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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 2, 2024 4:00am-4:30am MSK

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this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about the main thing for today: may 1 was traditionally celebrated in europe with riots. the largest clashes in paris, demonstrators threw stones and fireworks at the police, and received tear gas in response.
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anastasia popova's first. traditional may day race of the french police. the task is to catch up with the ultra-left youth from the black bloc, who come to such demonstrations solely to destroy. the main target is everything connected with the world of capital. banks barricade the entrance in advance. in this time the tactic didn't work. the doors were torn out and the glass was broken. the police kept getting into hand-to-hand combat and using tear gas. more than two dozen people were detained in lyon, and knives were confiscated from some. while thousands walked peacefully through the streets, calling this labor holiday a family holiday, others staged battles with the police, who used a water cannon to disperse them. it was hot in paris too. the guards were identified. 800 rioters for
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thousands of peaceful protesters, which is why clashes arose every now and then. people were beaten with batons, indiscriminately, with their hands raised they didn’t save us up. according to doctors and volunteers, several people received head injuries and were treated on the spot. tear gas is also an integral attribute of almost every such manifestation.
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demonstrations in france alone, where this time they are held under different slogans, against poverty, for justice, for peace and , oddly enough, for stopping the supply of weapons to ukraine, people in the capital of poland demanded the same with slogans for peace, and this not our war, they took to the streets of warsaw with polish flags and calls to stop adding fuel to a conflict that could have long ago... ended if not for the persistence
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of the west. anastasia popovia bernatski, denis sokolov. news, european bureau. well, in russia on may 1st there are sixth rallies, community cleanups, as well as new student projects, and of course, an important part of the holiday was the presentation of state awards. more details, anna voronina. on labor day , without its new heroes, vladimir putin awarded the title of hero of labor to five citizens of the country at once by his decree. conscientious work and outstanding labor achievements machine-building enterprises, factories and design bureaus. well, those who are just starting their careers gathered at vdnkh today, more than 500 students and schoolchildren took part in the may labor krut procession. addressing those gathered, tatyana golikova noted that for those who really want to work today. all conditions have been created: we are implementing
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youth employment programs until the age of thirty, conducting career guidance for schoolchildren, supporting your initiative and simplifying the employment system. deciding who you are, an engineer or a humanities specialist, choosing the right future profession, the importance of protecting the rights of those who are just starting to work and do not yet have experience, they spoke today at a rally of the communist party of the russian federation, they propose to take the soviet experience as a basis. we must do everything to pass
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our law, education for all, it will give every young person the right to have accessible, free education and a first job without the right to be fired in the near future. 3 years. the protection of workers' rights was discussed today at the ldpr rally. as the leader noted party, it is necessary to eliminate the wage gap between regions and establish fair working conditions. we must make sure that in all regions of the country, people live with dignity, so that they do not try to move to the capital by any means, so that they do not leave, on the contrary, they strive. to the far east, to siberia, where there are infrastructurally significant projects for the future russia. moscow trade unions united for an action of solidarity with donbass trade unions in donetsk and lugansk. today, trucks with 60 tons were sent from the capital humanitarian aid. these are medical
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equipment, personal hygiene items, warm clothes, as well as construction materials and protective equipment for repair teams who are engaged in the restoration of houses and infrastructure. we also have residents, civilians who also suffer from these actions, which are united by the ukrainian nazis, so we have assembled food sets, long-life storage and household chemicals, about 8 thousand of these sets have been completed here and sent to them. in the dpr itself, residents came out on may day cleanup day, activists organized a general cleaning in the park named after vasily dzharty, planted flowers and painted the playground. at the other end of the country in vladivostok, in honor of may 1 , they decided to paint the asphalt, thereby showing that with the arrival of spring and may 1 , there was no place left for gray tones. anna voronina, maya alyonova, asya aslanyan, anna nikulaesh, news. well, now to the last hundred square meters from
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the special operation zone, the russian group of troops at the center repelled nine attacks by the ukrainian armed forces in one day. the kyiv regime lost more than 400 people, tank and other equipment, including western- made ones. these data are provided to the ministry of defense. in addition, the department spoke about the work of the vostok group unit. the military managed to take more advantageous positions and destroy over a hundred militants. abrams and leopards, as promised by the kiev regime, still reached moscow, but as they say, there are nuances. captured nato equipment was displayed on poklonnaya hill. all these vehicles are according to the plans of the ukrainian command and him.
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the chassis was completely destroyed, there was a strong, serious explosion on the mini, which led to the restoration of the tank, they finished it off with fpv drones and dumping ammunition into the open hatch. the vaunted nato vehicle, which in reality turned out to be quite vulnerable, this abrams m1, was first knocked out by the russian military and then pulled out literally in front of the militants in the village of berdache. the weight of such a machine is about 60 tons, and its maximum speed is 67 km/h. the main battle tank of the us army, armed with a 120 mm cannon, is armed with three machine guns, two 7.62 rifle calibers , one large caliber, hence it is good visible, caliber 12.7 mm. in total , there are more than thirty samples of military equipment from
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twelve countries at the exhibition, including the french amx10, american bradley and m150. and here, by the way, is the vaunted german leopard, one of the heaviest units here. its weight is about 65 tons. the main gun is 120 mm, plus a 7.62 machine gun, which is mounted on the turret. next comes 800 mm of armor, that is, almost a meter. the turret also contains modular ceramic steel armor, which is also almost a meter high, plus a 1,500 horsepower engine that accelerates it across good road speeds up to 70 km/h allow it to maneuver very well. among the trophies there are unique ones, for example, the t-72 ag tank in a single copy, made, by the way, on the basis of the soviet t-72, was captured near kiev back in february of twenty-two. based on ours. soviet t-72 tank, it was produced in a single copy, that is, we don’t have anything else
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like it; ukraine doesn’t have anything like it anymore; people came from other cities to see the captured equipment. we live from the city of kstow in nizhny novgorod. we are from zelenograd we came to see it because we are volunteers, patriots, we weave nets, and in principle we wanted to see the approximate size of this tank in order to help our guys. they also came from other countries, victor endriquez from mexico, and yan jahal from china, he says, he has never seen so much western technology. it means a lot that the russian army has similar trophies obtained in battle during attacks by western equipment. it’s great that such an exhibition has appeared and we can attend it today. and in the museum victory, may 1st was solemnly launched from.
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they protected us, and dasha’s great-grandfather, a machine gunner, says he was awarded two orders of the red star. i am holding in my hands a portrait of my great-grandfather mikhail semenovich kulakov, he led a company of machine gunners and accomplished a feat. my great-grandfather took on an unequal battle against a column of 300 germans. photos of their heroes in the belgorod and kirov regions were attached to the memory walls. the promotion will run until may 12. this year the immortal regiment has many formats, for example, portraits on t-shirts, the sides of cars and even windows
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houses as a symbol of memory and gratitude for our present. alexandra perfileva, maya alyonova, valentina velichanskaya, denis tetsironov and anton senchenko. news. the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin. live broadcast on may 7 at 12:00 moscow time on the russia channel. i've been waiting for you forever. i was in such a hurry to meet you. finally she came. spring is warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed
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with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition. we watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, watch, watch, in the application or on the website, dear friends, i want to bring to your attention. our new release of the besagon tv author's program, which will be
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called “when the eyes are bigger than the race.” i hope you will understand why we named our program this way. i believe it will be interesting, i’m looking forward to seeing you. an empty plastic bottle, garbage, many will say, no, excellent raw materials, what and how to build a business on garbage and benefits the planet at the same time. i wash plastic bottles, plastic containers, i try to wash off the label, if it were n’t profitable, we wouldn’t be standing here, there was a lot of waste here, we’ve loaded up this industrial site, we’re developing a second one, we’re thinking about the next one, we’ve grown a lot, we started out as an ordinary startup, we had
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four people, now there are 300 and the revenue there is 10 million, now it’s billions. the current ukrainian government acts exactly like the bolshevik government, yes, which separated the church. best in these conditions unite into one orthodox ukrainian church, separate completely from moscow.
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the lord is with his saints, let's see what happens next, stand, who are they, the newcomers, this is with me a passenger, a reporter, a director, i came with my brother, i am a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, adam, why adam, and not adam, i’m a chechen, an artist, a white rose, you can, i can, you’ll sing somehow, bru, lively, we don’t need names, trosh, or what, not trosh, not yours, well, you, chamomile, light of god, homer to the bullet gun, no, what to do, commander, shoot, the call sign is passenger, i suggest you change the call sign passenger to the call sign rebin, no, this is the call sign of my brother, you remain
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a passenger, that’s right. and again we are with you, dear viewers of channel russia 24, on our author’s program besagon tv. ah, today’s program is called lords of thoughts. but, in order to start the conversation, i would like to remind you of one topic that we
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raised in past programs. look here please. so i received a letter from a woman writing about the situation at school about modern education. i will not read this letter in full, i will give only one excerpt. and a few more words about the situation at school. my daughter was very worried that the new photo she posted on social media only had three likes. this is for her. it means she is not respected, she is uninteresting, this is a tragedy for her, a disaster, she was so upset that i didn’t know what to do, i asked my sister, her aunt, to get her likes, and my daughter calmed down only when their number exceeded for 100, all my attempts explain that it doesn’t mean anything, that
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a person spends a second like clicking a mouse, this is not an expression, nor recognition, nor indifference, it’s simple... but everything is not so simple and everything is not so simple. please look at this short story. this is not the return of the russian national team
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from the world cup with gold medals, this is not lady gaga coming to yekaterinburg, this is not the meeting of the first cosmonaut gagarin, this is not even philip kirkorov, no, you know who he is meeting, this is someone. kate clap. who is katya klep? me too i found out just recently. katya klep is a charming girl, she is a blogger. she has more than 5 million subscribers, that is, almost the entire population of a city like st. petersburg, the second city in our country. how did she win such attention and such excitement, such love, such, such passion for herself? look here. hello everyone, me. i know i can't please everyone, but most of you said you wanted to see a video of what 's in my bag right now, the first one that came up for me was my favorite blush, i don’t know what number this tube is, because i love this lipstick very much,
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it shows up, it’s on my lips now, then i have 50 rubles, apparently after a taxi, there’s a passport inside, of course i have a it's a wallet, it's made of leatherette, very comfortable, flat, so it's 817 rubles, it's okay, someone ate it, but no, it didn't, i bought three different types of tea, i bought a top like this for myself because it's short , i really like these tops now, i like to wear high skirts and a short top, when a little bit of my belly is visible, i also found myself another black top, this is the smallest mechish, as i call it, i decided to post a video about how i get ready in the morning, in the shower in the morning i always use a scrub with the smell of lemon, because i it invigorates, and i also have a life hack, in the morning i don’t do hot styling with an iron, i just moisturize my hair, and then i curl it like this , and i always apply it with a brush, because it turns out more economical, i apply any patches, because i always look like character from the film... burton. which app did i stop using? it looks like instagram stories, but at the same time it makes a cool mask and effect. hey! oh, this is
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my photo that got stuck on me. can you see what's in my refrigerator now? i have eggs, bacon, and some pickles in the refrigerator. this is a very tasty thing, it’s like ravioli, if i’m not mistaken. sausages, that's what we're going to eat now. this is my favorite food. that's it, i ran because my taxi had already arrived. i love you very much, all the best to you. bye.
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i don’t remember this meeting, but i have no reason not to trust katya, especially since she says good words about me, thank you katya, but nevertheless the question still arises, but why not? people are interested in talking about who has what in their purse, look at... they treat her, look, please, this is the expense of these katya fans, how are they, how are they
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serious, this is not a play, this is sincere, what a charming girl , who talks about how she wanted to meet katya club, who are you talking about we thought, of course, about katya club, and today we will talk about her, the fact is that i attended the background meeting and i would like to show you. and tell me how everything was there, well, let’s go, there weren’t enough tickets left, i need to buy them quickly, and i was like, what should i do? after all, then the next day my mother went and bought me tickets, katya klep herself came out, and we congratulated her on her birthday and sang a song, only katya does not age. we congratulated her on her birthday and said what she had achieved and what we, her subscribers are very proud, and then
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the most interesting car session began, everyone could approach katya, she could sign for you, and you could take a photo with her, that’s all, if the way you look at it, i congratulate you once again on your belated birthday, that’s all, manyunya dragon was with you, bye everyone, well, okay, let’s not ask why now, but i think... that gradually, speaking about this, we will try to at least formulate at least some, so to speak, on this this is our guess, but let’s say that the success of katya club causes envy among other bloggers, for example, ruslan sokolovsky, who had only 300 thousand subscribers, had a desire to increase them, due to which,
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here... look at what, hello, sokolovsky is with you, as you know, churches have introduced responsibility for catching pokemon , and for me this is complete nonsense, because who could be offended by the fact that you walked around church with a smartphone, why the hell can they go to prison for this, for me this is really strange, so i decided to just go catch pokemon churches, because why not no, i think it is and safely legally not prohibited, as a temple in which i would catch pokemon, i decided to choose one of the largest in yekaterinburg, this is the temple of the veil on blood, but count on the fact that i will come immediately and find pokemon there, somehow stupid, so i decided... to use a thing called incenс, it lures pokemon so it was easier for me to find them, you are strong, holy immortal, have mercy on us, holy god, holy strong, holy immortal, have mercy on us, as you can see, the results i didn't force myself wait and the first pokemon are already in my pokeballs, in general, everything was a success, i caught several pokemon in the church, i liked everything, no one bothered me, but you know, unfortunately, i won’t catch the rarest pokemon that could there to get jesus, but what can you do, they say that
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he doesn’t exist at all, so i’m not at all surprised. hello, sokolovsky here, i recently made a video in which i walk and catch pokemon around the temple, now people are writing about me, moskovsky komsomolets, komsomolskaya pravda, life news, everything in general in a row, all federal publications, and i am absolutely satisfied with the result, what does the press secretary of the ministry of internal affairs in yekaterinburg think about this, i am sure that this eccentric who lists himself as a pokemon hunter would hardly have done the same at the burial site of his loved ones, i actually don’t care about dead relatives, because these are just rotten pieces of corpses, there is absolutely nothing there, you do what you want there, it doesn’t matter to me, now he mocked the places... where among the dead there were children, here in yekaterinburg and in general on the entire planet on every meter some corpse, including children, this is absolutely normal, in the place where children or someone else were once killed, probably this same burnt one with his wife, such is life, in general, i achieved everything that i wanted to believe that i am not subject to any responsibility, that is, that is, just think about it, but a young man, shocking society.
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you, just, just think about how completely missing this is, even, how can i tell you, even biological memory, because ruslan, he lives in this country, one way or another, he is part of it, which means he is part of it history, part of her life, part of her culture, probably yes, but this feeling is absolutely missing. not even the work of a living person, but simply
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compassion, understanding, knowledge, at least, what happened in the eighteenth year, in the month of july, what happened when people were shot in a brutal, terrible, terrible way, without sparing anyone or anything, moreover, moreover, moreover, they were thrown into a mine, after which their remains were found, and these remains, the memory of these people, they are canonized by the russian orthodox church new martyrs, okay, but we understood the relationship, well, i won’t, so to speak, define this young man’s relationship to faith in general.”


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