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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 3, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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in denmark to fly next. when will f-16s with ukrainian pilots in the cockpits appear at the front and what will happen to them? the zelensky regime of western politics is announcing attacks on the crimean bridge with renewed vigor. they lie that this is a military facility, just to justify a new terrorist attack in kiev. why now? fighting for gender equality with a metal detector in hand. in ukraine they want to more actively involve women in mine clearance. interesting. how many steps
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can a khutarian woman take in sapper equipment weighing 60 kilos? lyn tracy suddenly began to look for cultural contacts between russia and america. what is it for? the american ambassador recalled how bulgakov visited spasahaus. what happened there, why did bulgakov call it all satan’s ball. they do not answer, but apologize for their words. another non-blogger. arrested for streaming against russia.
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first of all, pilot training courses, accordingly, it is quite logical to assume that the flight was a training flight, and then all that remains is to ask a rhetorical question: who is now being trained to fly such fighters? of course, we cannot insist on the ukrainian citizenship of the pilot without having there are enough facts in our hands, especially since the american ministry of defense carefully hides them, but the probability must be admittedly very high; if everything is really so, then serious doubts arise about the quality of the preparation, not to mention the fact that its terms have been considerably delayed. although the kiev regime assures that now there is definitely not long to wait, they say the first f-16s will arrive in square in a matter of days and will immediately begin to effectively carry out tasks. is it worth believing? let’s figure it out with the help of anton potkovenko. no matter how nato promotes them propaganda, you won’t envy the ukrainian f-16 pilots. used cars, accelerated retraining courses from soviet to western technology and our air defense and missiles that are fatal for them.
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any radar system will detect it, and we, for example, have a fifth -generation su 57 with the latest missiles, and the f-16 won’t even see it in an air battle; because of the horizon line, they will get it in such a way that you can’t assemble the flaps, in a modern air battle f16 can easily get lyuli from the same su-57, f16 will get a missile in the tail, well, from a distance there in the area there are 150 to 200 km, it is very unpleasant to prepare for. the pilots have a separate
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question; recently the french expert cyril delter wrote that they could only fly from base to base and nothing more, because not everyone knows english, and it is difficult to explain to them how to make artificial turns. in denmark, by the way, there were also problems with the language, well, not all of them are like that notorious monfiche, yes, and what exactly he can do is also a big question, training a good pilot, the most important thing is time, that is it is impossible to quickly retrain a former mig pilot to do the same. but there was not much time, in denmark, for example, they have been studying since august of that year, this is not enough for a pilot, the technology is complex, and most importantly there are no and will not be training flights simulating combat with aircraft, which would roughly outperform the russian ones, they have there are no training air battles at all; ukrainian pilots are trained exclusively for air and ground strikes. ukrainian pilots will not be able to fly these planes normally. obviously... mercenaries will pilot
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from a pmc that has experience in conducting combat operations on similar aircraft. i think that they will not reach the contact line. similar par. the planes will be shot down in just over a month, we have the s400, s500, s300, this will work perfectly against the f-16 and all the pr of the american military, which is helping the ukrainian junta, will end very quickly. in the ukrainian media, the anticipation is similar to hysteria, this laughter in television studios when it comes to the f-16, some kind of nervous, is not found. jan, if the f-16, when the f-16 is on ours will the territories start working? well, approximately after easter, oh, oh, it’s already very soon, and why is it so important for kiev to squeeze f16 into the media agenda as much as possible, things at the front are getting worse, we need to at least spur up morale with something, former chief
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of the press service of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, seleznev also praises nato aircraft with all his might, kiev, who is grasping at solomenka like tylkino, as soon as we receive the first batch of f16 fighters, it will become easier for us. of course, the f-16 fighter is an excellent opportunity to strengthen the activities of our troops both on land and above waters of the black sea. this is funny, of course, about the fact that several dozen fighters will supposedly be able to strengthen something there, no matter how many videos you make about them. and the point is not even that there are few planes and not that these fighters are 30 years old, like all western equipment f-16s are designed to operate according to the rules, that is, take off from a normal airfield, there are almost none of them left in ukraine, already whole ours. the kechchiks tried their best, so what does kiev hope for? we are talking about another miracle weapon, and i somehow counted how many of these miracle weapons there were, starting with the notorious javelins, i’ve already counted eight somewhere, probably where they should be based, the network of airfields is constantly under fire control of russia, they most likely
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should still be based on non -ukrainian airfields, which is why the black sea waters come up, this means romanian airfields , for example, west. thinks that, well, we have to play by the rules, and they will play as they see fit and shakes their finger at us, it won’t work, whether it’s poland or romania, we will still shoot down f-16s and hit airfields. moscow about this at the end of that declared for years, so that if nato fighters fly into the zone of a special military operation, we are waiting for them immediately on poklonnaya hill as trophies, apparently in parts. the sovdeevsky direction of the special operation arrived today. the news about the complete liberation of the village of berdich is the merit of the fighters of our center group of troops, who also repelled 10 counterattacks of the ukrainian armed forces and eliminated up to 380 enemy personnel. in addition, the units managed to improve the situation along the front line in the dpr southern and eastern groups, in the kharkov region several
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american missile defense systems, transferred there for terrorist attacks against civilians in the russian border area, were disabled at once. details from war correspondent in kotoryak evgeniy poddubny. western curators of the kiev regime. and the command of the armed forces of ukraine, perhaps for the first time, decided to use american-made haymars multiple launch rocket systems to organize terrorist attacks on the belgorod and kursk regions. they were transferred to kharkov two rocket systems, ammunition and crews prepared by american military specialists. previously , regime militants mainly used czech ones for terrorist attacks on the civilian infrastructure of the belgorod region. vampire system and ammunition with increased range . the system itself is a modernized version of the soviet grad to minimize the threat from the enemy and prevent massacres of civilians. the command staff and fighters of the north group began a systematic hunt for
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enemy fighters who participated in terrorist attacks. as a result of successful combat work, the fleet of vampire rocket systems of the ukrainian armed forces was significant in this sector of the front. reduced, dozens of enemy rocket artillery crews were eliminated by strikes from the russian army, and now the enemy has decided to use american-made high-precision and long-range systems; the damage radius of the ammunition that the kiev regime uses for the haimers missile system is twice as high as that of vampire shells. except in addition, hymers missiles are adjustable. russian intelligence officers were able to unravel the plan of the regime militants in time. here is footage of objective control, the control vehicle and the installation itself are moving towards the fire station, the enemy is preparing to open fire, the command of our forces quickly organized a preemptive
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defeat. the strikes were delivered synchronously at two positions where the enemy was preparing to strike. the blast wave is clearly visible; this is one of the rocket systems, destroyed. operational-tactical complex iskander. the second car was burned by the russian analogue of the haimers tornado s system. in fact, our troops prevented a major tragedy. strikes from... american-made mlrs could cause serious damage to civilian objects and, of course, people, even if most of the missiles were shot down by air defense crews of the russian army, and usually more than 90% of missiles are destroyed by our anti-aircraft gunners in the air on approach to belgorod. the enemy continues to gather forces from slobozhanshchina in order to make up for the losses that the formation of the kiev regime suffered during a failed attempt to break through the line. contact that runs along the state border during the preparation and
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conduct of the russian presidential elections. our troops daily destroy the personnel and equipment of the ukrainian armed forces; here, in addition, part of the transport infrastructure that the enemy uses to transport forces and energy facilities that allow regime militants to prepare for possible attacks have already been destroyed. the enemy will continue to strengthen the grouping of its troops, which is located. in the kharkov region. the kyiv regime will continue to try to increase the intensity of terrorist attacks. the appearance of multiple launch rocket systems, haimros, near the old state border of russia is, of course, another sign that the west is ready to increase the level of aggression; the prompt destruction of these systems is the only effective method to protect the residents of the russian border. moreover, the americans react very nervously. for similar losses of abrams, for example, have already been withdrawn from the active combat zone,
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of course, this is the result of serious and reputational and military losses. evgeny poddubny, alexander pushin, lead. special agencies are taking measures taking into account the intentions of the kiev regime to continue terrorist activities. today's comment by dmitry peskov, who logically responded to the enemy's unconcealed threats related to the crimean bridge. in fact, in recent days, the promise to destroy it has become the number one topic for knowledgeable media without attracting attention. hysteria is being whipped up by so-called ukrainian military experts, officials, and simply propagandists, and moreover, none of them seem to doubt either the feasibility of such a scenario, or that it will be realized literally any day now. on the one hand, there is nothing fundamentally new here; you can at least recall, for example, the article by the sun, whose authors, again, citing sources in gur. fantasizing about the supposed inevitability of the complete collapse of the bridge , they assured that the gang with the bank already had
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the necessary weapons, but at the same time i want to understand why the enemy’s obsession with this topic has intensified so much right now, evgeny nipot tried to find probable answers. the zelensky regime seems to be throwing its cards on the table; according to various sources and its western ones, it is giving out information that armed forces in the formation of ukraine have set their sights on the crimean bridge and are preparing attacks on a purely peaceful area. infrastructure, post-pret of ukraine, prionki is practicing in ostroum, publishes images of different types of bridges, arched, suspended and so on, but kerchsky supposedly is not there, as they say, he wrote it himself, he laughed, there is such a ukrainian saying, i won’t eat a bite like that, that is, they will eat they can't do anything they cannot win this battle, but they will try to spoil things, that is, this is the essence, unfortunately, of those representatives who are in power in kiev today. this is their inner essence, to cause, you know, damage to civilians, to try
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to intimidate. a terrorist attack is announced against a purely civilian target, which the ukrainians present as exclusively military. to the western public, through the mouths of pro-kiev experts , he is broadcasting a lie that the destruction of the bridge will supposedly damage the entire logistics chain of russian troops in the northern military district zone. the british, whose the military, according to analysts, supervises the naval ones. the supply of troops, as experts say, is carried out along a land corridor, which opens up much more opportunities for moving any cargo in the region, including those necessary for the front. the main delivery point is land, and that's part of the bridge. is used specifically for civilian needs, a statement, be it of the kiev bandera
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regime, be it these european baltic tigers there or the rest of europe, in part here is the justification attacks on an essentially civilian object, this is beyond any word, state terrorism, ukrainians and the baltic states have already gathered a whole circle of supposedly diplomats, in fact not. the lithuanian ambassador to sweden, ex-head of lithuania mit linkevicius, also decided to make a joke and urged people to quickly take pictures against the backdrop of the crimean bridge before the ukrainians could reach it. the bulk of the comments.
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such terrorist activities, terrorist activities are encouraged, ignored with their eyes, ignoring strikes on donetsk, belgorod and, for example, others russian cities, when german military leaders discussed how many tauruses were needed, for example, to cause as much damage as possible to the bridge structures, then came to the disappointing conclusions that the task was extremely difficult, the terrorist budanov also repeatedly raised the topic of attacking the object, there is a plan for children, his they are sure to supposedly implement it, one interview in february was full of bravado, another months later was less optimistic, saying that the target of ukrainian terrorists is perhaps one of the most protected in the world, now the west approves of attacks on the highway, which is in maximum demand among russians, both residents of the peninsula and those who want
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to come there on vacation, these are recent shots of cars at the approaches to the bridge, the object has already been targeted by terrorists twice. for kiev , a real bone in a sore throat and a chance to arrange a media victory against the backdrop of a series of front-line failures, plus a report for recently delivered weapons, for them to destroy or try to destroy the crimean bridge is, you know, some kind of dream, well, i want to say like a classic idiot’s dream, well there is no other word... you take it, because an intelligent person with such tenacity will not try to destroy a civilian object through which hundreds, thousands of civilians are passing, of course, all security measures have been taken in case of various threats, be it sabotage, sea or air , when the passage of transport is blocked, the troops that protect the bridge are in maximum readiness for attacks by ukrainian terrorists,
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those who with the same enthusiasm praised their counter-offensive, which ended for kiev. a catastrophic failure. now a short advertisement, this is what will happen next on our broadcast. lyn tracy suddenly began to look for cultural contacts between russia and america. what is it for? the american ambassador recalled how bulgakov visited spatsahaus. what happened there, why did bulgakov call it all “satan’s ball”.
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where from the eleventh b? neuret, i am from the eleventh b, we are also from the eleventh b, in the eleventh b, in the eleventh b. i only need one boy, here he is, i had to come all this way to watch this good movie, what are you doing? lucky, i really liked it, beautiful actors, young, beautiful shooting, exciting, all this, all these emotions were there, it
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was very cool, this was the first film that i was really delighted with, humor. good, i need to get to school 7:33, i have a nephew there, at night, yes, it’s not like that yet, i wait, hey, it was funny, yes, the rating is like this, very cool, if you have any questions, ask how i could even end up here, what a meeting, sometimes i want to cry, sometimes i want to laugh, super, oh, this is the situation, yes, this is the situation, we will meet in the future, 100 years from now.
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you need to sing there, listen there, download them, earn money, well, in general, the prospects abroad are vague, and every now and then you’ll have to go home, but perhaps it’s not a problem, because there
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they are seriously concerned about ensuring that the demand for women in the labor market is constantly grew, we are talking in particular about the statements of the kiev junta, according to which the country’s citizens plan to more actively involve in the process of demining the territory, and this brilliant idea, attention within the framework of the fight for gender equality, and what is the right time to make a diagnosis, evgeniy teshkovets will tell you. the ukrainian military gallantly concedes to the weaker sex one of the most difficult military specialties. women will be actively involved in the search for mines and unexploded shells, otherwise do you see an infringement of rights? in the government, the independents cite evidence of disgusting discrimination, saying that only 30% of sappers now are ladies, we need at least 50, in the name. gender equality, the logic, let’s say, is not entirely healthy man, they note in the russian foreign ministry, they would say honestly, these kiev crazy people are simply running out of men in ukraine.
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ukraine, as such, trying to please the western trend, still uses western european narratives, but let 's be frank that if the ukrainian leadership had the opportunity to send men to this opportunity, then in general ukraine did it, there are not enough in ukraine male population, in order to, in general, fill not about... the needs of the front. in a sense , ukraine really demonstrates an amazing progressiveness. the united nations has been calling for women to be involved as actively as possible in peacekeeping activities and in particular in mine clearance for many years. news constantly appears in the media that somewhere either mixed teams of sappers, or even purely female ones, have gone to work. it turns out that kyiv is right? of course no. the main reason for the appearance of women's mine clearing squads is pr. correct, timely, but still pr. the un and other humanitarian organizations are drawing attention to the problem of mined areas, creating a positive image for the work of a sapper. it is important
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that women are engaged in mine clearance exclusively in those regions where active hostilities have not been ongoing for a long time. zone svo is a completely different matter. a certain complexity of this conflict is, well, first of all, the enormous saturation. mines and various types, again a huge range of mines already used, of which there are all possible types of all possible eras, the sappers must be highly qualified in order to be able to work competently, to work safely with all known types min. the demining teams themselves are also constantly under threat, especially near the line of combat contact, so this is not an easy job and involvement. women from the armed forces of ukraine to this work - this is, again, not from a good life. indeed, minefields appear either directly on the front line or nearby, which
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means that... that sappers are forced to work literally under fire. it is not surprising that these people are the most protected infantrymen on the battlefield. for example, a sapper russian army. modern armor can protect it not only from explosions, but also from small arms fire. it also contains space for communication systems and tools. great, if not for one detail. the miracle armor weighs 25 kg. and this is not counting probes, mine detectors, shields. all in all. the weight of the sapper's equipment reaches 40, in some configurations 60 kg. can fragile ukrainian women do this? if it is used, let's say a cynological dog, which, let's say, is focused on its specialization, let's say, mines, this a separate matter, there are also dogs like that as counselors, yes, a woman can also be involved, but to
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be a sapper himself, a sapper engineer... this is not a woman’s job, that’s for sure. perhaps it would be easier for ukrainian girls to work in the rear, for example, to neutralize pv missiles falling on the heads of city residents. but no, there is an urgent need for combat sappers. our troops are steadily being squeezed into the ssu, the enemy, in order to maintain safe logistics, has to constantly change the configuration defensive structures, to mine something, to clear something, and for this there is a catastrophic lack of specialists. those sappers who were, well, available to the armed forces of ukraine, in many ways, are either not enough, or they have largely been transferred to linear units in order to, relatively speaking, hold some positions there, therefore, but obviously, as our forces, our armed forces, advance, the ukrainian armed forces’ need for sappers will increase, but who is interested in combat effectiveness when there is an opportunity to please
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western ultra-liberals? and kyiv by everyone pleases with his strength, happily reports on the creation of the first all-female unit of uav operators. in infopol there are constantly calls to mobilize hutarian women, and not just boys. true equality, for the owners of the independent life of ukrainian women , is equally worth nothing.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. in moscow, in mitina park, odessa residents planted an alley in honor of fellow countrymen who died on may 2 in the trade union house with 46 trees, 46 names of victims for murders, which no one was punished for , today is exactly 10 years.


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