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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 2, 2024 5:00am-5:30am MSK

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this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about the main thing for today. on may 1, in europe , traditionally, riots marked the largest clashes in paris; demonstrators threw stones and fireworks at the police, and received tear gas in response. chronicles of may day by anastasia popova. traditional french race. the police's task is to catch up with
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the ultra-left youth from the black bloc, who come to such demonstrations solely to destroy. the main target is everything connected with the world of capital, banks are barricading the entrance in advance, this time the tactic did not work, the doors were torn out, the glass was broken. the police kept getting into hand-to -hand combat and using tear gas. in lyon, more than two dozen people were detained, some had knives confiscated, while thousands walked peacefully through the streets, calling this labor holiday a family holiday, others staged battles with the police, who used water cannon to disperse them. it was hot in paris too. law enforcement officials identified about 800 rioters among thousands of peaceful protesters, which is why clashes arose. people were beaten with batons,
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indiscriminately, with their hands raised they were not saved up, according to volunteer doctors, several people received head wounds, they were helped on the spot, tear gas is also an integral attribute of almost every such manifestation, like burned cars, innovation, burning olympic rings, there will be no economic changes, no will be played.
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demonstrations in france alone, where this time they are held under different slogans, against poverty, for justice, for peace and, oddly enough, for stopping the supply of weapons to ukraine, people in capital of poland with slogans “for peace”, and this is not our war, they took to the streets of warsaw with polish flags and calls to stop adding fuel to the conflict, which could have ended long ago if not for the stubbornness of the west. anastasia popova lio bernatsky, denis sokolov, news, european bureau. well, in russia
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on may 1st there are processions, rallies, cleanup days, as well as new student projects, and of course, an important part of the holiday was the presentation of state awards, more details anna voronina. on labor day there is no way without its new heroes, five citizens at once by decree of the country, vladimir putin today awarded the title of hero of labor for many years of conscientious work and outstanding labor achievements at machine-building enterprises, factories and design bureaus. well, those who are just starting their careers gathered today at vdnkh, more than 500 students and schoolchildren, and took part in the may labor krut procession. addressing those gathered, tatyana golikova noted that all conditions have been created for those who really want to work today. we implement youth employment programs until the thirtieth year, we provide career guidance for. we supported
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your initiative, we simplified the employment system for citizens aged 14 to 18, we do all this so that young people... who are just starting to work and do not yet have experience, spoke today at a rally of the communist party of the russian federation, they propose to take the soviet experience as a basis. we must do everything to implement our law, education for all. it will give every young person the right to have affordable free education and a first
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job without the right to be fired in the coming years. 3 years. the protection of workers' rights was discussed today at the ldpr rally, as the party leader noted, it is necessary to bridge the gap. payments between regions to establish fair working conditions. we must make sure that in all regions of the country people live with dignity, so that they do not try to move to the capital by any means, so that they do not leave, on the contrary, they strive to the far east, to siberia, where there are infrastructure projects that are significant for the future russia. moscow trade unions united for an action of solidarity with the trade unions of donbass, in donetsk and lugansk. today, convoys with 60 tons of humanitarian aid were sent from the capital. these are medical equipment, personal hygiene items, warm clothes, as well as construction materials and protective equipment for repair
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teams who are engaged in the restoration of houses and infrastructure. we do not forget the residents, civilians, who also suffer from these actions, which are merged by the ukrainian nazis, therefore. we have completed food kits - non-perishable items and household chemicals, about eight thousand of these kits have been completed here here sent to them. in the dpr itself, residents came out for a may day cleanup, activists organized a general cleanup in the park named after vasily from the heat, planted flowers and painted a children's playground, at the other end of the country in vladivostok, in honor of may 1, they decided to paint the asphalt, thereby showing that with the arrival of spring... ..
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managed to take more advantageous positions and destroy over a hundred militants. abrams and leopards, as promised by the kiev regime, still reached moscow, but as they say, there are nuances. nato was placed on poklonnaya hill captured equipment, all these vehicles, according to the plan of the ukrainian command and its western curators, were supposed to change the balance of forces at the front in favor of the armed forces of ukraine, but they became the prey of the russian army. perfileva conducted an inspection. the completely burnt-out engine and main controls of the main us tank, the abrams m1, are considered invincible by nato. but 3 days ago he was in the zone of a special military operation, and today he
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was on poklonnaya hill as a trophy. he was captured by our fighters in the ovdeevsky direction. fully the chassis was destroyed, there was a strong, serious explosion on the mini, which led to restoration. the tank was finished off with fpv drones and dropping ammunition into the open hatch. the vaunted nato machine, which in reality turned out to be quite vulnerable. the russian military first knocked out this m1 abrams and then pulled it out literally in front of the militants in the village of berdache. the weight of such a machine is about 60 tons, and its maximum speed is 67 km/h. the main battle tank of the us army, it is armed with a 12-millimeter cannon. three machine guns in service, two rifle caliber 7.62, one large-caliber, from here it is clearly visible, its caliber is 12.7 mm, in total there are more than thirty samples of military equipment from twelve countries at the exhibition, this includes the french amx10, the american bradley and the m150, by the way, the vaunted german leopard,
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one of the heaviest units here, its weight is about 65 tons. the main gun is 120 mm, plus a 7.62 machine gun, which is mounted on the turret. then there is 800 mm of armor, that is, it is almost a meter; the turret also has modular ceramic steel armor, which is also almost a meter, plus 15. based on the soviet t-72, was captured near kiev in a single copy, by the way, made back in february of the twenty-second year, on the basis of our soviet t-72 tank, it was released in a single copy, that is, we have more of these and... there are no more people like that to see captured equipment, people came from other
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cities, we live from the city of kstol in nizhny novgorod, we came from zelenograd to see because we are volunteers, patriots, we weave nets, in principle we wanted to see the approximate the size of this tank in order to help our guys, they came from other countries, victor endriquez from mexico, ayanjahal from china, he says, there is so much western equipment. i've never seen it before. it means a lot that the russian army has similar trophies obtained in battle during attacks by western equipment. it’s great that such an exhibition has appeared and we can attend it today. and on may 1, at the victory museum, one of the new formats of the all-russian action, the immortal regiment, was solemnly launched. wall of memory. elena grigorievna came to the victory museum with a portrait mine.
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as i hold the portrait of my great-grandfather mikhail semenovich kulakov, he led a company of machine gunners and accomplished a feat. my great-grandfather took on an unequal battle against a column of 300 germans. photographs of their heroes in the belgorod and kirov regions were attached to the memory scenes. the promotion will run until may 12. this year the immortal regiment has many formats. for example, portraits on t-shirts, the sides of cars and even the windows of houses. as a symbol of memory and gratitude for our present. alexandra
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perfilyeva, maya alyonova, valentina velichanskaya, denis tsitsaronov and anton senchenko. news. i've been waiting for you forever. i was in such a hurry to meet you. finally she came. spring, warm, sunny, bright. the russian exhibition flourished. with all the colors of spring, you were waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition.
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on may 9, 1945, our country celebrates the day of victory in the great patriotic war, which was part of the second world war. the cost of victory for the soviet people was terrible, 27 million people died, the country lay in ruins. despite this, the soviet union was able to liberate from... not only its territory, however, today in the united states and western countries they prefer to forget about the role of the red army in the victory over fascism. we cannot allow victory to be stolen; let us remember what the soviet union did for europe throughout the world. the thought had never occurred to anyone before. to question the decisive contribution of the red or soviet
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army to the victory over fascism, but gradually after the collapse of the ussr, because the collapse of the ussr played a very, i would say, negative role for the perception of the soviet past, the american operation gradually began to rise, or more precisely, of the soviet people over fascist germany, this is what this is being done for, so that we become outcasts, yes, in order to deprive us of history, yes, historical memory, roots, and i want to say that if we take such an average young man
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european, then most likely he will... say that england and the united states of america made a decisive contribution to the victory over fascism. it is interesting that at that time it was this mentioned time magazine that published a very interesting cartoon, the cartoon concerned the situation in europe on the fronts, especially on the eastern front, because the landings had not yet begun in june. fourth year, and the caricature was like this, which means a well-known character, mustachioed, with a pipe, everyone immediately understood that it was stalin, early in the morning calling london, so to speak, like a comrade, since they had already met in tagheran at a conference, according to - comrade, he says, winston, there, good morning, it’s me
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joe, the americans, the british called stalin, uncle joe. winston, it's me, joe. we are nolamanshe now you can disembark, it is now safe. this was a caricature that expressed the public mood. everyone understood that the russians, even without the americans and the british, would end this war by reaching the lomanche, reaching normandy, and would not have to land anywhere. after. a distortion began, beneficial, subordinated to modern politics, to show that the russians can’t do anything, that they are worth nothing, that the war was won by the anglo-americans, and they may not even mention it, not to mention the crumbling
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monuments, demolished monuments to the victory, soviet soldier in europe. russophobia, as an ideology, as a philosophy, has long roots. gidemetan, an outstanding swiss politician and philosopher, said that russaphobia generally has a history from charlemagne to the present day, and i completely agree with him, in the ideology of europeans in general there is a lot of racism, a lot of nationalistic ideas. well, officially, if you and i look at the history of philosophy, it was only after the second world war in europe that they began to censor works that were, in principle, extolled colonialism, nationalism and as xenophobic ideas, if we read with you all
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of hegel, who we all study at the university, we will see such russophobic and then in principle, from the point of view, it means, of the russian nation, the russian nation, it should be banned here, you see, what’s the matter, but they were normal ideas, they were considered, in general, the idea of ​​racism, i say, right up to the end of the second world war, they were considered normal, i remind you that all of europe fought with us in the second world war, if i'm not mistaken, only two countries did not fight,
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the idea of ​​racism in general, how long ago did they abandon this idea, the idea of ​​xenophobic ideas in relation to individual peoples, to individual ethnic groups,
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this is due to the fact that overcoming this nationalism, xenophobia of nazism to some extent , i would say, it did not
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end with the end of the second world war, you know, what’s the matter, fascism with the end, that is, of the second world war, with the victory over fascism, that means it did not end, in a latent form, i think, the ideas of nationalism nazism does not exist.
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the soviet union did not just pull the countries of eastern europe, including those, from under
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german occupation. the soviet union later helped them restore new infrastructure, but it was also very important. the fact is that in europe, since 1933 , concentration camps began on german territory. by the way, the participants were among the first to get into these constitutional camps. germany, that is , those who were against, those who were against fascism, they were among the first to end up in these concentration camps. young europeans are not told who, in fact, released most of the prisoners and closed the death camps. these conservation camps acted as machines for the destruction of civilians, including until 1944-45, until the very same liberation began.
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let us repeat, the concentration camps continued to operate until 1945, and not a single european state closed them until the soviet soldiers did this, and only after them the death camps began to be closed by the allied troops. that is, the soviet union not only, not only helped restore independence. soviet soldiers pulled out these small children from concentration camps, fed them. it would seem that there are irrefutable
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facts indicating the role of beauty. army in the victory over fascism, how can this be disputed? documents can be corrected, they can be sent there to all sorts of state storage facilities and so on, so on, we have a digital, let’s say, state, people no longer go to libraries to get documents, there is an information confrontation, we have tv, social networks. yes, like opinion leaders who, if they sing to the same, let’s say, historical trumpet, then, well, at first it will seem incredible that the soviet union did not defeat hitler there, but then some will begin to doubt, yes, then they will say, yes, it did not win. the struggle is in general for our
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souls, for our values, for precisely the purpose of reformatting people, because well , such a great country as russia, and earlier as the soviet union, can still be destroyed only from the inside, otherwise, by influencing the minds, let’s say , tossing.
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there are significantly fewer of us, but we are on the right path, that’s true, she will win!
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