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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 3, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

3:30 am
russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24.
3:31 am
after the blockade and beating of odessa residents in the shopping center athena, a column of nazis moved towards the house of trade unions, motherfucker, set it on fire, it was the turn of the kulyakov field. we all went into the house, well, as if to escape, to protect ourselves, to defend ourselves, suddenly after some moment a molotov cocktail flew through the side window, well, i think so, because there was a bottle that ignited, it fell two steps away from my friend, she jumped back, the fire spread to the curtains, and after a certain period of time... after
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the second bottle, black smoke began to appear, which came towards us, and there were wide windows, everyone shouted who was there there, between the second and third, at this height, between the floors, they shouted, don’t run, don’t stand near the windows, they’re shooting, well, i guess at that moment i really felt scared, the whole building was completely on fire, that’s when the crowd had already surrounded the house. unions yes this sound is a hum crowds, it’s hard to convey, you know, this is materialized evil, as if forces had escaped from the underworld, yes, this is such a black energy, so dark, it hums, it hums all the time, there was such a hum, despite all this shock, and then i i clearly understood that this was not a spontaneous, not so spontaneous explosion on their part, because watching their actions from the windows i...
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sergei dudnik, editor of a gay magazine. sadomit. we don't need russia, we already have a country. but there is no need to destroy our country. they didn’t build this building, and now because of them we’ll have to burn it along with them, because they came to us with their swords on the cathedral square. the third floor was also smoky. i ran higher. i saw that the fourth floor was still, at least, an office, it was light there, well, i mean. smoke, and we ran there, i and
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several other people after me ran into this office and closed, there were, there were probably six of us women, and somewhere around the same number of men, we closed, or rather, the guys stole all the furniture that was in this office, there is a wardrobe, tables, they even moved a refrigerator there, well, the guys began to hold the defense, in the sense of holding the door tightly, we tried to call the police, in case of a fire. to the ambulance, but there were no answers, the police did not answer at all, it was always busy, 101 rescue service, go because the fire is moving towards the buildings, you are standing in an open area, yes, i am in an open area, well, you can see perfectly well , which is also burning in an open area and does not threaten anything, they threw a building there, the second floor, the second floor is on fire, the professor's building is on fire, why don't you send cars, because the cars are being hijacked, are you going to stay here until everything burns, hello? yes, there is a fire, immediately, there is already a fire,
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what are you doing, there are already people inside, they will be there soon, now calm down, where is it going, yes, comrade colonel. reports, uh-huh, okay, in general, we periodically, as it were, approached the window, well , shouted, like, help, as soon as we started screaming, this crowd gathered below began to wave the ukrainian flag, hooting joyfully and answering, death
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to the enemies, glory to ukraine, die muscovites, muscovite nagilyak, well, that is, they seemed to support us in quotes, that is , they were happy that we were feeling bad, that they were hearing screams, which means they might be dying or killing someone, i i’ll tell you, as a private trader to a private trader, what happened here is wonderful, because all this should have been demolished a long time ago, a long time ago, this will be a good example for our cities in the east of how to act, how to part with people who occupy these areas occupy, build these barricades.
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back during the great patriotic war. it is not enough to simply frighten or humiliate unarmed people, they must be brought to a state of shock, panic horror, and this was done. march 22, 1943. here for the murder of german soldiers by belarusian partisans, all the village residents, 149 people, were gathered in one barn,
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locked, covered with brushwood and set on fire, out of 149.75, these were children. those who tried to get out of the barn were mercilessly shot with a machine gun. when people start to forget the past, it's tough reminds me of myself. this happened in odessa. the ideological descendants of ukrainian nationalists burned odessa residents alive just because they thought differently.
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at some point, probably in the end the most terrible moment for me, the door opened slightly, they were able to open it a little, as if with pressure. bandera’s men and the barrel of a pistol stuck out, it seemed to be heading towards me, i seemed to move quickly to the side, i heard a shot, but the guys managed to quickly get it out. well, that is, close the door again when they started blow gas, through this hole, the guys, as if exhausted, let go of the door, they burst in, there was such a healthy guy in camouflage, everyone started screaming, everyone on the floor, everyone on the floor, we seemed to be girls huddled close to each other , i grouped up, because i realized that they would probably beat me, i was wearing a construction helmet, i sort of tried to cover my face, i was sitting on... my haunches, another girl, i remember, they had already started, as it were, the guys , swinging sticks, that
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is, they had already started beating, and the girl alone tried to stop them, they just looked at her with an animal look, the house of trade unions is like a curse now, there are many more of them, one corpse, one corpse, and how he became a corpse, suffocated, burned, they beat him to death, guys, no need, in the end they started to pull us out and take us out of the office, but when we went out into the courtyard, i have the honor, victory day was written on the back, well, in red normal letters, just words, the phrase victory day, when he saw this phrase, he began to shout in a hissing voice, no, no victory day, and this guy who took me out is a maidanist, he says: like, leave it, let’s go, he was filming, he was already ready, i don’t know,
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to tear me apart for this inscription on victory day, well , because how would they know that this is a victory over nazi fascism in the soviet army, and i should take it off, in general , he told me, i still haven’t helped to quickly remove it, and there was a detachment of policemen standing on the right side, this guy, well, a maidan member, comes up to them and says let her through, like she’s a woman, let her through, he did it because that there was this friend of mine ahead with her husband, who, with whom we walked to the field, that when he was also
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in a building on the second floor, they found him, he couldn’t stand on his feet after all this fumes, that he inhaled gas, they saw this st. george’s ribbon on him, they started beating him, and they beat him until he lost consciousness, this is mine a friend, she found him by chance among the men who were carried on a stretcher with a bloody face, unconscious, wearing a wedding ring. we met with the former head of the odessa department of the ministry of emergency situations, this is vladimir badylan. he believes that poisonous gas was used in the trade union house, in other words, military poisonous substance. i saw some, several corpses that were burned, and there were several, let’s say, hands, arms, faces, despite the fact that the clothes themselves were practically not touched, that is. this suggests that it was a temporary high-temperature surge, which could give such a temperature, but certainly not a draft,
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burnt furniture, which was like a barricade on the first floors, i repeat once again that practically the only one of all the heads of regional structures from the very beginning, and as it were today, some experts did not prove that due to a strong draft, the furniture caught fire, which gave a temperature of almost 100°, a person... feels smoke, when he feels the temperature, he begins to run, and no matter what stands in his way, he will not to be afraid of this, because after all, temperature and fire and smoke are one of the most terrible things that a person can experience, but we saw a picture of dead people who did not even try to escape anywhere, that is, they did not have the opportunity, had no chance of escaping it could either really be from the use of some kind of chemical grenade, if any military gas or phosphorus was used.
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not only because it was the first in a series of mass murders, but also because it showed to what extent people poisoned by nazi ideology could become bitter and hostile to other views. now, under the slogan ukraine ponad duce, ukraine above all else, you can gas, shoot, and beat with bats dozens of your fellow citizens who think differently. what a wonderful world build a building that has been buried for years, they can destroy it in an instant, reassemble the charred stones and build it doesn’t matter why they are charred, when
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he wrote this, i ask him why it is charred, but here, according to the meaning, it should be. scattered stones, scatter stones, collect, and he says, well, let it be so, these are his words, this is the main thing in the quatrain, the formation doesn’t matter, i know that he died and his friends died for the idea, that is, to give their lives for for your beliefs, it ’s worth a lot, and not everyone will repeat it will be able to, the technology of dehumanizing ideological enemies, the main thing that today’s ukraine has mastered to perfection, the teaching aids completely copy the manuals. good for the planet, in fact, a screen with the help of which the same ukraine is being reformatted, where they have already forgotten about the crimes of the fascists, the nazis, and where the odessa tragedy was presented not as an act of genocide, but as
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a coincidence of circumstances, almost an accident, the hypocrisy and meanness of the american administration. and began to build the nazi state. gospel of john, chapter eighteen. then the soldiers and the captain of the jewish servants took jesus and bound him, and took him away from pervakanni, for he was tes kayaphe, who was the high priest that year. it was caiaphas who advised the jews that it was better for one man
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to die for the people. nothing new, modern executioners in odessa repeated what other murderers did 2000 years before. but here are the names of today's executioners: andrei yusov directed people to storm the kulyakov field. vitaly svichinsky, led the armed maidan self-defense groups. the beating of odessa residents was led by sergei gutsalyuk, roman devyatov and yuri barshchenko. all of them were at the election headquarters of the candidate for mayor of odessa eduard gurvits. ruslan forostyak, an ideological nazi from lvov who settled in odessa. in april
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of the fourteenth he was the coordinator of all otes maidan hundreds. mark gordienko drove around on a motorola. with weapons he placed provocateurs throughout the city, where further, now i will coordinate there, evgeniy rezvushkin, gathered a circle of radicals, immigrants from western ukraine, founded in odes automaidan cell, together with his gang , terrorized the residents of the odessa region, driving in motorcades through cities and villages, promising to punish for separatism, what kind of monkeys came to stand here.
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on the same visit to odessa i met with alexey goncharenko. this does not mean that he was the organizer of these events, but he was one of the beneficiaries, this is absolutely unambiguous, in fact, this means that mr. goncherenko is the person who took
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political responsibility for this event live, announcing that we burned the camp separatists on the kulikovo field standing with their backs to the burning building on the live show of savika shustra said, we did it, hello , hello, hello alexey, he will be a hero of the city, without bandera, without shukhevych and without any hitler collaborator and for us remembered,
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so that we have the right to speak our language, the russian language, so that we have the right to honor our heroes, soviet heroes who won the war, who liberated all of europe from nazi fascism, this is what we fought for, for us to have our faith is orthodox and so that no... crime and genocide are imposed on us, but even here there is an exception: one of the survivors in the trade union house was able to prove to a special commission of the italian ministry of internal affairs that she was a victim of political
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repression. the clip appeared when i arrived, this group of anti-fascists, and the guys told me, here there is a group, the popular gang emilia rossa, red emilia, who wrote this. my grandfather was a partisan and survived a concentration camp in germany, so it’s obvious that i couldn’t help but draw a direct parallel with the drama, which, by the way, happened not 70 years
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ago, in our days. the glory of the nation, the history of mankind is incalculable. nazi germany experienced this to the fullest.
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and every year on april 10 , odessa residents living in russia and moscow come to the alexander garden. they celebrate their holy day. day of the liberation of odessa from fascism. the memory of the great victory gives these people strength to live and stay. people who are winners, no matter what.
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rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often we are talking about money, serious amounts, there is a clear and clear signal in russia, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, here’s how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted himself off and went, is russia ready to change in whatever structure is happening?
3:58 am
it’s not in his head, look in the app or on the website, the russian ministry of emergency situations warns, protect your home, install a fire detector. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry. let's see that know everything about russia, the best historical series, watch, watch, in the app or on the website.
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4:00 am
the russian military completely liberated berdyche in the dpr, the ministry of defense reported this. the village is located in the suburb of avdeevka, on the road along which the ukrainian armed forces group was supplied. thus, the logistics of ukrainian troops in this place are now significantly disrupted. the liberation of berdyche will allow us to advance towards novoselovka, the first to reach the volchie river, where one of the key lines of defense of the ukrainian army is located. also in the defense department said that the iriste launcher was hit by a missile strike. the published footage shows how the ammunition detonates and the warehouse begins to burn. but
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the day before. also near kharkov on'


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