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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 2, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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is still a state, but we are doing everything to help resolve this crisis, i want to say with honest modesty that russia is at the forefront of these processes, because we, unlike many others, including those who share our point of view, we have the opportunity to speak directly about what is happening, which not everyone can afford. which is highly valued not only by arab and muslim countries, but throughout the world. well , from the day - june 25, 1845 - the then ambassador to washington of the soviet union andrei andreevich gromyka signed the documents establishing, in fact, together with the allied countries at that time, the united nations organization, next year it will be 80 years old, the soviet union and the russian federation have always played a key role.
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in outer space, on international information security, in this issue we are generally champions, on the popular topic of neo-colonial practices, i will not anticipate decisions that may be made on this topic, but the topic. is very actively discussed within the walls of the un not only by us, but many other countries that are essentially victims of such neo-colonial practices. we traditionally go to the general assembly every year with a resolution against the glorification of nazism and related practices of xenophobia, intolerance, racial intolerance, and this resolution is aimed at fighting. with those who are trying to rewrite
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history, with the fight against those who are waging war on monuments, who glorify nazi criminals, essentially rewriting the results of the second world war, which is completely incompatible with either the goals or the un charter, what is especially alarming, of course, is that our western partners in the context of the conflict in ukraine. for the second year in a row , countries in which these practices bloom wildly are voting against this resolution, and it is especially alarming that germany, italy and japan are voting against this resolution, countries in many of which the united nations was created for. nevertheless, nevertheless, this resolution receives an overwhelming majority of votes from the un member countries, which indicates support, support for this our initiative. there are many other initiatives, well maybe. is sufficiently
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represented in the un system by its representatives, at the headquarters itself in the institutions, how true is this and how, as it were, what can be done against this trend? let's now define what kind of representation we are talking about, if we talk about personnel representation, then it is not the united nations organization itself. and its secretariat, this is an extensive network of more than thirty funds, programs, special institutions, many of which, by the way, speaking, were created even before the creation of the un, such as the universal postal union was created in 1865, the world union,
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the international telecommunication union, then the telegraph union, 1987, now they are. in families, absolutely right, in the un there are approximately 35,000 employees working in these in the un, in organizations and its system, of which 5,000 employees are subject to distribution, quota distribution, which is determined by the country’s contribution to the budget, to the regular budget of the organization, for us now this figure is 1.9%, that is, we we are technically we within the quota, but... however, it must be said that the secretary general, unfortunately, he will probably leave behind a legacy in the form of the dominance of representatives of western states in the leadership positions of the organization, americans, british, french, canadians, germans and so on, of course, among them there are
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decent people who respect the charter of the waters, but in general this naturally affects the work of the organization, the products that the organization produces, and we promote our... citizens to positions, including high-ranking ones at the un, but here there is one more problem, we are promoting them, but many, some of them still cannot get a visa to work in the secretariat, another way to promote our compatriots into the united nations is to raise them from a young age, this is the so-called program young specialists, when at the expense of the state you provide the organization with employees. they work for about 2-3 years and then can be hired for regular positions, this is not only our practice, this works for many others countries, if we talk about russia’s representation in the bodies of the un system, then we have always been represented in all the auxiliary main auxiliary bodies of the organization,
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but with the start of a special military operation , our western countries launched a crusade against us, we, in principle , played a constructive role in all these organizations and balancing... but what do they do, we are elected from the eastern european group, and suppose we are one country that is running for one or another body, the last moment the spoiler candidates are nominated, which is not able to make the same contribution as we do, but due to the bloc voting of the west and its satellites, our candidacy does not pass, here is a simple example, i will give you the un economic social council, we get. during the voting, competing with north macedonia, a little more than 100 votes, which , by the way, speaks of our isolation in the organization, but this is still not enough, we need 120 out of 193, this is
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the situation we have now with the auxiliary bodies, not everywhere , we naturally make efforts, get elected to many important bodies, but there is a tendency, you talked about russia’s initiatives about the role of russia. how will it be able to cope with the cascading crises that befell it, then
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a declaration was adopted on the occasion of the seventy-fifth anniversary, which ordered the secretary general to prepare, as it were , a plan for the future and he prepared a document called:
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here, but this is an important document, and of course, of course , its content will largely determine
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the future of the organization, so when we watch a meeting of the security court, we see on the spectator screens that sometimes it’s just debate sparks, these are heated discussions, but at one time, when sergevrov was in your place as russia’s representative to the un. then andrei ivanovich, he told me, late vitali ivanovich, and you also told me that after all, when you leave the walls of this hall, there is an opportunity to have conversations, discussions in a different atmosphere, maybe there, invisible to the general public, these decisions are located , in the current situation, to what extent is it possible to somehow preserve this atmosphere, to what extent are these opportunities, it is still possible, it is still possible to use, we must separate it personally. professionally, we have good, even excellent relations with the majority of representatives of
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the united nations, with the secretariat, with the secretary general, but we all believe that we are doing the right thing, everyone has their own position, which cannot be ignored, therefore, of course, discussions in the council, in the council chamber, security is different from what happens outside. as for the security council, we cannot, they cannot but communicate with us, because without us nothing can be decided
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one, not a single decision, this is simply determined by the mandate of the council and the need to negotiate with us, especially since we, again, without false modesty, are political heavyweights, and the adoption of many decisions depends on our voice, primarily within the walls security council, i already said that... the picture of this, well, let’s say, majestic security premises, people are accustomed, by the way, to the very famous picture of the general assembly hall, but at the same time, like you mentioned, there are a number of very important institutions, the activities of which are generally little known to people, they are behind the scenes, here are the situations in our time, which of these institutions, which have a long history. it
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consists of six main bodies: the security council, the general assembly, the economic social council, the trusteeship council, and the international court secretariat. and there , too, a lot of events are happening, not necessarily of a scandalous nature, because, of course, the attention of the world and the public is focused primarily on the resonant ones. and talking about our role in these events, i want to say that we, for example, are champions here on issues of road safety, non -infectious diseases, deforestation, now a very relevant topic, the topic of endless sanctions that western countries impose against anyone, not only we, of course, we have tough battles
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about this in various committees of the general assembly, they justify it all,
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this year, as you know, the chairmen in brix, a crucial period, the organization has expanded to 10 members, we are trying, we try, including at the un, to speak from a single position, prepare joint statements, mechanisms such as meetings of brix representatives, they have existed for a long time at the expert level, we also communicate constantly, such work is really underway and
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in general the role of regional organizations in the activities of such as the african union. i’m silent about the european union, let’s skip this regional organization, of course, of course, it plays a big role, this is article six, i think chapter six of the un charter, cooperation with regional organizations, they do play an important, important role. the african union, the african union plays an important role, including in peacekeeping on the african continent. you know, i’m not complaining about whiplash, but it’s simple. i have been interested in the activities of him for many years, he has been dealing with this issue; out of nine in the entire history of the general secretary, i had the honor of interviewing six of krust waltheim and perez de kueller utros galli and coffee pagemoon, and even with the current general secretary, mr. gutversish, i had the honor of interviewing, since you have been associated with him for many years
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, not only is he the current permanent representative of russia, you worked here as an adviser at one time and a senior adviser. bets on dinner lunches with coffee annon, having arrived here, it seems that they were sitting on the edge, it’s difficult to follow, these opinions are quite subjective, everyone has their own hero, for example, sergei evidich lavrov very much respected kofen, with whom he worked, and he was really worthy of respect, uh, boutros ghali was
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a man, a decisive man, for which he paid, as you know, many, no matter how strange, i myself can neither confirm nor deny, many employees of the un secretariat who remember him call him one of the best secretary generals , javero pereseda cueller, for the fact that he never got into the foreground, but knew how to listen to his subordinates and make collegial decisions, so this is a question, the question is quite, quite subjective, who liked whom general secretaries more, well, i'll tell you... and what is called personal chemistry, personal chemistry is one of the keys to effective diplomacy, undoubtedly, we have good,
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friendly, respectful relations with him, although we have many questions for him, because, for example, how he reacted to the palestinian-israeli conflict at the beginning, what he sometimes writes in his reports, why he does not respond to those actions that affect the interests of the west, we have questions about the behavior of the secretariat in relation to the host country’s compliance with its obligations, including the issuance of visas for many other things, we still have questions because he reacted to the conflict in ukraine, often neglecting article 100 of the charters, which instruct secretariat employees to be neutral, neutral,
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some corridors, nooks and crannies, memorable places, and i understand that there is literally not a single square meter in which there would be i don’t know you, but still, do you
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think it is correct to assume that the current period of your work may be the most difficult, based on what is happening in the world, based on what is happening in this room, or for a diplomat there are no periods of hard, easy, i... equally hard and light at the same time, well, this must be looked at through the prism of what, through the prism of what criteria to evaluate the severity of this work, now is a period when, of course , there is a lot of work, but from a professional point of view it is exclusively interesting, we don’t really like routine, now we come to deal with many crises, but in fact, that’s what we are here for. to try to resolve the crises that we encounter, that come our way, so i want to say that what is not
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i can say that now is the most difficult period of my work, perhaps one of the most interesting - yes, well, you know, why else did i want to ask you about this from this angle, because that’s how many years i’ve been interested in activities... and he talked, as i talked with six general secretaries, not starting from the very first conversations of kurtraheim, all talking about the future, he talked about reforms, from year to year they calm down, then become less active conversations, after they again arose with renewed vigor, council reform security, un reform, especially in the new world in which we all seem to be coming to, i understand that this is probably a long conversation for a separate... conversation, yet, as far as you think, these reforms are necessary and how soon can we expect them? depends on what kind of reforms and where, you
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asked the question correctly, that there are a number of areas in which they talk about reforms, but when they talk about reforms, first of all, of course, they remember the security council, this story has been going on for almost 30 years, began. even under sergeevich lavrova there is the so-called intergovernmental negotiation process on the reform of the security council and where the irreconcilable positions of groups of countries collide, and this is, relatively speaking, not russia, the united states, the western ones, for example, such as the four, germany, japan and brazil and india that joined them, and the so-called united for the sake of consensus are boundaries. our position on this
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matter is quite clear, that the council, the council should be quite compact, the proposal to increase it to 35 members is unrealistic, this leads us to complete chaos, it’s difficult for us 15 to cope with what is pouring down on us in an hour, and even if it happens, as we say in our 20s, it’s already...
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the way they behave today in the international arena, which will not add anything in the sense diversity of the council will be just another obedient mechanism in the hands of the hegemon, we don’t need it, we already have enough western council members who vote, vote in accordance with bloc discipline, if the council is expanded, it should expand at the expense of developing countries, first of all africa who are underrepresented advice and whose voice is not sufficiently reflected and insufficient.
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an organization that is a stronghold of multilateralism, unlike many , not this specifically, but the fact that it is universal of those interest associations within the framework of the so -called rule-based order that our given partners invent, all these configurations, geometries and so on, where they are where they make decisions, trying to pass them off to all other member countries as a universal.
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our work, leave comments, write letters to us, in fact, for them, for them we are everything we are doing this, and through you i want to thank them for this, and i want to talk to you for this conversation, thank you, thank you very much, they will go to court after... the completion of a special military operation, this is a statement about the leadership of the kiev regime on the tenth anniversary of the tragedy in the house of trade unions in odessa was made by the chairman of the federation council valentina matvienko. what evidence base for this monstrous crime is there today? self-propelled howitzer mstas from the belgorod region destroyed the fortified regional equipment of the armed forces of ukraine in kharkov region about work russian fighters, report by our war correspondent.


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