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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 2, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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i understood correctly, the future, yes, yeah, 224, 2124, this is the situation, now i can jump to the future and back, i see everything, space pirates are hunting for us, well, they were already there when i came here, we need to find mom, what a meeting. maybe we can put the children to bed and now is the time to somehow fix everything and the most temporary way to act somehow questions proposals objections other what do you want? 100 years ago.
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news, middle of the hour, briefly: powerful explosions thundered in the regions of ukraine, odessa caught fire. new mail warehouse, she transports weapons for the ukrainian armed forces. local publications also reported cases of detonation in the kharikov region in kherson, controlled by the kiev regime. a protest rally took place in tbilis until the very morning; protesters took to the streets after the adoption of the bill on foreign agents in the second reading, rioted, stormed parliament, and the police detained the participants. the united states has published a new package of sanctions against russia, measures aimed at the defense industry and energy. transport in
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the list of almost 30 companies and individuals from different countries including china, uae and turkey. the russian embassy in the united states called this an attempt to intimidate our partners. at a meeting of the un general assembly, russia declared that the organization's security council had become a hostage to us policy in the middle east. washington deliberately uses the security council as a means of putting pressure on palestine, which is why the united states vetoed its admission to the un. now on to the news. technologies with them philip trafimov, host of the westinet program. philip, good morning. data sets for training generative neural networks began to be stolen and resold on black market. how big a problem is this? good afternoon, well, the scale is not very clear yet, not very clear from large projects, the first from where a huge amount of data was pumped out for resale was discord. however, here in general the issue of using open data is not very settled, but more on that a little later, let's start with it innovations.
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the more promising ark project has become another internet browser, now you can download it completely freely on a windows computer, strictly speaking, this is not a completely new browser in the form of the first beta, it appeared 2 years ago, but until now was available only to users of the apple windows ecosystem, the version was announced in the middle of last year in a closed beta test, access to it could only be by invitation, and as they say, the waiting list stretched to a million people, here finally , all the restrictions with... except for one , it will work only under windows 11 for now. the version for windows 10, as well as the application for android, promises later, in general, not a very fast-growing project, which does not bother many in the industry as before count arcbrowser, the only potential competitor to the google chrome browser that undoubtedly dominates this market. one of the reasons for such optimism is that among the developers of ark there is, for example, a person
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who has been building browsers since such a type appeared at all, and who is related to a noticeable part of the most successful such programs. he was an engineer at netscape , created the very navigator that dominated the web browser market in the nineties, then helped develop mozilla firefox, essentially the successor to netscape navigator, then moved to google and devoted 16 years to the creation and development of chrome and chrome os. 3 years ago he left the search engine and joined the project: the alternative browser niva, but apparently something didn’t work out there. he’s been developing an arc browser since 2020. the difference there from the same chrome is primarily in the interface; on the one hand, it is more minimalistic, on the other, it allows you to very finely customize the browser to suit your tasks and internet use scenarios. in general, this is largely for those who spends a lot of time on the internet, perhaps because of this the arc project has always received very good reviews since its inception. in
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the it press, everyone who tested it, including me, liked everything, which, however, has not yet been transformed into its popularity in the broad sense of the word; ark doesn’t care in any ranking of browsers. market messenger discord reported that it destroyed a network of bots that collected user correspondence in open channels, or as they are called on discord servers, this happened after the now on the closed website spyped , a database of 4 billion messages, 620 million
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discord users was posted for sale, all of this was sold for a modest $5, including as a dataset for training neural networks. interestingly, the discord emphasizes that the bots did not collect any... data that would not be available to any user; all this happened at the moment when another trial began in the united states against the largest developers of generative world networks open ai and microsoft. three newspapers accuse these companies of using their articles just for training artificial intelligence. previously, similar claims , in addition to journalists, were made by writers, social networking platforms and other structures that historically have a large set of data. well, simply because until recently, almost all large neural network projects acted in much the same way as the attackers now defeated by discord , pumping out all available texts and pictures from the internet, now we now have to buy it all. well, at the end of the release
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, a new video from boston dynamics with a new a robot character from parklass, in fact, this is a costume specially made for the already well- known robot dog. spotmini, the video is short, less than a minute and has no deep meaning, which did not stop it from gaining about a million views in a few hours, the technopress is now wondering why a suit was needed that turns a functional robot into a kind of pet, more precisely, into an animated plush dog, which anyway, hardly anyone will buy it as a home toy, if only because the spot mini costs more than $70,000. and that's what it's all about technologies we have up to this minute. novel. philip, thank you. we continue to talk about the use of artificial intelligence. these issues were discussed by the participants of the beijing media forum. now more than half of all world patents for inventions related to
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neural networks belong to china. the engineers of this country successfully manage without western technologies and offer their own original solutions. many of them were presented at the forum. our correspondent will tell you why we were surprised. neither the artists nor even the programmers spent minutes on this animation; they typed the most text, what exactly should be in the video, then click the mouse and the artificial intelligence created everything itself, unlike american quarrel, which generates minute-long videos, the development of the tsinghua university mind creates only sixteen-second videos, but this is for now, that’s the realism of the image, experts admitted , is already maximum. artificial intelligence has not yet achieved the ability to create feature-length films with a single click. we still have a long way to go, however, once certain conditions are met, we will undoubtedly let's make it accessible to everyone. this is no longer just a deep fake, like those jokes where even biden
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or trump can sing in chinese. and in the field of artificial intelligence, china is now a leader. 60% of all world patents related to neural networks. and they ask what to do so that the debfake does not become the more pressing issue that the chinese themselves have made a newsfake. one of the risks associated with artificial intelligence is information risk. this involves the creation of false information, including deliberate manipulation and deepfakes, which may pose significant risks. it is difficult to create clear mechanisms for regulating the use of neural networks in the information field, but...
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because the media should be responsible for using it as a tool, and not replacing a person, not replacing real reporters on the ground. it has been possible to create any background on television for a long time, even now. be it beijing or moscow, but if you return to china, here virtual studios are now actively used not so much by media, but by commercial platforms and the emphasis in them is already on virtual presenters who independently broadcast the sale of goods and services at least 24 hours a day, without stopping. the world's first virtual news presenter in china appeared 5 years ago, then it was called a breakthrough, but it didn’t catch on, because the trust of the viewer is important, and this is still not about virtual reality, and it’s one thing to use non-networks when working with archives and entertainment content, the same chinese media group creates television shows
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and children's animation, completely different news, where messages fabricated by gpt chats, especially with fake video footage, can provoke economic and political crises, weapons in information wars, the same staging by white helmets in syria, the question of using personal data arises if we are talking about other people’s video messages generated by a neural network, in china such ai. videos are necessarily marked, and for the dissemination of false information fabricated by bots, there is criminal liability, and here this is clearly monitored not only by neural networks, but also by living ones people, after all, artificial intelligence, are still very artificial. alexander balsky, blame samsonov, nikolai petrov, lead beijing. in the kremlin, foreigners sang songs about the great patriotic war in their own languages ​​at the road to yalta festival and not only after advertising. sber is introducing a loan with
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a 2% cashback so that you have even more opportunities, opportunities to get everything you’ve long dreamed of without delay, let’s take it, opportunities to please those who may be difficult to please the first time, opportunities get new impressions, a storm of new impressions, a storm of new ones. apply for a loan at sber and receive monthly cashback at a 2% rate more profitable with sber prime! ice deluxe is a mountain of pleasure, sweet waterfalls and a frenzy of flavors! try your favorite ice delux flavors and the new papaia mango only at a delicious point! hurry up for the avito sale! hammer drill for 559 rub. hunting! this is your thirst for the main trophy from 20 million. your chance to take yours through!
8:43 am
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the stomach, active from the first minutes, extinguishes, extinguishes heartburn, what we bring from savito’s travels, cashback bonuses for the next trip, avito travel will all go as booked with cashback, bonuses, grant and grand piquant pairs at an attractive price, only tasty, period, how do you like it, cool? save up your vtb savings account for a subscription; replenish it regularly and you’ll save up 16% faster. every master wants to know what kind of grout to use? ceresidit grouts, a wide range of colors, reliable protection against moisture and mold. ceresid is the ideal solution for any tile. for best results, use ciresidite grout glue together. russian charity easter circulation. whoever wins every second ticket, from each ticket sold, 10 rubles will be transferred to charitable causes, buy tickets in branded
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stores on the stoloto website. there are classics that i like more and more. classic grand burgers and new ones. grand piquant with spicy tomato sauce. delicious, period. right on target, that's a goal, that's a victory, that's a victory. russia, russia, russia, russia, yes you are whether you throw out the trash or not, attention, we are in favor. the younger generation is replaced by a legend on the field to win, thanks to purchases at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in the apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at the megamarket are changing the world,
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megamarket, just grow with us, contribution, best percentage up to 16. vocalists from china, serbia and indonesia became laureates of the road to yalta festival, which ended with a grandiose holo-concert in the kremlin palace. performers from dozens of countries in their native countries they sang songs about the great patriotic war in languages. report by sofia sergieva. the winner of the festival performed this song in his native chinese language, but the whole audience sang along with him in russian, standing, during heavy defensive battles, the holy war became the anthem of the defense of the fatherland, and remains so to this day. at the main concert of the road to yalta festival, vocalists from 15 countries sang songs without
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which russians cannot imagine the past about the great patriotic war. this is what does not allow for a different opinion, it is very important not to forget about such things, like the second world war, who contributed what , who really were the nazis, and francois mademe came to russia 10 years ago and remained
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a volunteer, went to the northern military district, he dedicated the song “where are you now, fellow soldiers,” he dedicated to his fellow soldiers.
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over the 6 years that the road to yalta music festival has been held, it has gathered a loyal audience; its broadcast was watched yesterday in all corners of the planet, but among the guests were adult children, families and, of course, veterans. 1,710 cities and 70,000 villages were destroyed. 3200 factories factories lived. difficult and difficult, but war we won for unity, we had a united people, one for all, all for one. initially, the festival was not international and took place in yalta, but for the last 2 years it has been hosted by moscow; the name has a special symbolism. it was in february 1945 that an agreement on the subsequent world order was signed at the yalta conference,
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which allowed the planet to exist for almost 70 years. without global severe conflicts and world wars, the world is again on the brink, again something similar is needed, again a conference is needed, a peaceful one a conference that will allow us to agree on the principles of security and coexistence, even between states and powers that do not understand each other very well. in the context of a changing geopolitical reality, the road to yalta festival gives foreign performers something more than just that. in the far east , the situation with natural fires has become more complicated, is it only the wind that is to blame, when weather conditions will help reduce the degree of fire danger, we will tell you immediately after the advertisement.
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many entrepreneurs have already received money from the fund for quite a few businesses. it's your turn, alfabank will distribute 100 million rubles. entrepreneurs across the country. the best stories will get money, tell us about your business. on deposit - the best interest, up to 16% per annum in sberbank online. what do we bring back from savita’s travels? a little sea, delicious traditions and cashback bonuses for your next trip. avito travel, everything will go as booked with cashback and bonuses. my new invention. to clean the toilet, there is an easier way with bref. bref - colored water for a clean, fresh toilet with every flush. bref, number one
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in russia to keep the toilet clean and fresh. one of my friends is preparing for a new party. why is nothing ready? costumes need to be more modest. more modest. did you go through the wrong door? dad. honey, you have online classes. our internet has run out. too, and dad will now activate the megafamily service and share his minutes and gigabytes, combine up to three numbers for free and receive bonus gigabytes every month, who’s number one here? megaphone, selfish, it means i already have heartburn from it, it’s burning, we’ll put it out, but i get heartburn from your food, this is easier, heartburn from food, take it, extinguishes it, fights heartburn, pain and heaviness with increased acidity in the stomach. active from the first minutes extinguishes heartburn extinguishes pleasure hunting, this is your thirst, the main trophy from 20 million, your chance
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to take yours in 15 minutes for only 100 rubles. hunt, go out to win, how do you like it, cool, but save up a vtb savings account for a subscription, replenish it regularly and you will save up 16%. faster new magnet frozen cow from korinovka 89,999 magnet - the price is what you need, stellar combo from may 6th to a delicious spot, but i myself didn’t think that i was a driver, i haven’t had time to look back for three years already, the schedule is free, there are orders and... for the money it works out decently, it turns out that if i hadn’t tried then, it would have been and didn’t realize that it was mine, just like that, dad, the journey of a taxi driver begins with yandex pro, professional
8:54 am
coloring sios, long-lasting cream dye, rich color, no gray hair, protection against damage, strong shine, colored hair, sios, hair like after a salon, thanks to shopping at the megamarket. someone will come to finish first, someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at the megamarket are changing the world, megamarket - just grow with us, we take out loans, it’s easy to apply for them, we are in sovcombank, we take out loans, but we got them quickly, we in sovcombank, loans that everyone knows.
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fiery may russian regions in the smoke of landscape fires, why the east of the country is burning when the weather stops cooperating. this is the weather, a joint project of the russia-24 tv channel and centraphobe. i'm ksenia levitskaya. hello. stormy wind and careless handling of fire turned the may holidays into a nightmare for residents of the eastern regions of russia. due to smoke in the chita region of transbaikalia on may 1 , a section of the federal highway even had to be temporarily closed. in the gardening partnership, scout neder , about forty buildings were damaged by fire. as reported by the prosecutor's office. the fire could have been caused by overlapping wires due to strong winds, gusts reaching 20 m/s. according to eyewitnesses, the flames miraculously did not spread
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to the neighboring snt. here it is higher, well, it didn’t rise, and so everything, everything is clean, and the houses there are like that. komsomolsk-on-amur has been drowning in the smoke of landscape fires in recent days. on may 1, flames destroyed about thirty country houses in the galichny gardening area. the probable cause of the fire is grass burning. earlier, in the place of one of these dead wood ojiks, a tornado of impressive size spun up. the horror is about to spread, we’ll be running around with buckets again. the grass was burning right under the windows of high-rise buildings in one of the microdistricts. the left bank of the amur was in flames, firefighters fought the fire on the island dacha near the regional center. in the amur region , due to the complication of the situation with landscape fires, a state of emergency was introduced in the forests. they decided to resort to the same measure in the jewish autonomous region. rospotrebnadzor monitors air quality in berabidzhan. one of the main reasons for the high fire danger in southeast russia is heat. and
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fairly dry weather. over the last ten days, precipitation has fallen significantly less than normal, and temperatures were sometimes more than 3-5° above normal. as a result, the moisture quickly evaporated and last year's grass has turned into an ideal combustible material. today, the region will continue to face a difficult situation with wildfires. a cyclone will break through to the far east, the main cloud fields of this vortex will cover the north of the amur region, and more than a third of the month may fall here. volume of moisture, in the south, where the main sources of fire are located, significant precipitation is unlikely. at the same time , due to pressure contrasts on the periphery of the cyclone, the wind will continue to increase here. in certain areas of the jewish autonomous region and the south of the khabarovsk territory, gusts can exceed 20 m/s. such a flow will increase the speed of fire progression several times, and also spreading burning branches and leaves will contribute to the emergence of new fires. in
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komsomolsk-on-amur today there is no significant precipitation and up to +20, almost 7° warmer than usual. on friday there will be rain in the city, and the temperature will drop to +8. this will slightly reduce the fire danger. but then sunny and dry weather will return to the region and the air will begin to warm up well again. at the beginning of the new week it’s +16 during the day. in chita, light showers are also expected only on friday. today and tomorrow in the city. a little cooler than expected during the day +12-15, then warming will begin in transbaikalia and on sunday-monday the thermometers will rise almost 5° above normal in the afternoon until +19:21. that's all for me, goodbye.
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powerful explosions occurred in the regions of ukraine, a new post office warehouse caught fire in odessa, it is transferring weapons for the armed forces of ukraine, we will tell you the known details. today is exactly 10 years since the terrible events in odessa, then in the house union militants burned 42 people alive, killed six on the streets, and injured more than 200.
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a protest rally took place in georgia, agents who disagreed with the adoption of the law took to the streets, the police had to use force to restore order, and some of the violators were detained. vocalists from china, serbia and indonesia became laureates of the road to yalta festival. it ended on a grand scale. according to the weather forecast , it will be colder in the central part of the country, we are waiting for the weather forecast from our meteorologists. a strong fire broke out in odessa after powerful explosions in the southern part of the city. late the night before.


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