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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 3, 2024 4:30am-5:00am MSK

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woman to woman, what an attack on those for whom a woman is an object of love, interest, lust, whatever you want, sexual pleasure, but a woman, if a person leaves work because he is forced to leave his post, because 10 years ago he touched knees of a woman, you understand what kind of complex it creates for men, to look at a woman, oh, sorry, no, no, none,
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what, how does this create a complex of fear of approaching a woman, because it could end up with your look, your smile, wink with an eye, can be regarded as sexual harassment, a genetic fear of communicating with a woman is brought up, this is the fear of a woman. which is brought up in the still male part of humanity, now the same america, the american elite attacked president trump because he is trying to toughen his attitude towards arriving migrants, bullying, scandal, look, this is actor simon helberg and his wife jocelyn towne, they came out in open protest against trump's migrant policy at helbert's. there was a sign in his hands: refugees,
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welcome, and his wife wrote on her chest, let them in, wrote right on her body. the world lives by repeating, like a mantra, these magic words: tolerance, multiculturalism, and behind these words the world hides, europe hides its weakness, its inability to resist, this is what is happening in europe, look. to stop it, we are afraid, we are in danger every day, every minute, they coming inside the police, they want to kill each other, we have to, you have to do something, someone have to protect us, they are enough, we are the victims, here are not them, we have to live like before, we have to live our life and took it for us, we're nothing more, they are, you have to take them from here, it's a city, no place for people.
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all rights reserved. تح بلادهم خذوا اللاجئين سنطلبهم منكم قريباك قبتكم.
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where is the living compassion, where is the man's dignity? masculinity - strength - the concept of a man is gradually being eradicated, consciously erased. what's happening? and the concept of faith, family, parents, the concept of mother and father, parent number one, parent number two disappears. in england you can no longer say pregnant woman, pregnant person. why? to avoid offending transgender people? just look at how carefully the lily is being introduced.
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i’m not talking about specific things, this is a general movement, this is a general conscious movement towards the extermination of everything that humanity has lived on for thousands of years, this is all that has been a tradition, when today borders are erased, national currency, debt, globalization, averaging everything, there was a document in which it was said that , of course, education is very important for universal education, but we also need to be
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selective, we don’t need to increase it too much, because the higher the education, the greater the need, why do we need to educate people who have great needs, he thinks world elite? this is a brochure that is distributed to schoolgirls in the city of nikolaev, high school girls, these books contain useful tips on how to safely engage in prostitution, called sex work, how to behave with a client and
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how to maintain your health. this is what it says on the first page: you chose your path yourself, we just want to help you make it as safe as possible for your health. further. if the client is aggressive, try to calm him down, be affectionate and friendly, don’t serve one or several clients, it’s all over the place, well , how can you combine this with resignation due to the fact that you touched a journalist’s knee 10 years ago, when it’s offered to simply explain, if the client is aggressive, harvey weinstein,
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respect for life, for death, for a person in general, look.
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and now more serious, let’s say, apocalyptic picture. do you know what this is? this is the establishment of old europe gathering. these people are gathering here to attend the opening ceremony of the ghatara base tunnel, for the construction of which. 117 years and 11 billion euros. the length of the unique railway in the alps exceeds 57 km. many dignitaries were invited to the event, including swiss president johan schneider ammann, french president francois hollande, german chancellor angela merkel, italian prime minister maketse and the head of the european commission, jean-claude huyuncker. in the official press release. it is said that the hour-long theatrical show, with the participation of a huge number of actors, reflected
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swiss alpine culture and history, but i strongly advise you to see what this real picture is, shown to the invited european elite, who sat in expensive suits and looked at everything. this. let's analyze some elements. which were used in this celebration, which many analysts call the inauguration of a new world order. in in the first part, indoors, humanity was represented by a march of zombies, ready to carry out orders. this exit was continued by an angel in the form of a baby. outwardly, this angel represents lucifer. the fallen angel has already appeared in such an appearance as bafumet, which is considered the official symbol of satan.
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of himself as the main demon, this demon demonstrates power over other demons that are located all over the world, they are also represented here on the railway, different periods are shown through this railway humanity, the period of life of secret societies, pagan worship of ancient greece, hinduism and, above all, ancient egypt. pay attention to the figure of the sun in the depths. the sun was the main object of worship of the ancients. by order of the main one, other demons spread across the earth to fulfill
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their mission on it. here we see performances of ancient clerics and sorcerers, who are accompanied by a goat man. the priestesses carry a lamb in their hands as if it were something to be sacrificed. please note that according to the appearance of these clergy. it looks like the servants of isis, the ceremony continues, now in open space, the zombies represent humanity, which is being manipulated, they are moving into an uncertain future, here humanity is trying to defeat a stone that may represent jesus. many times they chaotically try to break the stone, but all attempts are unsuccessful, until the moment when they offend...
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people on the portal, an image of the body appears , immediately people become possessed.
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now the goat man plays the most important role in a ceremony through which the book of revelation becomes clearer. notice how similar these beasts are to the death deity omulu. it appears on the portal. an image of a human face combined with a goat and three egyptian scarabs, the scarabs symbolizing the god khepri, the god of the morning dawn of the sun. the goat man merges, thus representing satan the appearance of the antichrist. this will not be an ordinary person, his
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authority and power will come from satan himself. one character, here you can visually imagine. soon the demons at the command of the animal become aggressive, just as it is written in the book
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of revelation, the animal that is worshiped... people and demons, pay attention now to the appearance of the eleven characters, outwardly they represent the church of the eleven apostles, the animal has the power to persecute the church to kill those who will not worship him. look at these people carrying dry trees. please note that the roots of the trees are directed upward, just as an inverted cross is a symbol of satanism. everything that is happening now represents the opposite. the image on the projector is the tree of death, which is the opposite of the tree of life. technology
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is presented here as a tool to manipulate a person. the three characters with large heads outwardly represent the nations of the earth, the kings of the earth and the businessmen of the earth who were used and sold themselves like a harlot. the clock spinning in reverse is probably reminiscent of daniel's prophecy that the antichrist will change time, and says that a new world will be established order.
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they worship the great dragon, the ancient serpent, who is called the devil and satan, the seducer of the whole world. they think satan defeated jesus. celebration is like a great victory, like a huge achievement. the leaders of the largest countries in europe are at an absolutely bessian performance, they are present at this. monstrous performance, which is nothing more than a presentation of the new world
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order, now you ask me what, what does the private story with harvey have in common weinstein, australian children, migrants from asian and african countries, with what we saw, there is a huge, direct connection, direct. this is all a step-by-step preparation to introduce into the consciousness of humanity that a new world order is underway, this includes everything, gender equality, one parent, two parents, and extermination and the possibility of absolutely turning it upside down. all traditions, all history, blur nationalities, blur borders, now let's think for a second, for a second, here
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we are, sanctions, the world is outraged, the occupation of crimea, problems in ukraine, so what? we seriously think that this is so, that sanctions have been announced to us regarding this matter, which crimea, which ukraine, how many people in europe, or in america, especially, not to mention in australia, to the question of where is crimea, which , what, ukraine, ah, and you know what, akupa, where, yes, we heard something, but without ob'. putin no, this is terrible, this is not what worries us, if tomorrow we give up crimea, and the day after tomorrow in ukraine,
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peace reigns, sanctions are lifted, but never, for one simple reason, we don’t want to fit into this world order, we don’t i want a parent of one and a parent of the second, we can’t go to church. china doesn’t want this, and india doesn’t want this, today we are under the gun, we are closer, the only question is not to give up crimea. or make peace with ukraine, no, fit in, bend, force us to accept the rules by which he wants to force us
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to accept, to live, this most wonderful, free world, and we want this, we want what we see in germany, we want this the hypocrisy of lies, which... this is a question that we must ask ourselves, we must be aware of it. well in
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in conclusion, let's return to the first topic, i suddenly thought, if our past government had survived to this day, it would be interesting. the lgbt community contributed to the lifting of sanctions against us if they looked at how our leaders treated each other and their colleagues from abroad. look here please.
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well, that’s all for today, as our mechman said, we’ll leave one by one, if anything happens, we’re geologists, until the next meeting, i’m waiting for you.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective, where are you from 11b? no harm, but i'm from 11 b. now the year is 2124, this is not science fiction, this is love, alice and i, as if i didn’t understand, you don’t mind, 100 years in the future.
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russian. the military completely liberated berdyche in the dpr, the ministry of defense reported this. the village is located in the suburb of avdeevka, on the road along which it was supplied.


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