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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 2, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm MSK

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the arctic invasion is covering the european part of russia; weather forecasters do not exclude the possibility of precipitation turning into snow, even in the vicinity of the capital. meanwhile, winter has already returned to some regions today. we'll talk more about this with meteorologist ekaterina grigorova. ekaterina, i greet you, tell me where it has already snowed, when can we expect snow in the moscow region? the geography of snowfalls today is very wide. i’ll tell you about moscow a little later. the novosibirsk region was covered in a real snowstorm in the morning. visibility in novosibirsk at times it worsened to 2 km, the wind increased to 15 m/s. some city residents left the house with umbrellas and made the right decision. now it has warmed up to +5° and there is already precipitation. turned into rain. in the bratsk district
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of the irkutsk region, today they were forced to temporarily restrict traffic for all types of transport along a forty-kilometer section of the velyuy federal highway. state traffic inspectors and local authorities strongly recommended that those who had already changed their tires to summer tires refrain from traveling. winter reminded itself in the urals. today the precipitation turned to snow in turinsk, sirov, berezovsky and other settlements of the sverdlovsk region. snowdrifts continue to grow in the north of the arkhangelsk region in the city. mezen the height of the snow cover today reached 42 cm. against this background, a small snowfall in the capital of the komi republic is no longer surprising. in the sektefkar in the morning it was +1. the snow has not yet lingered on the ground. warm tropical air gives way to icy arctic air. atmospheric processes contribute to the fact that the north and northeast wind breaks through to the south. frosts have returned to the kola peninsula, in pomorie in the northern urals in vorkuta, for example, -12. exactly. ships from
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the northeast, cold weather will come to the central region. well, let's see what kind of processes will replace a warm spring with a cold one. conditions that contribute to warming are cyclones in the north, anticyclones in the south. in this case, cyclones pull air well-warmed by the sun to the north. today we see the opposite picture: anticyclones occupy the north, pushing cyclones to the south. as a result, most of the country finds itself in the cold sector of atmospheric vortices. for let's add direction for clarity. culations on the periphery of the anticyclone and in cyclones. along the periphery of the anticyclone, the air moves clockwise, that is , arctic air flows in the north, in the east there is the cold of the icy expanses of the central siberian, plateau and verkhoyansk ridge, and all this cold moves to the northern urals, where it is picked up by the cyclone and sent to the central regions of the european part of the country, well, this process is enhanced by the anticyclone over europe. the air is very cold, even the strongest cannot warm it up quickly
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spring sun. however, there are only daytime hours for warming up. at night, in partly cloudy anticyclonic weather, the air will cool even more. already this coming night , the east of the leningrad region, the vologda region, the northeast of the central region of ivyatka will be in the frost zone. on saturday night, cold air will move another 800 km to the south. the zamoros will cover the entire central region, reaching the black earth region, the middle volga and the southern urals. a fairly strong north wind is already blowing in moscow, with possible gusts of up to 12 m/s. variables during the day cloudy, no precipitation. the maximum temperature for today is +13. on the night of tomorrow the air will cool down to +2°, and during the day it will warm up only to +10. saturday night will be the coldest of the week. there will be frosts within the city up to -1°. on sunday night , cloud fields will reach the capital region.
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snowfalls in russian regions, ekaterina grigorova said thank you for such information about the cold snap. russian football fans received a gift at the holiday: a capital derby. spartak met in moscow and dynamo. the teams fought for reaching the finals. russia, who has achieved success, stas redikultsev will tell about it. at the end of labor spring day, another football celebration. fans can taste traditional may kebabs at the dynamo stadium, but of course, it was not fried meat that became the decisive factor in the sold-out crowd at the arena. such a match should not be missed at the dacha. i think there will be a lot of goals today, especially against dynamo. i believe that spartak will win with a score of 2:1, my favorite team, my first match in my life. dynamo and spartak after failures at the beginning of april they gained a fantastic
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momentum: the blue and white have four wins in a row, the red and white have not lost since the dismissal of the eccentric guillerm abascal. the acting head of spartak is bosnian vladimir. lishkovich, the complete opposite of abascal, zero emotions in the technical area. vladimir, one might simply say, added general calm, regularity, one might say, regularity to our lives. less than a month has passed since the last meeting between dynamo and spartak, and in general this season, the country's oldest football derby is being played for the fifth time, but it's like with your favorite dish, no matter how much you eat, you can't get enough. in the ninth minute, spartak snatches the ball to the right. edge of the attack, and mikhail ignatov’s exceptionally accurate pass finds alexander sobolev in the dynamo penalty area. it doesn’t matter to the hefty forward who is in dynamo’s goal, leshchuk or shunin. 0:1, quick start to the match. dynamo has the ball, it’s safe for selikhov’s goal, the game is under the control of spartak. we tried to defend,
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defend compactly, defend qualitatively, not allowing the opponent to create any chances. i hope we succeeded. this probably confirms this. half an hour after the first goal, sobolev already responds with an assist to... canceled by the referee in the field, the ball was returned after a lengthy viewing of the video assistant referee 0: 2 to the first half, a whole 9 minutes were added , the home team is close to winning the goal back, but shines in the goal alexander selikhov. i didn’t want to get the locker room, so i think, thank you, he is always ready, trains 100%, and today he is proved. in the second half, the blue and white pressed even harder on spartak’s goal, but failed to score. spartak deprived dynamo of two in a month. potential titles, while in the national championship there remain absolutely fantastic situations in which the red and whites themselves can become champions. i also saw these layouts, but it’s really funny, and i think it’s almost impossible, so we just want to please the fans, you need to believe in everything, in a dream, in a fairy tale, in
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anything, we go from game to game. from the reshuffle of coaches in spartak, the result the oldest russian derby between dynamo red and white does not change, but now with... spartak straight from the dynamo stadium, takes another step towards the russian cup final. in order to play for the cup in luzhniki on june 2, spartak needs to beat the winner of the baltika-rostov pair. on the way to the rpl, in a two-game confrontation between zenit and csk , the second finalist will be determined. stas ridikultsev, ivan lavrikov, alexander shestopalov, and karyan melikyan, lead. data sets for training generative neural networks began to be stolen and resold on black market. how large-scale this problem is, philip trofimov looked into this in the vestine program. the promising arc project has become another internet browser and can now be completely freely downloaded on a windows computer. strictly speaking, this is not a completely new browser in the form of the first beta. it appeared 2
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years ago, but until now it was only available to users of the apple ecosystem. the windows version was announced in the middle of last year in a closed beta test; access to it could only be according to... the invitation and, as they say, the waiting list has stretched to a million people, finally, all restrictions have been lifted, except for one to work, it will only work for windows 11 for now, the version for windows 10, as well as the application for android, promises later, in general, it is not a very fast-growing project, which does not prevent many in the industry from still considering arcbrauzer the only potential competitor to the google chrome browser that undoubtedly dominates this market. one reason for this optimism is that among ark developers include, for example, daren fisher, a man who has been building browsers since such a type appeared at all, and who is related to a noticeable part of the most successful such programs; he was an engineer at netscape
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, creating the very navigator that dominated the the web browser market in the nineties, then helped develop mazilla firefox, essentially the heir to scape navigator, then moved to google and 16 years after... the creation and development of chrome and chrome os. 3 years ago he left the search engine and joined the project alternative browser niev, but apparently something didn’t work out there. he’s been developing an arc browser since 2020. the difference there from the same chrome is primarily in the interface, on the one hand it is more minimalistic, on the other hand it allows you to very finely customize the browser to suit your tasks and scenarios for using the internet. in general, this is largely for those who spend a lot of time in... perhaps that’s why the ark project, since its inception , has invariably collected very good reviews in the it press, from everyone who tested it, but including me, i liked everything, which, however, has not yet been transformed into its popularity in the broad sense of the word; arc does not
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appear as a separate line in any browser ratings. there is no official data on the number of users; according to third-party estimates, after the restrictions for vinus users are lifted, we can talk about the audience approximately. people, while the valuation of the brauzer company, which develops arkbrauser, already exceeds half a billion dollars. data sets that are used to train neural networks are no longer subject to only white and gray, but completely black markets, messenger discord reported that it had plundered a network of bots that collected user correspondence in open channels, or as they are called in discord, servers. this happened after a database of 4 billion messages from 62 million discord users was posted for sale on the now closed spyped website, all of which were sold for a modest $5, including as a dataset. for training neural networks. interestingly, the discord emphasizes that no data was available
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any user, bots did not collect. and all this happened at the moment when another trial began in the united states against the largest developers of generative world networks open ai and microsoft. three newspapers accuse these companies of using their articles to train artificial intelligence. previously, similar claims were made by social media writers in addition to journalists. network platforms and other structures, historically, with a large set of data, well, simply because until recently almost all large neural network projects acted much like the attackers now defeated by discord, they pumped out all available texts and pictures from the internet, now they have to buy it all. well, at the end of the release, a new video from boston dynamics with a new robotic character, sparkles, in fact, this is a suit specially tailored for already. the well -known robopsa spot minini. the video is short, less than a minute and
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has no deep meaning, which did not stop it from gaining about a million views in a few hours, the technopress is now wondering why do you need a suit that turns a functional robot into something like a pet, or more precisely, into an animated plush dog, which is still unlikely to be bought by anyone as a home toy, well, if only because the spot mini costs more. important historical date: 295 years ago catherine ii was born, her reign is called brilliant in many ways, thanks to the expansion of territories that was important for the development of the country, to protect new frontiers, catherine granted a charter to the black sea cossacks, they arrived in kuban. in honor of the empress, the capital of the region was named ekaterina daram, today it is krasnodar. report by dinaida kurbatova, watch after the ad.
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the holy virgin. this is an unusual orthodox church, low, elongated on the sides with canopies that support the rows.
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was the annexation of territories in the south - the russian empire, that is, tamania, crimea, the entire right bank of kubania. this made it possible to weaken the position of the ottoman empire, which for centuries was one of the most important competitors of the russian empire, to increase trade relations, access to the southern seas, southern trade lines and, in principle, to strengthen the borders, because that crimean khanate had been a threat to russia for many centuries, decades, and as a result of this foreign policy the crimean khanate. in fact, its territories were included in the russian empire and became one of the peoples living on the territory of our state. peter the great managed to secure access to the baltic sea. catherine the second, who considered herself a successor to the work of peter the great, was given the decision to access the black sea. clashes with the ottoman empire began much earlier. on her side was the crimean khanate, at that moment under
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the ottoman empire. russia's situation was not the best, and besides, there were no allies. turkey declares war in 1760, dissatisfied with the settlement of russia in poland. and in such conditions, catherine the great acts brilliantly. catherine ii thinks absolutely imperially. russia does not have a fleet in the black sea at this moment. and then the empress decides to send ships, an expedition from st. petersburg to the mediterranean sea. the expedition was a very successful one. this is a model of the flagship, the commander-in-chief of the russian fleet, general anshef, count alexei orlov. it was orlov who developed the plan for a military operation against turkey in the mediterranean sea. for his victory in the chesme battle, he received the right to be called orlov, chisminsky. in this battle, russia destroyed the turkish fleet, followed by a number of other victories, including those under the command of suvorov. the kuchuk-kaenardzhi peace treaty was very beneficial for russia. the crimean khanate is now independent of the ottoman
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empire, the new crimean khan is loyal to russia, but without the support of russian troops, his position shaky. later in... in 1783, catherine decides to annex crimea, and without military action. the sale of slaves stopped, because crimea under the ottoman empire was such a hub for the sale, primarily of the slavic population, mined, stolen as a result of raids, to slave markets in turkey and further to north africa, europe and so on . these are russian laws, that is, they are included in the general law. and economic space, because new territories needed to be populated, and catherine begins politics, settling them and inviting colonists. in this era, porcelain figurines and table decorations are in fashion, with the empress in the center, surrounded by dignitaries and representatives of different nations, good subjects. under catherine, both the territory of russia and
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, naturally, the population increased. it grows with people whom the empress invited to live in sparsely populated areas. germans, greeks, serbs, bulgarians swear allegiance to catherine; it was beneficial for them to live in russia. these are other peoples, crimean tatars, jews. in this enlightened age, freedom blossoms in russia faith. confession, all possible frictions are prevented and resolved. we know quite interesting episodes when we had to, well , including in novorusia, in the south of russia, there in the same crimea, well, yes, we had to, in general , solve certain things, here we would say, they are still more ethnic, well, which were involved a little bit on no one, not on religion but on other, so to speak, reasons, well, yes, some conflicts, it was suovorov, for example, who proposes this solomonic solution, he is the crimean tatars. offers ekaterina offers to leave her in crimea, here the greeks themselves, or some particularly, particularly violent part of them, yes, be taken outside the crimea, new settlements established for them.
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however, the empress did not intend to limit herself to crimea and novorossiya in the south. here is an english caricature, catherine’s imperial step. she rests one foot on a rock called russia, the other steps on a mosque in constantinople, present-day istanbul in 1769, catherine ii gives her. sea, this issue could have been resolved in the first world war if the russian empire had won it. the main ideologist of this geopolitical project was his serene highness prince
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grigory potemkin. if the byzantine state were re-established , an orthodox cross would be installed over the church of st. sophia. according to catherine’s plan, her youngest grandson, born in 1779, would become its ruler. here are his portraits from the hermetage collection. it was no coincidence that he was called constantine, the founder of the byzantine empire.
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to liquidate the zaporozhye sich, the darkness is also doing this, he forms troops of loyal black sea cossacks, promises them lands on the toman with rich fishing grounds, but potemkin died in 1791 and the cossacks themselves acted decisively. a delegation led by the military judge of the black sea army anton andreevich golovaty goes to the tsar’s village, and anton golovaty was not chosen by chance, even his last name says that he was one of the smartest, wisest cossacks, people. the russian army had already attended the imperial reception of catherine ii back in 1774 as a zaporozhye cossack, so he was chosen to convey
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this idea to the empress, the idea of ​​​​relocating the cossacks to new lands. in the krasnodar museum in the felitsin nature reserve there is a historical document granted by catherine ii to the cossacks, which allows them to begin resettlement, with the condition of protecting the borders. it was awarded on june 30, 1792. they landed in a smoky ravine, which is behind me. this happened on august 25, 1792 . having moved, the cossacks, according to the charter,
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received land. in the west - 38 of them were named after the zaporozhye, two new names: berezansky and ekaterinsky. the cities of ekaterinodar and taman were founded. in taman, this monument tells about the resettlement of the cossacks. the cossack flotilla was supposed to protect the sea from the passage of turkish ships, which carried out raids, bandit raids on the crimean peninsula, which at that time... was already russian, the cossacks began to cultivate the land, engage in their usual business of fishing, well, they guarded the border, the troops of the faithful the black sea cossacks were renamed the kuban cossack army in 1860. before us is the anniversary banner of st. george, granted by emperor nicholas ii in 1896 to the kuban cossack army. on the front side there is a saint
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noble prince. is considered the heavenly patron of the kuban cossacks, but the real one is presented on the reverse side of the banner. kuban cossacks were heroes of all wars. during world war i, every third kuban cossack received the st. george cross. here are rare chronicles of 1916 showing his majesty’s own convoy. the guard unit that guarded the emperor. its main core was the terek and kuban cossacks. the church service took place in the highest presence. parade to the convoy, hundreds of whom are in line to serve in combat front. st. george's crosses and medals on the chests of many cossacks clearly spoke of a glorious campaign. most of the kuban cossacks did not accept the power of the bolsheviks. de-cossackization began in kuban. some of the cossacks emigrated, taking with them these rarities. in the 1990s, kuban cossacks began to return to the traditions and customs of their ancestors. boys are taught
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flanking, jackets, and wear helmets of black red cloth on holidays. i know my ancestors down to the seventh generation. my ancestors served in the slobodsky, izyumsky regiment. these are generally one of the first cossacks, who came to serve the kings. but the main thing is to serve the fatherland. many went from here from the temryuk region and indeed from the kuban for a special military operation, the rest are carrying humanitarian aid, ataman andrei richard, whose brother is now at the front. many of our guys are from our smoking area. went to the front, are successfully fighting, however, like all cossacks, we also did not remain indifferent, to the best of our ability, i can even say more, we are trying to participate, to help, and of course we are waiting, in a sense, we are waiting for our moment, our conscription, we are waiting for the order of our president, and the rarities that were taken away by immigrants, cossacks, returned to krasnodar in 2011 from america, the descendants of the cossacks made this
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decision, their conditions were. return the name ekaterinodar to krasnodar, recreate the monument to catherine, a military temple blown up by the bolsheviks, and return the treasures to the krasnodar museum. the military cathedral of prince alexander mevsky was restored in 2006, and in the same year a monument to catherine the great, recreated from old photographs, appeared next to it. this monument to michael mikeshina repeats his monument to catherine in st. petersburg. at the feet of the empress the characters played. significant role in the history of the russian south and the resettlement of the black sea cossacks to kuban. these are his serene highness prince and field marshal grigory potemkin, the three first kosche otamans: sidr bely, killed near ochakov, anton golovaty and zakhary chepega.
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i've been waiting for you forever. i was in such a hurry to meet you, it finally came, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition blossomed with all the colors of spring, you were waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the exhibition russia. a strong fire broke out in odessa after powerful explosions in the southern part.


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