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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 2, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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growth in industrial production, active development of the construction sector and success in other areas. vladimir putin today heard a report from tula governor alexei dyumin, the head of the region spoke about the resettlement of housing accidents, the provision of personnel for defense enterprises, and the work of the training center. uav operators. one of the main topics of conversation was support for the participants in the special operation. more details about everything. anastasia efemova. 60 measures to support participants in a special military operation and members of their families, and this is only at the local level. the governor of the tula region reported this to the president. as alexey dyumin clarified, we are talking about the extraordinary provision of housing certificates, the allocation of fifty apartments for those. who for one reason or another does not
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fall under the existing mechanisms and even a separate care card with a discount on a whole range of services, while in other areas the region also demonstrates excellent performance. we have such an impressive growth in industrial production, construction is growing, good indicators in general, as with one of the main of your such social problems - the laying out of emergency lights, there is movement there in general, i want to say that in the tut region the goals, tasks of socio-economic development, those tasks that stand within the framework of the national project are being fully achieved, well, today i would like to start the meeting with the most important , the most relevant today, in your message you also outlined a serious task of helping the guys who returned in a special military operation in their... that means
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education in employment, we have already begun the regional component, strengthened the federal program launched during the heroes of 71 - in the tolts region, what we are talking about is, first of all, compensation for the cost of studying at a university, free receipt of a second vocational secondary education, and also inclusion in the regional reserve of managerial personnel in priority employment. in our subordinate organizations, with those enterprises and partners with which we have entered into agreements. one of the country's first training centers was opened in the tula region drone operators, it works directly on the training ground of a military unit, so from the point of view of the so-called target situation, in other words, simulating the location and actions of certain enemy groups and objects, it is as close as possible to combat realities. capital cities. we are involved in supporting
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our defense enterprises, and of course, first of all, we are talking about human resources. i would like to note the work of our enterprises, enterprise managers, engineers, designers, all personnel, who, accordingly, with understanding carry out the tasks that you, as the supreme commander-in-chief, set, the leadership of the ministry of defense for those tasks and the nomenclature that is issued in the shortest possible time. from our factories goes to the front line. as for other strategically important tasks, alexey dyumin focused on the social sphere. this includes support for doctors, the president’s instructions on payments to doctors in small towns have been fully implemented, the appearance in the region of a home for the elderly, the first facility of such a modern level in russia, and of course, emergency housing, mentioned by the head of state at the beginning of the meeting. i want to thank you for continuing federally. program for the resettlement of dilapidated
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emergency housing, which means that we completed the previous stage ahead of schedule, regional projects are now being implemented, this is over 900 million rubles and we have already resettled 230, but the need remains high, we need to calculate about 300,000 km, work is underway, we understand how to move on, and this work, taking into account that it is quite acute. one of three such key ones are medicine, ecology, emergency housing, so special attention is also paid to it, a good increase in the industrial production index is 6% annually, very good, the increase in the share of manufacturing is also 112%. okay, bye, thank you, but the growth of industrial production, especially high-tech, is hardly possible without strengthening scientific potential, for this they plan to build a building in tula. a new
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university campus, moreover, focused on the military-industrial complex. they plan to train specialists here not only for the weapons industry itself. capital, but also for the whole country. anastasia efimova. news. vladimir putin awarded the rank of lieutenant general to the deputy commander of the vostok group, oleg lychinsky. the corresponding decree was published on the official portal of legal information. in addition, the rank of lieutenant general was awarded to the head of the operational training department of the armed forces, the commander of the sixty-eighth army corps, vitaly podlestny, and four other officers. another 19 officers received the rank of major general. russian troops took control settlement of berdychi in the donetsk people's republic. this was reported to the ministry of defense. in addition, 16 enemy counterattacks were repelled during the day.
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denis alekseev will tell you more about the course of hostilities. berdychi, a settlement that the ukrainian armed forces held on to for so long, is now under russian control. here... the second line of defense of the armed forces of ukraine passed, now it is penetrated by our units, and the armed forces of ukraine have to move at least another 10 kilometers to the west. today it became known that the militants left their positions near arkhangelsk, it is very close to berdychi. the zone of our control is expanding to the ovdeevskoe direction, the ukrainian command was gathering serious resources, and so actively and ineffectively that western curators strongly, by order, recommended saving it. technology, abrams first of all. it was just near berdychi that the first american tank was knocked out, which is now on public display on poklonnaya hill in moscow. he was lucky. the german leopard had its muzzle bent to boot right in the center of moscow. the leopard
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was not destined to become a star in the ukrainian steppes, although such a bet was placed on it. but the audience of the exhibition has a huge interest in him. we looked at how much equipment we destroyed. our guys are great, we must continue to crush the enemy, victory will be ours. foreigners also come to look at the captured equipment, and representatives of the diplomatic departments of nato countries are also welcome here. what happens to the much-hyped western hardware on the battlefield, here they will be shown and told without waiting in line. and here are some more fresh trophies: a variety of bradley, from the same place, a reconnaissance and fire adjustment vehicle, it is already being studied by our military personnel.
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water artillery mount "pantsir galubitsa 2000" manufactured in germany and 155-mm galubitsa m-77. russian missilemen destroyed two khaimars launchers with a hit from iskander, footage from the kupinsky direction. about the target, our combat crew was 40 km away, the workshop for the production of missiles and ammunition and the warehouse of missile and artillery weapons of the armed forces of ukraine had also been liquidated. this could not have happened without the participation of our pilots. personnel. from the south grouping of troops, the crew of the carnet anti-tank missile system shot down the heavy ukrainian copter babayeg with one shot. the drone is impressive with a large carrying capacity, that is, it is most often loaded with heavy projectiles, it can cause a lot of problems if you don’t notice and intercept it in time, but
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its speed is not the highest, so it’s not difficult for our military to aim and hit accurately, and only then baba yaga has zero chance of being hit by an anti-tank missile. we were there in just a day. 25 ukrainians beaten drones, our air defense crews are not asleep, and intercepting guided bombs and rockets falls on their shoulders. at least five such ammunition, french -american made, were intercepted, flying towards our positions in populated areas. denis alekseev, lead. in odessa, after night explosions, a large-scale fire began and, as reported by the ukrainian state emergency service . details from egor grigoriev.
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the night sky is illuminated by a fiery flash. witnesses delay hearing a loud explosion. on background sounds of repeated detonation after a rocket. 900 parcels from odessa residents burn like this, claims the founder of the ukrainian new post office. enemy missile arrival at the depot and cargo department of the new post office in odessa, the main thing is that everyone is alive, according to preliminary data.
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fire trucks drive out and stand next to each other. every time an alarm starts, two umbrellas are planted. the flashing lights work, but no sirens. telekart is also involved in the production of communications equipment for the armed forces of ukraine. zon specializes in equipment for working with metal, but where the true purpose of the new mail is more interesting. parcels are traveling to ukraine in civilian trucks with the organization’s logo. british spartan armored vehicles fit perfectly. nova poshta is nothing more than that.
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it is important that it is not leaked within the country. there were cases when stormshadow and other types of weapons prevented russian missiles from flying in and destroying our reinforcements or ammunition, high-precision long-range weapons. you are talking about the work of russian agents in ukraine, i was not mistaken. actually, i was looking for spies, but unexpectedly she leaked the information and confirmed the accuracy of the hit. the mention of the storm shadow missiles is of particular value, but of course.
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attempts by protesters to break into the building. several thousand people gathered in... in the center of tbelisi, the ministry of internal affairs' call to remain calm and not go beyond the law went unheard. footage of the riots in the material by stanislav bermwald. after another night of riots in tbilisi, events planned for may 2 in the building of the georgian parliament, and this is the bureau of plenary sessions, were canceled until further notice. this is due to the fact that the protesters were against the law on foreign agents immediately after its adoption in the second reading. last night there were demonstrators for the first time. there are smoke bombs and glass bottles. this tactic was used at protests : they broke the glass in one of the buildings and threw them . previously, protesters only tried to break through by breaking the gate. in response to the actions of the protesters, the police
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used gas, pepper spray, and water honey, just as they had done the day before. during the protest on may 1 and 2 in tbilisi , 15 people were hospitalized in various medical institutions. among the seriously wounded are representatives of law enforcement agencies. most of them have concussions and fractures. passions were running high inside the parliament building on the eve of the adoption of the law in the second reading. just before the reading and discussion of the scandalous law began, representatives of the opposition parties and the party in power crossed over after a short verbal duel. to sort things out, as they say, with fists, we wanted today’s meeting to begin with a discussion, people should hear the truth here today, they went on the attack, this video should be shown to their children so that they can see the violence their fathers resort to, and this is the majority in the georgian parliament. as a result, several parliamentarians were removed from the hall for inappropriate behavior, and after some time the law was adopted in the second.
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an alley was planted in moscow in memory of those killed in the tragedy at the odessa house of trade unions. flowers were laid at the odessa hero city stele in the alexander garden.
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marking events took place in st. petersburg, lugansk and other cities. in odessa itself there is a cordon around the kulyakov field. there is no mention of the mournful date on official resources. exactly 10 years have passed since those terrible events, and the perpetrators have not been punished. new information has emerged about who could be behind the crime. word to varvara nevskaya. even after 10 years , it is impossible to look at these terrible images without pain. the triumph of cruelty and inhumanity. on may 2, 2014, within the walls of the odessa house of trade unions, ukrainian nationalists burned alive those who were against euromaidan. 48 dead, more than 200 injured and...
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the murder of dissenters took place not just with tacit consent, but also with the full patronage of the west. the imprisonment of people on may 2 , 1914 in odessa was a planned and coordinated act of intimidation developed by the leadership of the kiev regime led by alexander turchynov, at that time the acting president of ukraine. under the chairmanship of turchinov, 10 days before the tragedy, a meeting was held to prepare the operation of mass murder of the enemy in odessa. coup d'etat. in discussion the head of the ministry of internal affairs, arsen avakov, the head of the security service of ukraine, valentin nalevaichenko, and the secretary of the national security and defense council andrei porubei took part. the head
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of the dnepropetrovsk regional state administration, igor kolomoisky, was also involved in consultations on the operation. avakov, parubi and kolomoisky were personally responsible for the delivery of about 500 militants from the banned right-wing sector to odessa from kharkov and kiev. the latter's assistant igor palitsa, apparently in gratitude for the monstrous murder. objectionable to the regime, after 4 days he received the post of governor of the odessa region. the kremlin has no doubts, medvedchuk’s words are necessary take seriously. may 2 is an unacceptable shameful page in ukrainian history. all of medvedchuk’s words here can be taken and should be taken absolutely seriously, because he was inside these events, but he saw it all from the inside, he knows it from the inside, so his description is extraordinary. we remember all those who tragically died then, and we are convinced that those who are behind these crimes must be punished, such
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crimes have no statute of limitations, and that fair retribution is inevitable will overtake everyone who was behind the organization of this terrible execution, the russian media have no doubt, today, paying tribute to the victims of the bloody massacre in odessa, we are convinced that fair... retribution will sooner or later overtake the perpetrators of this barbaric crime, which is not has a statute of limitations, we are confident that the day is not far when odessa, having thrown off the yoke of modern banderaites, will once again become a truly free city, where people of different nationalities will live in peace of harmony. it is this tragedy 10 years ago showed the whole of ukraine what would happen to those who did not agree with the new nazi course, confidently taken by the self-proclaimed one.
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based on the results of the svo, a large tribunal is needed, where the whole picture of the emergence of kiev ordinary nazism, its path, all its crimes will be collected and presented bit by bit. and one of the central cornerstone episodes of this tribunal should be the filing of charges for a terrible crime on may 2 , 2014 in the house of trade unions. there will be no statute of limitations for those responsible for the odessa tragedy they name it, they will not escape responsibility. the criminal case opened by the prosecutor general's office of ukraine ended in nothing; the judges recused themselves. the indictment was continually returned to the prosecutors, the relatives of the victims were threatened, pressure was put on lawyers and judges, and repeatedly during the trial it was not the radicals who were blamed for the tragedy, but those who were tortured by them. those responsible for this crime have not yet been punished, today the kiev regime is rewriting the history of odessa, monuments have been dismantled the founder of the city catherine ii, commander alexander suvorov, monuments
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to the writer maxim gorkov. about 200 names associated with russia and the ussr were renamed. russian writers were removed from the school curriculum, and city residents were punished for using the russian language. this is what nazism is, the fight against it is one of the goals of the special military operation in ukraine, which will definitely be achieved. varvara nevskaya, news. eyewitness accounts, stories of survivors, documentary footage from the scene. all this in the film arcadia mamontova. odessa, the house of trade unions, dedicated to the ten-year tragedy, watch today on our tv channel. odessa, on april 10, 1944, it was liberated from the nazis, but on may 2, 1914. vodesa is already broadcasting in german. the second one clearly came to kill us.
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it is necessary to kill every single one, if it weren’t for those police officers , they would have rolled us out there shouting glory to ukraine, they were simply breaking our heads, the new nazis burned almost 50 people in the trade union building, hello, where is this? and now the news is marked "lightning". russian president vladimir putin awarded the order of courage to the governor of the belgorod region vyacheslav glatkov. the corresponding decree is posted on the website of the official publication of legal acts. i quote: for the courage and dedication shown in the performance of professional duty, award the order of courage to vyacheslav vladimirovich golodkov, governor
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of the belgorod region. end of quote. and we continue, now there is a short advertisement, and then watch the program conducted by the duty department, do not switch.
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we will take on this matter, it will be honest detective.


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