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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 2, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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therefore, if anyone doubts, doubts are all gone, join our ranks, take up arms, defend our homeland, victory will always be ours, until we destroy this nazi hydra, we will not calm down. serve under contract. this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. training in
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denmark to fly to death. when will f-16s with ukrainian pilots in the cockpits appear at the front, and what will happen to them? the zelensky regime from western politics is announcing attacks on the crimean bridge with renewed vigor. they lie that this is a military facility just to justify a new terrorist attack in kiev. why now? fighting for gender equality with a metal detector in hand. in ukraine they want it.
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arrested for streaming against russia, insults taken out of context again. unauthorized persons are ordered not to approach the crash site. the investigation will be conducted by a special commission. so, judging by information from the associated press, the pentagon is throwing a veil of secrecy around the events in the state of new mexico, where.
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that they are ready to praise the f16 with all their might, but they themselves have the impression that their nerves are shaking, so why: no matter how nato propaganda promotes them, you won’t envy the ukrainian f-16 pilots, used cars, accelerated courses for retraining soviet equipment for western ones and our air defense and air-to-air missiles are fatal for them on the horizon, as soon as the first nato fighters appear in the special zone military operation, here is the moonfish, this is the call sign of one of the ukrainian pilots from... obviously he was rewatching hollywood
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action films, but that’s not the point. monfiche admires the nato plane, and isn’t he lying? i 'm not saying that the moment i flew before this is super boring, but the f16 is much more agile. of course, you shouldn’t underestimate the enemy, but the f16, although maneuverable, is already an outdated aircraft; any radar system will detect it, and we, for example, have the su-57. the fifth generation with the latest missiles and f16 will not even be seen in an air battle because they will get it beyond the horizon so that you won’t be able to assemble the flaps. in a modern air battle, an f-16 can easily receive a missile from the same su-57 at 16 , well, from a distance of about 150 up to 200 km. this is very unpleasant. there are separate issues regarding the training of ukrainian pilots. recently, french expert cyril. lattar
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wrote that they could only fly from base to base and nothing more, because not everyone knew english, and it was difficult to explain to them how to make artificial turns. in denmark, by the way, there were also problems with the language, but not all of them were like that one. and the proverbial moonfish, yes, and what exactly he can do is also a big question, training a good pilot, the most important thing is time, that is, it is very impossible quickly retrain a former mig pilot to be an equally good f16 pilot, there was n’t much time, in denmark, for example, they have been studying since august of that year, this is not enough for a pilot, the technology is complex, and most importantly there are no and there will not be training flights simulating a battle with by planes. which would be about the same as the russian ones, they don’t have any training air combat at all, ukrainian pilots are trained exclusively for air and ground strikes. ukrainian pilots will not be able to fly these planes normally, it is obvious that mercenaries from
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pmcs that have experience in conducting combat operations on such aircraft. i think that they will not reach the contact line. similar. in the ukrainian media the anticipation is similar to hysteria, this laughter in television studios when it comes to the f-16, it’s kind of nervous, isn’t it, if the f-16?
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why is kyiv grabbing solomenka? as soon as we receive the first batch of f-16 fighters, it will become easier for us; of course, the f-16 fighter is an excellent opportunity to strengthen the activities of our troops both on land and over the black sea. it's funny, of course about the fact that several dozen fighters will supposedly be able to strengthen something there, no matter how many videos you make about them. and the point is not even that there are few planes and not that these fighters are 30 years old, like all western equipment, the f-16s are designed to operate according to the rules, that is, take off.
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that’s why the waters of the black sea are popping up, this means the airfields of romania, for example, but the west thinks that, well, we have to play by the rules, and they will play as they see fit and shake their finger at us, it won’t work out, poland or romania, we’re all we will also shoot down f-16s and hit airfields, moscow announced this at the end of that year, so if nato fighters fly into the zone of a special military operation, we are waiting for them immediately. on poklonnaya hill as trophies, apparently in parts. antom kokovenko, american f-16. the sovdeevsky direction of the special operation received news today about the complete liberation of the village of berdychi. this is the merit of the fighters of our center group of troops, who
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also repelled 10 counterattacks of the ukrainian armed forces and eliminated up to 380 personnel enemy. in addition, the situation along the front line in the dpr was improved by the division of the southern and eastern groups in the kharkov region. systems, ammunition, and crews prepared by american military specialists. previously, for terrorist attacks on the civilian infrastructure of the belgorod region , regime militants mainly used czech vampire systems and ammunition with an increased destruction range.
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the system itself is a modernized version of the soviet grad to minimize the threat from the enemy and prevent massacres of civilians, commanding officers of the north group began a systematic hunt for enemy militants who participated in terrorist attacks. as a result of successful combat work , the fleet of vampire rocket systems in the ssu, on this sector of the front. was significantly reduced, dozens of enemy rocket artillery crews were eliminated by strikes from the russian army, now the enemy decided to use american-made high-precision and long-range systems, the destruction radius of the ammunition that the kiev regime uses hymers for rszzo, twice as high as that of projectiles for vampires. in addition, the hymers' missiles are adjustable. russian intelligence officers were able to unravel the militant's plan in time.
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strikes from american-made mlrs could cause serious damage to civilian objects and, of course, people, even if most of the missiles were shot down by air defense crews of the russian army, and usually more than 90% of our missiles... are destroyed in the air on approach to belgorod. the enemy continues to gather forces in slobozhanshchina,
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to make up for the losses that the formation of the kiev regime suffered during the failed attempt to break through the line of military contact that runs along the state border during the preparation and conduct of the russian presidential elections. our troops destroy the personnel and equipment of the ukrainian armed forces here every day. in addition, part of the transport infrastructure has already been destroyed. which the enemy uses to transport forces and energy facilities that allow regime fighters to prepare for possible attacks. the enemy will continue to strengthen grouping of its troops, which is located in the kharkov region. the kiev regime will continue to try to increase the intensity of terrorist attacks. the appearance of multiple launch rocket systems near the old state border of russia. khaimros, this, of course, is another sign that the west. is ready to increase the level of aggression, but the prompt destruction of these systems is the only
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effective method to protect the residents of the russian border, especially since the americans react very nervously to such losses. abrams, for example, already withdrawn from active combat zones, of course, are the result of serious reputational and military losses. evgeny poddubny, alexander pushin, lead. special agencies are taking measures taking into account the intentions of the kiev regime to continue terrorist activities. today's comment by dmitry peskov, which logically responded to the enemy's overt threats related to the crimean bridge. actually, in recent days, the promise to destroy it has become an exaggeration for knowledgeable media. subject number one. the hysteria is being whipped up by so-called ukrainian military experts, officials, and simply propagandists. moreover, none of them seem to doubt the reality. such a scenario is not that it will be realized, well, literally from day to day. on the one hand,
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there is nothing fundamentally new here, you can, well, at least recall, for example, the article by zsan, whose authors, citing sources in gur, again fantasized about the supposed inevitability of the complete collapse of the bridge and assured that the gang with the bank already has necessary weapon, but at the same time i want to understand why the enemy’s obsession with this topic has intensified so much right now, evgeniy nipot tried to find probable answers, evgeniy, hello, well, apparently. not just an information-psychological operation. alexey, hello, i’m spreading information to the mass media. kiev is trying to win certain profits for itself, but in this game there is a risk of getting confused and giving away really important information. the zelensky regime seems to be throwing its cards on the table. according to various sources and he gives information to his westerners that ukrainian armed forces are targeting the crimean bridge and are preparing attacks on purely peaceful infrastructure. postpret ukraine when he kislitsa exercises. in wit, he publishes images of different types of bridges, arched, suspended, and so on, but kerchensky allegedly
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does not exist, as they say, he wrote it himself and laughed. there is such a ukrainian proverb, i won’t eat it if i bite it, that is, they can’t eat anything, they can’t win this battle, but they will try to spoil things, that is , this is the essence, unfortunately, the essence of those the representatives who are in power in kiev today, this is their inner essence. uh , cause, you know, damage to civilians, um, try to intimidate, a terrorist attack is announced against a purely civilian object, which the ukrainians are presenting as... exclusively to the military, to the western public, the charter, through the mouths of pro-kiev experts, broadcasts a lie that the destruction of the bridge will allegedly damage the entire logistics chain russian troops in the northern military district zone, the british, whose military, according to analysts, oversees ukraine’s naval operations , agree, saying that without a bridge everything will be lost black sea. true, they are slyly silent about
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the main thing. the crimean bridge is now an exclusively peaceful highway. supply. troops, as experts say, is carried out along a land corridor, which opens up much more opportunities for moving any cargo in the region, including those necessary for the front. the main transportation route is overland, but part of the bridge is used specifically for civil needs, statements, be it of the kiev bandera regime, be it of these european ones. tigers there or other representatives europe in terms of justifying attacks on an essentially civilian object - this is beyond any word state terrorism of ukrainians and the baltic states, a whole circle of supposedly idiotic diplomats has already gathered, the lithuanian ambassador to sweden, the former head of the lithuanian foreign ministry, linkevicius
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, also decided to make a joke and urged them to quickly take pictures against the backdrop of the crimean the bridge so far, they say, the ukrainians, yes... haven’t made it, the bulk of the readers’ comments come down to the phrase that is indicated on the screen, i think that, unfortunately, this is not whipping up hysteria, this is a statement intentions, a demonstration of these intentions and a kind of carte blanche that those european forces, which in principle should, as they love to do, condemn, express concern, warn, this is a signal that in this case they will not do anything like that and more...
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budanov also repeatedly raised the topic of attacking the facility, saying that there is a plan, it will allegedly be implemented, one interview in february was full of bravado, another months later was less optimistic, saying that the goal of ukrainian terrorists is perhaps one of the most protected in the world, the west now approves of attacks on the highway, which is in maximum demand among russians, both residents of the peninsula and those who want to come there on vacation. these are recent shots. at the approaches to the bridge, the object has already been subjected to terrorist attacks twice, there were casualties among civilians, the bridge was restored in record time, a symbol of russian creation, for kiev a real bone in a sore throat and a chance to arrange a media victory against the backdrop of a series of front-line failures, plus a report on recently supplied weapons, for them to destroy
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or try to destroy the crimean bridge is, you know, what a dream... well , i want to say, this is like the classic idiot’s dream, well, you probably can’t find another word, because an intelligent person with such tenacity will not try to destroy a civilian an object through which hundreds, thousands of civilians pass, of course, all security measures have been taken in case of various threats, be it sabotage, sea or air, when the passage of transport is blocked, the troops that protect the bridge in the maximum degree of readiness for attacks among ukrainian terrorists, those who with the same rapture praised their counter-offensive, which ended in a catastrophic failure for kiev. evgenia nipa, you are a terrorist itch. in moscow, in mitina park, odessa residents planted an alley in honor of their fellow countrymen who died on may 2 in the trade union building. in 46 trees, 46 names of victims, for whose murder no one was ever punished.
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today is exactly 10 years since the tragedy, when the ukrainian nazis destroyed the anti-maidan tent camp on the kulikovo field and burned it. unarmed people who tried to hide from the attack in a nearby building, this cynical reprisal for many became an incentive to stand up for the defense of donbass, in the fourteenth among the militias, now among the volunteers of the northern military district there are many who bear the call sign odessa. report by stanislav nazarov. the word odessa was made from burning lamps - this is in lugansk. in donetsk, they brought fresh flowers to the memorial stone with the inscription “we will not forget, we will not forgive.” for donbass, the odessa events.
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"glory to ukraine, those who managed to get out, such as alba, were finished off along the entire perimeter, by a lucky coincidence, he remained alive; the next day he gave an interview to our film crew, talking about the horrors that were happening in the house of the trade unions. the building began to burn, we realized that if we retreated upstairs, to the upper floors, we would simply fall into a trap and in a fire we could all die. we
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were one of the first inside this building, which became a crematorium for dozens of people. the burnt trade union building is literally strewn with ampoules with a characteristic odor of a toxic substance, similar, reminiscent smell of ammonia. according to eyewitnesses, the dead people who were here during the assault simply threw these ampoules at the trade union houses, in one of the places i smelled some strange gas, that is, what they say is that the attackers used some kind of gas there , this is the absolute truth, when i took a breath, it immediately began to paralyze my breathing, it was a well-planned act of intimidation, which, we can now say, with almost one hundred percent certainty, was sanctioned by the kiev authorities, we are in this window we see these windows, smoke poured out of them, and then people...
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all the bridges, the nazis didn’t just want to win, they deliberately killed people, they even threw molotov cocktails at the trade union building from above from the roof, the throwers climbed there in advance, the day before the then head of the security council parubiy handing out bulletproof vests to neo-nazis. in the frame is nikolai volkov, a centurion like mikola, who will later shoot at the protesters and report
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the situation to someone, so that the pro-russian activists have gathered, there is a smell, there is an aggressive mood, a year later the centurion mikola died in suffering from an unknown lung disease, and his right hand alexander stankov, nicknamed perun , died in podtemovsky. then the fighting began there, in kiev they immediately began to turn everything upside down, accusing the victims of almost setting themselves on fire. as a clear scenario of provocation , there was a clear scenario of provocation at the ukrainian demonstration , terrorists brought from transnistria and russia opened fire, they had prepared special toxic substances in advance, all this with the connivance of the west, which for some reason i also preferred this version turned inside out, although all the events happened. in the video, when the football fans in greek - grappled with our guys, that is - tied themselves up, pro-ukrainian groups
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began to pull people together, and enveloping the greek perimeter, this is the central part of the city, the greek, creating a ring of encirclement, some people began to retreat to the house union, anti-maidan activists, the father and son of the long-necked man served 4 years in prison. in a ukrainian pre-trial detention center, on suspicion of organizing mass riots, they were exchanged as prisoners of war of the ukrainian armed forces, since then both have been fighting against ukraine. here are recent images of the liberation of avdeevka, where a son was wounded, a father right on the battlefield, a heroic family putting on a bandage. they were dehumanized, calling the victims kebab from colorado.
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and openly rejoiced that they managed to burn their political opponents. these are the remains of the separatist camp burning, i don’t know if you saw them, the remains of the separatist camp near the kulikovo field, near the beetle station. all viewers of the kyiv talk show applauding, this is alexey goncharenko, now a member of the verkhovna rada, representing the country in pass. for many murderers, odessa became a career ladder. charge both, charge both, please. this sergei gutsalyuk now heads the southern interregional department of the ukrainian institute of national remembrance, andrei yusov, who led a detachment of nazis, became the press secretary and face of the gur of the same military intelligence that kills people already on russian territory. ideological right-winger sergei sterenko then stabbed a man to death just like that on the street, but out of court i pulled him out personally.
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already a sign of resistance of those who are not afraid of reprisals, not a single murderer was ever brought to justice, the punitive operation of militants in odessa is reminiscent of the nazi crime during the great patriotic war. odessa is already being called the new khatyn, according to preliminary data , at least 43 people were killed, about 200 people were injured as a result of the clash, among them about twenty police officers , mourning was declared in odessa in the next 3 days. point of no return for all opponents
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maidan. i just got hit right here under the eye, one of them accelerated from his feet, although it’s crowded there, they interfere with each other, everyone is trying to hit, whoever is screaming, don’t touch them, but nevertheless they all hit, and there is a video, where we lie, bloodied, they tried to force us to our knees, but i said that i would not kneel, none of the survivors wanted to kneel, so they ended up first in the donbass militia, and then in the ranks...
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liberated from the nazis, but on may 2 , 1914, in odessa already in german broadcasts, the second one they clearly came to kill us, to kill every single one of us, there is no need to kill, it is necessary, if not for those police officers, they would have rolled us out there, shouting glory to ukraine, just breaking our heads. the new nazis burned almost 50 people in the house of trade unions, hello, fire, where to go, now a short advertisement, this is what will happen next on our air. lyn tracy suddenly began to look for cultural contacts between russia and america. what is it for? the american ambassador remembered. how
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bulgakov visited spasahaus, what happened there, why bulgakov called it all satan's ball. i, i, i, solemnly swear allegiance to my fatherland, the russian federation. i swear. i swear. i swear. it is sacred to observe the constitution of the russian federation. strictly comply with the requirements of military regulations and orders of commanders and chiefs. i swear. i swear. i swear to fulfill my military duty with dignity. courageously defend freedom,
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independence and constitutionality. russia's system


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