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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 2, 2024 3:00am-3:30am MSK

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this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about the main thing, today is may 1st in europe. already in the tradition of riots, during the largest clashes in paris, demonstrators threw stones and fireworks at the police, and received tear gas in response. chronicles of may day with anastasia popova. traditional may day race of the french police. the task is to catch up with the ultra-left youth from the black bloc, who come to such demonstrations solely to destroy. main target -
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it was hot in paris too, security guards they identified about 800 rioters among thousands of peaceful protesters, which is why clashes arose every now and then. people were beaten with batons, and indiscriminately, everyone in a row; raising their hands up did not save them. according to volunteer doctors, several people received head injuries and were treated. an attribute of almost every such
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manifestation, like burned cars, innovation, burning olympic rings, there will be no economic changes, there will be no games - the protesters shouted. the scavengers, in turn, warned that they were preparing a strike during the competition if they didn’t will increase salaries. for politicians, may 1 is a way to remind themselves in anticipation of the upcoming european ones.
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on labor day, without his new heroes, vladimir putin , by his decree today, awarded the title of hero of labor to five citizens of the country for many years of conscientious work and outstanding labor achievements at machine-building enterprises, factories and design bureaus. well, for those who are just starting their careers, more than 500 students and schoolchildren gathered at vdnh today. students and schoolchildren took part in the may labor is cool procession. addressing tatyana golikova noted to those gathered that all conditions have been created for those who really want to work today. we are implementing youth employment programs until the age of thirty. we provide career guidance for schoolchildren. we supported your initiative and simplified the employment system for citizens aged 14 to 18 years. we do all this so that young people can. to realize themselves and
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benefit their homeland. invasion noted that thanks to participation in student teams, over 2,500 students annually gain professional experience in vacation time, that...
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so that they do not try by any means to move to the capital, so that they do not leave, on the contrary, they strive to the far east, to siberia, where there are infrastructurally significant projects for the future russia. moscow trade unions united for an action of solidarity with the trade unions of donbass ; today convoys with 60 tons of humanitarian aid, including medical equipment, were sent from the capital. personal hygiene items, warm clothes, as well as construction materials, protective equipment for repair teams that are engaged in the restoration of houses and infrastructure. we do not forget the residents, civilians, who also suffer from these actions, which are united by the ukrainian nazis, so we have collected
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food packages, non-perishable items and household chemicals. this is about 800 of these kits assembled, and then... managed by them. in the dpr itself, residents took part in the may day cleanup. activists carried out a general cleaning in the park named after vasily dzharty, planted flowers and painted the playground. and on the other end of the country in vladivostok in on may 1, they decided to paint the asphalt, thereby showing that with the arrival of spring and may 1, there was no room left for gray tones. anna voronina, maya alyonova, asya aslonyan, anna nikulaesh, news. well, now to the latest reports from the special operation zone, the russian group. the kiev regime lost more than 400 people, a tank and other equipment, including western-made ones. these data are provided to the ministry of defense. in addition, the department spoke about the work of the vostok group unit. the military managed to take more advantageous
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positions and destroy over a hundred militants. abrams and leopards, as promised by the kiev regime. still, we got to moscow, but as they say, there are nuances: captured nato equipment was displayed on poklonnaya hill, all these vehicles, according to the plans of the ukrainian command and its western curators, were supposed to change the balance of forces at the front in favor of the armed forces of ukraine, but they became the spoils of the russian army. alexandra perfileva conducted the inspection. completely burned out engine and main controls of the main us tank, abrams m1. according to opinion. invincible, but 3 days ago he was in the special military zone operation, and today as a trophy on poklonnaya hill, it was captured by our fighters in the avdeevsky direction, the chassis was completely destroyed, there was a strong, serious explosion on the mini, which led to the restoration of the tank, they finished it off with fpv
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drones and dropping ammunition into an open hatch . the vaunted nato vehicle, which in reality turned out to be quite vulnerable, is the tabram sm1, the russian military at first. knocked out and then dragged out literally in front of the militants in the village of berdache. the weight of such a machine about 60 tons, and its maximum speed is 67 km/h. the main battle tank of the us army, it is armed with a 120 mm cannon, has three machine guns in service, two 7.62 rifle calibers, one large-caliber, from here it is clearly visible, 12.7 mm caliber. in total , there are more than 30 samples of military equipment at the exhibition with...
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horsepower, an engine that accelerates it on a good road to 70 km/h allows it to maneuver very well. among the trophies there is a unique one, for example, the t-72 tank. ag in a single copy, made, by the way, on base of the soviet t-72, was captured near kiev back in february 22. based on our soviet t-72 tank, it was produced in a single copy, that is, we don’t have anything else like it; ukraine doesn’t have anything like it anymore; people came from other cities to see the captured equipment. we live from the city of nizhny novgorod, we came from zelenograd to see, because we...
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look at my soldiers, in the victory museum on may 1 , they solemnly launched one of the new formats of the all-russian action, the immortal regiment, the wall of memory. elena grigorievna to the museum victory came with a portrait of her father, whom she last saw when she was 10. i wanted someone to look at it and understand which young people went to war, who fought for us.
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may, this year the immortal regiment has many formats, for example, portraits on t-shirts, the sides of cars, and even the windows of houses, as a symbol of memory and gratitude for our present. alexandra perfileva, maya alyonova, valentina velichanskaya, denis tsitsaronov and anton senchenko. news. the us treasury is again threatening beijing, they want to introduce new restrictions on the sale of chips for neural networks.
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despite the fact that chinese engineers are not just doing without western technologies, but are developing their own microprocessors for artificial intelligence. the new products presented on the beijing media platform were studied by our special correspondent, alexander baltsky. not artists, not even programmers, spent minutes on this animation, at most they typed the text about what exactly should be in the video, then click the mouse. and artificial intelligence came up with everything itself. unlike american litter, which generates minute video, developed by tsinghua university , creates only sixteen-second videos, but this is for now, experts have recognized the realism of the image as already maximum. artificial intelligence has not yet achieved the ability to create feature-length films with a single click. we still have a long way to go, however, once certain conditions are met, we will not... in
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the field of artificial intelligence, china now leads 60% of all world patents related to neural networks, according to the world intellectual property organization and the more pressing is the question that the chinese themselves are asking what to do to prevent a deap fake from becoming a news fake and... one of the risks associated with artificial intelligence is the risk in the field of information. this involves the creation of false information, including deliberate manipulation and deepfakes, which can pose significant risks. creating clear mechanisms for regulating the use of neural networks in the information field is difficult, but fundamentally necessary. the general position of the participants of the forum organized by the chinese media corporation. in in the hall, the head of the all-russian state television and radio broadcasting company oleg dobrodeev, the head of the largest international news agencies and media.
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creating artificial intelligence, because the media should be responsible for using it as a tool, and not replacing humans, not replacing real reporters on the ground. it has been possible to create any background on television since... a long time ago, even now, be it beijing or moscow, but if you go back to china, here virtual studios are now actively used not so much by media, but by commercial platforms and the emphasis in them is already on virtual ones. presenters who independently broadcast the sale of goods and services at least 24 hours a day, without stopping. the world's first virtual news presenter in china appeared 5 years ago, then it was called a breakthrough, but it didn’t catch on, because the trust of the viewer is important, and this is still not about virtual reality, and it’s one thing to use it when working with archives and entertainment content . the same chinese media group creates television shows
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and children's animation, something completely different, news, where fabricated gpt chats are in common. beijing, and also on may 1, a number of innovations came into force, including the alcohol market, specifically sparkling fortified wine. another innovation is the mandatory labeling of caviar.
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he will tell you how this will affect the final price and what else will change in connection with the innovations. an innovation that will allow significant savings from may 1, the amount that can be transferred online from bank to bank without commission has increased 300 times, from 100 thousand rubles per month to 30 million, but this concerns only transfers through sbp and to yourself. let me remind you that everything above the limit was subject to a fee of half a percent of the transfer amount. and in order to save money, i had to withdraw from the card in one bank and put it into my own account in another.
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wine up to 141 rubles, but for domestic producers this is rather good news, the measure is aimed at, say, protecting the russian market from imports, that is, because in parallel with the increase in the excise tax rate, the president signed it. so long ago the law amending the tax code that russian wineries will be compensated for this increased excise tax rate through a tax deduction, that is, imported wine will become more expensive, while russian wine will become more competitive. the rise will not happen overnight,
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experts say. most likely, the consumer will notice changes at the end of summer. the wine market has enormous inertia. we have quite significant reserves, moreover, in anticipation of an increase in the excise tax rate, which was known in advance, and additional volumes of wine were imported from the same georgia, for example, yes, with the goal of making price increases less sharp, less noticeable to the consumer, so prices will rise more slowly, and therefore, than they could, and another innovation concerns caviar. according to the higher school of economics, the share of illegally produced products on the russian market exceeds 27.5%. in other words, every third can of caviar is sold in violation of the law. from may 1, it will be mandatory to mark it. 19,000 participants have already registered in the system. products will be tracked using
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systems honest sign. this will, on the one hand, understandably, increase the efficiency of legal companies for them. a new market share will be freed up with the departure of their illegal competitors, legal companies will be able to earn more if the financial institution under the ministry of finance of the russian federation estimates that in the coming years, due to the whitewashing of the industry after labeling, additional budget revenues of illegal companies will amount to something like 60 billion rubles. the honest sign system has already proven its effectiveness, for example, before introduction of labeling of dairy products, the share of goods with signs of falsification was estimated at 30%, now it does not exceed half a percent, and even today a number of export duties on agricultural products are changing; if for sunflower meal they are reduced by almost a third, then for sunflower. like the last 11 months, will remain zero. the former excitement has long subsided; domestic producers not only fully satisfy domestic demand, but also set export records. to date
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, about 3.5 million tons of oil have been supplied abroad almost 2 million tons of meal. the record is expected based on the results of the entire season. most likely, russia will unload over 5 million, 5,100, maybe even 5,200 million sunflower oil for export. and unload. there are approximately 2,700 thousand tons of meal on the world market, which will also be an absolute record for our country, so domestic prices are quite stable, regardless of how the duty changes, these are export records. also today from 10 to 25 million rubles. the minimum financial liability requirement for russians is increasing. v in the field of outbound tourism, this guarantees the client a refund as a result of the company’s failure to fulfill its obligations.
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i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, here all
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my feelings are heightened to the limit, happiness has resurrected me, she loves me, call sign passenger, i’ll come back for you, do you hear. the russian ministry of emergency situations warns: protect your home, install a fire detector. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry. odessa. on april 10, 1944, she was liberated from the nazis. but on may 2, 1914. in odessa it is already broadcasting in german.
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from the russian, god is marvelous among his saints, let's see what happens next.
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goering addressed the military: before you is a country where there is a lot of white bread, sour cream apples, take it all, take it,
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the master plan is sharp. i did it, i did it under the window. they were afraid, of course, to run into a machine-gun fire and not be able to escape from it. our corps reached the very south of berlin. did i understand correctly, the future, right? yes. twenty -four, 2124. this is the situation. now i can jump to a century in the future and back. i see everything.
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hello, this is kirill vyshinsky and this the program is typical of navoros, our name says it all, we are talking about the territory that has returned to its historical roots. about novorossiya with the help of the attentive. look at history, we will try to reveal the originality of its present day, find typical...


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