurry to give this up. the us senate approved a bill banning the import of low-enriched uranium from russia. the document is sent to biden for signing; the restrictions should remain in effect until 2040. at the same time, the united states, as always happens, has provided convenient loopholes for... itself: firstly, the law will come into force only 3 months after signing, and secondly, until january twenty- eighth the us department of energy will be able to issue import permits if other sources are not available, given that the states' major nuclear allies, japan, france and britain have planned to rebuild
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their respective industries, a uranium shortage may indeed occur. gas prices in europe rose by 6% in april, amounting to $324 per 1. this dynamics is evidenced by data from the london stock exchange: the main catalysts were the sudden cold snap in april and tensions in the middle east. underground gas storage facilities in europe are now barely full. by more than 60%, the indicator for spring is quite high, but not a record, and the reasons for this are very dubious. what saves europe is that recession and deindustrialization have begun there, so that those plans to increase gas consumption to 600 billion cubic meters per year in the european union, if they had preserved industry, these plans will no longer be implemented, moreover, the recession will reduce production. even the amount of gas that europe currently consumes is necessary. the heating season
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in the european union ended on march 31. however, this does not mean that there are no risks other than the middle east in the foreseeable future. experience from last year shows that an abnormally hot summer can lead to a surge in demand for electricity. everyone will turn on the air conditioners, and in the end this will also be gas. british-swedish pharmaceutical giant astrazenesa has admitted that its covid-19 vaccine could cause deaths. disease, the telegraph reports with reference to court documents. a class action lawsuit was filed against the company; the injured relatives of the deceased are demanding compensation in the amount of up to 100 million euros they hope that the company's recognition will speed up the consideration of the case. it was previously reported that at least 100 people were affected by the astrazeneca vaccine, and several dozen deaths were reported. in conclusion, the dollar exchange rates today are 91 rubles. 77 kopecks, euro 98.2 kopecks.
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this has never happened in the history of the global automobile industry; in a year, china produced more than 30 million cars, and a third of them were powered by so-called new energy sources. hybrids, electric trains, even hydrogen fuel cars, in just 10 years china has not
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he just became a leader in the automotive industry, but they are joking about something new in the electric transport industry. this is china with alexander valetsky, and today , together with cgtn reporter russian lyutin, we will tell you about all the secrets of the chinese automotive miracle. go! so what about the face of the modern chinese auto industry? and why are famous car designers moving to china? now in china they are creating things that look very modern, is it possible to not even charge the battery on an electric train and what can artificial intelligence do? well, she understood me, and also how chinese technology behaves in cold weather and what licenses are needed to fly in an electric car, propeller driven, in china - this is now a common thing, you go to the salon for a smartphone or... huawei, now xiaomi pulled ourselves up. but for now i
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just came to see, i’m interested in what she looks like in real life and what she can do. manufacturers of gadgets could not remain on the sidelines, this is an electric car race, especially since that is what they say about modern chinese cars: a large smartphone on wheels, it is assembled like smartphone. when chinese cars were just appearing on the market, it looked like such an attack. slopes, so they repeated the famous western brands, but today the cars of the celestial empire definitely have their own face, and this face can be very individual and remain at the expense of... the future owner, the future owner leaves his wishes here even before the purchase. the buyer sets the parameters of his future car in the mobile application, assembling it like a construction set. case color, material interior, what wheels and other functions. and after the order is generated, it is in the system and is visible in all workshops. it turns out to be practically assembled to order. at
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the guanjou car plant, aon cars roll off the assembly line every 53 seconds. from a sheet of iron and already ready in exactly 16 hours, his motto is, the worse it is for the car, the better, but these are tests, so if in a turn, then at speed, if from the track, a snowdrift, in low temperatures the coefficient of adhesion is lower and you need to make sure that everything is safe for the driver, this is where the reaction comes in brakes, paint, it is specially scratched in order to understand that 80% of the models of the entire chinese automobile industry are tested with corrosion at... the hay testing grounds, which is directly opposite the russian border. many of the cars here are in a special camouflage camouflage, sometimes individual elements, sometimes like this car, the entire body, so that if they get into the frame, it’s impossible to count, draw the details, because many models don’t even in mass production, what you see now has never been seen by anyone. this is the future flagship of one of
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chinese automakers, inside the know-how for the 525 package. and the option, which was already surprising, due to the intelligent chassis system and special hydraulic suspension, the car itself shakes off the snow, in heich, where there is winter 207 days a year, ideal conditions, and for checking the main unit of any electric vehicle batteries. and at -30, when the temperature is even lower, the charge holds perfectly, everything is fine with the electronics, the door handles react to touch, for this purpose the computer constantly analyzes all these points. how the position of each is affected by temperature, humidity, vibration, driving style, whether deviations and the same gaps appear, the emphasis, however, is increasingly on electronics and artificial intelligence, yeah, wow, she understood me and opened the windows herself, the only negative,
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you know, we all of course, so far only in chinese, gombi, and now more from... with the advent of the era of smart cars, we are concentrating on constantly updating the software and intellectual capabilities of cars, optimizing and supplementing them with new scenarios based on tests and the real experience of car owners, which we we analyze it carefully. chinese engineers, however, make a reservation about the cars that they were imported from china under gray schemes; the software is not updated; in case of a failure , there is a chance that even a smart car can turn into a brick. chinese concerns were able to recruit real stars of the auto industry, so the former chief designer of rolls-royce, giles taylor, now works with the favorite car of the chinese compact hunssi, and the former chief designer of audi and lamborghini volfgang egger is responsible for the appearance of byd, this is the most popular electric car in the world, here is the young turkish designer kemal cole, who started at mercedes and fiat, but a year ago
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he chose aion and moved to guangzhou. they start with the copy. perhaps it all started here with copying, but now in china they are creating things that look very modern. and the world is switching to chinese brands, which we can make cheaper. his direction is auto-interior, that is, everything that is inside the car, and this is space, well, the team is completely international and the desire to create a dream car, based on the most hi-tech. the head of the people's republic of china, xinping, set this task when... at this very plant, the place where it stood is marked with a red dot, next to it is a concept made of clay, the first chinese electric supercar, usually sports cars , also began with the same thing what is associated with such a roar of r, well , you won’t hear this r right here, because it’s all an electric car, by the way, acceleration to hundreds in less than 2
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seconds, 1.9% to be exact. the car's power is provided by three engines, their total power is 1200 horsepower, here manual assembly only. supercars are assembled manually on the so-called smart island, one car per day, and data on each operation, manipulation, down to who tightened each nut and how, everything is in the quality control system. our data processing systems analyze every action and determine whether everything was done correctly. the data can be retrieved from the archive at any time and... double-checked, the tires and wheels are like an airplane, and the carbon fiber body, it seems , will really take off a little more. either a helicopter, or an electric car with propellers, there are eight of them here. but no matter how you look at it, it’s still just a drone with a cabin for two passengers, and first you need to buckle up. there are three displays in the cockpit, two - this is an information board, here is
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all the information about the flight, altitude, angle, position in space, well, the third monitor, here the route is built. well, from the propeller, you can’t shoot in this cabin in the air, just like you can’t fly along the route. the developer is still waiting for a new permit for...
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i like it, problems, of course, happen, where parking is prohibited, the system is not that he doesn’t want to do this, he’ll have to take control into his own hands, but in beijing now there are even taxis without a driver, although only in
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one area with not the busiest traffic, this is what is available in absolutely every, not even a district, in every parking lot in china, these are electric charging stations, and not even just charging stations, but an instant battery replacement station, this brand has completely made this its own, which is called a feature. you go onto the lift, the battery is changed automatically in a couple of minutes, so the question is where and how to charge the car does not cost in china, and the batteries themselves are becoming more powerful and capacious, to the point that the latest developments have a service life of 15 years and a range of 1.5 million kilometers; chinese manufacturers have already taken over 60% of the growing global car battery market, and this share continues to increase, sending batteries almost to...
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acquired a new look and this was facilitated by competition in the market investments from the automakers themselves, and in the meantime the contribution of foreign employees, in my opinion, does not matter a less important role in this matter, but perhaps the most important thing, without which there would be neither chinese electric cars nor the fiercest competition between their manufacturers, is government support, then what about motorsports? i went earlier, he went faster and reached the finish line, in the celestial empire it worked.
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the current ukrainian government acts exactly like the bolshevik government, which separated the church. it is best in these conditions to unite into one orthodox ukrainian church, to separate completely from moscow.
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the lord is wonderful among his saints, let's see what will be further, standing, who are they, new guys, this is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i am a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, i am adam, why is adam and not adam, i am a chechen, an artist , white rose, you can, i can, you’ll sing it sometime, brusey, lively, we don’t need names, we don’t bother her. or that i’m not yours, well, you, little one, light of god, to the machine gun, there’s something to do, commander, shoot, call sign passenger, call sign passenger, i suggest changing it to call sign rebin, no, that’s my call sign brother, you remain a passenger, that’s for sure.
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do you dream of realizing yourself in a creative profession? what if you're just? steps from your dream, take part in large-scale competitions for backstage and digital art specialists artmasters, declare yourself, get funding and implement your project, become in demand, the creative industry is waiting for you, i want it too, leave an application on the website of the national open championship of creative competencies artsters . dear friends, i would like to bring to your attention our
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new car release. besagon tv programs, which will be called "when the eyes are bigger than the mouth." i hope you will understand why we named our program this way. i believe it will be interesting, i’m looking forward to seeing you.
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and we continue to talk about the main thing for today. may 1st was traditionally celebrated in europe with riots. the largest clashes in paris, demonstrators threw stones and fireworks at the police, and received tear gas in response. chronicles of may day by anastasia popova. traditional may day race of the french police. the task is to catch up with
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the ultra-left youth. from a black block, which comes out to such demonstrations solely to destroy.


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