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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 2, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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yes, not another, what you want, 100 years from now. now footage from the presidential press service. thanks, we'll work on it. yes. you have such
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an impressive growth in industrial production, construction is growing there, good indicators in general, but what about one of your main social problems, this is the resettlement of emergency crews, there is traffic there, there is hiv, please suggest me, well, in general i want to say that in the tuska region goals and objectives are being fully achieved. socio-economic development, and those tasks that stand within the framework of the national project, but today i would like to start the meeting with the most important, the most relevant for today, we are talking about the most important priority - this is support for the participants of our guys who are taking part in a special operation and their family members, providing full social, psychological, medical assistance, solving household issues at various levels. at the moment
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, there are about 60 support measures in force in the region, i would like to focus on the regional ones that we have introduced on the territory of our subject, these are to improve the living conditions of a special operation, which were registered in obtaining housing in our region and that means we... orderly allocate housing certificates for the purchase of housing and do this in the shortest possible time and quite quickly, we also issue housing certificates - at the expense of regional funds young families, this is a federal program, but we have made this a regional component and families under 35 years of age will also provide regrets out of turn and in the shortest possible time, our developers have come out. with the initiative
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to create a housing fund on a starless basis and the protestant region together with our builders - today it is forming about 50 apartments that will be renovated, mobilized, and this fund is aimed at solving housing issues that, for one reason or another, do not fall into support measures or require additional paper bills of some kind - that. means things that are related to the collection of certificates and so on, and in order to avoid this, this fund will precisely and specifically resolve these issues for the family members of our guys who take part in special operation, i want to say that in your message you also outlined a serious task of helping the guys who returned on purpose.
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in priority employment in our subordinate organizations, with those enterprises and partners with which we have entered into an agreement, this is also preferential financing for those who want to become an entrepreneur, open their own business, this is not only financial support, but also manual support in order for it to work out what our defender intended. another
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support measure that we carried out in the territory tut region, which is quite popular among military families, this is a card of care, this is an opportunity... and the partners who are involved in this program are small-medium businesses, these are private stores, these are networkers, there are already about thousands of them, who are working on this map, it is in quite a demand, the region is being processed in full, and continues to provide support, we are looking for additional mechanisms, and this work is under special control, a priority, i would like to say so, but we continue, in cooperation with the ministry of defense, to complete all the necessary
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needs identified by our commanders who are in the zone of a special military operation, with that naplatora that is not in service, in cities and types of troops, but it has a rather serious impact on the effectiveness of performing assigned tasks, this work is being carried out on an established basis and will be continued, also in our region we opened one of the first training centers for uav operators, at one of the training grounds of military units, which are located at the point of permanent location. in our subject, and the training of operators is carried out in the interests of the ministry of defense, other forces of the structures, it is as close as possible to reducing the situation to the conditions where our military personnel are located, these are defensive actions, offensive actions, and also
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included an element of the rap tool in order to operators learned to bypass and make some decisions, i want to report that they are already... accordingly, with understanding, fulfilling the tasks that you, as the supreme the commander-in-chief, the leadership of the ministry of defense, then the tasks and the nomenclature that are produced from our factories in the shortest possible time go to the front line,
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the production capacity of defense enterprises is increased, quite a lot of money is invested, and for these areas, new workshops and new ... buildings are needed at one of the meetings , an amlet was proposed to the government, you supported this, it was your instruction to get involved in the work of providing assistance in the construction component in order to the plant managers were focused, in principle, on technological processes to a greater extent, these are all worthwhile issues, we help get involved in this work and do it on an ongoing basis. as for the personnel potential, in the twenty -second, twenty-third year , about 17,000 people were additionally employed, as of today, the figure is based on strengthening, which means the working staff is 8,000 people, the figure is quite serious,
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the task is difficult, but feasible, and we will do everything for in order to complete this task in in full, in your message... to the meeting you outlined a number of important strategic objectives, one of them is obtaining quality medical care and strengthening support for doctors. i would like to report that your decision to provide doctors in small towns and settlements has been implemented in full. we also support doctors at our regional level, we are strengthening federal support measures and there are one-time, monthly payments. doctors of certain specialties, medical students, residents and solving housing issues, i already reported this to you earlier, these are apartments in new microdistricts, secondary housing, and the construction of a cottage community, we are now considering continuation, this work will also, well
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, continue, because you have repeatedly noticed that our need for doctors is below average, but the dynamics are positive. we are strengthening the material and technical base of our medical institutions, and we want to thank you again for your support in the implementation of very important projects that have already been launched. this is also the frontal center, where 9,000 babies have already appeared, these are not only children from our region, it is also in operation of the oncology center, which is very important, where already today about 6.00 of our garages are receiving highly qualified assistance, in the near future we are already putting into operation another very important socially significant facility, this is a home for... elderly people , care means the construction area is about
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19.00 km , this is the first in russia, one might say, by modern standards, a home for the elderly, with 240 beds, where the people who will be there need constant and very attentive care medical care. for our region, you have already said, one of the most important issues is emergency housing, i want to thank you for continuing the federal program for the resettlement of emergency housing, which means we completed the previous stage ahead of schedule, regional projects are now being implemented, this is more 900 million rubles and 230 have already been resettled, but the need remains high for us...
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the stop in the region is under control, all the tasks that you set within the framework
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of national projects, within the framework of other instructions, also the instructions of the federal government are being fulfilled in full, in perfect order, the report is completed, a good increase in the industrial production index is 6% annually, very good, and the increase in the share of manufacturing is 112%. good so far, thanks, that would be. footage from novoogorev vladimir putin met with the head of the tula region alexei dyumin. and now briefly about the main economic events of the day. the russian economy will grow by 2.6% this year. this was stated by the organization for economic cooperation and development. compared to the february report , the forecast has been increased by eight tenths. gdp will be growing faster than most eurozone countries, particularly france and germany. as for next year, here... the economy will add 1%, according to the ossr. business activity in russia's manufacturing industries
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continues to grow, although the pmi index fell by almost one and a half points, it still remains above 50. according to snp global, the number of new orders increased in april, this is due to an increase in the number of customers and increased demand. alrossa is not going to reduce production volumes due to sanctions. in companies see limitations as a reason for development. this was stated by its general director pavel marinechev. he noted that last year alrosa set a record for the volume of field development, and this year it is going to update it. at the end of 2023 , the european union announced restrictions on the import of diamonds from russia as part of the twelfth package of sanctions. and solers received almost 5 billion rubles in net profit at the end of the year, as stated in the automaker’s report according to international standards. the group's revenue is more than 80%. 2 billion. growth affected here sales for the year by 17%. in total, about
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47,000 cars were sold. today, another russian company counted out - ural-kaliy. in terms of net profit in the first quarter, the increase immediately tripled to 10.5 billion rubles. revenue + 36%, total 64 billion. this was economic news. short. by 2030 , half of all municipal waste should be sorted. garbage, marina gromova will talk about this, there is a solution in the program. let's pull, let's pull these containers into the rich
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past, almost by a third, they consist of recycled materials, recycled plastic. right for a second life and which one to serve in good graces. the plant where they are produced has recently opened its doors. what are the solutions for businesses involved in waste management? is it possible to learn consumer culture and who wins? over the past 5 years , the approach within the industry itself has truly fundamentally changed, and it has gotten back on its feet. i wash plastic bottles, plastic containers, i try. environmental friendliness is fashionable now, fashion is also fashionable, so that at some point it is relevant, at some point it loses its relevance, let’s do it let's say, there are fashionable things, and there are basic things, this is the base, we agreed, it is important to build a system for the rational management of waste, its further
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processing, for this purpose the circular economy initiative was launched, secondary resources are subject to... recycling from 2030 will be prohibited to burial. this morning at a coffee shop, i asked to pour my tea not in a disposable cup with a plastic lid, but in my thermos, and they even gave me a discount. a small step for a person is a big one for the environment. today in russia a an integrated system for handling municipal solid waste thanks to the ecology national project. throughout the country , waste sorting complexes and waste treatment plants are being built, and infrastructure is being created. to make it convenient for people to sort waste. since the beginning of the national project, 250 waste sorting and recycling facilities have been created. as a result, more than half of municipal solid waste today is sorted. in 2018, this share was only 7%. the goal by 2030: all waste must be sorted, and the volume
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conservation will be halved. the bottle is empty, what path does it take? just put it on the counter, as soon as a person buys it, it takes from a few minutes to a few hours, a few days, it ends up in the trash bin the next day, as a rule , it ends up on the content site along with other garbage, a bright future awaits if it ends up with us there, this plastic processing plant in the moscow region, the largest in the country, was built in less than 2 years; in two complexes with a total capacity of 1.8000 tons, recycled materials are converted into alternative fuel, technical... into pellets, from which new plastic products are also produced here. how profitable is it to produce from waste? without government support measures for this industry, we, of course, would not have undertaken this huge construction project. we spent almost 12 billion rubles on the construction of this plant. 7-8 years, in this case, is a reasonable period for the payback of such a large project. construction of the plant, which today already
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produces, for example, waste containers made from recycled plastic, started in 2022. we had reliable, as it seemed to us, european suppliers, sleek, polished, who told us how everything would be noticed, how everything would be built, and by the end of march we had no more of their suppliers, we turned to our and many accepted this conclusion, created that equipment, firstly, the third, fourth line, in general, in principle, it is practically localized and is russian; by 2022 , a register of domestic manufacturers, as well as suppliers of equipment and technology for industry, the share of imports was reduced by half over 4 years from 60 to 30%, and foreign equipment in production lines is already approaching zero. when they offer me a package in a store, i say: i don’t need the package, just take it, it’s free, i say, yes, i understand that it’s free, it’s just that the fewer of them i take, the less of them they will produce, the
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less of them will ultimately be thrown away. alexander pugin knows what he’s talking about; he’s been with his childhood friend for 15 years now. alexander also develops and produces equipment, which this same package and its contents will be sorted, when the government issued a decree on the composition of waste sorting complexes, which must contain certain types of equipment that we know how to design and produce, here we realized, of course, this is for us, we we can do this , they can’t do it without us, what are you missing, what solutions, what measures would help you, there is a shortage of personnel, and we are constantly fighting with... stores and pizza manufacturers who promise them higher salaries than we do, therefore, if the government came up with some kind of support measures for people working in the industry, that... would be great. the plant in tver produces equipment that is supplied throughout the country abroad to kazakhstan, belarus, and south asian countries. automation is capable of distinguishing plastic from paper or
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glass and even sorting it by color. optical separators are classified into two types: they are based on neural networks, that is, they are machine vision based on hyperspectral chemical analysis of elements. that is look and taste, roughly speaking. some look, others taste, those who look. they are cheaper, they need to be trained , libraries are constantly updated, how much does your company invest in development, a huge amount, several departments are working on this, we have a service department working on this, collecting service facts, collecting some kind of analytics, a whole department okr, design bureau, we have been doing this since the fourteenth year, we received support under the ministry of industry and trade programs and completed these programs according to creating new types of equipment, so we are not standing still. i have two containers in my kitchen, in one container i store and
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collect organic matter, and in the second container i store washed glass, lids separately, plastic bottles, cardboards and other packaging materials, which can immediately be taken from my container and the corresponding bin at the accumulation site. something useful comes out of it. it all starts with the initial sorting. both in everyday life and in enterprises, this is the most important stage on the path to responsible waste management. developed countries have spent several decades working with waste and this topic in general. we have made a breakthrough in 5 years. 250 waste management facilities have been built over the past 4 years and put into operation. we started recycling in 2018 at 3%. today, the recycling rate is already narrower. many will say garbage, no, it’s an excellent secondary product, the answer will be from this plant, they buy 400 tons
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of waste paper here every month, they process it and make money from it, we’ll find out exactly how right now, to a question about something that was embarrassing the day before yesterday, i discovered the world of uh second-hand stores, in moscow there are fantastic ones that look like a boutique, and where are the second-hand t-shirts kilograms? eh, i haven’t become that enlightened yet, but i admit that this too will happen. every schoolchild in the soviet union collected waste paper. dmitry gutman is sure that this is back in trend, newspapers, cardboard, paper packaging, waste from enterprises, all this comes here and is turned into a new product. there is really a lot that can be done, for example this: coal box, it's a transport package on one side, but it's tricky, we remove the label from the top, push it into the hole that we have. vegetables, fruits, eggs in packaging made from former cardboard and paper
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cups, the process is similar to baking, first the dough is kneaded, from which the products are literally baked in molds. the packaging has been dried, that's it, it's ready, curious, at the initial stage it contained only 1% paper and 99% water, now here... only paper, well, if it were n't profitable, we wouldn't be standing here, we wouldn't be here perekatepole rolled around, we have loaded this industrial site, we are developing a second one, we are thinking about the next thing, we have rolled back a little since the beginning of 2022, when we were unable to sell for export, but for now we cannot do this, we concentrated more on the territory of russia, we produced it 5 years ago about 120 products, now more than 200, clients no longer say that it is waste paper, they say that there
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is still more waste than in paper, there is also polystyrene foam, one of the most difficult waste to dispose of, that is, to say that with this we no longer pack we accept the goods, you cannot, unfortunately, here we can really only recommend, we cannot compose, there was no such fear, or something, anger of the people who participated in this and lived until you appeared, but when we started not only with construction waste, we started with a digital product, there were so many threats... about the last part of life there were no problems at all, because well, imagine, that is, i hit the target before this issue, cars were burned. artyom sedov, one of those who worked with the industry out of the shadows 10 years ago, waste business was often criminalized. his company has created a platform for all regional operators. the system not only tracks garbage collection, the frequency of garbage cans, monitors equipment, it even has a rating of garbage truck drivers. the waste management reform began and we
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understood that without... digital leverage , it would be impossible for industry participants to cope with the assigned tasks, so imagine, you decided to visit 20 of your friends in one day, and imagine there are 18,000 drivers there who are forced to travel 150 more points, so optimal routes are the first thing a regional operator needs to start with, and here this is 70% of the costs with the help of these algorithms that we developed, we managed to reduce transport by half, we started like an ordinary startup, we had four people, now 300 in terms of revenue, it was 10 million there, now it’s billions, the state has support now in terms of numbers, but it’s colossal, but these are also just numbers, if you get into the register , you get huge tax benefits, they are often asked not to highlight this as the main advantage, but it is really huge, they have created a system that analyzes the load of trucks with garbage down to 1 centimeter, they have developed
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an application: for consumers it will be possible to make money on garbage simply by sending a bag of recyclable waste to tank, we put cardboard in a bag, we tie it, take the qr code, glue the chuponik, yes, then we take our mobile application, go into it, click on what we put in it, waste paper, and after that i understand how much money i will actually receive, 38-75 rubles have been accumulated. waste can be not only raw materials, but also art, these art objects are in some sense a metaphor, if you don’t change the attitude towards sorting and recycling waste to cows, the real ones will have to make room to give up emerald meadows to such relatives, plastic, paper, glass, all this
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is possible and necessary. it is very important to recycle , throw away correctly, you do not sort the waste yet, then we come to you, and you visit us on social networks using the qr code, which is directly now you see it on your screen.
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in the tula region , the tasks of socio-economic development set within the framework of national projects are being fully implemented. at a meeting with vladimir putin, governor alexey dyumin, in particular, noted that the tasks of resettling dilapidated housing are being solved ahead of schedule. a regional project is currently being implemented.


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