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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 3, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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the ocu has nothing to do with religion, some for the sake of jesus, others for the sake of the bread of taste. and today there is a spiritual battle going on inside the lavra. the united states, the west, initially set the task of tearing it away. the ukrainian people are from the russians, god is given to his saints, let's see what happens next. hello, live broadcast, legal program, hosted by the duty department, in the studio alexander ostakhov. in lyubertsy near moscow, they detained an inadequate person who attacked a nine-year-old girl. the man brutally beat the child, and then tried to hide. for what? you know, i don’t know,
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why did he hit a nine-year-old girl, which girl? thirty-four-year-old fazil rasulov tried to convince the police that he had nothing to do with the incident, but everything was recorded by surveillance cameras. the footage shows how the man first kicked a parked car for some reason, and then turned his attention to a group of schoolchildren. the girl and her peers were returning home from school. a man walked towards them and for no reason hit the child. punch. boom from the head and neck. afterwards, rasulov tried to escape, but before the police arrived, he was grabbed by passers-by. it was previously established that on one of the city streets a man, out of hooligan motives, unexpectedly hit a child passing by. he was detained by citizens who witnessed the incident. debashir was taken to the hospital and then to the police department. it is known that a criminal case has been opened against the man under the article hooliganism. the injured girls were diagnosed with facial bruises. and heads. in
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in the stavropol territory, a scandal surrounding a stud farm is gaining momentum, which could turn into a death factory for its pets. its owner supposedly needs land, but there are no animals on it. according to local residents, the horses simply stopped being fed. how representatives of a unique breed found themselves on the brink of survival and is it possible to save the horses in trouble. report by olga zhurenkova. these terrible shots were taken on a mobile camera by human rights activists. they were the first to draw attention to the problem. at a stud farm in the vtoropol region, horses are dying of hunger, well, i’m showing you how it is, exhausted animals with terrible wounds can barely stand on their feet, some can’t even stand up from exhaustion, there’s been no grain since march, there ’s practically no hay either, there’s maybe enough left there for a week, yeah, they kicked out the post today just like that on the territory of passiyatabun, we are working, we see everyone sees, there has never been anything as critical as this. a few minutes later
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, a representative came out to the journalists and said that the media were exaggerating, no big deal. 80% fake news doesn't really happen, that's it since it is now inflated on these social networks, can we go and have a look since everything is fine, so i’m not saying that everything is fine, until we can provide you with such an opportunity, the owner of the stud farm is syrian adel majit hamoud, according to local residents he needs land , on which the farm is located, and he just waits for the animals to die, he doesn’t even appear on the farm, we haven’t seen the director, we don’t know who. as journalists found out, adel mazhit khamut owns several agricultural enterprises in the stavropol territory. its assets may amount to more than 2.5 billion rubles. the enterprises are engaged in the cultivation of grain. 10 years ago, even local media reported him as a successful agrarian. he actively posed in a collective farm field and
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talked about his love for horses and the russian land. but, as it turned out, this is not the first scandal with the mass death of animals at this horse farm. volunteers believe that the owner intends to do this. cruelly gets rid of horses, in 2016 they were also starved, then the animals were saved thanks to the attention of animal rights activists who were starving in secret they fed them at night, the owner allegedly was going to demolish the factory along with the horses, after 8 years the situation repeated itself again, the winters began to die, they were lying around , then they were taken away in a heap, they were lying around again, then they did what they did, they took them out to the stables on the heap. began to burn. grain was brought to the horses literally a few minutes before the film crew arrived, but such urgent fattening, unfortunately, only made things worse. one of the horses inflated like a balloon. this happens when an exhausted body simply no longer accepts food. she cheated. i can't, girls, that's it
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this, this is the finale. an inspection by rosselkhoznadzor confirmed that the horses were emaciated and the premises for the animals were unsuitable. unsatisfactory condition of animals, exhaustion. this is a decrease in immunity, which can lead to an outbreak of the disease, which, of course, is a very serious problem. this enterprise was glorified by the famous terek horse breed; it was bred back in the twenties of the last century at the terek and stavropol stud farms, by crossing several streltsy horses that survived the civil war, with representatives of the arabian, don and kabardian breeds. this happened on the initiative of marshal budenov to recruit the cavalry of the red army. the most common popular color is light gray with a matte silver tint. the dignity of the breed is especially evident in show jumping and dressage. it was on a light gray horse of the thorny breed idol that marshal zhukov took part in the victory parade in moscow on june 24, 1945. as
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animal rights activists admit, there are just over 300 individuals of this breed left in the country, most of them at the factory. in the stavropol territory initiated a criminal case on the grounds of a crime provided for in part two of article 245 of the criminal code of the russian federation, that is, cruelty to animals. currently, the necessary procedural actions are being carried out and all the circumstances are being established. it is known that volunteers were ready to take away sick, emaciated animals, but the owner of the stud farm stalled the deal. adel mazhit hamut, even after the scandal , did not appear at the enterprise; he had already been summoned for questioning. daryeva, mikhail. about deceiving the hearing impaired, attackers, too, by the way, without hearing, they provided the victims with fake sign language interpreters, and they brazenly deceived clients, slipping them documents with complex legal terms to sign, the fact
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is that the hearing impaired most often do not understand them at all, as a result, many were left without apartments on the street, reporting by oksana maksimova , come on, a bed, a bedside table and a table. behind which six more people eat, larisa minchenko is forced to wander around the capital’s hostels, the two-room apartment in the carcass no longer belongs to her. igor parkhomenko filmed i have a room, then one day he said that i have a small kitchen and offered to improve the conditions, sell an apartment in moscow and buy one in sochi, he said he would help, i agreed. larisa is hearing impaired and can only communicate with representatives of any official authorities through a sign language interpreter, which is exactly what the scammers took advantage of, bringing him to the deal to sell his apartment, assuring him that he was fine...
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the same igor parkhomenko introduced himself to him as a successful businessman and offered to sell apartment, and put the proceeds into the bill at a favorable interest rate. i want, he says, sign here, sign here, and he points his finger, i look, and you explain to me what is written, he didn’t explain anything at all, this thick folder with documents contains numerous evidence in the case of fraud. they use certain legal terms in their daily communication,
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they, unfortunately, do not understand them, they just look at this word word. as experts explained to us, in such cases a large share of responsibility lies with the sign language interpreter. banks and other commercial structures provide almost no information in russian sign language. attackers take advantage of the ignorance of the deaf, and ignorance breeds gullibility. in this high-profile case, tushinsky district. the moscow court has already rendered a verdict on fraud on an especially large scale. igor parkhomenko will spend 4 years in prison. his accomplice aslan malsagov - 4 and a half. also, by a court decision, for each known episode of the case, real estate transactions may be declared invalid. oksana maksimova, ilona agasieva, andrey yurchuk, lead: duty unit. life for debts, and not his own, the court sent to jail a young man who could have killed a local during the day under surveillance cameras in the courtyard of a residential building. a dubious company arrived on the scene to deal with a debtor who allegedly did not return the money, but
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ended up attacking another random person. maxim shevchenko understood the history. alexander sharafuddinov is located in the glass box of the kalininsky district court of ufa. at the election of a preventive measure , a nineteen-year-old young man complaisantly listens to the judge and asks to put him under house arrest, saying that he realizes how serious a crime he committed, although many ufa residents really did. these footage from street surveillance cameras are now being carefully studied by investigators, they depict a conflict that occurred in one of the courtyards on the outskirts of ufa, a group of young people are vigorously finding out something on the street, one gets hit in the face and falls, a moment later a white foreign car flies up and begins a brawl, running away from an angry crowd, a resident of one of the houses located in the ill-fated aleksandrfim's courtyard... an opponent chasing him with a knife, supposedly a collector. he came with several colleagues to collect the debt,
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did not find the right person, but saw his car, a black ford, and decided to break it, apparently to intimidate him. alexander efimov, passing by, intervened in the flaring up incident. he made a remark and was immediately wounded. according to investigators, during the conflict he stabbed a thirty-four-year-old man several times in the leg, damaging his femoral artery, causing the latter... immediately after the incident, collectors fled the scene, but the police managed to quickly identify the attacker who dealt the fatal blow with a blade, it turned out to be sharafuddinov, he was detained, a spontaneous memorial appeared at the scene of the incident, the relatives of the deceased alexander efimov still cannot understand what he did to deserve such a response from the whole group of opponents, i don’t believe that this could happen to him, because he... was always kind, i didn’t even imagine that this could happen, i don’t even believe
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it. the arbitrariness of black collectors repeatedly became the cause of heated discussions at different levels, for example, for several years they could visit the debtor even daily, they damaged and set fire to property, and painted the walls of entrances. attempts to legislatively regulate the actions of those who extract debtors.
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sharafuddinov, however, did not explain why he took up the knife, and naive childish excuses can hardly reassure the relatives of the deceased alexander efimov. maxim shevchenko, timur davletov, sultan. ziganov and mikhail shirin. news. duty department. straightaway several children have fallen from open windows in apartments over the past week. there are at least two cases in moscow alone. how to prevent a tragedy and save your child’s life. report by andrey romanov. there are several ambulances around the house in north-east moscow. doctors rushed to the high-rise building in the hope of saving a two-year-old boy who fell from
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a seventh-floor window in the morning. despite the prompt response of doctors, it was not possible to help. the baby was injured. incompatible with life. the child simply had no chance to survive. baby fell from the height of the seventh floor here into the territory of the polisadnik near the house and died at the scene. now the investigative actions here have already been completed. a criminal case has been opened under the article of causing death by negligence. investigators took this photo while inspecting the apartment; there was a high chair near the window. the boy's mother was distracted for a couple of minutes. they were enough for a child. climbed onto the windowsill, crawled to the open window and fell down from a height of two tens of meters. a complex of investigative actions is being carried out, aimed at establishing all the circumstances of the incident. a forensic medical examination has been ordered, and the boy's parents and eyewitnesses to the tragedy are being questioned. and this is novocherkassk boulevard and the story of the miraculous rescue of a three-year-old boy. the baby was also
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left without adult supervision, reached the window, and fell from the height of the twelfth floor. by some miracle, a child. survived, with severe injuries he was taken to the children's intensive care unit. in the past few weeks , a series of horrific incidents of children falling to their deaths from windows has spread across the country. this happens every year; the season of tragedy traditionally begins with the arrival of spring. people leave windows wide open; gates for fresh air often become a child trap. very often, parents put the child on the windowsill themselves, showing him how convenient it is to look at some fireworks or something happening below. an event when some tractor or truck passes under the window, so this very lightness, when parents put the child on the windowsill, it, of course, creates in the child again, additional illusions of safety of this type of activity. often the cause of a tragedy is a mosquito net, a child stands on the windowsill, leans on it and the structure flies out even with a little effort, here is a demonstrative experiment, it
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was carried out in safe conditions, a 6-year-old child weighing about 20 kg, only lightly presses the net there... flies out of the fastenings, people often think that trouble will not come to them, their child will definitely not climb to the window; they are mistaken, the only way to protect the baby is install special structures on the window that will not allow an unthinking researcher to open the sash, one part on the frame, the other part on the sash, it closes, locks please, it can withstand up to 220 kg and another point is the transom scissors or a limiter that sits inside fittings, it does not allow opening more than 10 cm. locks or cables for windows cost several hundred rubles, they can be installed not only during the manufacture of the structure, but on those double-glazed windows that have been in place for a long time apartment, this is exactly the case when it is better
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to play it safe and be guaranteed to save the child from harm. andrey romanov, lead, duty department. three teenagers who helped people during the terrorist attack in the crocus city hall near moscow were awarded a medal by decree of president vladimir putin for saving the dead. the corresponding document was published on the legal information portal. the award for courageous and decisive actions in saving people in extreme conditions will be received by prirankix college student, seventeen-year-old nikita ivanov, and a schoolboy from krasnogorsk - fourteen-year-old artyom donskov and fifteen-year-old islam khalilov. let me remind you that the guys showed outstanding personal qualities while working part-time in the concert hall. on the day of the terrorist attack, they helped people in the smoky corridors find their way to the exit. donskov and ivanov saved more than 100 people in the crocus, leading them through the service building to the street. and khalilov, at the time of evacuation, noticed that the crowd was running in the wrong direction and began to control the flow of people. don't miss it this weekend on russia-24 tv channel. investigation of eduard petrov
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death aggregators. an ordinary trip with a stranger. yes, he lay face down as employees of the investigative committee of russia unraveled crimes committed by users of death aggregators. we took up this matter and
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conducted our investigation. the chairman of the investigative committee of russia, alexander bastrykin, ordered the presentation of a report on the criminal case of a terrible accident that left five children without parents. let me remind you that a fatal accident occurred on monday on kaluga highway in moscow.
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dzhidov literally shattered into parts, the roof of the sedan was torn off, two wheels flew off to the side of the road, and a mangled bumper lay there. the head of the family, magomed, and his wife patimat died. two sons, six and nine years old, who were inside the car, survived and were taken to the hospital by air ambulance. both are in intensive care. the driver of a mercedes car drove onto the side of the road intended for oncoming traffic, after which a collision occurred with a vaz 2110 car. as a result of the accident , the drivers died. and the passenger of the car you. and in these frames the car of the alleged the culprit of the accident, nineteen-year-old oleg kordonsky. an airbag deployed inside the german car. the young man escaped with scratches. it is known that
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kordonsky got behind the wheel while drunk. the young man did not deny this in court. here they lead him into a glass box in the hall of the fimeda’s house in handcuffs. guiltily, with his eyes down on the floor, he asks the court to give him house arrest. detention. in fact, in all the photos on social networks, kordonsky poses pretentiously in dark glasses near a country cottage next to that same mercedes, driving your favorite car. in the major’s profile, in the personal information column, there is an outrageous inscription: source of inspiration, violence. judging by the experts' conclusions, the young man drank not only alcohol. the accused was under the influence of alcohol and drugs at the time of the fatal accident . during interrogation, he admitted his guilt in full. the investigation is ongoing. likely. the criminal, through whose fault five children were left orphans , may soon go to jail for a long time. them meanwhile, the medzhidovs’ relatives are still in shock: in the courtyard of a large
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family’s house, time seems to have stopped, a gazebo and a motionless toy car are sadly empty. this house was once looked after by the deceased potimat for a large friendly family. she already imagined then that the children would grow up to be boys, they would be like boys, as it happens, they would move around, they were more nimble. of course, the hopes were very high, the dreams were very big, drunk in one mid, in one click, to destroy such destinies of children. now the relatives of the deceased couple are planning to arrange life in the moscow region so as not to disrupt the usual way of life of five children. as for the alleged culprit of the accident, despite his request for house arrest, the court decided to send kordonsky to prison for 2 months, which is how he took away one unhealthy desire to have fun. honest detective,
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subscribe, our episode is over, alexander ostakhov was in the studio, see you later . colorful, bright, interesting, breathtaking, jokes, humor, everything is very cool, well, for example, aliens will arrive, such a rich film, these sounds , this whole look, many analogies, of course, with a soviet film, i wouldn’t call it a remake, a reshoot, the film is completely independent, uh, moved away from me, it’s an adventure, it’s very interesting comedy, you don't stand a chance at all. we were delighted, listen, well, this is cool, wonderful, that’s it, love, romance, what’s happening right now, right?
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i’m about to cry, this is tears, this is just world class, but very cool, i’m proud, it was something like the whole film in one breath, we’ll meet in the future, 100 years ago forward.
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russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24. your brother is there in the donbass, in short, i have to go there, call sign passenger, i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, i have to find him, if you are a creative, ambitious, young professional, then quickly take part in the national open championship of creative competencies. artmasters.
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