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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 2, 2024 5:30am-6:00am MSK

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entering an educational institution knowing for sure that after graduation you will be hired, this opportunity is provided by targeted training. how does this one work? we will tell you the mechanism and how it has changed this year in 5 minutes in the program instructions. let's start with what targeted learning is. it is free for the student; he enters into an agreement with a company or organization and undertakes to work there for a certain number of years after receiving his diploma, and the employer or customer pays for the training of the employees. if the company or organization is state-owned, the customer is the state and the university receives money from the state budget. to the student.
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accordingly, budget space is allocated according to the target quota. a separate competition is held for such places. the government sets the quota every year. the customer can be any private company or individual entrepreneur, but if it is not included in the list of employers for the target recruitment, you will have to enroll in a university on a general basis. you can go all the way from finding an employer to concluding a targeted training agreement with him using digital services. this year, according to federal law, which in general has already entered into force. we provide state services for submitting applications for targeted education not only to universities, but also to colleges; such a client path has already been implemented and , accordingly, will be launched with the start of the admissions campaign. the university’s admissions campaign starts on june 20, and the future student’s path begins with finding an employer who will order the targeted training. this year the list of potential employers for target quotas has been expanded. previously, the state paid for the training of government employees, government agencies, corporations of state-owned companies,
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companies with state participation, as well as agricultural producers producing products from the list approved by the government. now personnel will be purposefully trained for private companies operating in priority development areas, special economic zones and territorial development zones in the arctic and the free port of vladivostok. for residents of skolkovo, the international medical cluster in moscow, innovative scientific and technological centers and the military. innovative technopolis era near anapa. don’t forget about ordinary private companies and entrepreneurs who are willing to pay for training. finding an employer and establishing a digital connection with them has become easier. employers have their own path, a client path. starting from may 1, they can log into their personal accounts on the work portal in russia. actually, there they submit their requests for what specialists they need. there they set
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requirements, there they determine quotas for specialists, which means how many they will need in further work, here on on the job portal in russia, they see the applications received in response from candidates, and accordingly, they then enter into an agreement for targeted training based on the results of the competitive situation in air. one of the innovations of this year’s admissions company is that you can conclude an agreement on targeted training with only one customer. main parties to the agreement. applicant, customer as a third, who will monitor the progress of the university. it can be included in the employer’s contract, if the customer is not the same legal entity, you need to work after graduation there will be a minimum of three and a maximum of 5 years. another change is that you can now conclude an agreement on targeted training only after enrollment, but before the start of your studies. the applicant, after the actual competitive situation has ended, receives a decision from the university. that he is included there,
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respectively, in the order for enrollment, after this happens, he can actually sign directly on the government services portal, a tripartite agreement is signed there, or in the general case there is a quadripartite agreement. where the participants, respectively, is the university, where the customer of the targeted training and the employer, they, as a rule, are still united in one person, the student himself, that is , the student himself, the future student, or rather , an already enrolled student, receives a draft agreement on the state services portal, which means he downloads the state key application, receives the state key, this contract itself is signed in the state key and sent to the university and employer for signing. in the contract, you should pay special attention to penalties for failure to comply with the conditions, and of course, you need to understand that... targeted training is great responsibility. if you do not master the program or do not work for the required period of time in the company, you will have to compensate the customer for all expenses. let's repeat the most important things. on may 1 , changes to the education law came into force; they clarify the rules for targeted education. the list of employers by
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target quotas has been expanded. on the russia jobs portal, all employers have the opportunity to place their applications. an agreement on targeted training can now be concluded only after. enrollment, and the third party to the agreement should be the university. maximum working period after its completion is limited to five years. if you have any questions, if you want to know how to get a sought-after specialty or job, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, and we will talk to experts and tell you everything in one of the next issues of the manual. the current ukrainian government acts exactly like the bolshevik government.
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empty plastic bottle, garbage, many will say, no, excellent raw materials, what and how to build a business on garbage and at the same time benefit the planet, i wash plastic bottles, the containers are plastic, i'm trying to remove the label, if... it wasn't profitable, we would n't be standing here, there would be a lot of dust rolling around here, we've loaded up this industrial site, we're developing a second one, we're thinking about the next thing, we've grown a lot, we started as an ordinary startup, we had four people, now there are 300, and the revenue there is 10 million, now it’s billions.
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on may 23, 1945, heinrich himler, one of the main organizers of the nazi death factories, a system of concentration camps that operated throughout europe until until 1945. think about these terrible words, even when the defeat of hitler’s germany was already obvious, not a single european country. closed the concentration camps located on its territory. we will talk about the most terrible moments of european
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history. let's talk about why today people prefer to remain silent about the role of the red army, which liberated prisoners and closed death camps. he is from the camp - this is one of the symbols. created the ss, which created, in principle, the system of just these concentration camps, as
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a business project, and a business project that was built on destruction on the mass extermination of people, and the soviet union liberated more, about 80 percent of these camps were liberated by the red army, european countries, they were not able to do so in 4 years. themselves to close this catastrophe, and in order for it all to close, it was necessary to ensure that the fascist system itself was eliminated, then we say so beautifully, the allies helped close the constitutional camps, the allies helped close the constitutional camps, but a huge role in the liberation of the constitutional camps, people the soviet union also played a role in the constitutional camps. there are 27 camps on the territory of our ukraine, our closest native state. when we closed this catastrophe, of course, we tried to save people, the main camps, and of
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them, of course, the asvenites were probably number one in terms of the scale of criminal politics, and they were really liberated by the red army, and even the people who went through the war watched death in the eyes for almost 4 years by that time, they were... of course horrified by what they saw, the volumes evil, as they called it, ordinary evil, that ’s it, that was the term in literature, of course they were simply amazing. hitler, at
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a meeting with industrialists, said that it was impossible to achieve economic success by simply concentrating on the economy. germany needs expansion. expansion is needed because the territories are nearby.
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these are the zones, but the more wars there were, the more european countries fell under the dependence of germany, the anschluss of austria played a fairly serious role at this moment, there will also be camps on the territory of austria, european countries will increasingly lose their independence... concentration camps will appear on their territory. the number of concentration camps shocks the consciousness of any civilized person. more than 80% of these camps were created in eastern europe, including in poland, czechoslovakia, which means hungary and in the territory of the former soviet union, yes, one of the bloodiest - this is a children's camp in
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salospilas in latvia, one of the most difficult moments, of course, is the camp, which... was located 18 km from the capital of latvia riga, and this is the salas camp, the children's blood camp, a huge infrastructure was developed and prepared there, an infrastructure that was used for medical experiments on residents, on people who ended up in the constitutional camp salatspis, including small children, more than 100,000 people died in salaspis , 700 small children, about 12...
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train, work, no food, death, they weren’t even poisoned there in gas chambers, yes, there was a period, they just worked for the
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german economy, why weren’t there actual camps closed until 1945, because... this method of forcing people to work until they die was assessed from an economic point of view. these were truly death factories, where a person was forced to lose his humanity and a person was reduced to the level of an animal. and many prisoners were actually saved by soldiers of the soviet union. and in fact, many people remember this. one example, but in addition to the fact that the soviet union... liberated the salospis camp, naturally, the soviet union liberated prisoners of camps who were located on the territory of ukraine and belarus. another example is the ralensblyuk camp, where there were children from twenty-three european countries. how can you forget this? 23 european states suffered and their children suffered from this terrible fascist
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machine. those who participated in the war as well. and also their relatives, they have already passed away due to circumstances related to physical things, people, today's generation, this is not one generation, several generations already, they do not remember these historical lessons of the past, they do not feel ashamed for their relatives who participated in these terrible things that hitler did there, yes, with hitler’s submission, they do not ... experience any threats of conscience for the fact that the majority of the german people supported nazism and they we are ready, sad as it may seem, to attack this old historical rake with renewed vigor.
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is it a shame? european countries, no, here, by the way, too, you know, this is a very important point, european countries or politics? politicians in european countries today are doing what they are doing what they do, but many peoples who are located on the territory of latvia, lithuania, estonia, they remember the soviet union with gratitude, because they really remember, there is still that generation that remembers the activities of the soviet union, but there is a second side to the issue , they are within the european framework. zone , a new generation has grown up for 30 years already, the boy who was born in the ninety-second year is 30 today, and he is already an adult, and he
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grew up in a different information space, he read other textbooks, and if he is at home they didn’t tell us in time what the soviet union was, he may no longer remember it, our task is to make sure that our generation remembers. if it had been slowed down, it would have meant hundreds, thousands more casualties, but we still managed to save someone, someone,
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although the number of deaths, of course, shocked the minds of normal people, the world must remember, and we must to do everything to remember who liberated these concentration camps, today the polish government does not even invite the leadership of the russian federation...
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let's say, patterns of behavior, just in that era when germany was great for some time, but from their point of view, therefore everything, everything dangerous can return.
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goering addressed the military: before you is a country where there is a lot of white bread. sour cream apples, take it all, take it. the master plan for the island left no doubt about what they wanted to do with us? having exhausted all attempts to bring our western colleagues to the negotiating table and sign something anti-getaite, we realized that we are alone, we must ensure our own safety. fighting in the city is not chaos, fighting in the city is the highest military art, and even psychological little things were thought through, the bet was that something would happen... the corps
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left the very south of berlin, i understood correctly, the future, yes, yeah , twenty-fourth year, 2124, this is the situation, now i can jump a century into the future and back, i see everything, space pirates are hunting for us, well, they were already there when i came here, we need to find... what a meeting, maybe we can put the kids to bed and now is the time to sort everything out and it’s time to act somehow. questions, suggestions, objections, what do you want, the light is on ahead.
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your brother is there in donbass, in short, you need to go there. call sign passenger, i’m not a fighter, i came with my brother, i have to find him, if you are a creative, ambitious, young professional, then quickly take part in the national open championship of creative competencies artists.
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powerful explosions occurred in the regions of ukraine, and people caught fire in odessa.


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