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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 2, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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the fact that everything was thought out is indicated in advance by such facts, for example, this one, which became popular in the exclamation of the nazi in masks, is a certain sergei dudnik, editor of the gay magazine, sadomit. we don’t need russia, we already have a country, we don’t need to destroy our country, they didn’t build this building, and now because of them we’ll have to burn it down with them, because they came to us with a sword in the cathedral square.
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the third floor was also smoky, i ran higher, saw that the fourth floor was still, at least, an office, there, it was light there, well, i mean, there is no smoke, and we ran in there, after me several people ran into this office and closed, there were, there were probably six of us women, and somewhere around the same number of men, we closed, or rather, guys they stole all the furniture that was in this office, there was a wardrobe there. tables, they even moved a refrigerator there, well, the guys began to hold the defense, in the sense of holding the door tightly, we tried to call the police, the fire department, the ambulance, but there were no answers, the police did not she answered, the 101 rescue service was always busy there, leave urgently, because the fire is moving towards the buildings, you are standing in an open area, and i am in an open area, well , you can see perfectly well that the fire is also in an open area and does not threaten anything .
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they threw a building there, the second floor, the second floor is on fire, the building of the regional softprof is on fire, why don’t you send cars, because the cars are being captured, are you waiting until everything burns, hello, fire, immediately, there’s already a fire, what are you doing, there are people inside now they will, now calm down, now they will be, where is this, comrade colonel, well, now we are receiving reports about these tents catching fire in the sandpiper field, they are burning well there, we see on tv. well, i explain to people that this is an open area, nothing is in danger, who’s calling? a woman has already called me twice, the population of the zone, yes, yes, and those who stand there, who live, i tell them that it’s an open area, they ’ll burn out, they’ll burn out quickly, there are no questions, yeah, okay, in general, we periodically as it were they came to the window and shouted.
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how to act, how to part with people, those who occupy these areas, occupy, build these barricades, how to deal with them, correctly, we need to remove everything and build a normal european, civilized country. i am for it to be
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european, because we know how they live in europe, so i’m telling you as a happy person, what happened today on may 2, it’s right, it’s wonderful, burning people alive is the corporate style of bandera’s followers, they practiced in ukraine, poland and in belarus, even during the great patriotic war, it was not enough to simply scare or humiliate unarmed people. they had to be brought to a state of shock, panic horror, and this was done. on march 22, 1943, the auxiliary 118th battalion of ukrainian nationalists entered the belarusian village of khatyn. they came
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here to take revenge for the murder of german soldiers by belarusian partisans; all the inhabitants of the village - 149 people - were gathered in one barn. locked, covered with brushwood and set on fire, out of 149 75 - these were children, those who tried get out of the barn, were mercilessly shot with a machine gun, when people begin to forget the past, it harshly reminds itself of itself, this happened in odessa, the descendants of ukrainian nationalists burned odessa residents alive just because they thought differently,
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people fall from the windows, their... finishes off, the police helplessly watch the massacre, when people from the windows, that’s all, well, everyone knows the shots when they jump out of the windows, they are finishing off in the courtyard in this, i watched it, i was in the side wing, this was before our eyes, that's it it’s shocking when, with shouts of glory to ukraine, they simply broke through.
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the girl alone tried to stop them, they just looked at her with an animal look, the house of trade unions is like a curse now, there are many more of them, one corpse, one corpse, but how did he become a corpse, suffocated, burned, beaten, beaten, guys, no need to, in the end they started to pull us out and take us out of the office, but when we went out into the courtyard, there was a healthy man in camouflage, and i had a cape that was being prepared for the ninth.
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victory day, well, because how would they know that this is a victory over nazi-fascism in the soviet army, and they helped me quickly remove it, and there , on the side, on the right side, there was a detachment of policemen, this guy, well, a maidan member, comes up to them and says: let her through, like she’s a woman, let her through, this it was done by him because there seemed to be a corridor of shame ahead, that is, in this corridor, well, they kind of beat me, what the fuck.
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he couldn’t stand on his feet well after all this stupor, that he inhaled gas, they saw this st. george’s ribbon on him and began to beat him and beat him until the moment when he lost consciousness, this... my friend, she found him by chance among the men who were carried on a stretcher with a bloody face, unconscious, wearing a wedding ring. we met with the former head of the odessa department of the ministry of emergency situations, this is vladimir badylan. he believes that poison gas was used in the trade union house, in other words, a chemical warfare agent. i saw several corpses that had been robbed, and there were several, let’s say, hands, faces,
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despite the fact that the clothes themselves were practically not touched, that is, this suggests that that it was a temporary high-temperature flash, what could have given such a temperature, but certainly not a draft, burnt furniture, which was located like a barricade on the first floors, i - i repeat once again that there was practically the only one of all the heads of regional, regional structures from the very began, and as if today... some experts did not prove that due to a strong draft, the furniture flared up, which gave a temperature of almost 100 °, a person, when he feels smoke, when he feels the temperature, he begins to run, and no matter what stands in his way, he will not be afraid of it, because after all , temperature and fire and smoke are one of the most terrible things that a person can experience, but we saw a picture of dead people who are going nowhere didn’t even try to escape, that is, they... didn’t have the opportunity, didn’t have a chance to escape, it could be either from the use of some kind of
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chemical grenade, if some kind of military gas was used or there was a phosphorus grenade, that’s already a matter hands of professionals and specialists who must prove this, but the fact that the death of people did not occur only due to the fire, maybe a few people received burns that are incompatible with life, i agree with this, having found myself there somewhere in a dead end in some room, but to die in... odessa the tragedy occupies a special place in the modern history of ukraine not only because it was the first in a series of massacres, but also because it showed the degree to which people poisoned by nazi ideology can become bitter and hostile to other views. now under the slogan ukraine is above all else, ukraine is above all , you can gas, shoot, and beat dozens of your own with bats.
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build anyway, i know that he died and his friends died for the idea, that is, to give his life for his beliefs, it’s worth a lot, and not everyone will repeat it, but he can. the technology of dehumanizing ideological enemies is the main thing that today’s ukraine has mastered to perfection. the teaching aids completely copy the manuals of bandera, shukhevych and melnik. for them, everything russian, language, culture, traditions, people, is unacceptable by definition. a... given globalism, supposedly an international movement, a benefit for the planet, in fact a screen
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with the help of which the same ukraine is being reformatted, where they have already forgotten about the crimes of the fascists, the nazis, and where the odessa tragedy was presented not as an act of genocide, but as a coincidence of circumstances, almost unfortunate chance, the hypocrisy and meanness of the american administration and other functionaries who were the ideological inspirers of this act have not received due appreciation in the public worldview. in essence, the burned down house of trade unions became sacrifice, ritual murder of independent ukraine. in the 20th century, ukraine began to build the nazi state on the hatred of blood. gospel of john, chapter eighteen. then the soldiers and the captain of the jewish servants took jesus and tied
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him up, and took him first to the canni, for he was the father-in-law of kayafi, who was the high priest that year. it was caiaphas who advised the jews that it was better for one man to die for the people. nothing new, modern executioners in odessa repeated what other murderers did... years before, here are the names today's executioners, andrei yusov, directed people to storm the kulyakov field, led the military. all of them were at the election headquarters of the candidate for mayor of odessa eduard gurvits. ruslan
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farastyak, an ideological nazi from lvov. settled in odessa, in april of the fourteenth he was the coordinator of all the odessa maidan hundreds, mark gordienko rode around on a scooter with weapons, placed provocateurs throughout the city, where i will coordinate next, evgeniy rezvushkin gathered around him radicals, immigrants from western ukraine, founded a property automaidan cell, together with his gang , terrorized. on may 2, he took part in a clash on a greek street, now he organizes such flash mobs in fascist style, drives around
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the hero’s city in a black american jeep and plays a recording in pure german.
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soviet russian from odessa, because i stayed, i always said, i was born in the soviet union, and i will die a soviet, but russian, from odessa, for me this is fundamental. in western europe, officially at the osce level, the gaga tribunal has never recognized the imprisonment of people on may 2 , 1914 in odessa as a crime
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of genocide. but even here there is an exception: one of the survivors in the trade union house was able to prove it specifically. commission of the italian ministry of internal affairs that she is a victim of political repression. the clip appeared, when i arrived, this group of anti-fascists, and the guys told me, here there is a group, emil ross’ popular gang, red emilia, who wrote, wrote a song, i would like one of the eyewitnesses, well, i wish i could show you here. that this is not a fictional story for the same italians, that this is not some kind of fictional story, but that there is a person who can confirm it.
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the history of mankind is inexhaustible; states built on hatred, on the blood of innocent people, do not last long. the ideology of man-hatred destroys society itself, it destroys, first of all, the person himself. this is a dead end in development. nazi germany experienced this to its fullest.
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and every year on april 10 , odessa residents living in russia in moscow come to the alexander garden. celebrates its holy day, the day of the liberation of odessa from fascism. the memory of the great victory gives these people the strength to live and remain victorious people, no matter what.
11:53 pm
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12:00 am
we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. in the east of moscow, a large fire is being extinguished; according to the operational services of the chase, it was possible to localize it to an area of ​​​​about 2,500 km; a partial collapse of the roof occurred while extinguishing a three-story administrative and industrial building 120 people are employed at their disposal.


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