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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 2, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm MSK

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in 1945, it was clear that rooting fascism would be extremely difficult, and one military defeat of germany would not give the necessary result. history, unfortunately, has a tendency to repeat itself, both in a positive sense and in an extremely negative sense. adolf hitler committed suicide on april 30, but reports of his death were met with skepticism. that is why the news appeared in the newspapers only on may 2. hitler spent his last days in a bunker at a depth of 8 m. it consisted of twenty rooms and utility rooms with a minimum number of furniture. unique archival documents with evidence of the last days of the life of the fuhrer of the third reich were previously declassified by the fsb. they contain the memoirs of the commander of the mortar regiment, arthur schwartz, who, after being captured , sat in the same cell as hünsche, hitler's adjutant. günsche said that on april 16 , 1945, with the start of the berlin offensive, the mood in the bunker began to change.
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for the worse, hitler himself became sloppy and often ordered pies for himself, crumbs hung on his mustache, and on april 28, hitler signed his bunker with eva braun. on april 29, he drew up a political and personal will. hitler committed suicide in the refuge of the imperial chancellery. as hitler's adjutant recalled, before his death, the fuhrer ordered the valet to lock himself up. his pistol, a walter pp, would later be found next to hitler’s body, but on may 2, 1945 , the red army completely captured the capital of germany, as the russian military historical society writes, the city was not only an ideological stronghold of nazism, but also one of the largest military-industrial centers countries. not surprisingly, the defense was carefully... and well prepared,
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you know, fighting day and night, breaking through to the center of berlin, soviet soldiers stormed every street and every house. during the berlin operation, soviet troops defeated 70 enemy infantry, 23 tank, and mechanized divisions and captured 480 thousand people. the supreme commander's headquarters issued a directive to change the attitude towards german prisoners of war and the civilian population. the officers were presented with strict requirements in the education of personnel and the prevention cases of arbitrariness by officers captured by german soldiers, as well as by the civilian population of germany.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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the government approved the third stage of development of bam and transib until 2035. mikhail mishustin stated this at a meeting with deputy prime ministers. the investment project includes infrastructure modernization, the total cost of which is 3 trillion. 700 billion rubles. anna voronina will tell you in more detail what else was discussed at the meeting. course to expand transport corridors to the east to strengthen trade ties with friendly countries, the government approved the third stage of work on the development and modernization of the baikal amur and
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trans-siberian railways, in which over 3.5 trillion rubles will be invested. thanks to this , additional tracks, sidings, tunnels, and bridges will be built.
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from 27 million to 47 million by the thirtieth year. the measures will help solve a number of key problems. first of all, this is the development of road service facilities, including a multifunctional zone, which will include traffic stations, motels, food outlets, shops, service stations, playgrounds, and other facilities for a comfortable stay on the road, providing roads with high-quality mobile communications, the internet, and digital services. as. in the pilot project last year, routes were chosen connecting st. petersburg, moscow, kazan, yekaterinburg, tyumen and further on to vladivostok. at the st. petersburg international economic forum , dmitry chernyshenko noted that the development of automobile tourism could bring the budget an additional 250 billion
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in year. there are such great opportunities for income multiplication; the multiplier from the development of the tourism sector is usually about five, that is, per one job . five in related industries, and this is also a serious incentive to attract investment, both for those who build the appropriate infrastructure to receive vacationers, and for the vacationers themselves. as mikhail mishustin noted, for such work it is important to involve all regions of the country, including the most remote corners, to work on their improvement, including for the adoption tourists. today, citizens themselves determine which facilities need improvement with the help of an all-russian vote on improvement. “we first launched voting in the twenty-first year, during which time it became an effective tool for the direct participation of russians in decision-making on the transformation of their settlements. this year, about 5,400 objects from 1,500 municipalities were identified for discussion
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. in a month and a half, the vote was adopted participation of 17.2 million people, which is 3 million more than last year, has again become another record. for the first time this year , residents of the kherson region joined the voting, thanks to such activity of citizens; based on the results of previous surveys , almost 45 territories chosen specifically by residents have already been updated. now there are emergency warnings about the weather in the volga regions about increased winds and snowfalls, but according to weather forecasters, the snowfalls and the capital of russia are not to blame, we’ll talk more about this with the leading specialist of the fobus center, evgeniy tishkovets. evgeniy, greetings. evgeniy, hello, well, when will winter return to the volga, when should we expect the peak of cold weather in the center of the country? this is all important and interesting, of course, but more important to a friend. it may snow in some places already in
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the coming night and morning. as for central russia, we will experience a permanent cold spell until the end of the may holidays, but normal warmth will return to the center of the country only in the second ten days of may. while ryan's winter took hold of the russian north, local residents were accustomed to her periodic returns a month before summer, but even they were surprised by the current disaster. snowfalls on in the east and north of the arkhangelsk region, at moments it turned into not only a blizzard, but a natural blizzard. at the same time, for example, the height of a snowdrift in the city of mezen reached 42 cm, which is how much snow usually lies here in december. in the west of the tomsk region, the snow disappeared a long time ago, but today the area was covered with snow charges that reduced visibility to 2 km. temporary snow cover appeared. the landscapes have changed to winter in some areas of the novosibirsk region. well, in the bratsky district of the irkutsk region today, due to snowfall and black ice forced traffic to close on
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a forty-kilometer section of the veluy federal highway. state traffic inspectors and local authorities strongly recommended that those who had already changed their tires to summer tires refrain from traveling. winter reminded itself in the urals. today, precipitation turned to snow in turinsk, sirov, berezovsky and other settlements of the sverdlovsk region, as well as in the regional center of yekaterinburg. the interaction of two powerful boric systems , the scandinavian anticyclone and the north atlantic cyclone, in the coming day will lead to the stable formation of a jet stream in the middle troposphere. an air flow at speeds of up to 100 km/h will pump chilled air from the arctic seas inland. the wedge of this arctic cold will reach the latitude between the don and volga rivers. as a result, in certain areas of the russian north of the volgovyad region, the upper middle. in the volga region, most of the urals and siberia, precipitation will turn into sleet
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and regular snow tomorrow. the further you go, the colder it will become. the coming night in the zone frosts will be in the east of the leningrad region, the vologda region, the north-east of the central region and vyatka; on saturday night the cold will reach 800 km to the south. frosts will cover the entire central region, reaching the black soil region, the middle volga and the southern urals. kazan will be covered at night. closer to the morning, at near zero temperatures in the capital of tatarstan, charges of wet snow are predicted, as a result , a symbolic temporary snow cover of 1-2 cm thick may even appear on the underlying surface in some places, which, however, is the weekend will melt. tomorrow afternoon in kazan, precipitation in different phase states will continue, but it will be local and of less intensity, and the maximum temperature will not exceed +3-p5, which corresponds to the long-term end norm. march, early april. thermometers in moscow at 15:00 showed only +10.4°. a day ago
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it was almost +20. on friday, the influence of the scandinavian anticyclone will intensify in the capital. precipitation is excluded. in the morning it is fresher up to +1 +4, and in the afternoon no higher than +10. the coldest night will be saturday. in partly cloudy weather conditions light frosts will hit zero -2. during the day, the sky will become cloudy as the front approaches. it will drizzle, the air will have time to warm up to +10:13. on easter sunday it will be cloudy and rainy, the night temperature will be +4-6, the daytime temperature will hardly reach +10. next week will also be cold, with the possibility of frost remaining for a short-term local transition of precipitation into snow and sleet. now to the situation in the middle east, the consequences for a decade, the conflict that will leave behind myself. this is a quote from a un report on the situation in the gaza strip, where israel continues its military
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operation. the vast majority of those killed were civilians. it was estimated that as of april of this year , 33.00 people were killed during the israeli military operation in gaza. around 7:00 am they were considered missing . more than 80 thousand palestinians were injured, and 70% of both those killed and injured were women and children. they directly state that this is absolutely impossible. considered collateral damage, as the israeli army is trying to present it, is the collective punishment of palestine is the collective punishment of palestine, indeed. and not a single armed conflict in the 20th century had such a destructive impact on the population in such a short period of time, the un noted. the report also states that most of the material damage caused by the israeli army occurred in residential buildings and commercial facilities. all this has already led to a real humanitarian crisis in
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the palestinian enclave. a huge number of dead, a huge number. yes just remained under these rubbles and has not yet been recovered from under them, so of course this number of killed is much greater, plus many of them who were previously recorded as wounded, they then died from wounds and so on, yes, that’s why it’s very difficult to introduce statistics there, which are truly terrifying, plus there are other problems related to healthcare, like famine and epidemics. so, speaking about the number of refugees, un experts put the figure at 670,000 people, here is another quote: these people are in overcrowded school temporary shelters, they live in terrible unsanitary conditions, they have limited food, they sleep on the floor without mattresses or on the street in the open air,
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end of quote. the un estimates the total damage to the gas sector at $18.5 billion. 97% of the total gdp of the palestinian state, but experts believe that the palestinian economy, already weakened by sanctions and blockades , may never recover, while the israeli operation is still ongoing, they are discussing the clearing of the refugee camp in rafah, which, according to statements by the same united nations organization, even the us white house, is fraught with even greater casualties among the palestinian civilian population. well, now to the news.
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in the next 2 years, while the growth of the russian economy will be faster than that of most eurozone countries, so for our country the gdp indicator for 2024 has been increased to 2.6%, although the february one was at the level of 1.8, the gdp growth of france will not exceed 7 %, and germany 2. the eu economy, according to the new forecast, will grow by 7% in 2024 by 1.5% in 2025. those investments that were made into the russian economy, whether by the state, government programs, infrastructure projects or private business investment programs, they have yielded results in the form of sustainable economic growth, especially in basic manufacturing industries, that is, russia is turning into an industrial economy, although
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for a long time in the west it was said that russia's economy is raw materials. the international monetary fund also raised its forecast for russian gdp growth in 2024 to 3.2. in 2025, the imf expects a slowdown to 1.8, explaining this by the fading the effect of high investments. however, projected growth in 2025 is 7% higher than expected in january. and the ministry of economic development improved the forecast for russian gdp growth by 5% points to 2.8%. to the next one. for the year , they expect an increase of 2.3. the main reason for economic growth, yes, and what testifies to the stability of the russian economy, is strong consumer activity, industrial production volumes remain at high levels, and in general, indices and business activity in industry remain high and, in fact, these two
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factors are the participation of the state in the development of domestic business, combined with high domestic demand, they actually contribute to the growth of russia’s gdp. bloomberg estimates that returning russians will add 1/5 to 1/3 to 3.6 annual economic growth in 2023. workers who returned to russia account for up to 3% of the total number of people employed in the economy. the economic growth that exists is not explained by the return or departure, which means of certain... citizens of russia, it is explained by the increasing the competitiveness of russian companies, such statements by bloomberg analysts, they really show such naivety. yes, confidence, such an archaic confidence in the economic strength of the western world, they simply do not understand that the so
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-called developing economies, developing countries can develop normally, can work normally, so to speak, in isolation from the west, despite fears of stacflation or global recession, the world economy is stable, the imf noted. and in 2024 to 2025 there is a growth forecast of 3.2%. the economic cooperation organization raised its forecast for global gdp growth from 2.9 to 3.1% in 2024. the rationale behind this decision is that real incomes rise as inflation falls and trade grows positively. according to forecasts, india, indonesia and china will show the fastest economic growth this year. gdp support. provide tax incentives to increase exports. almost 30 children were injured during a mass event in kyrgyzstan, in one of the regions
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of the gruzovik republic. this can be seen in the footage will now be. an ice cream man crashed into a crowd of minors. there was no driver in the car. according to preliminary data, he parked and forgot to raise the handbrake. that is why the car drove down the mountain. schoolchildren aged from '. romantic and sensual, relaxed sublime. find the vernelle scent to suit your
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tbilisi acts as national security requires, this is how the state department reacted to criticism. usa because of the bill on foreign agents, responded the ruling georgian dream party. so, according to washington, the approval of the bill calls into question georgia’s accession to nato and the eu. stanislav bernwald is monitoring the situation. after another night of riots in tbilisi, events are planned for may 2 in the georgian parliament building, and this bureau plenary sessions have been canceled until further notice. this is due to the fact that the protesters
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are against the law. somehow, immediately after its adoption in the second reading, agents again attacked the building of the georgian parliament. last night, demonstrators broke the glass in one of the buildings and threw smoke bombs and glass bottles there. this was the first time this tactic had been used at a protest. previously, protesters only tried to break through by breaking the gate. in response to the actions of the protesters, the police used gas, pepper spray, and water like the day before. in during the protest on may 1 and 2 in tbilisi , 15 people were hospitalized in various medical institutions. among the seriously wounded are representatives of law enforcement agencies, most of them have concussions and fractures. passions were running high inside the parliament building on the eve of the adoption of the law in the second reading. just before the reading and discussion of the scandalous law on agents began
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, representatives. please turn on the voting mode, attention, voting is underway, 83 votes for, 23 against, the draft law has been adopted in the second reading, even before during the next vote, european deputies called for depriving the republic of its eu candidate status, as well as stopping the financing of joint projects; of course, the us state debt did not stand aside. an important conversation took place with
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the georgian. mps about our bilateral relations, including our strong concerns about the draft kremlin-inspired foreign influence law and its negative impact on georgia's european aspirations. finding a russian trace in everything possible is already a long-standing pastime in europe and the united states. but even in georgia itself, it seems that they have begun to understand that european and western forces are diving headlong into the internal affairs of the country, trying to impose their agenda. nobody hides this, it is a law that may exist.
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the final reading will take place in the next 2 weeks. stanislav bernwald, news!


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