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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 2, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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just compassion, understanding, knowledge, at least, what exactly happened in the eighteenth year, in the month of july, what happened when people were brutally, terribly, terribly, not sparing anyone or anything, shot, moreover, moreover, moreover , they were thrown into the mine, after that their remains were found and these...
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to stand up for a second, to stand for a second in the place of any of those who were there, is this feeling of involvement, compassion, really missing, completely cut off? it doesn’t arise, well, at least some apparently there is no idea that this is shameful, sinful, bad, and why, but let’s move on.
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from the desire for this, you look at what a person can do, what kind of addiction a person can go for, there is nothing left for himself, nothing left for that person, well, for his memory, at least everything that comes to mind is instantly thrown away into the world, instantly, now online, i think about it, i eat it, i want it, i say, pay attention to the specificity of speech. pay attention to its slope, the absence of pauses, the absolute the lack of time to think about what i want to say is verbal diarrhea, which exists at enormous speed, with specific, note, gestures that envelop a person in this world in which, in my opinion , nothing exists what can a person himself cling to... there is no need
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to remember anything, you need to instantly throw it into space, is it so harmless, and what is it anyway? there is this person, a blogger named ivan guy, he has more than 10 million subscribers, this almost the entire population of moscow, 10 million, so what and who is ivan gai? this is why he fascinates these 10 million subscribers, yes, i can bake, i can’t. ready, i'm ready, oh god, my legs,
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it hurts me, ivan guy's hair, under this video, by the way, 15 million views, that is, 15 million people, passing on to each other, united so that with delight...
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what it will be that if he does not complete it, he will lose the respect of the one who gave him this task, ivangai will turn away from him, he will no longer give him tasks, so he must complete, that's how it happens, hi-hai, wangai is with you, and today i will give tasks to nikita, who must complete them, so, the first task, nikita, you must eat a spoonful of cinnamon, mm, great start, vanya, let's go people i still like to watch it. the suffering of other people and i understand you, beka, for you, but where
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should i pour the water? , yes, jump, vanek, what are you trying to kill? did you decide? it's kind of a bummer, but i'll jump, 3, 2, 1, yekaterinburg, how do you feel, well, i want to go to the toilet, to be honest, i wasn't scared at all, i'm lying, i almost shit myself, well, bro , that's all, thank you vanka for such tasks. as soon as this video gets 30,000 thumbs up, i will make a new challenge accepted. here's another example, a little girl, a charming little girl, look at what task she wants to complete in order to appear
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in the eyes of those who gave her this task, a hero, a winner, a star, this... video the challenge is accepted, i will fulfill three challenges, i have a stand here, where, if anything, i don’t care, can i drink pva glue, but not all of it, but swallow it, i’m afraid, now, but it’s firing. well, just think about it, because these tasks, which are becoming more and more aggravated in
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their, so to speak, danger, they ultimately force a person to take risks seriously, not virtually, seriously. your life, risk your life, for what? well , listen, well, in the old days, duels, yes, let’s say, nothing good, but a duel means a person risks his life defending his own, his honor or, so to speak, experiencing, so to speak, wanting satisfaction, if he was insulted, for this he was expelled from the army, demoted, then it was condemned, but it was understandable, a person risks his life because... his dignity does not allow him to live with that one with the insult that was inflicted on him, but here it’s nothing, life is in sight, what deserves attention and respect for intelligence, talent, knowledge, action,
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an act for which you can be proud, and here something to drink glue and prepare a bowl if you... and you will be vomit, so that then, well, then, and then this shift happens, when it gets worse, then it leads, excuse me, just to the death group, a certain philip lis, the moderator of the death group, who called and brought young people, children to suicide, and the person, according to psychiatrists, is uncommunicative in life. who became god on the internet, he says the following, himself: they died happy, i gave them what they did not have in real life, warmth, understanding, connection, by the way, and this is very important, he offered these children to find warmth, understanding and connection in death,
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it means they didn’t have this in life, and this is another question, this is a question for parents, who, as a rule, have already been raised in many ways. the internet, who after tragic incidents begin to correspond with each other, who find understanding precisely there on the internet. and this is also sucked in sight, all life is in sight, the ins and outs, people without skin, without protection, as a result we come to a story, a tragic, nightmarish story, which many tv viewers probably know about, which occurred in the city of pskov, near the city of pskov. in 1414 , a terrible tragedy occurred in the villages of strugi krasnoe and the pskov region. presumably, they shot themselves. fifteen-year-old teenagers who had previously fired at the police, schoolchildren denis
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muravyov and ekaterina vlasova, who opened fire on the police, conducted a live online broadcast of what was happening on periscope. after police were able to get into the house, both teenagers were found dead. it is believed that the guy killed the girl and then shot himself. the day before young people left identical posts on social networks about how they were not understood. the girl accused her mother of scolding her for the fact that the girl stayed at her friend's, well, okay, the despair of a girl, maybe, maybe, fifteen years old, complex, the despair of a teenager, a boy, maybe, maybe, with a passion, like this, he threw himself or threw himself from the roof or threw himself out the window, or drowned himself, and then... maybe this, yes, is terrible, but maybe, but here it’s something else, here, you
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look at the train of thought of these two beautiful children, look at what they talk about, what they do, listen to their vocabulary, listen, count how many words they use, look at what interests them, look at how absolutely there is no understanding of what what does life mean and what does death mean? and what happened, they ask, they tell, so, look, kid, there are... two hedgehogs, there are cops, now i’ll show you what we
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did with the cop’s car, we are 15 years old, we are children, we ran away from home, we arrived cops, here bobby is theirs, we started shooting at them because they gave us permission, they shot, they shot, they ran away, and we just lived quietly together, not bothering anyone, and where did the weapons come from, it was here, but in short, no, let me i’ll tell you, in this safe, she’s here... she lived , now she’ll tell you everything, in general, this is my dacha, my stepfather’s dacha, and he’s like a special forces soldier, an fsb hunter, and he had a gun at home, so we broke into everything and there’s a surprise, you actually shot, i can shoot in front of you, let’s shoot in front of you, if you want, in front of you, at us, in short, ours parents filed a missing person report, they rattled off the report, in short, on us, although we said that like if you dashed off it would be worse, but they didn’t listen to us, they made it worse, so should you shoot or not, i’m just bored, let’s go, look, kid , carefully, but it’s charged,
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at least, yes, yes, it will charge, that feeling when at the age of 15 you know how to charge everything, now we’ll be stunned again, he looks, he looks, tough, he wrote, look, and go nuts, people , people care, it’s a scam, well people think what you want, now you’ll see everything, it’s real special forces, did you see the car, it’s black special forces , full helmets, mask, weapons in hands, machine gun, people, and what do you have so little, ask some questions, ask a question about why there’s a shootout, and what to write, i don’t know , share the broadcasts, invite people here, then maybe we will go out to be shot, yes, then maybe we will surrender in front of you. let's at least 10 people, only four people, six people, let's four more, let's just put this broadcast
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at the top, already eight people, let's have more, please support, yes, wait a little, then it will start, because a detachment will arrive, we will be, as they say, they said they will storm us, they will storm us, we will shoot back, it will be fun, at least for us, well, it will be fun for you to watch, they can kill you, guess , understand? they told us that they could kill us, they said, like they’re already in moscow, you know, we’re interfering with the cops, and like a sable will come and storm us, the connections with this will kill us, you didn’t kill anyone except dogs. there is no one, no one yet, maybe i got caught by the cops, i don’t know i just see, they are talking to me on the phone, i see the cops, just bang-bang in them, maybe mindov got hit, so give up or not, don’t ignore us, so people, give up or not, just yes or no, we have two people left in the broadcast, fucked up, but at least one opinion is needed, people, if you do something, if you don’t write, i love
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the broadcast, i just love the broadcast, just who needs this broadcast, you know, then what, like, who is this trash show if? no one is interested in likes, only likes, that’s not all they complain about, they complain about the fact that not enough people saw them people that they will not continue this if there are few people, there is no one for them, they are not doing this because they robbed a bank, they are hiding, they have to shoot back, they decided that they didn’t attack the cash-in-transit vehicle, they didn’t criminals, not terrorists, they are just schoolchildren, russian schoolchildren from the city of pskov, who talk about what will happen to them, how they will shoot at the police, how they will now kill two dogs, how they shot up a car, they constantly demand from society , go to
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to us, look at us, look at us, here we are, how they complain that someone thinks that this is... bullshit, that this is a scam, that this is not true, no, this is true, they say, this true, we are now going to shoot at the police, as they ask, maybe we should surrender, they are waiting for an answer, they are dependent on those who are watching them now, they themselves go into this dependence, they crave it, this dependence, these are not the people for of which...
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a third, then we will do such a thing that we will die, here, live, online, in periscope, and that, everything, we, the stars, to whom, when, and the fact that they will be forgotten in 20 minutes, they showed, nodded their heads, showed on tv, forgot, it
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doesn’t matter, but the fact that dozens of people who are around them, for them it there will be... there may be a tragedy, it doesn’t matter, there is no connection with the world, a living connection, not this online internet connection, but a living connection, compassion, memory, feeling, but you think about what the consequences are if you generalize all this, what kind of people? today children, tomorrow people, what kind of people if at the age of 15 a person does not feel any future, and he has no desire, he has no desire to live, he has no reason to live, what could grow out of this, what kind of people, and if you
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think about it further, let’s look just for comparison. yes, now i’m reading rudin, here are extracts from there, there is nothing more painful than the consciousness of the stupidity you have just done, because this is...
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1896 is a pre-revolutionary time, a very pre-revolutionary time. this is what high school student olga dolgova writes in her diary. i am writing this diary not for anyone to read, but so that when i grow up, i can know what he thinks and does. a fourteen-year-old girl out of the ordinary, then to find out how correctly i judged such subjects back then, such as
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the character of some people, good and evil, mutual relationships and so on, don’t get me wrong, i don’t want to say that do this , keep a diary, reflect, different times, different speeds, everything is different, i don’t want to compare, i give this example only so that we can weigh for a second the specific gravity, internal, if you can weigh it, mental, spiritual, specific weight the world of those girls here, who is better, who? undiscussable, another question, another question, this is an addiction that deprives a person
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of the root system, of attachment to life, to love, to future motherhood or fatherhood, or the feeling of a daughter or sons, i’m talking about this now.
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i pose a question to us, to everyone and to those whom they call dad, mom, older brother, sister, teacher, how do they themselves feel this danger? do they feel it at all? i would really like that what we talked about today would become a reason... so that talk about this at home with each other, all the best, until the next meeting.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. where are you from 11 b? no harm, i'm from 11 b. it's 2124, this is not science fiction, this is love. alice and i, as if i didn’t understand, you don’t mind, do you? 100 years ago.
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this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about the main thing for today. may 1 in europe was traditionally marked by riots, the largest scale clashes in paris, demonstrators threw stones and fireworks at the police, and received tear gas in response. chronicles of the first of may by anastasia papova.


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