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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 2, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm MSK

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the russian government has approved the third stage of development of bam and transib until 2035. mikhail mishushkin stated this at a meeting with deputy prime ministers. what else was discussed at the meeting in anonin’s report. a course to expand transport corridors to the east. to strengthen trade ties with friendly countries, the government approved the third stage of work on the development and modernization of the baikal amur trans-siberian railways, in which.
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over 3.5 trillion rubles will be invested. thanks to this , additional paths will be built, sidings, tunnels, bridges, including across the amur river, approaches to seaports were organized, stations and platforms were modernized. the expansion of the eastern testing site will also create new opportunities for industrial enterprises, especially in the extractive manufacturing sectors. this will also help increase cargo flow and reduce the overall travel time. the volume of orders will increase and new jobs will appear. the development and modernization of the highway and the improvement of adjacent territories will help, which in turn contributes to the expansion of domestic tourism, which has been growing in popularity in recent years. as deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko noted. last year, the number of domestic trips increased by 21% and exceeded 78 million. a third of such trips are accounted for by auto tourism, the development concept of which is until 2035. as
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a result of its implementation , the number of tour trips by car and bus will increase from 27 million to 47 million by the year thirtieth. the measures will allow solving a number of key tasks, primarily the development of road service facilities, including a multifunctional zone, which will include stations, motels, food outlets, shops, service stations, playgrounds, other facilities for... recreation on the road, providing roads with high-quality mobile communications, the internet, and digital services. last year, routes connecting st. petersburg, moscow, kazan, yekaterinburg, tyumen and further on to vladivostok were chosen as a pilot project. at the st. petersburg international economic forum , dmitry chernyshenko noted that the development of automobile tourism could bring the budget an additional 250 billion in year. such great opportunities for...
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17.2 million people, this is 3 million more than last year, again becoming another record. for the first time this year , residents of the kherson region joined the voting. thanks to this activity of citizens, based on the results of previous surveys , almost 4,500 territories chosen by residents have already been updated. anna voronina, anna nikulaesh, lead. moldovan border guards detained another group of mobilization evaders on the border with ukraine. six people are accused of illegal entry into country. however, now they have the right to ask for asylum, since official chisinau previously promised that it would not expel refugees. with details.
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in the khmelnitsky region, they apparently came across a track and field athlete, catching up was not successful, ukrainian women are going into battle, a fight with a military commissar for a son or husband is not the best. scary, because the new law on mobilization has its own surprises for women; employees in the medical and pharmaceutical fields must update their data in the tsk. they can announce whatever they want, but the people they catch are... the front line will either surrender or desert, or simply unwilling,
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unable, unwilling to fight, die in the literal sense of the word, overwhelming the front line with their corpses, while tightening the law, not only will everyone caught inevitably end up in a trench without... why, in his speech at the university of sarbona, where the french leader spoke not so long ago, he said that europe could die. macron immediately hastened to reassure his interlocutor. it turns out that he was simply quoting the french writer paul valery, who at the end of the second the world declared that civilizations tend to die. and yet, macron
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continued to say that today europe is really in danger, and from three sides. according to him, the military risk comes first, because europe is not the safest region. another risk is economic, but the most important one is existential, that is , the collapse of europe could be facilitated by internal inconsistency and disruption of the functioning of our democracies,” said the french leader. in recent years, all these risks have significantly have intensified and cannot be ignored. all this is of course interesting, but the media was literally blown up by another news that france is ready to send troops to ukraine. true, for this to happen, two events must happen simultaneously. firstly, this is a formal request from kiev for the deployment of western troops, secondly, this is a breakthrough of the russian army through the front line. if all this happens, macron believes that he has every right to send troops to help ukraine. the french president also called on the allies not to rule out such a scenario, since this serves
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as a basic condition for the security and authority of the eu. according to him, europe's ability to - quote: deter further aggression - depends on the absence of red lines. also french. the leader noted that his strategic goal is the defeat of russia in ukraine, that’s how. i have a clear strategic goal - to prevent russia from winning in ukraine if it wins. there will be no security in europe in ukraine, who dares to say that russia will stop there, what kind of security will there be for other neighboring countries, moldova, romania, poland, lithuania and others, and what will happen to the trust of europeans, who would spend billions under the pretext of the survival of the continent, unable even to explain to themselves why russia needs to be stopped. so, yes, we shouldn't rule anything out because our goal is for russia to never win in ukraine. another interesting topic of the interview is the relationship between europe and china. macron, as it turned out, has big
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plans for cooperation. the french media are actively promoting the idea that macron intends to deepen personal ties with the chairman xizenpin, who will arrive in france in a few days. in an interview with the economist, he said that one of the main goals of hosting mr. xi is to do everything possible to involve china in solving global problems and discuss economic relations based on ... the united states in the fight against the proliferation of nuclear weapons. according to the french leader, china should be interested in such a partnership. however, we will find out whether this is really so only after the meeting of the leaders of the two countries. it is in our interests that china has a say in ensuring stability and world order. china today is not interested in... being destabilized by russia, so that iran can acquire nuclear weapons, and the middle east
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plunges into chaos. so we need to work with china to bring peace. i hope that china will support the olympic truce and be committed to combating the proliferation of nuclear weapons, in particular with a view to tightening the framework vis-à-vis certain powers. but in the meantime, there is also unrest there in the united states; more than 160 people have been detained in the past. day during demonstrations palestinian activists in american universities, demonstrators were taken to police stations for illegally trespassing on campuses , and resistance escorts were detained. washington is officially monitoring the situation, but has no intention of changing its position on the middle east conflict. artyom krosulin will tell you the details. detain pro-palestinian activists who have taken up residence on campus. columbia university. to accomplish this task, the nypd entered the complex through a window on
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the second floor. resistance protesters are not provided. a few hours later, more than a hundred demonstrators were loaded into three buses and taken to the polling stations. the operation was accompanied by slogans of freedom for palestine and condemnation of the actions of the security services by eyewitnesses. it was terrible. i was holding hands with other student teachers when this happened. we were surrounded on all sides by hundreds. police officers, it was like a military invasion, there was unnecessary excessive use of force, chemical burns, broken bones, bruises, no prosecution only students and teachers, but also the press. during the raid, i personally saw several people thrown to the floor and severely beaten by the police, and i was also arrested along with hundreds of others. residents of other states where similar actions in support of palestine took place are also discussing how lawful the actions of law enforcement agencies were. in arizona, according to media reports, the police... patrol cars entered
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the campus and demolished the tents erected there, and the university management supported actions of law enforcement officers. reports of clashes between pro-palestinian activists also come from missouri, louisiana and california; los angeles police had to separate opponents of israel from supporters of the jewish state. who fought hand-to-hand, resulting in several people being injured. and, although the american authorities say they are concerned about the situation with the protests, washington does not yet intend to change its position on the middle east conflict. on the contrary, congressmen passed a bill aimed at suppressing demonstrations. the document will allow the authorities to refuse funding to universities on the territory of which rallies are being held in support of residents of the gas sector. and earlier the united states blocked the draft algiers resolution. recommending that palestine be admitted as a full member of the un. the day before, a group of countries
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called for reconsidering the issue at a special session of the general assembly. we extremely regret such actions of our american colleagues. they absolutely do not reflect the principled position taken by the rest of the security council the un, which over these six months essentially became hostages of the united states in the middle east. beijing also spoke out for the admission of palestine to the un. diplomats from the prc emphasized that by their actions the united states is preventing the normalization of the situation in the middle east. guided by its interests and geopolitical calculations, the united states has repeatedly. resorted to the veto, abusing it, which is not consistent with the role of a responsible state. we hope that the united states will indeed take an objective, fair position and join the international community and will take just action to quell conflicts in gaza and play a constructive role in mitigating the humanitarian catastrophe. the reason for the military operation in gaza today on the front pages of the south american media was colombia's decision to sever
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diplomatic relations with israel. the country's president gustav petro accused the israeli prime minister. benjamin netanyahu of involvement in the genocide of the palestinians, in response , the head of the foreign ministry of the jewish state called the leader of colombia filled with hatred antisem said that israel will continue the military actions in the palestinian enclave. according to the latest published data from the un development program, the number of dead and injured gazans reached 5% of the enclave's population. the report says that the majority of victims of the conflict are women and children, and that in the coming months almost 2 million palestinians will fall below the line.
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facts of this story: lead a healthy lifestyle, never complain of illness , suddenly die at the age of 45, such is the fate of the second informant of the aircraft manufacturing corporation, who dared to openly declare problems when assembling liners. and if the previous informant john barnett allegedly shot himself during the march litigation with the company, then this time, as the seattle times writes, the cause of death of young specialist josh dean turned out to be staphylococcus. pneumonia. the quality control auditor fell ill with it just 2 weeks ago, which coincidentally happened after he complained to the us federal aviation administration about gross violations during the assembly of 737 max aircraft. they were made available by another company, spirit aerosystems. this is the key supplier to boeing, which produces the fuselage for the recently problematic line. recently, this company, along with
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the customer, took part in an inspection by the american authorities, who made a complaint. conclusion: a third of critical tests failed. employees do not comply with key quality control principles, going to the point of absurdity, for example, using a hotel key card to seal doors, as well as liquid soap as a lubricant when working with the seal. the same was stated by the now deceased josh dean. added to the list of his complaints was the fact that for several years, according to the auditor, the mechanisms had been incorrectly drilling a hole in the radar fairing. but the leadership. she simply ignored this fact and then fired the specialist himself. the company itself did not send any representatives to the recent hearing in the us senate on problems at boeing. experts from the convened commission could not say an unequivocal yes to the question: are the airliners safe? and this rhetoric is already seeping into masses. according to recent surveys, 70%
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of americans have lost trust in the company. this is reflected in market dynamics. yes, agency. following the dynamics of the stock price , it is also falling; according to analysts, the corporation may face a long-term crisis; market confidence may hit boeing much more painfully than any quote figures. today, the global aviation industry is strong.
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literally fall apart in the air, former quality control engineer sam-salihpour told us senators. anyway, the national department's investigation will end at the end of may, slaughter is now in great difficulty at all echelons. now it's time for economic news. the transit of russian oil to china through kazakhstan will continue, the agreement was approved by the country's senate. now transportation volumes will increase from 7 to 10 million tons per year. as a result, by 2034 china. will receive 100 million tons of oil from russia, according to the vice minister of energy of kazakhstan, transit supplies will bring the republic one billion 700 million dollars. euroclear's income from frozen. assets for the first quarter exceeded 1.5 billion euros, by these funds accounted for 3/4 of the depository's total earnings. this is stated in the site report. currently, euroclear holds the central bank's assets
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amounting to about 191 billion euros. in total , russian assets worth 260 billion are blocked in the west. disruptions with cargo transportation in the red sea may last until the end of the year. this forecast was given by the ceo of the danish company märsk vincent clerk in an interview with the financial times. according to him, a quick return of the corporation's container ships to the secular channel is unlikely. cargo transportation through krasnoe the sea has fallen by 2/3 over the past year. the reason is the shelling of international ships by the houthis. and ukraine can immediately reduce exports of wheat and corn by a quarter due to a low harvest. this was stated by the ministry of agrarian policy and food of the country. so the expected volume of wheat supplies is 14 million tons compared to 18 a year earlier. forecast by'. a year before. the results will be affected by a reduction in acreage, as well as bad weather. it was economic news.
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short. and volga 4:0. trains of the new generations. their advantages were appreciated by the mayor of the capital sergei sobyanin and the head of russian railways oleg belozerov. compared to previous models, the new train has higher speed, it can accelerate to 160 km/h. capacity is almost 100 more passengers. in addition, for the first time, the city train has a third door in the carriages, in addition to the head ones, which means that boarding and disembarking has become as fast and convenient as in the underground metro. on the central diameters since their launch the number of passengers has increased by 40%, inside the city twice and of course not the last reason for this is high-quality rolling stock. which we are implementing, today the rolling stock on mcd-1, mcd-2 has been completely updated, on d3 it will be completed this year, next year on d4, so
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100% of the rolling stock on the diameters will be new. a badge depicting the russian flag may become mandatory for license plates. the ministry of internal affairs has prepared a corresponding project to amend the gost. well, i’ll note that now. for using numbers without tricolor is legal. so, they want to make the flag of the russian federation an indispensable attribute of car license plates. the scientific center for road safety of the ministry of internal affairs has prepared amendments to the existing standard, that is, in cases of approval, the russian tricolor in the lower right corner of the sign will become mandatory. an exception will be made only for red license plates of diplomatic corps cars. their badge will be optional. it is noted that the project is already being discussed in the technical committee at. rosstandart, but state duma deputy alexander khenshtein proposed tightening the rules. earlier, my subscriber contacted me, his i was outraged by the current practice: why
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do people who hate their state have such a loophole? i supported his initiative and contacted the state traffic safety inspectorate, the ministry of internal affairs of russia, where i was informed that by the end of this year the necessary changes would be made to the state regulations. a flag with the russian tricolor in the lower right corner of the sign will become mandatory. an exception will be made for red license plates of diplomatic corps cars; those motorists who previously received license plates without the tricolor will not be affected by the amendment. now license plates do not have the russian flag can be used, and this is not a violation, that is, they do not contradict the state standard, so the new rules will not apply to those who previously received a license plate without a tricolor, although today, both for the initial and re-registration of a car with the traffic police. they issue license plates with the image of the russian flag, but car owners can get a combination of letters and numbers from the police, order the license plate itself from a specialized
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organization, well, in a private company the driver can choose a license plate with or without a flag. let me remind you that previously the russians were allowed to install so-called square numbers on the front of the car. in october last year, rosstandart made changes to the gost, and the traffic police sent appropriate clarifications to the regions. for this purpose , only owners of japanese american and some soviet vintage cars were allowed to install square license plates in standard factory mounts, since standard rectangular license plates simply did not fit there. well, moscow is preparing for the victory parade; today, due to the rehearsal, a row will be blocked capital streets. so, from 16:30 to 19:00 it will be impossible to drive on sections of volgogradsky prospekt and garden avenue. sa and taganskaya square from 23:30 the same roads will be blocked again, several more central embankments and streets will be closed from 17:30, well, from that time
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it will be impossible to get in... travel will be limited to sections of sadovoy, novy arbat and the large stone bridge. in addition, in the taganka area, from 16:30 to 30 at night , two-way traffic will be organized, keep in mind. sochi is preparing for the summer season, even though you can’t swim yet, people are having fun they are relaxing on the beaches and walking along the embankments, cafes and restaurants are switching to a new menu, more and more light dishes and soft drinks, and the city residents have gone out for general cleaning, how the resort beloved by russians is living in anticipation of the high season, irina romonkova will tell you. in honor of
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the change of season, a holiday was held in the mountains so that tourists could see the slopes with new eyes. the ski resort opens up in a new way when it's summer, skiing, something incongruous, but very exciting. there is a new wave of guests arriving in hotels, and hoteliers say, now it’s no less than in winter. our resort hotel is ideal for both families with children and young travelers. more soft drinks.
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countries already now, we came from yekaterinburg, it was not by chance that we chose this period, it is comfortable to walk with a child and the weather is comfortable. by summer, a lot has been updated here, equipment, furniture, everything with a large margin of safety. this model of lounger holds up to 300 kg. and here, on other beaches, they cleaned the bottom, recruited staff, and trained lifeguards. year to date sochi received more than 1.700 thousand guests; after the may holidays the figure is expected to exceed 2 million. irina ramankova, kristina kolesnikova, vlad mashinsky, tigran mirozyan, maria krug, vesti sochi.
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growth in industrial production, active development of the construction sector and success in other areas. vladimir putin today heard a report from the tula governor, alexei dyumin. the head of the region spoke about the resettlement of emergency housing, the provision of personnel for defense enterprises, and the work of the training center for uav operators. one of the main the topic of conversation was the support of the participants in the special operation. more details about everything. anastasia efemova. 60 measures to support participants in a special military operation and members of their families, and this is only at the local level. the governor of the tula region reported this to the president. as alexey dyumin clarified, we are talking about the extraordinary provision of housing certificates for the allocation of fifty apartments for those


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