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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 2, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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the united states is going to ban the purchase of enriched uranium from russia, when and under what conditions the restriction may come into force. a protest took place in georgia. agents who disagreed with the adoption of the law took to the streets. the police had to use force to restore order. some of the violators were detained. sheets from china, serbia and indonesia became laureates of the road to yalta festival. it ended with a grandiose hola concert in the kremlin palace. according to the weather forecast , it will be colder in the central part of the country, we are waiting for the weather forecast from our meteorologists. strong a fire broke out in odessa after powerful explosions in the southern part of the city. late the night before
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, the fire rose to a height of several floors, and a thick column of black smoke appeared above it. according to some reports, the warehouse of the new post office, which transports weapons and ammunition for the ukrainian armed forces, came under attack. it is possible that there were shipments of western weapons inside. explosions also occurred in kharkov and the kharkov region, as well as in kherson, controlled by the kiev regime. the consequences have not been reported at this time. a new batch of fuel for the equipment was delivered to the front line in the special operation zone; the risky task was carried out by fuel truck drivers. each such vehicle is a target of particular importance for the ukrainian armed forces. the tank on wheels is capable of refueling 10 tanks at once, which will then strike combat units of the kiev regime. what places do our military choose to transfer fuel , what do they have to face on the way to the front line in eduard’s report. tanker drivers don't sit
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in the trenches, but they actually risk their lives almost less than the rest of the soldiers. every day they deliver fuel to the line of combat contact. the car has no protection, and if a shell hits it, there will be practically nothing left of it. in a special operation zone, tank trucks supplying fuel to military equipment play a key role, so for the enemy, every tanker is a priority target. they never spare the shells, the armor, i’m a corsair, i’m in place, just as i accepted, the tankers always check each batch of fuel, be sure to take samples, measure it density and temperature, fuel is sent to the front line only if all indicators are normal. a dense forest belt is an ideal shelter for a tanker; a cover group is always on duty nearby to protect the tank from drones. one of these. the tanker truck
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carries 7 tons of fuel, this is enough to refuel a tank company, that is, about 10 combat vehicles, enemy reconnaissance is trying to figure out movement routes, so they have to constantly change, trying to track them down, first with birds, copters, then makes adjustments, sometimes they work from a mortar gun, a drone, a komikaze, in 15 minutes the soldiers manage to refuel several infantry fighting vehicles, they didn’t come to a regular refueling station, they refueled there. just returned from battle, a new task came right while refueling, and this mobile tanker delivers fuel for passenger cars, atvs and drones, the tank capacity is 900 liters, it is nimble, short, can hide anywhere, the fuel service of the thirty-sixth army from buryatia. .. around the clock, everything
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they understand perfectly well that the success of every offensive operation depends on their work. eduard ponegov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. after a military special operation, the leaders of the kiev regime will be put on trial. this was stated by the chairman of the federation council valentina matvienko. on the tenth anniversary of the tragedy in odessa, where neo-nazis burned more than 40 people alive, she emphasized in her personal telegram channel: the crime still remains. unpunished, despite the fact that everything necessary for a fair sentence is there, including testimony of witnesses captured on photo or video, every molotov cocktail thrown into the building of the trade union building. according to matviyanko, the fact that there are no signs of repentance proves the nazi essence of the kiev regime. eradication requires external efforts. the west cynically does not notice the odessa khatyn, but there will be no statute of limitations for this crime. stanislav will continue the topic. nazarov 10 years ago, he
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filmed a report immediately after the tragedy in the house of trade unions. on the day of the tenth anniversary of the odessa khatyn, alexey brings flowers to monument to the ukrainian victims.
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i understood, for me it was such, well, a shock, one might say, incredible, the first clashes with the maidan forces began on the greek square, already in these barigades the dead appeared, where, let's get in the car, let's go to the hospital, come on. according to the scenario, which was worked out in dnepropetrovsk, kharkov and donetsk at the end of april, representatives of the military wing of the right sector and football hooligans took part in the nazi march. on the day of the tragedy, the following clubs played in odessa: chernomorets and metalist. fine
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equipped radicals threw stones at supporters of federalization. there were batons and... many of the militants had firearms at the entrance. for many odesites, the tragedy in the house of trade unions became the point beyond which ukraine lost the right to be called a fatherland. the kiev authorities themselves made them enemies. igor nemadruk was then a participant in the odessa anti-maidan movement. the militants led them out of the house of trade unions along the so -called corridor of shame. i just got hit.
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zhevo since the time of punitive operations of the division ss on may 2, 2014, their ukrainian non-nazi followers in odessa showed the whole world how far they were ready to go in the outbreak of the civil war. that day our film crew also worked in odessa. they gave in, they gave in, we achieved our goal. the punitive operation of militants in odessa is reminiscent of the nazi crime during the great patriotic war. they are already calling odessa. in may 2014, deputy of the regional council alexey goncharenko, now a deputy of the verkhovna rada
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, reported on the destruction of the camp during the punitive operation odessa squad. these are the remains of the separatist camp, i don’t know if you saw them, the remains of the camp. goncharenko was one of the first to enter the burned house of trade unions and helped the militants look for lists of supporters of the referendum. alexander kuzmin, his mobile phone is playing. ukrainian tv channels broadcast, calling the victims of the tragedy armed terrorists, the head of the presidential administration of ukraine sergei pashinsky live mocked the topic of who is being blamed at these moments...
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the trade union building is literally strewn with ampoules with a characteristic smell of a toxic substance, similar to the smell of ammonia, according to eyewitnesses, the dead people who were here in...
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over the opponents of the maidan showed that 10 years ago, the brutal massacre of bandera’s followers , a compromise with the kiev regime is impossible, and will stop the civil war on their own land only the destruction of all non-nazi formations. stanislav nazarov, oksana serzhantova, lead. odessa. on april 10 , 1940, she was liberated from the nazis, but on may 2, 1914. broadcasts. kill every single one of them.
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a delicious point. this is the ivanovs. russian family, they throw away 664 plastic items per year bottles, and if you sort the waste, this could make 21 backpacks for your son or 11 sneakers for your daughter, 73 t-shirts for dad or 70 dresses for mom. sort your waste and give things a new life. we continue the broadcast and now we will talk about the anniversary of the tragedy in odessa and the latest events in donbass. the head of the dpr, denis pushelin, is in contact with us. denis vladimirovich, hello. hello , alexander. today marks 10 years of the tragedy in odessa, do we understand correctly that the investigation in ukraine is not moving, has it been possible at all
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identify those involved, based on your data? actually, anyway. this was one of the acts of intimidation, which then fell into the outline of the confrontation with those who disagreed with the coup d'etat that took place in kiev, and we, for our part, understand perfectly well, and even our law enforcement officers
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collected all the necessary information, and this information is waiting for its time when everyone who is guilty must be punished. shelling alexander, completely calm, the may holidays, unfortunately, cannot be called, because under the shelling continues, even in the last 24 hours, both the kievsky and petrovsky districts of donetsk, as well as the central city and kalininsky districts of the city of gorlovka, if we take into account the casualties
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and destruction, then over the last week, unfortunately, we have five dead among them. which were provided for in order to restore order in our cities and regions, of course, all this is taking place according to the established plan. the village of semyonovka was liberated near avseevka. what can we say about its condition, and are there any residents there? fully assessing the population point semyonovka, at this stage
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it is not possible, well, to make a full assessment, i mean. because this is essentially a frontline and the enemy continues active shelling of this settlement, so experts will be able to assess everything that is happening, everything that will remain after the clash in semyonovka there later, as for the civilian population, as of yesterday there were three civilians left there , two were withdrawn yesterday, and one. yes, similar questions, not similar ones, it was these questions that we had the opportunity to discuss with residents of avdeevka who are and now live in this city, these are issues that
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concern them for obvious reasons, as for the restoration of electricity, here experts have already carried out an initial assessment of the necessary repair work, restoration work, here we have to purchase a transformer.
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mine petals, and even unexploded shells may appear there, of course, this is already a situation, or this territory can no longer , well, let’s say, in a month be completely recognized as safe there, accordingly, that is, these coordinated actions should be carried out both by sappers and directly by those specialists who will carry out the work there, so here now an assessment of the necessary actions is being carried out, a road map is being drawn up and... these actions then restoration in terms of restoration work must be clearly intersect with the execution of their
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mine clearance tasks with the apers. as for the restoration of transport links, this issue worries residents; they need to travel to other cities for various reasons donetsk people's republic, including some, i think. that this week the first message will already appear, that is , large buses will be launched unsafely, but small buses, let’s say, minibuses, will already run between avdiivka, but again everything will intersect with the possibility of providing security measures, because the enemy unfortunately, it’s insidious and doesn’t count. whether it is a civilian population or whether it is a military one, that is, at civilians, unfortunately, they shoot even more often more, but besides, the other day you they talked about the possibility of restoring
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the avdeevka coke plant, so i understand correctly that the final decision will also be made from the point of view of the situation around it. yes, alexander, absolutely right, the question of restoring the avdeevka coke plant, this is a very large plant, this is a large enterprise, it is one of the top five itself. at least it will be possible after a more detailed examination of specialists, but at the moment it is already a superficial assessment of specialists from one of the specialized institutes
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has already been carried out and we already have the initial conclusions, so here we are now continuing , let’s say, discussing these issues on different platforms so that we can already reach a concrete solution, but here you are also right, alexandra, that this issue will be at the beginning. we certainly discussed the issue of restoring industry, loading enterprises, and in some places also restoring enterprises, because the industrial cluster... in the structure of the economy of the donetsk people's republic is extremely important in terms of the donetsk people's republic has already moved from
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a subsidized region to a region. which can provide for itself completely on its own, in the future, which is in our plans, can already reach the level when it can contribute to development, here is filling the aid budget for other regions who will need it, but here , of course, there is a lot to do there is a lot of work to restore our enterprises, but with the tools that the donetsk people's republic has as a subject of the russian... federation, this can already be done it’s clearer how, because even the industrial development fund, both federal and regional, gives enterprises the opportunity, well, let’s say, to more effectively approach the work that is necessary to launch enterprises or expand production sites, which are also provided, but again here it was very important for valentinovich to visit the plant.
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carried out his work all these years in such difficult conditions, now , taking into account the proximity of the front line, he continued and cooperated with other regions, with other enterprises, of course, the products of this plant are in demand, so let’s say this plant was a leader in... the production of both roadheaders themselves and spare parts for them, well, it participated in the construction of the metro in moscow, st. petersburg, novosibirsk, samara, of course well, now the connections have already been restored, let’s say with the st. petersburg metrostroy , it now allows us to supply there spare parts for the equipment that was supplied back in the eighties, well, that is, the equipment
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is very reliable, there was a shortage of spare parts. and now there is such an opportunity to supply, and now we are planning deliveries to yakutia, that is , here too the participation of this plant in terms of import substitution is extremely high, and in general this is our definite emphasis in creating a list of manufactured products to focus primarily on the needs within the russian federation , and then look at the markets of, well, friendly or neutral countries. let's continue talking about industry, not so long ago. visited the innoprom exhibition in uzbekistan, what are your impressions? alexandra, absolutely necessary the forum is an absolutely necessary event in terms of what was able to be discussed at the plenary session about the possibility of regional interregional cooperation, the possibility of , let’s say, certain efforts that can be directed in order to put that
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pressure on.
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it was interesting, so it was a very useful and necessary experience, somehow. i have one last question: as far as we know, there are now investors who are interested in the development of beach tourism infrastructure, and in what territories are we talking about in what future this direction can begin develop? alexandra, everything here, let ’s say, is based on the fact that the sea of ​​azov is already internal. moment the russian sea, accordingly, new opportunities are opening up here, taking into account the approaches that the president has approved, and of course we now understand that the logistics component around the sea of ​​azov is already being built completely differently, this is not in the plans, this is actually happening now , of course, taking into account the characteristics of the sea of ​​azov, taking into account the fact that this is the shallowest sea on the planet,
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accordingly, with its... advantages in terms of microelements, and, accordingly, usefulness in terms of health, in terms of sanatorium-resort treatment, of course, this is becoming in demand, and here they are.


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