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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 2, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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russia information picture of the day in facts is 24 in the studio artyom yamshchikov and olga armikova and here are the main topics. support for special operation participants, a training center for drone operators and the work of a military-industrial complex enterprise. the head of the tula region will report to the president on the pace of resettlement from emergency housing and how things are going in the construction industry. images from novo ogorev. high-precision strikes, powerful explosions in odessa and kharkov. half of ukraine's energy system. damaged,
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the trypilska tes, the largest in the kiev region, was completely destroyed. successes on the battlefield, the loss of the ukrainian armed forces over 600 military personnel per day. the village of verdoce in the dpr has been liberated, where else have our military improved the tactical situation? 10 years since the terrible tragedy in the odessa house of trade unions. the nazis actually burned alive opponents of the coup in kiev. who gave the command to carry out reprisals and... why the perpetrators have not yet been punished, we look at the material of our correspondents. prime minister mikhail mishustin held a meeting with deputy prime ministers, discussed economic indicators, in particular the transport and tourism sectors. we’ll find out what else they talked about and what instructions were issued based on the results. and the un report on gaza: up to 5% of the population were killed, most of them women and children. not a single armed conflict in the 20th century. did not have
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such a destructive impact, the un reported. let's find out about other statements. and of course, the weather, from hot to cold, sudden changes in temperature throughout the country, sunny and dry in the central part, a lot of rain and snow in siberia in the far east. unpredictable may, what the last month of spring will be like when we can expect normal weather, we will discuss with weather forecasters. vladimir putin held a working meeting with the governor of the tula region, alexei dyumin, they discussed the socio-economic development of the region, but the main attention now is to the participants of the special operation and their families. separately , they spoke about the issues of relocation from emergency housing, improving the quality of medical care, as well as strengthening measures to support healthcare workers. more details about everything anastasia efimova. 60 measures to support participants special military operation and their family members. and this is only at the local level,
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the governor of the tula region reported this to the president, as alexey dyumin clarified, we are talking about the extraordinary provision of housing certificates, the allocation of fifty apartments for those who, for one reason or another, do not fall under the existing mechanisms, and even a separate card is provided with a discount on a whole range of services, while in other areas the region also demonstrates excellent performance. growth of industrial production, construction there is growing, good indicators in general, as with one of your main social problems - this is dissipation of the population, there is movement there, in general i want to say that in the tula region the goals, tasks of socio-economic development, those tasks that stand within the framework of the national project, but... today i would like to start
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the meeting with the most important, the most relevant for today, in your message you also outlined a serious task of helping the guys who returned in a special military operation in their education in employment, we have already started the regional component, strengthened the federal program launched during the heroes of 71 - in the tolsk region, what we are talking about is, first of all, compensation for the cost of studying at a university, free receipt of a second vocational secondary education, also inclusion in the regional reserve of management personnel, in priority employment and in our subordinate organizations with those enterprises and partners with which we have entered into an agreement. one was opened in the tula region one of the country's first training centers for drone operators, it operates directly at the training ground of a military unit. so from
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the point of view of the so-called target situation, in other words, simulating the location and actions of certain enemy groups and objects, it is as close as possible to combat realities. accordingly, with understanding, they carry out the tasks that you, as the supreme commander of the ministry of defense, set for these tasks and the nomenclature that, as soon as possible... are produced from our factories are on the front line, as for other strategically important tasks, alexey dyumin focused on the social sphere, this includes support for doctors, the president’s order on payments to doctors in small towns has been fully implemented, the appearance in the region of a home for
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the elderly, the first facility of such a modern level in russia, and of course, the emergency housing mentioned by the head of state at the beginning of the meeting. i want to thank you. for the fact that you continued the federal program for the resettlement of all emergency housing, which means we have completed the previous stage ahead of schedule, regional projects are now being implemented, this is over 900 million rubles and we have already resettled 230 birds, but the need remains high, we need to calculate about 3000 km, work is underway, we understand how to move on, and this work. taking into account that it is quite acute, one of three such key ones, these are medicine, ecology, emergency housing, so special attention is also rotting, a good increase in the industrial production index of 6% annually, very good, please, the share of manufacturing production is also 112%.
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okay, thank you, and the growth of industrial production, especially high-tech production, is hardly possible without strengthening scientific potential. they plan to train specialists here not only for the weapons capital itself, but for the entire country. anastasia efimova, lead. russian troops took control of the village of berdyche in the donetsk people's republic. this was reported to the ministry of defense. in addition, 16 enemy counterattacks were repelled during the day. we learn more about the course of hostilities from denis alekseev, he joins in with the facts. denis, hello. well, judging by the data of the ministry of defense, the armed forces of ukraine suffer catastrophic losses. where did our military manage to improve the situation? yes, welcome. the russian group center continues to clear the avdeevka direction from
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ukrainian formations and is pushing the militants to the west on a broad front. berdychi , a settlement that the ukrainian armed forces held for so long, is now under russian control; indeed, the second one took place here. the defense line of the armed forces of ukraine, now it is, in general, penetrated by our units, the military forces have to move back at least another 10 kilometers, or even more. today it became known that militants had re-established their positions near arkhangelsk, which is very close to berdychi. the zone of our control is expanding to the avdievskoe direction, the ukrainian command has been amassing serious resources enough, and so actively and ineffectively, that the main thing is that. western curators strongly recommended by order to take care of the equipment. abrams , first of all, it was just near berdychi that the first american tank was knocked out, which is now on public display on poklonnaya hill in moscow. and this is more for him lucky. in addition, the german leopard had its muzzle bent right in the center of moscow, and
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just recently, indeed, the leopard was not destined to become a star in the ukrainian steppes, although such a bet was placed on it. but for the audience. exhibition , there is a huge interest in it, even though the highly publicized nato equipment is in the form of a pile of metal, and this is another one, an abrams has also already been knocked out in this area, fighters of the tsentar group are inspecting the car, here is another of the fresh trophies, a bradley variety, a reconnaissance and fire adjustment vehicle, they are already studying it our military engineers, personnel made a little earlier, in the same place the marder bmp stood rooted to the spot and is burning on a country road, but what else remains? after being hit by our fpv drone. as a result of active actions, a unit of the center group of troops completely liberated the village of berdychi, improved the tactical situation, and repelled 10 counterattacks of assault groups. the acs lost up to 380 military personnel, five
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armored combat vehicles, eight vehicles, a 155- millimeter self-propelled artillery mount pantsir howitzer 2000 production. rg and 155mm m777 gun. now about high-precision, our missilemen were destroyed by a hit from iskander. the missile and ammunition production workshop of the armed forces of ukraine was also liquidated. this could not have happened without the participation of operational-tactical aviation. and the units of the southern group occupied more advantageous positions in their area of ​​​​responsibility, in particular about krasnogorovka, where we do not even allow the enemy to pause and rotate. serious fighting continues within the city limits, in the same direction the formation of mercenaries
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of the foreign legion was defeated, losses in the ssu were about 300 people, this is also footage from the fighters of the southern group of forces, the crew of the karnet anti-tank missile system shot down a heavy ukrainian copter baba yaga with one shot. the drone is impressive, with a large carrying capacity, that is, it is most often hung with heavy, powerful projectiles, it can cause a lot of problems if you don’t notice it in time and don’t... have enough, but its speed is not the highest, so aim and aim for our military doesn’t have any work to do, and after being hit by an anti-tank missile, baba yaga’s chances are zero. in just one day, 25 ukrainian drones were shot down; our air defense crews are not asleep; they are responsible for intercepting guided bombs and rockets. at least five such french-american- made ammunition were intercepted in 24 hours. moving towards our positions of settlements. so, continuing the topic,
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today marks 10 years since the tragedy in odessa. may 2, 2014, crowd of ukrainian nazis brutally killed 48 opponents of the coup. unarmed people were burned to death. in the house of trade unions they shot, strangled, and beat with sticks. well, the kremlin said that they were guilty of this. crimes must be punished; such crimes have no statute of limitations. varvara nevskaya will continue the topic. even after 10 years , it is impossible to look at these terrible footage without more. the triumph of cruelty and inhumanity. on may 2, 2014, within the walls of the odessa house of trade unions, ukrainian nationalists burned alive those who were against euromaidan. 48 dead, more than 200 injured. and no one who would bear responsibility for it.
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over all these years, the west remained demonstrably indifferent to the children's tragedy. for the record, the un, osce and council of europe, of course, pointed to kiev’s inaction in terms of the lack of an objective investigation, but this did not give any result. according to the former leader. the murder of dissenters took place not just with tacit consent, but also with the full patronage of the west. the imprisonment of people on may 2, 1914 in odessa is a planned and a coordinated campaign of intimidation developed by the leadership of the kiev regime led by alexander turchynov, at that time the acting president of ukraine. under the chairmanship of turchinov , 10 days before the tragedy, a meeting was held to prepare a mass murder operation in odessa against. regional state administration, igor kolomoisky.
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avakov, parubiy and kolomoisky were personally responsible for the delivery of about 500 militants from the banned right-wing sector to odessa from kharkov and kiev. igor palitsa, apparently in gratitude for the monstrous murder. objectionable to the regime, after 4 days he received the post of governor of the odessa region. the kremlin has no doubt that medvedchuk’s words must be taken seriously. may 2 is an unacceptable shameful page in ukrainian history. all of medvedchuk’s words here can be taken absolutely and must be taken absolutely seriously, because he was inside these events, he saw it all from the inside, he knows it from the inside, so his description is extraordinary. important, we remember all those who died tragically then, and we are convinced that
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those who are behind this crime should to be punished, such crimes have no statute of limitations; the russian media has no doubt that fair retribution will inevitably overtake everyone who was behind the organization of this terrible execution. today, paying tribute to the memory of the victims of the bloody massacre in odessa, we are convinced that... retribution will sooner or later overtake the perpetrators of this barbaric crime, which has no statute of limitations. we are sure that the day is not far off when odessa, having thrown off igor. modern bandera will once again become truly free a city where people of different nationalities will live in peace and harmony. it was this tragedy 10 years ago that showed the whole of ukraine what would happen to those who did not agree with the new nazi course, confidently taken by the self-proclaimed government. the new
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zelensky government loudly promised to return legality to ukraine in 2019, but alas, this promise was not destined to come true. i am convinced that based on the results of the svo, a large tribunal is needed, where the whole picture of the emergence of the kiev ordinary will be collected and presented bit by bit nazism, its path, all its crimes. and one of the central cornerstone episodes of this tribunal should be the filing of charges for a terrible crime on may 2 , 2014 in the house of trade unions. there will be no statute of limitations, those responsible for the odessa tragedy will be named, they will not escape responsibility. the criminal case opened by the prosecutor general's office of ukraine ended in nothing, the judges took it. here is the indictment, every now and then it was returned back to the prosecutors, the relatives of the victims were threatened, the lawyers and judges were under pressure. repeatedly in during the trial, it was not the radicals who were blamed for the tragedy, but those who were tortured by them. the perpetrators of this crime have not yet been punished. today, the kiev regime is rewriting the history of odessa; monuments
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to the city’s founder, catherine ii, have been dismantled. commander alexander suvorov, monuments to the writer maxim gorkov. about 200 names associated with russia and the ussr were renamed. russian writers were removed from the school curriculum, and city residents were punished for using the russian language. this is what nazism is, the fight against it is one of the goals special military operation in ukraine, which will definitely be achieved. varvara nevskaya, news. decade of the tragedy in odessa, watch the film by arkady mamontov on our channel. on april 10 , 1944, she was liberated from the nazis, but on may 2 , 14, already broadcast in german in odessa, they clearly came to kill the second of us, to kill every single one of us, we should have been killed if it weren’t for those
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police officers who would have rolled us out there. with shouts of glory to ukraine, they simply broke heads, the new nazis burned almost 50 people, hello, what is missing for the construction site is easy to find. all that remains is to build, avita, grab it on sale and build! how do you like it, class, but save up a vtb savings account for a subscription, replenish it regularly and you will save up 16% faster!
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apply for a pension with sberbank online or in a branch. deposit, best interest, up to 16% per annum in sberbank online. and moving to europe, emmael macron again did not rule out sending troops to ukraine, as reported president of france, paris's position was supported by other countries. we will find out what other statements the head of the fifth republic made from our european correspondent, regina sevastyanova. she joins the facts from brussels. regina, welcome. well, has macron indicated under what conditions the west can send troops to ukraine? good afternoon, indeed, the conditions. sending troops to the territory of ukraine is a breakthrough of the front and a corresponding request from kiev, which currently does not exist. emmanuel macron again, this time in an extensive interview the economist repeated to the publication that the west
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should not exclude such a possibility. if russia broke through the front line, if there was a request from ukraine, which is not the case at the moment. we would have legitimate reasons to ask ourselves this question. therefore i believe that. to exclude something a priori would mean not to learn any lessons from the past two years. the head of the fifth republic recalled that france, for example, had already sent its troops to help african countries when their leaders asked for it. according to the french president, europe is facing now with a triple existential threat, this is a military and security risk, this is an economic risk, and finally, the risk of internal coherence and disruption of the functioning of democracy. this is a point about the rise of right-wing forces across the continent in... pan-european elections. that is why a week ago sarbone , in his 2 and a half hour speech, said that europe could die. now emmanuel macron has explained that everything can
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happen even much faster than we think, and lead to a more brutal death, than we all imagine. therefore, europe needs to build a new geopolitical, economic and social paradigm for itself, despite the fact that russia is a threat that we know and that we have always seen, emmanuel macron emphasized. i have a clear strategic goal - to prevent russia from winning in ukraine. if she wins in ukraine, there will be no security in europe. who dares to say that russia will stop there? what will the security be like for other neighboring countries, moldova, romania, poland, lithuania and others? and what will happen to the trust of the europeans, who would spend billions under the pretext of the survival of the continent, without even being able to explain to themselves why they need to stop. so yeah, we shouldn't rule anything out because our goal is for russia to never win in ukraine.
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emmanuel macron calls failure to provide russia with a full understanding of what can be expected from the west as another element of deterrence. russian aggression has forced europe to experience a strategic awakening, he is convinced. this can be observed using the example of german proposals to create a european missile defense shield or poland to host nato nuclear weapons. should be discussed not even within the framework of the european union, within the framework of the expanded european political community, that is, with the participation of neighbors who are not members of the alliance, in particular norway, which has a border with russia and great britain, which, like france, has nuclear weapons. the issue of nuclear weapons proliferation features prominently in this extensive interview. macron accused russia of unnecessary nuclear rhetoric, suggests that french nuclear deterrence, including through the rules of engagement of the armed forces, is. the sentiment of the sovereignty of the french people insists that both europeans and americans need to make new large-scale efforts in the fight against the proliferation of nuclear weapons, and promises to make every effort
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to involve china in this dialogue. emmanuel macron intends to use the imminent visit of the prc leader to france , among other things, to convince sezen pinnya of supporting the western position on the ukrainian conflict. it is in our interests that china has a say in ensuring stability and world order. china today is not interested in being destabilized by russia so iran can acquire nuclear weapons and the middle east plunges into chaos. therefore we need to work. with china to establish peace. i hope that china will support the olympic truce and be committed to combating the proliferation of nuclear weapons, in particular with a view to tightening the framework vis-à-vis certain powers. emmanuel macron is convinced. his repeated statements the possibility of sending ground forces to the territory of ukraine was understood in most countries, however, among the first to react to his latest interview was the leader of the french patriot party, florian philippot,
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who called the president a madman. a new attack of madness in nato from the madman macron, who has just announced again that he can send ground troops against russia, he would do this, in particular at the request of ukraine: stop these completely irresponsible statements that could lead us to the worst, no soldiers, no weapons not a single euro, ukraine is enough, peace, peace is needed. it is expected that most of these topics will also be discussed this evening in paris, during emmanuel macron's dinner with the german chancellor. and olaf scholz. colleagues. yes, origina, thank you. our european correspondent, regina sevastyanova, spoke about emmanuel macron’s statements about sending troops to ukraine. the french parliament will set up a commission to investigate cases of sexual violence in cinema. its activities will also be affected the spheres of television, theater, fashion and advertising. the actress who leads
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the movement in france has repeatedly made calls for the creation of such a body. mitu, it is noteworthy that parliament made such a decision against the backdrop of the scandal with gerard de pardieu, who is accused of harassment. well, in the usa , another whistleblower about boeing's problems suddenly died. joshua dean, a former quality auditor for one of the corporation's suppliers. during his work, he discovered a violation in production, but management ignored his warning. dean complained to the american regulator and testified in a lawsuit against the company's shareholders. as they write. this man led a healthy lifestyle, but he was recently hospitalized due to breathing problems and could not be saved. let me remind you that in march he was found dead, another informant about defects in booing planes was found dead. hitler is dead, peace is just a stone's throw away, it won't happen again. exactly 79 years ago, western newspapers literally trumpeted the death of the nazi leader. the new yorkday.
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titled her story on the front page hitler is dead, hostility in europe is approaching by the end. well, one of time magazine's most iconic covers was used for the first time to mark the death of hitler. an idea does not die when the leaders die, when the foundation, the soil on which this idea grows, dies. nazism is very tenacious, neo-nazism
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is something new now. we observe, therefore, back in 1945 it was clear that rooting fascism would be extremely difficult, and one military defeat of germany would not give the necessary results. history, unfortunately, has a tendency to repeat itself, both in a positive sense and in an extremely negative sense. sense. adolf hitler committed suicide on april 30, but information about his death was met with skepticism, which is why the news appeared in the newspapers only on may 2. hitler spent his last days in a bunker at a depth of... 8 m. it consisted of twenty rooms and utility rooms with a minimum amount of furniture. unique archival documents with evidence of the last days of the life of the fuhrer of the third reich were previously declassified by the fsb. they contain the memoirs of the commander of the mortar regiment, arthur schwartz, who, after being captured, was in prison. in the same cell with otto günsche, hitler's adjutant. günshi said that on april 16, 1945 , with the start of the berlin offensive
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operation. the mood in the bunker began to change.


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