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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 2, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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powerful explosions occurred in the regions of ukraine, a warehouse of a new post office caught fire in odessa; it also transports weapons for the ukrainian armed forces. local
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publications reported cases of detonation in the kharikov region in kherson, controlled by the kiev regime. a protest rally took place in tbilis until the early morning. protesters took to the streets after the adoption of the bill on foreign agents in the second reading. they started riots and stormed parliament, and the police detained the participants. the united states has published a new package of sanctions against russia, the measures are aimed at defense industry, energy transport, there are almost 30 companies on the list. and persons from various countries, including china, uae and turkey. the russian embassy in the united states called this an attempt to intimidate our partners. at a meeting of the un general assembly, russia declared that the organization had become a hostage of us policy in the middle east. washington is deliberately using the security council as a means of putting pressure on palestine. that is why the united states vetoed its adoption at the un. a huge fire broke out in odessa. after powerful explosions in the southern
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parts of the city. the fire rose to a height of several floors, and a thick column of black smoke appeared above it. according to some reports, the warehouse of the new post office, which transports weapons and ammunition for the ukrainian armed forces, came under attack. it is possible that there were shipments of western weapons inside. explosions late the night before also occurred in kharkov and the kharkov region , kherson, which is still controlled by the kiev regime. the consequences have not been reported at this time. the air raid warning in ukraine was announced several times; the siren was heard at nine regions, and also in those territories of the zaporozhye and kherson regions and the dpr where militants are now in control. in the kupinsky direction, the special operations of the reactive system of the western group of forces dealt a powerful blow to the enemy. air reconnaissance spotted the movement of the militants. the coordinates were transmitted by the crew of the rszzo uragan. the complexes moved out of cover with precise strikes from a distance of more than.
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our installation was located in the belgorod region at a great distance from the enemy, but this did not affect the accuracy, our special correspondent igor pikhanov. in a camouflaged position near the state border, russian artillery is preparing for combat work. the long-range self-propelled gun hits enemy targets even in the enemy's shell. near kharkov, intelligence discovered the movement of military equipment to isa in order to prevent. in the belgorod region,
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it is necessary to neutralize the threat. the self-propelled artillery gun is located on a tracked base, the engine power is 800 horsepower, due to its maneuverability, the vehicle can arrive at any given point. the crew moves to the firing line, the forty-ton vehicle easily moves over rough terrain, this is especially important at the front, you need to work quickly and in a coordinated manner. the ukrainian armed forces' drones can strike at any moment; the fighters aim the gun at the received coordinates and open it. fire 35:05 aim the bead 35-05, yes, the gun’s rate of fire is eight rounds per minute, the howitzer hits the target, the soldiers say this is a real sniper weapon, high-explosive 152-mm shells the fortified ukrainian armed forces are being destroyed, military equipment is destroyed, aerial reconnaissance aircraft and russian drones are adjusting the fire. the lan-10 is too tough
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for the enemy's electronic warfare service; this operating scheme greatly increases the effectiveness of artillery. intelligence works in dynamics and targets are generally of a different nature. it was from this warehouse that
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ammunition was used, as it were, against opponents and artillery attacks were carried out on nearby villages, towns, that is, populated areas. after working on the targets , sao goes to reserve positions and waits the following order: the combat crew is on duty around the clock on the front line, long-range artillery hits the enemy and does not allow him to approach our borders. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, lead the belgorod region. the names of the organizers of the crime in odessa became known, when 42 people were burned alive in the house of trade unions. the tragedy, which occurred exactly 10 years ago, was carefully planned by the kiev regime, which seized power in the country.
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and igor kolomoisky, he then headed the dnipropetrovsk region. igor palitsa in in turn, he led the militants on the spot, for which later. if it weren’t for those police officers, they would have rolled us out there, shouting “glory to ukraine”, simply breaking our heads, the new nazis burned almost 50 people in the trade union house, hello, yes, there is a fire, well, where is it,
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a new protest against the bill has ended in tbilis on foreign agents, it was adopted in the second reading, the final third reading will take place in 2 weeks, but the opposition is trying to oppose the bill not in the meeting room, but on the streets. about the riots in the center of tbilisi, victoria queen. there is again a protracted confrontation in front of the georgian parliament building; crowds of people took to the streets against the bill on military agents, immediately after the document was adopted in the second reading. due to attempts by protesters to break through, the ministry of internal affairs declared a red alert level. the protesters blocked the service entrance gate with garbage cans and climbed onto barricades several meters high, from where they broke the parliament window with stones and threw a smoke bomb. protesters called the law russian, although in fact it is calcasse american and even tried to set fire to
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the russian flag, but nothing happened. moscow does not interfere in the affairs of a sovereign state, but european diplomats have already reminded the georgian government of the country’s status as a candidate country for joining the european union. i am following the situation in georgia with great concern and condemn the violence on the streets of tbilisi. we expect the georgian government to promptly take the measures it has committed to take as an eu candidate country. behind european politicians, tension on the streets the opposition is fueled by calls not to stop the protests. well, i think it’s not just about the law, we want to be part of the european union. i think that people's willingness to fight for their european future is so high that we will definitely win. and we will protest no matter how long it takes. the security forces tried for several hours to push the demonstrators away from parliament, through closed gates; special forces fired tear gas and water cannons into the building. in total, the georgian ministry of health notes,
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eight people were injured, and dozens more medical assistance was provided on the spot. the demonstrators dispersed. only in the morning after arrests began on rustaveli avenue. victoria koroleva, lead. the un security council has become a hostage to american middle east policy, and so does russia. during the organization, vasily nebendia commented on the us veto on the issue of accepting palestine into the world organization. the diplomat emphasized: the american side is deliberately using the un as a lever of pressure on palestine in order to achieve the most beneficial terms of negotiations. we extremely regret such actions of our american colleagues. they absolutely do not reflect the principled position taken by the remaining members of the un security council, who. these six months essentially became hostages of the united states in the middle east. permanent
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representative of china prion also noted that washington regularly abuses its veto power and is guided only by its own interests and geopolitical calculations. washington is trying to intimidate moscow's partners through illegitimate sanctions. this is how russian ambassador to the united states anatoly antonov commented on the new restriction package of the american ministry of finance. according to the diplomat. the united states does not realize that with such steps it only alienates other states. actually, maria filippova will tell you what these sanctions are in economic news, she joins us. good morning, the measures apply to russian air transport. good morning, yes, in particular. the victory company will now tell you everything in detail. us treasury
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published another package of anti-russian sanctions. the new restriction affects the defense industry, energy transport. the list of 29 individuals includes over 250 legal entities from a number of countries, including china, the united arab emirates, turkey, singapore, slovakia and even belgium. on the energy front, washington confirmed its goal of disrupting the arctic lng 2 project and imposed restrictions on several companies associated with it. by transport. sanctions against pobeda airlines, as well as a number of organizations that deal with expansion of the baikal amur mainline. by the way, in case of victory, the entry into force of sanctions will be delayed. as stated in the general license, operations for the supply of goods, technologies and services to the airline are permitted until july 30. this was explained in washington by concern for the safety of civil aviation. in addition, 16 sea vessels flying russian, panamanian and singaporean flags were subject to restrictions. from the atypical. this package of sanctions against the developer of the astrolinux operating system seems to be
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a personal attack by bill gates. us federal reserve as expected, he kept the base rate in the range of 5 and a quarter 5.5% due to the so-called sticky inflation; there is now no talk of a quick easing. back in mid-april, the head of the federal reserve announced that monetary policy would remain tight longer than expected, otherwise consumer prices would not be contained. and jerome paul's current speech was in the same vein; he announced the continued high level of inflation in the states. we stated that we do not expect it would be advisable to reduce the target range for federal rates. funds until we have greater confidence that inflation is moving steadily towards 2%. so far this year the data has not given us as much confidence, in particular, as i noted earlier, the inflation figures have. above expectations. and again to the topic of anti-russian sanctions, more precisely about
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the consequences of previous packages. in britain , experts are calling on automakers not to rejoice at the growth in sales, but to sound the alarm. the fact is that the jump was recorded thanks to supplies to a country friendly to russia. it's clear where the cars go next. in the royal united nations defense research institute is advising its industrialists not to go to the pope to celebrate, but to worry about their distribution channels. however, the director of the research center emphasized that this is not the case. it is possible to supply british cars to kazakhstan or azerbaijan, but be careful. at the end of the exchange rate, the dollar today is 91 rubles 77 kopecks, the euro is 98 rubles. 2 kopecks raman. mash, thank you, we continue. today, in connection with the rehearsal of the victory parade, a number of capital streets will be blocked, more about this and more after the advertisement.
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clashes with the police, despite active opposition, the deputies adopted the document in the second reading. china, serbia and indonesia. russia has made a breakthrough in waste recycling in 5 years, while many countries spent decade, deputy prime minister victoria abramchenko stated this in an interview with my colleague marina gromova. the deputy chairman of the government also noted that, first, national environmental projects
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created more than 200 waste processing and disposal facilities. developed countries have spent several decades working with waste on this topic; in 5 years we have made a breakthrough. 250 waste management facilities have been built over the past 4 years and put into operation. we started recycling in 2018 with 3%. to date, the percentage recycling is already 13. full interview with the deputy prime minister. watch on our channel from 11:30 moscow time. moscow is preparing for the victory parade. today, in connection with rehearsals, a number of capital streets will be blocked. so, from 16:30 to 19:00 it will be impossible to drive on sections of volgogradsky prospekt, the garden ring and taganskaya square. from 23:30 the same
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roads will be closed again. several more central embankments and streets will be closed from 17:30. from the same time. you won’t be able to get into the underground passages on volgogradsky prospekt, sadov and tverskaya streets, until the end of the rehearsal. from 22:00 in the evening , the crossings will be closed by the garden from the mayakovskaya metro station to novy arbat and the street itself. from 10:30 p.m., travel will be limited to sections of sadovoy, novy arbat and the large stone bridge. in addition, two-way traffic will be organized in the taganka area from 16:30 to 30 at night. now on... the first match of the second semi-final in the champions league took place. borussia dortmund beat french psg on their field. unlike the match
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in munich, where bayern and real madrid gave the spectators received a 2:2 draw, but here on borussia's home field everything turned out much more prosaic. everything was decided by one single goal from the hosts’ striker niklas fulkrug. he took a pass from schloterbeck and accurately shot from 15 meters 1:0. no matter how hard mbappe tried, but... he didn’t score, there was only the post, the world champion and the main star of psgnova is on the verge of elimination from the tournament, which he has not yet submitted to, the chance to improve will be in the return match, which will be held in paris on may 7. russian tennis player andrey rublev reached the semi-finals of the masters in madrid, beating to the amazement the audience of the current tournament winner and the third racket of the world, spaniard carlos al-karaz. as part of the etipi tour, this was only their second meeting and rublev proved that he could... cope with emotions, finish matches in his favor against such eminent opponents. alcaraz won the first set 6:4, but later andrey was almost flawless, served perfectly, had a minimum
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of dialogue with the referee and demonstrated extreme concentration. even a whistle from the spectators' stands, among whom were modric, koki, villa, raul and the rest of the elite madrid football did not influence rublevo. as a result, the second third set ended with the score 6:3 and 6:2 in his. brightly made it to the 1/4, but here the russian woman was waiting for the representative of belarus, the second seed at the tournament, arina sabalenko, who actually left no chance in the world, it all ended in two games 6:1 and 6:4, as a result, sabalenko advanced to one second. muscovite elena rybakina, who plays for kazakhstan, is already waiting for her there. a brace from portuguese cristiano ronaldo helped his al-nasr team
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reach the final of the king's cup of saudi arabia. al-nasr defeated al-khalich in the semi-finals with a score of 3:1. ronaldo scored two goals in the seventeenth and fifty-seventh minute as part of the winners, and sadio mane scored another goal, converting a penalty. al-nassr will play in the final of the tournament on may 31. pavlenko, who between them reflected almost 40% of shots in different halves. the return match of this confrontation will take place on may 8 in chekhov. in the other semi-final
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, cska moscow and perm bears will play each other. in the russian football cup , the first of two regional semi-finals took place the day before. dynamo beat moscow spartak on their field. my colleague stas redikults will tell you how the capital derby ended and who reached the final. at the end of labor spring day there is another football celebration. fans can enjoy traditional may kebabs at the dynamo stadium. but of course, it wasn’t the fried meat that was the deciding factor behind the sold-out arena. such a match should not be missed at the dacha. i think there will be a lot of goals today, especially against dynamo. i believe that spartak will win with a score of 2:1. my favorite team, my first in life match. dynamo and spartak, after failures in march and early april, gained fantastic momentum. the blue and white have four wins. the red-whites have not lost in a row since the dismissal of the eccentric guillerm abascal. the acting head of spartak, bosnian vladimir sliskovich, is the complete opposite
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of abascal, zero emotions in the technical zone. vladimir simply, one might say, added general calm, regularity, well, one might say, regularity to our lives. less than a month has passed since the last meeting between dynamo and spartak, and in general this season, the country's oldest football derby is already being played. in the ninth minute, spartak snatches the ball on the right edge of the attack, and mikhail ignatov finds alexander sobolev in the dynamo penalty area with exceptional accuracy. it doesn’t matter to the hefty forward who is in dynamo’s goal, leshchuk or shunin. 0:1, quick start to the match. dynamo has the ball, it’s safe for selikhov’s goal, the game is under the control of spartak. we tried to defend, defend compactly, defend efficiently, and not allow the opponent to create. some moments, i hope we succeeded, the score, probably confirms this. half an hour after the first goal, sobolev responded with an assist to ignatov. canceled by the referee in the field, the ball was returned after a lengthy
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review. spartak deprived dynamo of two potential titles in a month, while absolutely fantastic ones remain in the national championship. you need to believe in everything, in a dream, in a fairy tale, in anything, we go from game to game, from the rearrangement of coaches in spartak, the result of the oldest russian derby between dynamo red and white does not change, but now spartak right from the dynamo stadium, makes more one step
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towards. in order to play for the cup at luzhniki on june 2, spartak needs to beat the winner of the baltika rostov pair. on the way to the rpl, in a two-game confrontation between zenit and cska , the second finalist will be determined. stas redikultsev, ivan lavrikov, alexander shestopalov melikyan, news. the sixth world forum on intercultural dialogue is taking place in baku, its motto is conversation for peace and stability. the forum brought together participants from more than 100 countries, europe, asia, and africa. middle east, one of the most representative large delegations from russia. the development of relations between moscow and baku is the most important part of the event. boris ivanin will tell you more. this world forum is the first in azerbaijan in the last 5 years; such a long break was caused by the pandemic, but it is taking place in the very heart of baku, next to the heydar aliyev center. this is a symbol of the modern capital of azerbaijan; almost no straight lines are used in its design. but nearby in the congress center, where the forum delegates are arriving, on the contrary. direct and open
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dialogue between different people. peoples and associations of different crops participants from more than a hundred countries in europe, asia, africa, the middle east, and even from such distant continents as australia and south america, together representatives of various faiths, dialogue for peace, the slogan of this forum, the ideas that are discussed here, are essentially a continuation recent talks between the two leaders. at the end of april , vladimir putin met ilham aliyev in the kremlin. the forum is aimed at developing relations between moscow and baku and strengthening their positions in the world.
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everyone loves it, museum workers from both countries are already planning an exchange of experience at the national museum arts of azerbaijan, a collection of russian paintings, and, by the way, the very good shishken, the rector of the st. petersburg academy of arts, semyon mikhailovsky and the director of the national museum sign a memorandum of cooperation, the exhibition needs the close attention of specialists. the center
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is huge, almost 2,500 km, but a very cozy space for reading, on two floors at once, you can go upstairs via this openwork staircase in the loft style. not every bookstore in moscow can boast such an area, but the main thing is such an assortment. about half of all the shelves here are occupied by books in russian, these are direct deliveries from russian publishing houses, here both modern bestsellers and classical literature, such as pushkin, gogol, dostoevsky, chekhov, the shelves are also occupied by books in russian. it is clear in english what a wide supply is, because the demand is great. cultural diplomacy plays an important role, as embodied by the singer of the chambers, bulbul ogly, who has been the ambassador of azerbaijan to russia for 18 years. today our attitude is a high point of diplomatic, economic, cultural ties and purely human ties, the cultural forum in baku will be...


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