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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 3, 2024 2:30am-3:00am MSK

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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. in moscow, in mitina park, odessa residents planted an alley in honor of their fellow countrymen who died on may 2 in the trade union house in 46 trees, 46 names of victims for whose murder no one was punished . today is exactly 10 years since the tragedy, when the ukrainian nazis destroyed the tent camp.
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the entire perimeter. by a lucky coincidence, he remained alive and the next day he gave an interview to our film crew, talking about the horrors that were happening in the house of the trade unions. when the building started to burn, we realized that if we retreat upstairs, to the upper floors, then we will simply fall into a trap and in a fire we could all die. we were one of the first inside this building, which became a crematorium for dozens of people. burnt building.
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trade unions were literally strewn with ampoules with a characteristic smell of a toxic substance, similar to the smell of ammonia, according to eyewitnesses, the dead people who were here during the assault were the houses of trade unions, they were simply bombarded with these ampoules, in one of the places i smelled some strange gas , that is, what they say, that the attackers there used some kind of gas, this is absolutely true, when i took a breath, it immediately began... to paralyze my breathing, it was a well-planned act of intimidation, which, we can now say, with almost one hundred percent certainty, was sanctioned by the kiev authorities, we through this window we see these windows, smoke poured out of them, and then people began to, well, crumble, one might say, yes, crash onto the asphalt, they were finished off there, they were running, that’s when this is the first time, when people die before your eyes, well that's when i realized, for me it was like this,
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well, well, the shock, one might say, was incredible, until that moment igor nemadruk recalls, there was still hope that an agreement could be reached, but in odessa all the bridges were burned, the nazis not only wanted to win, they deliberately killed people. the house of trade unions was even thrown with molotov cocktails from above from the roof, the throwers climbed there in advance, and on the eve the then head of the security council parubiy was handing out body armor to neo-nazis in the frame of nikolai volkov, centurion mikola, who would later shoot at the protesters and report the situation to someone.
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perun died near artyomovsk, then hostilities began there, in kiev they immediately began to turn everything upside down, accusing the victims of almost setting themselves on fire. as a solid scenario of provocation, there was a clear scenario of provocation at the ukrainian demonstration , terrorists brought from transnistria and russia opened fire, they had prepared special toxic substances in advance, all this with the connivance of the west, which for some reason also preferred this version turned inside out.
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neck spent 4 years in a ukrainian pre-trial detention center on suspicion of organizing mass riots, they were exchanged as prisoners of war, soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces, and since then both have been fighting against ukraine. here is recent footage of the liberation of avdeevka, where a son was wounded; his father was putting on a bandage right on the battlefield. the heroic family is better than the one who was wounded in the wrong way, they were dehumanized by calling them victims.
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all the viewers of the kiev talk show applaud, this is alexey goncharenko, now a deputy of the verkhovna rada, representing the country in the past. for odessa became a career ladder for many murderers. charge both, charge both, this sergei gutsalyuk now heads the southern interregional department of the ukrainian institute of national remembrance, andrei yusov, who led the nazi detachment, became the press secretary and face of the gur of the very military intelligence that kills people.
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said that odessa is a russian city, on may 2 , 2014, odessa residents completely destroyed this myth. today in odessa it is prohibited to mention the tragedy. the house of trade unions is cordoned off by the military and flowers brought to the village are already a sign resistance of those who are not afraid of reprisals. none of the killers were ever brought to justice. the punitive operation of militants in odessa is reminiscent of the nazi crime during the great patriotic war. odessa is already called new khatyn. according to preliminary data, at least 43 people were killed, about 200 people were injured as a result of the clash, including about 20 police officers; mourning was declared in odessa for the next 3 days. point of no return for all opponents of maidan. i just got hit here
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under the eye, off the feet, one of them accelerated, although they were crowded there, they interfered with each other, everyone tried to hit, whoever was shouting, don’t touch them, but nevertheless they all hit. and there is a video where we are lying, bleeding, but they tried to force us to our knees, yes, i said that i would not kneel, none of the survivors wanted to kneel, so we ended up, first, in the donbass militia , and then in the ranks of the russian army, now leading a special military operation against the kiev regime. stanislav nazarov, andrey grigoriev, oksana serzhantova, vesti. employees of western embassies can enter without a queue, well, either by invitation, or by... just trolling from the russian ministry of defense at the exhibition of captured nato equipment, the day before it opened on poklonnaya hill in moscow, it turned out that for some representatives of western diplomacy at the event special privileges apply. the categories of those who will be allowed ahead are listed right there; these are employees of the mission of the usa, great britain,
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france and poland. it's not hard to guess it was these countries that became the main suppliers of exhibits for the trophy exhibition. well, it’s true that it is not known whether any of the embassy employees took advantage. exclusive right. according to media reports , no cars with red license plates have been seen at the shameful display yet. but the us ambassador in moscow was suddenly drawn to that very bad apartment. tracy reported on her visit to bulgakov’s house and museum, and even declared some kind of american pride for the fact that it was the us embassy that at one time inspired the russian writer, and what they are really proud, as evgenia petrukhina will clearly explain. and why did lyn trace suddenly need to go beyond diplomatic protocol and not only visit bulgakov’s house museum, but record the savior of chaos on the stairs, the real one, as the tv people say, standup.
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it is very likely that tracy did not read the novel very carefully. yes, bulgakov really described this staircase, but he didn’t talk about any spring. here's the quote: red-breasted green-tailed parrots clung to the vines. this is the twenty-third chapter of the novel under entitled "the great ball at satan's". that is, this is how the writer saw the reception at the us embassy. bulgakov, of course, it’s him, but... you know, the master’s instinct, well, of course, of course, he, as they say, described it all
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in exactly this way, there ’s not a very clear association, but with bulgakov, what’s there it was, the translator of ambassador bullet wrote that for this ball they had assembled, well, just a whole zoo, that’s what the adviser to the american ambassador charles thayer wrote in his memoirs, for this reception he even had to travel to collective farms and collect livestock, and as he noted, for the ballroom of sheep for... they even found a bear, which the american diplomats first fed with milk, and then with champagne, all the same roosters that crowed, all the very same animals that are described in bulgakov’s book of satan , all this was truly present in the rescue house under. because it was the idea of ​​the american ambassador to organize this kind of, i don’t even know, coven with
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a barnyard, with various orchestras, with snack bars, with some kind of, you know, alavariety, and this was all done, well, what a thing the spring ball, i just want to ask lyn tracy, the real ball of satan, after all this bulgakov described what was happening with his characteristic sensitivity of perception, and tracy was apparently given a task. change the weather in relations between the united states and russia, so to speak, from the arctic frosts, to be transported to the spring thaw, but annushka , one way or another, shed oil, looking at this madam, who with such a slightly stony face, from an incomprehensible grimace, she says, trying, let's say, to go beyond his diplomatic protocol to revive the way she thinks about relationships, it all looks very funny, and most importantly , it’s all cheap. it seems to me that such irreversible processes have already begun, and madam ambassador still needs
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to make more efforts and not in the genre of stand-up recitation, but to take up her direct work as an ambassador, building relationships, she thinks that there is a spring ball here, but no, there is no spring point, until, unfortunately, at least in the relations of america, the united states of america and russia, it is not spring, satan, who rules the ball. including those the most western elites who fight to the last ukrainian for a unipolar world, for the world order they are accustomed to, which will never return, the point of vampires ends, and vladimir putin spoke about this, they look like some kind of vampires, that is, these are people who - partly in a literal sense, for the sake of their own profit, they are sucking the blood of many e countries of peoples, in fact, a special operation in ukraine is a certain kind of, you know, a globalist uprising of russia against this staninist new world order, and we, as defenders
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traditional values, especially christian ones, we are on the side of god, it ’s like the army of satan is fighting against us, and here, just like in bulgakov’s master margarita, the devil, woland, who from the great author comes to a country that refuses god , it’s not without reason that he looks like a western european foreigner, bulgakov almost has a prediction. for ukraine, where satan’s ball also seems to be ending, and lyn tracy, apparently, feels this russian wind of change. we'll be back after a short commercial, and here's what i'll tell you about. they are not answer, but apologize for their words. another non-blogger, olga kasyaninka , was arrested for streaming against russia. the insults are again taken out of context. we watch to know everything about russia. the best
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historical series. let's look, look.
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i have been waiting for you for eternity, i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally it has come, spring! warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition. a criminal case has been opened regarding the rehabilitation of nazism for a video with offensive statements addressed to
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participants in the great patriotic war. a logical result for a blogger-businessman from izhevsk, who came to... murmansk and, as we see, was very impressed by the local investigative committee, all because konstantin petrov, that’s the name of the person involved, was not satisfied with the excursion program around the city of hero , they say, there are somehow a lot of monuments there in honor of the defenders of the homeland, and this is not very positive, where do they sing everywhere, here is a monument, here is a memorial, some other monument, here is a temple, here is a square, honor warriors as superman, let's make monuments.
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however, it is unlikely that ostentatious repentance on camera will stop the investigation that has already begun, but all this may become sobering for others who want to cancel the memory of the victory, especially since some public figures still believe that disregard for the values ​​of our country is why something can go unpunished, but what fate awaits such people, anastasia ivanova will show. with those who insult russia and the russian people, the conversation is short, however, the streamers themselves give up on her when they prove their words. need to answer i apologize to the citizens of the russian federation for discrediting the armed forces of the russian federation on the internet, and also for demonstrating symbols. extremist organization and made negative statements regarding residents of various regions of the country, but this is already the stage of acceptance of olga kosyayanenko, she is from krasnodar, was generally born in the dpr, specifically
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in makeyevka, but in her streams she called russians collective farmers, insulted our fighters, despite the fact that she herself applied for a russian passport. guys, i also want to say that if you don’t understand what sarcasm is, what is said in quotation marks, if you don’t want to look. as collective farmers were, so they remain, yes, i will help a shelter for dogs, if they ask me for something else, yes, but when there are some dne members standing there, i will not help such people, you
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really think that they will give you some kind of uniform or they will somehow value you there, love you, respect you, you will come, they will give you some kind of order, but you will be gone in 2 minutes, and no one will remember about you, first of all. considered it necessary and necessary, if you hate your people, who gave you this citizenship, i believe that such citizens
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should be deprived of citizenship and expelled from the russian federation, such stories, which, although rare, hit where it hurts the most russians, one story, the streamers apologize for what they said, apparently realizing that their words may result in criminal liability, i realize the guilt of my actions and speak out. i apologize to all citizens of the russian federation, especially in front of the military, svo, if only my health gets better, unfortunately, my health is not, then i myself, the city, would like to participate in a military special operation, it was the streamer for anap who recently shouted during a live broadcast that he would never go defending the honor of russia at the front, but fighting for america is not against it. convictions have changed dramatically on camera, but you will have to pay a 30,000 fine. he has already left a huge number of digital traces, a huge number of personal identifiers, so in principle, even if you start saying something, for example,
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fakes, for example, disinformation regarding your own and russian troops, yes, then this can serve as a basis for initiating criminal cases, and this is pavel prokudin from volgograd, a short story of those who catch the hype on insults, including from the military, prokudin did not get away with just a fine, he was sent to a pre-trial detention center until the end of june.
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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch, in the application or on the website.
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there is a place in the alexander garden the kremlin wall, sacred for everyone who remembers the great patriotic war, next to the eternal flame, the tomb of the unknown soldier , is an alley of cities.


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