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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 2, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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hello, kirill vyshinsky is here, and this is the typical novorossi program. our name says it all, we are talking about the territory that has returned to its historical roots, about novorossiya. with the help of a careful look at history, we will try to reveal ours.
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what is a labor feat today? conversation with a program expert. fierce arnauts, as the balkans raised into novoros. the best wheat for pasta. may 1 is the holiday of the spring of labor, the day of international solidarity of all workers, as it was called not so long ago, the beginning a series of favorite may weekends. for novorussia, may 1 is a special holiday; it is closely connected with the concept of kindness at work. during the years
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of the first soviet five-year plans, the twenties and thirties of the last century, novorussia became the locomotive of industrialization of a huge country. the main volumes of iron ore and coal were mined here, 3/4 of the electricity of the then ukraine and 20% of the total electricity of the ussr were produced. such an industrial fish production became possible only thanks to dedicated work. it is no coincidence that the stakhanov movement. named after the miner of the lugansk central mine alexey stakhanov’s irmeno became a symbol of labor kindness for many years. there were hundreds of innovating workers who exceeded the plan many times over during the first five-year plans in the donbass. tractor driver pasha angelina, locomotive driver pyotr krivonos, miner nikita izotov and many others. new labor traditions and technical solutions appeared where... the main
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industrial potential of the country was concentrated; in novorussia , working dynasties were not uncommon; devotion to their plant, mine, responsible and creative attitude to work was transmitted from generation to generation. not long ago , two cities of labor valor appeared in the donbass: lugansk and gorlovka. the capital of the people's republic is well known for its labor traditions, and gorlovka... from it to donetsk, less than 50 km, received this title after, back in the days of independence of the dpr, by decree of its first president alexander zakharchenko, it became a city of military glory. vladimir putin noted the significant contribution of the residents of gorlovka to achieving victory in the great patriotic war and the massive labor heroism and dedication. the residents of gorlovka have shown these same qualities even today, since 2014, the city has actually
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been on the front line and is almost daily exposed to attacks from the armed forces of ukraine. despite this, its utilities and many businesses continue to operate. about what labor valor is for the residents of donbass and how glorious labor traditions are preserved here. in the story of anna efimova. central streets with busy traffic, parks surrounded by greenery, everything here is like in any other city in russia, on the eve of may, fences are painted with fresh paint, flowers are planted, and townspeople go out on clean-up days. we clean the yards ourselves, we raked everything out, swept everything out, a lot, you walk around the city, the yards are clean, and looking at such a picture, it’s hard to believe that this is gorlovka, a front-line city that has been regularly subjected to shelling by the ukrainian armed forces since 2000. 5 mm from during the shelling
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, pumping filtration stations and several residential areas were de-energized, but where some are being destroyed, others are being restored, the process of drilling is underway, we are extending, expanding, using expanders we break up the mine 300, 500, 600 and 700, we tighten the pipe, about 100 meters, this water pipeline provides drinking water to several villages at once,
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it again became one of the most developed regions of the ussr, but they raised the war-torn region of industry and coal throughout the country, from ruins revived.
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kusbass also took over the region. already in the first months, he sent his industrial equipment to donbass, the count was tens of thousands of units. now gorlovka can boast of the same figures for construction equipment, the help of which renders to kemerovo. in principle, one of the characteristic features of the restoration of regions - during the great patriotic war, but also after - is when regions that were not affected by hostilities took processions over devastated regions.
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launched stalin's first schools. wartime, continue to create and save lives. donbass knows the name of this man. probably everyone, doctor of science, honored doctor, hero of labor of the dpr, vladimir kirillovich chaiko. thanks to him , more than one generation of donetsk residents came into the world. our parents gave birth to us here a long time ago. seagulls, at the professor’s, this maternity hospital is ours, it’s like, well, we’ve been here since childhood, so to speak, generation after generation. vladimir kirillovich has been in medicine for more than half a century, he was born in volnovakha and his whole life is inextricably linked with donbass. he says that he entered medical school by chance, he wanted to become an engineer, but failed the entrance exam in mathematics. we can say that in this sense donbass is extremely lucky. over many years of work , vladimir chaika managed to build one of the strongest schools of obstetrics and gynecology in the entire post-soviet space. where i am was born and came in handy there. i was, then i became
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an assistant professor and began writing my doctoral dissertation. i have prepared for my life. 70, two candidates and doctors of science. that the majority who went through this professional school, also went through a great school of life, are very strong people, amazing. a person who, uh, is always used to helping people, he has a special relationship with a woman, not just a woman, a mother woman. most recently, in april, a new modern republican perinatal center opened in donetsk, which bears the name of professor chaika. the most modern medical facility in the region was built in record time, in less than a year, and this is not only the best illustration of how donbass can create, but a symbol of its hopes for a bright future. anna and
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we will talk about what labor valor is for the residents of donbass and novorossiya with our regular expert, political scientist rastislav ishchenko. rastislav, good afternoon. rastislav, novorus and its most industrially developed part, donbass, were mastered with hard work. was under threat almost all the time, even in
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unlike the zaporozhye army, and the don army existed there during the 19th century later, because it was closer to the caucasus, and the caucasian wars, they were fought not only in the transcaucasus, they were fought in the ciscaucasia, which means that in fact, combat demos were fought there in the stavropol region during the 19th century, this is not so long ago, in the middle of the 19th century there were raiding operations there . were committed against this region, that is , these are people who still plowed with one hand, yes, held a weapon in the other hand and there were almost no quiet periods in life, because well the 19th century has ended, and industrialization has begun, it seems like the center of a huge empire, well, it seems you can breathe freely, but the life of another generation has not ended, like a civil war, then... the patriotic war, then the collapse of the country again, a civil
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war in ukraine, it is in first of all , it flared up in the donbass, this happened to more than one generation, that is, it had a serious impact on the mentality of the local population, if you look from the outside, yes, some kind of easy attitude towards this life, that is, when people are ready to risk their lives. enough, well, i can’t say without thinking, yes, but as if at the first call of the heart, one can say, well, again , donbass has risen, yes, other regions have not risen, even the southeast, even large russian-speaking centers are like that, like kharkov, let’s say, there was also a serious popular movement there, it didn’t come to an uprising, that is, some last step, yes, some last straw was missing locally.
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the labor prowess of donbass today, with all the external differences from that. what do we know, what were they telling us about the feat of labor during great patriotic war, is there anything in common between these two phenomena, or are there different people in donbass today, a different attitude to work? when we talk about the labor exploits of the local population, first of all i would emphasize that they actually work on the front line, that is, even the same... power engineers, yes, the same water utility employees, but this is not the same as the water utility in astrakhan,
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or the energy sector in volgograd, which means that they are constantly being destroyed by shelling and the task is not easy to maintain normal mode of operation, but constantly restores what was destroyed, this sisyphean work, yes, this work has been going on for decades, and it is not known when it will end, that is, well... now the light has appeared at the end of the tunnel, let’s say, from the fourteenth to the twenty the second year, people were simply rebuilding, rebuilding, rebuilding, rebuilding, shells came and destroyed the house. this means that the fragments were removed, the bricks were removed, what was possible was restored, which means that where it was not possible, a square was created and the city and life were supported the population in it is in normal condition, that is, everyone who came to donetsk said that if you don’t go directly to the front line, yes, then it’s not noticeable that
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there is a war going on in the city, that this is a front-line city, this is also a feat of the local population , this is primarily a labor feat. of the local population, what is the value of such an attitude towards work in the donbass today, what can these people show and bring as new citizens of great russia to this huge country, to our country? well, i would say that the main thing is, yes, that we are from this we can take away, the main idea, the main philosophical thought that we can take away from this is that you create your own way of life, yes, then... with your own labor, what is the mental difference between a nationalist in ukraine and a patriot of donbass, what they say, declare ukrainian nationalists, they say, our happiness lies in living like others, we must, they say, shed our traditions,
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forget them, abandon them, which means, join a single pan-european family, and... it all depends only on you: you can live on the front line and at the same time live normally, and you can live in the rear and at the same time live like a golitan. thank you very much for the frank conversation. the multinational palette of new russia consisted of different peoples and ethnic groups,
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one of the most curious and small in number were the albanians. in russia at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries, orthodox albanians were called arnauts and were often confused with other people from the balkans and greece. during the russian-turkish wars under catherine the great, when the arnauts sided with russia and actively helped its fleet, they decided move from lands controlled by the ottoman empire to novorossiya. the arnaut albanians brought the traditions of gardening and farming with them to the new region. arnoutka was the name given to one of the wheat varieties that took root well in the lake region and was very popular in italy and southern europe. in the mid-19th century, it was believed that the best pasta was made from flour and ground arnaudca. in italy it was called pasta taganrok, it went across the sea from the largest
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port of novorossiya at that time. in odessa , the albanian settlers are reminded of the name " two streets, big and small arnaudskikh. the next major resettlement of albanians occurred following the results of another victory over the ottomans, when, according to the peace of bucharest in 812, russia received lands that became part of the besarabia province. these places were abandoned by the nomadic nagais, and bulgarians, gogouzs and albanians settled there. this is how the village of karukurt, izmail district, arose. from here the albanians settled throughout the azov region. the albanian community now lives compactly in three villages in the melitopol region. according to the latest ukrainian population census of 2001, their there were about a thousand. about how the azov albanians live today. do they manage to preserve the traditions of their ancestors? in the story of olga
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mokhova. i believe that we are exactly where we should be in the russian federation. before our interlocutors could speak so confidently about their current situation, their ancestors had to come a long way. as soon as the ottoman empire conquered the balkan peninsula, at the turn of the 15th-16th centuries, the first massive wave of immigrants, orthodox albanians, poured from west to east, into the territory of modern bulgaria. arose because they had to convert to islam, they took a risk, took a risk, gave up everything, went to... exclude islamization, and in general the orthodox faith meant so much to them that they were ready for anything. until the beginning
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of the 19th century, albanians lived in the varna region of bulgaria; after ottoman oppression on the orthodox population here intensified, they, at the suggestion of russia, moved to southern bessarabia. and when these lands, as a result of the crimean war in 1856 , russia ceded to the koldavian principality, the albanians, gogauzes. the bulgarians fled even further to novorossia, specifically in the berdyansk district of the russian empire. in 1862 , three albanian-speaking villages arose on the territory of the modern zaporozhye region, then it was novorusia. this village was on the lands where the nagais used to live, and accordingly, to this day, yes, the albanians at azov remember that the village...
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the russian government provided the transdanubian settlers with significant land plots of up to 50 dessiatines and unlimited banking courts. in addition, the colonists were exempted from military service. thanks to thanks to these privileges and, in addition to natural hard work, the albanian refugees lived prosperously here. during the soviet years, local collective farms were even considered millionaires. they were masters of farming, melon growing, precisely in such dry, steppe , open areas of agriculture, and complex farming and cattle breeding. in 1869 there were 194 family households and about 500 albanians; by the beginning of the 20th century there were already about 3,000, but in fact it was not easy to count them. sometimes albanians were called greeks after...
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centuries, although there is a lot in common, the same folk costume, household items, tools of labor among the albanians, bulgarians and gogauzes are very similar, yet they lived side by side for more than one century. for our women, the most important sacred decoration was beads, which they sorted out almost every week, from thread to thread to another, and there was always a cross hanging from...
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yes, well, let’s say hello. oh, cheeto sam. zaporozhye ornauts are very friendly, they know that albanians, although not as compactly
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as here, but... live in other cities of russia, and therefore hope that now they have there will be more opportunities for communication. olga mokhova, anastasia popova, valery sovelev, typical new russia. that's all we wanted to talk about today. kirill vyshinsky was with you. see you soon.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, here's how to achieve what you want you’ve reached it, you feel like you’re on top of
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the world, you got up, shook yourself off, and went. is russia ready to change, is evolution taking place in any structure? in the recent past, you were a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist, i ’m confused, why did you provoke him, i wanted to help the guy, she’s digging for you in the most dangerous place for you together. it will hurt. they say that you people know how to look directly into his head, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the application or on the website.
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this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about the main thing for today. may 1 in europe was traditionally marked by riots, the largest clashes in paris, demonstrators bombarded the police.


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