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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 2, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear and clear signal in russia, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? need to mobilize? give me all the resources, give me the recipe
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in general, here’s how to achieve what you ’ve achieved, it seems to you that you’re on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change, evolution occurs in any structure, you were a psychiatrist in the recent past, a famous scientist, and then quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist, but they will kill me, why did you provoke him, i wanted to help the guy, she would dig for you valera in the most dangerous place for you, you are a predator, what a predator, it will hurt, they say that you people know how to look straight into the head , this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the application or on the website, these are facts, we continue, exactly 79 years ago,
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on may 2, 1945, the red army completely captured the capital of germany, as the russian military historical society writes, the city was not only ideological a stronghold of nazism, but also one of the largest military-industrial centers in the country. it is not surprising that the defense was carefully thought out, well prepared, the fighting went on day and night, breaking through to the center of berlin, soviet soldiers stormed every street, every house, during the berlin operation... the troops defeated 70 infantry, 23 tank and mechanized divisions enemy, captured 480,000 people. the supreme commander's headquarters issued a directive to change the attitude towards german prisoners of war and the civilian population. the officers were presented with strict requirements in the education of personnel and in preventing cases of arbitrariness over captured german soldiers and officers, as well as the civilian population of germany. on the same day, exactly 79
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years ago, western newspapers trumpeted the death of the nazi leader, hitler is dead, peace is just a stone's throw away, it won't happen again. and so, when the advanced assault companies of the red army were fighting, half a kilometer from hitler’s bunker, the fuhrer decided to commit suicide. this happened on april 30th. in hitler spent his last days at a depth of 8 m. unique archival documents were previously declassified. they contain the memoirs of the commander of the mortar regiment, arthur schwartz, who, after being captured, sat in the same cell with otto günsche, hitler’s adjutant. he said that on april 16, 1945, with the start of the berlin offensive operation , the mood in the bunker began to change for the worse . hitler himself became sloppy and often ordered pies for himself, crumbs hanging from his mustache. on april 28, hitler... signed
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the bunker with eva braun. twenty-ninth drew up a political and personal will. hitler committed suicide in the refuge of the imperial chancellery. as gunsch's adjutant recalled, before his death, furor ordered the valet to lock himself up. a walter pistol would later be found next to hitler's body, and a vial of poison would be found next to eva braun's body. information about hitler's death, however, was met with skepticism. that's why it's news. appeared in the newspapers only on may 2. the new york daily news carried the catchy headline "hitler is dead" on its front page. the daily records, a boston newspaper during the second world war the world center published the phrase: “won’t happen again.” the zadei express on may 2 , 1945, generally refused to accompany this news with photographs in a block called “obituary.” the british board indicated that the daily express was pleased to report the death of adolf hitler. this quote. frenchman. your
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story on the front page hitler is dead, hostility in europe is coming to an end. one of the most iconic covers, this image is still often used by designers in other themes. then it was published by times magazine. an idea does not die when the leaders die, when the foundation, the soil on which this idea grows, dies. nazism is very tenacious, neo-nazism is something new that we are seeing now. therefore, back in 1945 , it was clear that rooting fascism would be extremely difficult. and one military defeat of germany will not give the necessary result. history, unfortunately, has a tendency to repeat itself. and as in positively. sense, as in an extremely negative sense. well, in economic news, countries in africa and the middle east are taking gold reserves from the united states. this has already been done since the beginning of the year. nigeria, south africa, senegal, algeria, saudi arabia. dmitry morocco will talk about the reasons for such a massive repatriation of brawl metal.
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the american ford knox is rapidly emptying, more and more countries are deciding to withdraw their gold reserves from a storage facility in the united states, which for decades... was considered the most reliable, causing concern about the stability of the united states economy. according to official data, the value of reserves in the united states is $657 billion, of which the states themselves own metal in the amount of 429 billion. the rest is the property of other countries, which historically kept it there for the sake of security, as well as to increase liquidity, because the largest transactions with the precious metal are made on the new york stock exchange. strictly speaking, it was dictated.
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countries in 2013, the german bundesbank withdrew 300 tons of precious metal from the country to return it to the namai storage facility in frankfurt. in 2014, the dutch central bank returned 120 tons of gold to amsterdam. in 2019 , turkey completed the export of reserves. these were bars weighing 28 tons, 5% of the country's total gold reserves. this year, repatriation resumed with renewed vigor. in the first 4 months, the decision was made to evacuate their gold reserves from the united states. saudi arabia, ghana, cameroon, senegal, algeria, egypt, south africa and nigeria. each country represents important regions of africa and the middle east. what raises questions about the future of the us dollar as the world's primary reserve currency? china is one of our largest repatriates who are
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now taking gold. why does he do this why? other countries are doing this, which is also understandable. everyone has learned from the history with russia when our reserves. those placed in the west were arrested, for the united states this means that gold on its territory is becoming less, less of it will be included in the reporting, as if investor confidence will also decrease. so, according to experts, the new wave of repatriations is primarily associated with the west’s decision to confiscate russian assets totaling approximately $300 billion. this move undermined confidence in the united states. another reason is doubts about the stability of the american economy, which in the near future will not be able to operate at full capacity, this statement was made by the head of the imf, kristallina georgieva. in her opinion, the huge us budget deficit provokes inflation and poses significant risks to the global economy. the international monetary fund expects the deficit could reach more than 7% of us gdp in 2025. the situation
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with the gold standard is beginning to change, and several signs indicate this. the first was that central banks purchased gold. in record volumes in recent years, including including china, india, russia and poland. these countries reacted with doubts about the dollar's value going forward. the fears signaled a perceived decline in america. the second sign is the popularity of cryptocurrencies. stradas are beginning to lose interest not only in storing gold in the united states, but in investing in american government debt. last june, the saudi arabian treasury divested $3 billion of united states treasury bonds. total. since the twentieth year, he has reduced investment in them by 40%. american china is also selling papers. last year , beijing sold $11 billion of us government debt. investors are alarmed by the constant growth of american borrowings and, as a result , the loss of the highest
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credit rating by the united states. last year, the fitch agency lowered it for the first time in 30 years and changed the forecast to negative. french president emmanuel macron gave a long interview. to the british publication the economist at the end of april, they discussed, of course, russia, ukraine, as well as relations with the uk, china and the usa. the economist journalist began an interview with what he specified. why, in his speech at the university of sarbona, where the french leader spoke not so long ago, he said that europe could die. macron hastened to reassure his interlocutor. it turns out that he was simply quoting the french writer paul valery, who at the end of the second world war stated that it is common for civilizations to die. nevertheless, macron continued to say that today europe is really in danger, and from three sides. according to him, the military risk comes first, because europe is not the safest region, he believes macron. another risk is economic, but the most important one is existential, that is , the collapse of europe could be facilitated by internal
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inconsistency and disruption of the functioning of our democracies, the french leader said. all these risks have increased significantly in recent years and cannot be ignored. but, however, the media literally exploded with another news that france is ready to send troops to ukraine, however, for this to happen, two events must happen. firstly, this is a formal request from kiev. influx of western troops, the second - russia's breakthrough through the front line. if all this happens, macron believes that he has every right to send troops to help ukraine. the french president also called on allies not to rule out such a scenario, as this serves as a basic condition for the security and authority of the eu. according to him, europe's ability to deter further aggression depends on the absence of red lines. the french leader also noted that it is strategic. goal, attention, defeat of russia in ukraine. i
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have a clear strategic goal - not to let russia to win in ukraine. if she wins in ukraine, there will be no security in europe. who dares to say that russia will stop there. what will be the security for other neighboring countries, moldova, romania, poland, lithuania and others, and what will happen to the trust of europeans who would have spent billions under the pretext of the survival of the continent, without even succeeding. explain to ourselves why russia needs to be stopped, so yes, we should not rule anything out, because our goal is for russia to never win in ukraine. well here's another one one of the interesting topics of the interview is relations between europe and china; macron, as it turned out, has big plans for cooperation with the prc. the french media are actively promoting the idea that macron intends to deepen personal ties with chairman sizenpin. he will arrive in france in a few days. in an interview with the economist, he said that there was one. one of the main goals of mr. xi's reception is to do everything possible to involve china in solving
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major global problems and discuss economic relations based on reciprocity. i must say, macron has ideas truly global, for example, to unite the efforts of europe, china and the united states in the fight against the proliferation of nuclear weapons. according to the french leader, china should be interested in such a partnership. however, whether this is really so, we will find out only after the meeting of the leaders of the two countries. it is in our interests that china has a say in ensuring stability and world order. china today is not interested in being destabilized by russia so iran can acquire nuclear weapons and the middle east plunges into chaos. so we need to work with china to establish peace. i hope that china will support the olympic truce and be committed to combating the proliferation of nuclear weapons, in particular with a view to tightening the framework on nuclear weapons. certain powers, and in moscow at these minutes
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the first match of the final of the rpl russian football cup is taking place, the current trophy winner cska and st. petersburg zenit are fighting for the right to play in the main match of the tournament. well, our sports correspondent alexander abramov is following the progress of the confrontation. he communicates directly with us. alexander, welcome. greetings. so, how does the game go, who has the advantages and what?
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the cska fan area, which is usually empty at russian championship matches, is now as full as possible, and of course, this is very impressive, this is what many people miss in modern russian football at russian championship matches, before the match we talked with some fans of the army club, they told us about their expectations of the confrontation with zenit and, in general, about their thoughts about whether cska would be able to. win the russian cup for the second year in a row, cska has a good there are chances to win the cup for the second year in a row, we have to take advantage of them. true, the odds show a little that it’s a little worse, but we always believe that the odds for us, we must become livelier, we are a little slow now, we hope that today in this particular match ssk will show a good game, if we look at the long term, the season, unfortunately, maybe we weren’t entirely successful, so it’s in
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these matches that we have to do our best and achieve the maximum result, well, it will be very good if we... after all cup, that is, in your opinion, cska now needs to bank on the cup, well, yes, if we sum up all the seasons, it will be very good if we take the cup, i think this will help fedotov even more for the whole team, this season will be marked by confrontation between cska and zenit, the whole point is that in the next 2 weeks these clubs will play each other three times, twice as part of the final of the rpl path in the russian cup and once in the russian championship, if... in the russian championship cska frankly does not beat zenit competitors zenit is fighting for the championship, cska is in the middle of the tournament tables, then of course, the russian cups are all equal, and the chances of taking the trophy from scanite right now can perhaps be assessed as equal. they talk a lot about the state, about the current state of zenit, they say that sergei
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semak’s team is in crisis, indeed in the russian championship the team lost a solid advantage over krasnodar and... what seemed unshakable just a few rounds ago, that zenit will become the champion, is now in question, but just recently information appeared that an agreement in principle had been reached that with sergei sivakov will have his contract extended, so of course zenit will be very interesting to watch at the end of this season. let me remind you, again, in a nutshell about the structure of the russian cup, despite the fact that the tournament has been held according to this scheme for the second time, many are still confused. and zenit are meeting each other right now as part of the rpl path, this is the final of the rpl path, the so-called upper bracket, and the winner of this two-game confrontation will advance to the super final of the russian cup, where they will actually play for trophies, with whom they they will play spartak, rostov or baltika, this will be decided after some time,
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well, the russian football cup is entering the home stretch, the most interesting things are ahead, i will remind you that the match for the trophy will take place on june 2. in moscow at the luzhniki stadium and exactly a year ago tseyskai won the trophy and , as we could estimate from the mood of the army fans, they are sure that this year the cup will also be an army cup, moreover, before the start of the match, cska fans on that same fan stand stretched out a huge banner , the cup should be an army one, let's see what comes of it all, colleagues, well, let's see, we're waiting for a bright and spectacular game, sasha, thank you, thank you sasha, especially for alekbis, the last one, alexander abramov. about the first final match of the russian cup on the rpl route with the participation of cska izenit. well , in other news, a round table meeting of the expert institute for social research was held in moscow. its topic is the non-recognition of elections, the reasons for the significance of risks. we are talking about the statement of the european parliament, which recommended that countries european union, not to recognize the results of the presidential elections in russia. the speakers
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called the west's reaction an insult to international observers of their qualifications. long ago, even before the presidential elections were called, on october 13 last year, the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe appealed to member states of the council of europe not to recognize the legitimacy of the power of the russian president if he was elected. a sculptural composition based on
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the film of the book "ozori here quiet, dedicated to the heroism of women in..." a lot of things can be confused, but with the choice
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tbilisi acts as required by national security, so the ruling georgian dream party responded to criticism of the us state department over the bill on foreign agents, but the approval of the bill, according to washington, calls into question georgia’s accession to nato and the eu. well, in the meantime , a message from lenta news agent on the third day of protests against. bill about agents began at the georgian parliament, this is another protest, people, as always, filled the area in front of the georgian parliament, on thursday there were slightly fewer of them than there were the day before,
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on tuesday, when there were violent clashes with the police, people listen to speeches from the stage until they try, like for days earlier, to surround the parliament of the republic, the situation is calm, but nevertheless, i see another message from news agencies, employees of the georgian ministry of internal affairs have already begun to detain the protesters, the police began... to push the protesters to the sidelines, those who do not comply with their demands are arrested. our colleague stanislav bernwald has all the detailed information. after another night of riots in tbilisi , events planned for may 2 in the building of the georgian parliament, and this is the plenary session bureau, were canceled until further notice. this is due to the fact that participants in the action against the law on new agents, immediately after its adoption in the second reading, again attacked the building of georgia. last night, demonstrators broke the glass in one of the buildings and threw smoke bombs and glass bottles. this
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tactic was used. at protests for the first time. previously, protesters only tried to break through by breaking the gate. in response to the actions of the protesters, the police used gas and pepper spray and used water like the day before. during the protest on may 1 and 2 in tbilisi, 15 people were hospitalized in various medical institutions. among the seriously wounded are representatives of law enforcement agencies, most of them have concussions and fractures. passion on the eve of '.
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regarding the draft law on foreign the influence of the kremlin-inspired and its negative impact on georgia's european aspirations. finding a russian trace in everything possible is already a long-standing pastime in europe and the united states. but even in georgia itself, it seems, they have begun to understand that european and western powers are diving headlong into the internal affairs of the country, trying to impose their agenda. nobody hides this. a law that can exist in europe and america cannot exist in georgia. that is, it is not even hidden that since georgia is not a democracy, georgia is not developed society and state, therefore we do not have the right to have the same laws that exist in america, and in order for us to develop to the end and then have the right to have certain laws, we must listen to western, western colleagues. despite unprecedented pressure from the west, ongoing protests near the parliament building, the ruling
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georgian dream party, democratic georgia. plans to adopt the bill on foreign agents in all three readings, the final reading will take place in the next 2 weeks. stanislav bernwald, news! i came to the zone of a special military operation at the call of my heart; due to my years, of course, i was not suitable, but as a military specialist i considered it necessary to be there. in a difficult time for russia, right here, i just took it, went to the military registration and enlistment office, such a time came for russia that i had to get back into line with my former colleagues, men, our fathers, our grandfathers during the great patriotic war stood to the death for our homeland, many, even children, fled to the front to get there, take up arms and fight with this nazism, now nazism is raising its head again, so if anyone
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doubts... doubts are all gone, join our ranks, take up arms, defend our homeland, victory will always be only ours until we destroy this nazi hydra, we will not calm down, serve under contract. this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour.


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