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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 2, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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to recreate the military temple of the monument to catherine, blown up by the bolsheviks, and return the rarities to the krasnodar museum. the military cathedral of prince alexander nevsky was restored in 2006. in the same year , a monument to catherine the great, recreated from old photographs, appeared next to it. this monument to mikhail mikeshin repeats his monument to catherine in st. petersburg. at the feet of the empress are characters who played a significant role in russian history.
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vladimir putin held a working meeting with the governor of the tula region alexey dyumin. they discussed the socio-economic development of the region. particular attention was paid to the issues of providing citizens with housing, supporting participants in a special military operation and their families, as well as improving the quality of medical care and strengthening measures to support healthcare workers. anastasia efimova will tell you more. all measures to support participants in a special military operation and members of their families, and this is only at the local level, the governor of the tula region reported to the president about this, as alexey dyumin clarified, we are talking about the extraordinary provision of housing certificates for the allocation of fifty apartments for those who, for one reason or another, do not fall under the existing mechanisms, and even a separate care card with a discount on a whole range of services, in other areas.
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development - those tasks that stand within the framework of the national project, but today i would like to start the meeting with the most important, the most relevant today, in your message you also outlined a serious task of helping the guys who returned special operations in their, which means education in employment, we have already begun the regional component, strengthened the federal program, launched the time of heroes 71 - second
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vocational secondary education, also inclusion in the regional reserve of management personnel, in priority employment in our subordinate organizations, with those enterprises, partners which we have entered into an agreement. one of the first training centers in the country was opened in the tula region.
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900 million rubles and 230 already existing resettlement, but the demand remains high, we need to add about 300,000 km of work.
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in almost 120 special operation areas. this information was reported today by the ministry of defense. our fighters achieved success in different directions. so in the kharkov region , troops improved the situation on the front line. the enemy lost almost 150 militants and five tanks. there are noticeable advances in the dpr. as a result of active actions, a unit of the troops center group completely liberated the settlement of berdychi, donetsk people's republic. and also improved the tactical situation was defeated by the formation of the armed forces of ukraine at the kalinov, sokol, novopokrovsky and progress roads, repelled 10 counterattacks, the armed forces of ukraine lost up to 380 military personnel, five armored combat vehicles, a 155mm self-propelled
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artillery mount made in germany and a 155mm howitzer m777 made in the usa. emmanuel macron again did not rule out sending. to exclude something a priori would mean not to learn any lessons from the past two years. countries in africa and the middle east are taking gold reserves from the united states. since the beginning of the year it has already
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made by nigeria, south africa, senegal, algeria, saudi arabia. dmitry morocco will talk about the reasons for such a massive repatriation of the precious metal. dmitry, hello, what is this connected with? yes, alexander, greetings, the reason is a loss of confidence and concerns about the stability of the us economy. the american ford knox is rapidly emptying, more and more countries are deciding to withdraw their gold reserves from the us vault, which for decades was considered the most reliable. reason for concern about economic stability u.s.a. according to official data, the value of reserves in the united states is $657 billion. of these , the states themselves directly own the metal in the amount of 429 billion, the rest is the property of other countries, which historically stored it there for the sake of security, as well as to increase liquidity, because the largest transactions with the precious metal are made on the new york stock exchange. dictated, in fact, this was
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for two key reasons: firstly, for security reasons, the second point, which is also important, is due to the fact that... the value of gold after the abolition of the gold standard was low, and maintenance costs were significantly higher than the price of the metal that needed to be stored. the wave of gold repatriation from the united states began with european countries. in 2013, the german bundesbank withdrew 300 tons of the precious metal from the country to return it to a storage facility in frankfurt am main. the dutch central bank returned 120 tons of gold to amsterdam. in 2019, turkey completed the export of reserves. these were bars weighing 28 tons, 5% of the country's total gold reserves. this year repatriation resumed with renewed vigor. in the first 4 months, the decision to evacuate their
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gold reserves from the united states was made by saudi arabia, ghana, cameroon, senegal, algeria, egypt, south africa and nigeria. each country represents important regions of africa and the middle east, which begs the question. about the future of the us dollar as the world's main reserve currency? china is one of our largest repatriates who are now taking gold. why does he do this? why is this? russia for a total of approximately $300 billion. this move undermined confidence in the united states.
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another reason is doubts about the stability of the american economy, which in the near future will not be able to operate at full capacity. this statement was made by the head of the imf, kristalina georgieva. in her opinion, the huge us budget deficit provokes inflation and poses significant risks to the global economy. the international monetary fund expects the deficit could reach more than 7% of us gdp in 2025. the situation with the gold standard is beginning to change, several signs indicate this: first, that central banks were purchasing gold in record volumes in recent years, including china, india, russia and poland. these countries reacted with doubts about the value of the dollar going forward, fears that signaled a perceived decline in america. the second sign is the popularity of cryptocurrencies. stradas are beginning to lose interest not only in storing gold in the united states, but in investing in american government debt.
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last june, the saudi arabian treasury divested $3 billion of united states treasury bonds. in total, since the twentieth year he has reduced investment in them by 40%. american securities are also being sold in china. last year, beijing sold $11 billion of us government debt. investors are alarmed by the constant growth of american borrowings and as a consequence. the united states has the highest credit rating. last year, the features agency lowered it for the first time in 30 years and changed the outlook to negative. thanks dmitry. dmitry moroka spoke about the withdrawal of gold assets from storage facilities in the united states. new ivolga electric trains departed today in moscow on route no. diameter the trains were produced at the tver carriage plant. the main difference from...
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stations, i can say that the car is really very comfortable, spacious and almost silent, and you were right, one of the most important features of the new ivalka 4.0 is the presence of three doors in each car, and not only their number has increased , but also the size of the doors, they have become wider, and thus it will be much more comfortable for people to get in and out of the car, which is especially important for a large city moscow, yes for rush hour, and speaking of capacity, it’s new. the train can accommodate more than 2,500 people at a time, this is 100 passengers more than the previous version of the train,
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the design has also been updated inside and outside, the new electric trains have smart lighting installed that adapts to passengers, there are usb connectors, tables with wireless charging, a separate mounting area for bicycles, as well as charging for electric scooters. moscow ranks first in the world in terms of the pace of renewal of suburban rolling stock...
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is very important to ensure that the rolling stock runs at the interval to which muscovites are already accustomed today, and in order to avoid overruns and on the other hand, so that all the functionality that the passenger should now have, and the passenger’s requirements , our beloved passenger is very tall, so we need to
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assemble completely new models. the convenience of the new trains was appreciated not only by passengers, but also by drivers; there are two control monitors in their cabin, this helps reduce the number of distractions, on one the screen contains information about the operation of the train, on the second - diagnostic parameters, and if suddenly some kind of failure occurs, one of the screens suddenly stops working, then all the information will be duplicated on the second working monitor, there is also a video surveillance system, it allows you to control what is happening inside the train, outside it. all the information goes to the control path, that’s what the very first passengers of the new train actually say? the carriage is very good, very modern, quiet, smooth ride, comfortable seats, comfortable armrests, it’s convenient to charge your phone, that is, unlike standard plus trains, you don’t need to carry wires with you, the impressions are extremely
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pleasant, the already familiar swing, comfortable seating, the already familiar silence, i really like it. of course, abundance, convenience, comfortable toilets, chargers, cup holders, everything is fine. i saw the difference that there were new seats, and, of course, the interior was a little different, but the beautiful train, yes, was being improved. anastasia, thank you, about the new generation of ivolga trains, which now run along the fourth diameter in moscow, anastasia ponko said. more than 160 people were detained over the past 24 hours during the... demonstrations by palestinian activists in american universities; demonstrators were taken to police stations for illegally entering campuses and resisting arrest. activists, in turn, accused law enforcement agencies of violence. officially, washington is monitoring the situation, but has no intention of changing its position on the middle east conflict. artyom krosulin will tell you
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more. detain pro-palestinian activists who have settled in the territory campus. columbia university. to accomplish this task, the nypd entered the complex through a window on the second floor. the protesters offered no resistance. a few hours later, more than a hundred demonstrators were loaded into three buses and taken to the polling stations. the operation was accompanied by slogans of freedom for palestine and condemnation of the actions of the security services by eyewitnesses. it was terrible. i was holding hands with other student teachers when this happened. we were surrounded on all sides by hundreds.
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patrol cars entered the campus and demolished the tents erected there, and the university management supported the actions of the law enforcement officers. reports of clashes between pro-palestinian activists also come from missouri, louisiana and california; los angeles police had to separate opponents of israel from supporters of the jewish state. who fought hand-to-hand, resulting in several people being injured. and although the american authorities say they are concerned about the situation with the protests, changing their position on the middle east conflict washington has no intention yet. on the contrary, congressmen passed a bill aimed at suppressing demonstrations. the document will allow the authorities to refuse funding to universities on the territory
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of which rallies are held in support of residents of the gas strip, and previously the united states blocked the draft algiers resolution. recommending that palestine be admitted as a full member of the un. the day before, a group of countries called for reconsidering the issue at a special session of the general assembly. we extremely regret such actions of our american colleagues. they absolutely do not reflect the principled position taken by the remaining members of the un security council, who over these six months have essentially become hostages of the united states in the middle east. beijing also spoke out for the admission of palestine to the un. diplomats from the prc emphasized that by their actions the united states is preventing the normalization of the situation in the middle east. guided by its interests and geopolitical calculations, the united states has repeatedly. resorted to the veto, abusing it, which is not consistent with the role of the responsible states. we hope that the us will indeed take an objective, fair position, join the international
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community and take just action to suppress the conflicts in gaza and play a constructive role in ending the humanitarian catastrophe. the reason for the military operation in gaza today on the front pages of the south american media was colombia's decision to sever diplomatic relations with israel. the country's president gustav petra accused the israeli prime minister. netanyahu's involvement in the palestinian genocide. in reply, the head of the jewish foreign ministry called the leader of colombia a hateful antisem and said that israel would continue military operations in the palestinian enclave. according to the latest published data from the un development program, the number of dead and injured gazans reached 5% of the enclave's population. the report says that the majority of victims of the conflict are women and children, and in the coming months almost 2 million palestinians will fall below the line.
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are there many visitors to poklonnaya hill today, is the weather getting worse in moscow? yes, alexander, greetings, but despite the weather, at the moment it’s amazing, we see the sun, and there are a lot of visitors, i ’ll ask you to show the operator, right there , literally on the left side, they’re waving, especially to you, they came here for another point of attraction for may 9, victory day on poklonnaya hill, because this is where the trophy was exhibited.
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invincible according to nato, this is the main battle tank of the united states, i want to say that this particular tank is especially interesting here at the exhibition, because it was brought yesterday, literally a few hours before the opening official exhibition, and our fighters captured it in the avdiivka direction in the city in the village of berdache, we see how it burned, we see that the bottom was completely burned, just like the controls. and the engine completely burned out, ah, you know, when you asked me about visitors, it’s clear that we see a lot of
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visitors to our country, our citizens, but before, before going live to you, we also talked with citizens of completely different countries, including european ones, and we managed to talk with us citizens, in their opinion... russia is doing everything right, precisely from a political point of view, let's listen, russia must restore order in this region, russia is very disappointed with the united states, western countries, because i know how far they are from the standards of the american constitution, i know what bad things they do for money, it's terrible, i like this exhibition, it demonstrates.
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units of equipment here on poklonnaya hill, its weight is about 65 tons. here we see, i’ll ask you to show the operator, a 120 mm gun. i i want to remind you that now
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the t-90 is actively appearing... well, there’s no point in comparing, probably our tanks are better in any case than any of their models, but as if fresh models, like the t-90 breakthrough, they are superior to any western tank. thank you very much, now let's turn around, i 'll show you one more, an infantry fighting vehicle, this...
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which was captured by our soviet soldiers back during the great patriotic war, that is, this is a modern one, and behind us, if we pass, we will see a soviet one, you know , when i looked at marder 2, which with a nazi cross, i heard a grandfather say to his grandson. the fact is that the fascists are raising their heads again, and i want to remind you here that the last time an exhibition of captured equipment was in the forty-third year in the gorky park, thereby demonstrating to the soviet people how hard it was to win then, and judging by from the comments of people who come to the exhibition here on poklonnaya gora, we hear that people remember and people are proud, so yes, we have to
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fight with the germans from time to time 70-80 times. years it's a bad tradition, it needs to end. thank you very much, alexander, our correspondent, alexandra perfilyeva, was in direct communication with polonnaya gora. now it's time for economic news. euroclear's income from frozen russian assets in the first quarter exceeded one and a half billion euros. these funds accounted for 3/4 of the depository's total earnings. this is stated in the report to the site. currently, euroclear holds the central bank's assets amounting to about 191 billion euros. in total , 260 billion worth of russian assets are blocked in the west. the russian economy will grow by 2.6%. this was stated by the organization for economic cooperation and development. compared to the february report, the forecast is higher by 8. gdp will grow faster than in most eurozone countries, in particular france and germany. as for next year, the russian economy will add 1%,
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according to the ossr. avtovaz increased sales by 65% ​​in april. the concern sold 45,500 cars, this is the maximum over the last 12 years, the company said. the most popular model was lada granta - 21 cars sold. next come lada vesta 13.500 and niiva legend is about five. let me remind you that this year they plan to produce half a million cars. the company intends to sell 450,000. and russia provided it at the beginning of the year. a third of fertilizer imports into the indian market. in 2 months, the republic purchased 611,000 tons. newsletters write about this with reference to the indian ministry of industry and trade. although exports decreased by 15% over the year. russia remains in first place in terms of supply volume. saudi arabia and oman take second and third places. it was economic news. short.
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the current ukrainian government acts smoothly as the bolshevik government, yes, which separated the church, it is best in these conditions to unite into one orthodox one.


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