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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 2, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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this is the baku book center, huge, almost 2,500 km, but a very cozy space for reading, on two floors at once, you can go upstairs via this openwork staircase in the loft style. not every bookstore in moscow can boast such an area, but the main thing is such an assortment. about half of all the shelves here are occupied by books in russian, these are direct deliveries from russian publishing houses. here are both modern bestsellers and classic literature. here are pushkin, gogol, dostoevsky, chekhov, these shelves are also occupied by books in russian, it is clear what a wide supply is, because the demand is great. cultural diplomacy plays an important role, personified by the singer of the chambers bulbul agli, the ambassador of azerbaijan to russia for 18 years. today our relationship is at such a high point , diplomatic, economic and cultural.
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azerbaijan, baku.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal about whether russian industry is capable to replace foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, here’s how to achieve it.
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you are a predator, what a predator, it will hurt, they say that you people know how to look straight into his head, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the application or on the website, news in the middle of the hour, briefly: powerful explosions thundered in the regions of ukraine, in i got excited about odessa. kherson to the kyiv regime.
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a protest rally took place in dberis until the early morning. protesters took to the streets after the adoption of the draft law on foreign agents in second reading, they started riots and stormed parliament. the participants were detained by the police. the united states has published a new package of sanctions against russia, measures aimed at the defense industry. energy, transport, a list of almost 30 companies and individuals from different countries, including china, the uae and turkey. the russian embassy called this an attempt to intimidate our partners. at a meeting of the un general assembly, russia declared that the organization's security council had become a hostage to us policy in the middle east. washington is deliberately using the council security as a means of pressure on palestine. that is why the united states vetoed its admission to the un. vocalists from china,
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serbia and indonesia became laureates of the road to yalta festival. it ended with a grandiose holo-concert in the kremlin palace. performers from dozens of countries sang in their native languages.
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10 years ago he remained a volunteer, went to the northern military district, he dedicated the song “where are you now, fellow soldiers,” to his fellow soldiers. 10 years ago, my friends and i decided that we needed to see with our own eyes what was happening in donetsk, what is the russian spring in the blockades
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of donetsk, every day in donetsk there were performances and every day there was a full house, that is, people, even though the enemy...
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the conference signed an agreement on the subsequent world order, which allowed the planet to live for almost 70 years to exist without severe global conflicts and world wars. the world is again on the brink, something similar is needed again,
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a conference is needed again, a peace conference that will allow us to agree on the principles of security and coexistence, even without too much. states and powers that understand each other. in the context of a changing geopolitical reality, the road to yalta festival gives foreign performers more than just the opportunity to express their talent, but to fulfill their personal, human duty to contribute to the fight for historical truth. sofia sergieva, dmitry korsakov, alexander sidorov, news. in the far east during the holiday, the situation with natural fires became more complicated, is it only the wind that is to blame when the weather conditions will help reduce the severity fire hazard? ksenia levitskaya will tell you. fiery may russian regions in the smoke of landscape fires. why the east of the country is burning when the weather stops helping the flames spread. this is the weather, a joint project of the russia 24 tv channel and the fobs center, i’m ksenia levitskaya.
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hello. stormy winds and careless handling of fire turned the may holidays into a nightmare for residents of the eastern regions of russia. due to smoke. on may 1, they even had to temporarily close a section of the federal highway. in the garden in the scout partnership neder , about 40 buildings were damaged by fire. as reported by the prosecutor's office of transbaikalia. the cause of the fire could have been overlapping wires due to strong winds, gusts reaching 20 m/s. according to eyewitnesses, the flames miraculously did not spread to the neighboring snt. here it is higher, well, it didn’t rise, but that’s all, everything is fair, and the houses there are like that. komsomolsk-on-amur has been drowning in the smoke of landscape fires in recent days. on may 1, flames destroyed about thirty country houses in the galichny gardening area. presumable the cause of the fire was fallen grass. earlier, in the place of one of these dead wood ojiks, a tornado of impressive size spun up. the horror
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is about to spread, we’ll be running around with buckets again. it was alarming in the vicinity of khabarovsk. the grass was burning right under the windows of high-rise buildings, in one of the microdistricts. the left bank of the amur was in flames. firefighters fought a fire on dachny island near the regional center. in the amur region , due to the complication of the situation with landscape fires, a state of emergency was introduced in the forests. to the same extent we decided to resort to jewish autonomous region. rospotrebnadzor monitors air quality in berabidzhan. one of the main reasons for the high fire danger in southeast russia is warm and fairly dry weather. over the last ten days, precipitation has fallen significantly less than normal, and temperatures were sometimes more than 3-5° above normal. as a result, the moisture quickly evaporated and last year's grass turned into an ideal combustible material. and today it will continue in the region. difficult situation with natural fires, a cyclone will break into the far east,
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the main cloud fields of this vortex will cover the north of the amur region and more than a third of the monthly volume of moisture may fall here; in the south, where the main fires are located, significant precipitation is unlikely, and due to pressure contrasts on the periphery of the cyclone, the wind will continue to increase here, in some areas of the jewish autonomous region and the south of the khabarovsk territory, gusts can... such a flow will increase the speed of the fire several times, and also spreading burning branches and leaves will contribute to the emergence of new outbreaks. in komsomolsk on amur today without significant precipitation and up to +20, almost 7° warmer than usual. on friday there will be rain in the city, and temperatures will drop to +8. this will slightly reduce the fire danger. but then sunny and... dry weather will return to the region and the air will again begin to warm up well at the beginning of the new week at +16 in the afternoon. in chita, light showers are also
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expected only on friday, today tomorrow in the city it will be a little cooler than expected, during the day +12:15, then warming will begin in transbaikalia and on sunday-monday the thermometers will rise by almost 5° above normal, afternoon to +19:21. that's all for me, goodbye!
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now a short advertisement, then we will tell you about the delays of russian post parcels at customs.
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when you're enjoying cooking, dirty dishes can stop the rhythm of your kitchen. the tablet itself, with its intensive cleansing formula, effectively removes burnt-on dirt. let you have a delicious meal together, and let samat take care of the dishes. deposit - the best interest, up to 16% per annum in sberbank online. one of my friends decided to relax in a place where there was no connection. where can one go from this connection? hello, nowhere lucy. nowhere, because the megaphone can pick up even here. megafon is the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage and speed. now there is economic news, many russians are faced with the problem of delays in parcels from abroad. roman, yes, the recent lowering of the duty-free threshold had an impact, now i’ll tell you in detail. the federal customs
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service warned of delays in processing russian postal parcels. this is due to the lower april. duty-free import threshold is up to 200 euros instead of a thousand. it turned out that the number of items taxed for holidays increased sixfold, which is why the operator’s account did not have enough funds to pay customs duties. therefore, the processing of some parcels was postponed until the first banking day, that is, until today, when the operator’s account will finally be replenished. the prosecutor general's office became interested in the situation and demanded that russian post eliminate organizational shortcomings and resolve the issue with all the delays. after china. european and american officials visited the united arab emirates, as reported by reuters, usa, britain and the european union methodically continue to put pressure on countries that maintain business relations with russia. according to the agency, the west is concerned that emirati companies are allegedly involved in the export of chips, electronics and other dual -use equipment. however, abu dhabi was no more happy about this visit than beijing.
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according to reuters, in response to a request for detailed trade statistics, arab officials said that they had already. natural gas is liquefied gas, so they have to buy it from russia. this is not due to our actions, sir. with all due respect , it is incorrect to suggest that our actions are somehow forcing europe to buy lng from russia. at the end of january, joe biden introduced a ban on new contracts for lng supplies
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abroad; the us president explained this by environmental issues. but it was clear that this was just an excuse. for a long time it was believed that liquefied gas became. hostage of military aid to ukraine, but now a $60 billion package has been approved, and the biden team is in no hurry to lift the ban on new lng supplies. the austrian authorities are threatening the bank with negative consequences of the deal to purchase a stake in the strabok construction concern. reuters writes about this, citing sources. as is already customary in europe, pressure disguises itself as concern, saying that america may take radical measures to close the bank’s access to dollar payments. and all because it is planned. exchange rates for the dollar today are 91 rubles 77 kopecks, the euro is 98 rubles and 2 kopecks. roman, mash, thank you, i’ll briefly talk about some of the central themes of the hour. powerful
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explosions occurred in several regions ukraine. in odessa, a warehouse of a new post office caught fire; it was transporting weapons. explosions also occurred in the kharkov region and kherson. a new protest took place in bilis at the georgian film parliament. reason: scandalous bill on foreign agents. it was adopted in the second reading. the security forces tried to find out for several hours. demonstrators, riot police fired tear gas and water cannons into the area. the united states passed a law against palestinian protests. the document will allow the authorities to refuse funding to universities on whose territory rallies are taking place. support for residents of the gas sector. songs about the great patriotic war performed by foreign artists were performed in the kremlin palace, where a holoconcert of the road to yalta festival took place. the winners were singers from china, serbia and indonesia. next on our broadcast is a selection of the most important interesting events of this day in different years and eras. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history
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right now. hello. on may 2, 1785 , catherine ii signed a document that secured the rights and privileges of the nobles and formed the class of free citizens legalized the inviolability of private property in russia. this. this is for the rights, liberties and advantages of the noble russian nobility. initially, nobles constituted the lowest stratum of the nobility; the word nobleman means a person from the princely court or a courtier. for centuries, nobles received other benefits from land in exchange for compulsory military service. only under anna ioannovna - this is the 1730s - did the eldest sons in a noble family receive the right not to serve in managing the estate. peter ii gave the nobles the right to choose for themselves. to serve or not to serve, so thus, having freed the nobility from the main responsibility of this class, but many rights remained, according to the charter of catherine the great, there were even more of them, property rights,
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judicial rights, the right to self-government, the nobles were freed from corporal punishment, the charter confirmed that by the fact of birth, nobles have the right to be elite of society, however, their liberties and freedoms, in other words, impunity, further enslaved the peasants and other classes. on may 2, 1936 , sergei prokofiev’s musical fairy tale petya and wolf. the text was written by the composer himself, shortly after returning to the ussr, but the idea was suggested by the artistic friend of the moscow theater for children, natalya sats. the fairy tale was supposed to introduce the child to the instruments of the orchestra. each character, the pioneer petya, his grandfather, the wolf. a duck, a bird and others are represented by a certain musical instrument, an oboe, a flute, a horn, and the text is read by a reader. the wolf ran
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faster, now he was closer, closer, now he caught up with her, grabbed her and swallowed her. the fairy tale quickly became popular all over the world. her versions were recorded in different countries, outstanding artists acted as readers. even the wife of us president leonora roosevelt. based on the symphonic fairy tale , cartoons were made in the ussr, europe and hollywood . in 2004, a grammy award in the section “children's spoken album” was awarded for the disc to petit and the wolf, mikhail gorbachev, bill clinton and sophia loren, who acted as narrators of the fairy tale to the music of the russian national orchestra. on may 2, 1945, at 6:30 am, the chief of defense of berlin, general helmud weidling, surrendered and gave the order
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the remnants of the capital's garrison cease resistance. just a week earlier , hitler had entrusted him with the defense of the city, from which weidling was horrified and uttered the now famous phrase: “i would prefer to be shot.” and after the fuhrer’s suicide, the general realized that resistance was futile. and he already signed his last order as the former commander of the defense of berlin, and then certified with his signature the documents of the surrender of the german troops, crossed the front line, accompanied by three generals, and surrendered. already in moscow he was tried by a military tribunal, in berlin, as weidling's order reached the defenders, resistance ceased. some units that did not want to surrender tried to break through to the west, but for the most part were destroyed. on may 2, at 10 am, everything suddenly stopped... the fire stopped, everyone realized that something had happened, we saw white sheets that were thrown out in the reichstag on the building of the chancellery and the royal opera, this is how
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a participant in the battle recalled this morning. for berlin alexander besarap. 10 years ago, on may 2, 2014 , a tragedy occurred in the odessa house of trade unions. the fire was one of the largest number of victims in ukraine. it became the final episode of the confrontation in odessa between pro-ukrainian activists, nationalists and those who did not accept the coup in kiev. then euromaidan supporters, right-wing fighters and other extremist groups destroyed the camp of anti-maidan activists on kulikovo. field, people tried to escape by barricading themselves in the house of trade unions, throwing molotov cocktails at each other, as a result , a fire started in the building, the exit from the building was blocked by radicals, firefighters arrived late, trying to get out, those inside jumped out of the windows, 42 people died, that day became a turning point in the political crisis in ukraine, and actually marked the beginning of the civil war in donbass, and no one was punished for this tragedy,
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the absence...
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the current ukrainian government is acting just like the bolshevik government, yes, which separated the church, it is best in these conditions to unite into one orthodox ukrainian church, to separate completely from moscow, an assembly was created. which is the church of christ is not. potsu has nothing to do with religion. some for the sake of jesus, others for the sake of the bread of taste. and today there is a spiritual battle going on inside the lavra. the united states and the west initially set the task of tearing the ukrainian people away from the russian people. the lord is wonderful among
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his saints. let's see. what will happen next? stand, who are they? new guys, is this a passenger, a reporter, a director with me? i came for my brother, i am a battalion commander, call sign is trigger, everyone has messengers, i am adam, why is adam and not adam? i'm chechen, artist, white rose can? can you sing sometime? alive, we don’t need names, it’s not worth it, or what? not a trosh, not yours, well, you! frame, light of god, homer, to the machine gun, no, what to do, commander, what to do, that’s it, shoot, call sign passenger, call sign passenger, i suggest changing the call sign to rebin, no, this is my brother’s call sign, you remain a passenger, that’s right.
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powerful explosions occurred in the regions of ukraine; a new post office warehouse caught fire in odessa; it also transports weapons for the ukrainian armed forces.


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