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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 3, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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differences, all the details are in our material. temperatures are rapidly dropping in the central regions. when can we expect may warmth? and let's start with the situation in the khabarovsk territory. the area of ​​wildfires there is growing; in the last 24 hours alone it has increased by a third. now the forest is burning over an area of ​​50,000 hectares. a state of emergency has been introduced in the region. rescue teams are arriving from neighboring regions to help firefighters. our correspondent, anna kolchuk, is monitoring the situation and joining us. anna, hello, do natural fires threaten populated areas? alexandra, greetings. fortunately, the fire does not threaten populated areas; even if it comes close to a populated area, rescuers, of course, react very quickly. but the situation, nevertheless, in the khabarovsk territory is complex, as you have already said, an emergency regime has been introduced on the territory of the regional forest fund, according to the latest data. literally
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an hour ago information came that the first federal territory also fell under a state of emergency, this is the anyuisky national park, where all the strength and resources of the park were devoted to eliminating the outbreak, and as for the regional forest fund, there are now 14 active fires, and as you also noted, 50,000 hectares are on fire, but in total since the beginning of this season the fire has already passed through 70,000 hectares, which is why, of course, to postpone the regime in the form...
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on forest fund lands by the owners insufficient measures are being taken by users of lands bordering forests, which leads to forest fires, colleagues, there is also a violation of fire safety rules in forests, i am in constant contact with the minister of nature of russia, alexander alexandrovich kozlov, with sovetnikov ivan vasilovich, head of rosleskhoz, that’s all.
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i have already said that the federal reserve is helping us, well, the federal reserve is already asking for help from our neighbors, plus, it means it is helping, indeed at this moment a group of paratroopers from the security air forest has already extinguished one very difficult fire, in a remote area in a sunny area, now the group has been transferred to the khabarovsk region. next to the urmi river, this is also an inaccessible area, you can only get there by air, so the paratroopers are, of course, here we need landscape fires, these are dead wood burning - this is also a big problem, the ministry of emergency situations records 130, 180 thermal points in the khabarovsk territory, mostly, of course, thermal points in holiday villages, this is a big problem, despite the ban, summer residents, judging by everything, they still remove garbage with the help of fire, and thereby start fires, in khabarovsk, in khabarovsk on the rest...
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the islands, the left banks are burning, and near the komsomol, dachas are also burning and even buildings are already burning. fortunately, it does without victims, but nevertheless the ministry of emergency situations still warns all citizens to be more vigilant. well, from time to time it is clouded with smoke, that khabarovsk or komsomol now, literally in 5 minutes, while we were preparing for this live broadcast, the smoke again descended on the city and the acrid smell of harry is felt. that's all i have for now, alexandra, you have the floor. thank you, from khabarovsk territory. our correspondent anna kolchuk was in direct contact; she talked about how they are fighting natural fires in the region. now to the situation in the zone special operations under the hourly yar in the dpr awarded the paratroopers of the ivanovo division for special distinction in battles right on the front line. every day the units attack the fortifications of the ukrainian armed forces, forcing the enemy to retreat further and further. during the assault on one of the strongholds, russian soldiers took prisoners. our war correspondent, alexander katsyuba, will tell you the details.
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powerful artillery barrage precedes the assault on the ukrainian armed forces’ fortified area on the outskirts of chasoy yar. what object will you hit now? now we are shooting at... the water strongpoint, the enemy is starting to rotate, we want to destroy straightaway. at the firing line is the crew of the legendary commander of the rocket battery of the ivanovo airborne forces unit, a hero of russia with the call sign tourist. the enemy's equipment, which is inactive, there is armor, which, the supply of ammunition, which is carried out to the enemy, well, mainly infantry behind strong points.
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lotnikov's explosion, the explosion of this blue explosion, watch, all the cover has been torn apart for him, let them throw it in there too, an accurate crushing salvo at the enemy, our artillerymen are helping the assault squad advance, high-explosive fragmentation shells, regular explosives, the shackles are also ready, everything is screwed in, just now. the weight of each such projectile is 80 kg, the firing range is up to 20 km. there is continuous combat work at the division command post. i set the task to completely mine the road here to your left flank, so that
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no one could approach you unhindered, either from the side of the road, or in front, or from the flank from the third parachute of the unmanned battalion, so i set the task for you. shells. in the center there is still movement there is movement sometimes peeking out hand grenades are flying at the enemy to resist the militants unable to keep everything they give up they give up in the center they give up a rifle and a friend we took from a dry lander who decided to enter into battle against the two of us, well, he... lost. the forest area on the western outskirts of chasoy yar was defended by soldiers of the 67th brigade of the ukrainian armed forces. the enemy is now located at a distance of no more than 100 m from us. naturally, this causes a certain
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concern for the enemy. this is a natural fear that further assault operations can begin at any moment. marriage and heroism shown during the special operation, paratroopers of the ivanovo airborne forces, awards. according to the intelligence officer, the position of the ukrainian armed forces at the front is only getting worse, and the russian army is acting, quote: as a single organism with a clear plan and under a single command. end of quote. reuters has again published a scandalous statement by
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the british foreign secretary about ukraine’s right to attack russia with british weapons. david cameron said this in an interview during his visit to kiev, and at the same time added that london will provide military assistance to ukraine worth 3 billion pounds. 2 hours after publication, the rater officially canceled the news so that the quote could review some details. the russian media responded to the message immediately. maria zakharova called the scandal surrounding the diplomat's statement a purely english murder and expressed confidence that cameron really said these words. and last night, the british minister’s statement appeared again on the agency’s website without changes. and to other international topics.
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blatant lie, who are you anyway? i am a journalist for the formula tv channel, behave decently, you will call anyone in your home arrogant at home, since you were raised that way. the road was blocked with stones, they walked right between the cars, the drivers had to turn around and go around the square, as you can see, the protesters completely blocked traffic here, this is one of the central junctions of the city, closer to midnight the crowd divided into several columns, they paralyzed traffic on the embankment and adjacent streets , in parallel...
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in the internal affairs of georgia, because of this , washington once again tried to intervene ; the country's prime minister had to refuse a trip to the united states. the prime minister of georgia was invited to the united states with the proviso that before the visit, the parliament of our country must temporarily stop discussing the law on transparency of foreign influence. such conditions do not correspond to the principles of partnership based on mutual... respect and trust. by the end of the second week of protests, the rally participants finally composed
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demands to the georgian authorities. they want the adoption of the bill to be rejected, freedom for those detained at the rally and repression against employees of the ministry of internal affairs. the final third reading of the document in parliament is scheduled for 17 may. alika komarova, lead. deposit - the best interest rate up to 16% per annum. sberbank online, what we bring from travel with avito, cashback bonuses for the next trip, avito travel, everything will go as booked, with cashback, bonuses, one of my friends decided to relax where there is no connection, there’s reception here, i ’ll call you back later, i’ll tell you more i can’t, blue, now let’s take a photo for my followers. where can one go from this connection? hello, nowhere, lyusya,
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a goal! this is victory! this is victory! russia! russia, russia, russia, are you going to throw out the trash already or not? so, pay attention, we have a replacement for the younger generation, a legend is entering the field to win. today oil trading opened with rising prices. a barrel of brenes actually costs $83.90. if we talk about the main growth driver, now it is the expected extension of opec actions plus. according to forecasts, the price of the brand will soon reach $90, but it could be higher. joining me now is my colleague maria filippova. masha, hello, tell us about what price maxims are in
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the future, experts say. sasha, hello, experts do not rule out $100 per barrel, especially if the situation is... international trade problems due to houthi attacks in the red sea will drag on until the end of the year. thus, the head of the largest participant in the transportation market, the danish shipping company mairsk, vincent clerk, does not look to the future with optimism. he announced his forecast to the financial times. the degree of tension in the red sea does not subside, states clerk. and the new route through us, with good hope , will ultimately not lead to good either. transportation takes longer and becomes more and more expensive. if we are talking about any western state, then the journey from india takes 10-14 days more, and with such an additional time period, if you want to maintain a weekly output from indian ports, this requires the deployment of additional ship capacity, this
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requires additional investment to increase the number of employees to maintain the level of goods flow. the difference in transportation costs is reported by a consulting company that specializes in supply chain analysis. according to her data, the average price for transporting a container increased from $1,400 in october to $2,700 in april. however, more and more ships are forced to change routes due to safety concerns. according to the office for national statistics of the united kingdom, until april this year the number of freight transports through suet channel decreased by 2/3. among the expected consequences of changes in the trajectory of ships is an increase in oil prices. the geopolitical driver complements the factor of increased demand. the consumption leader has been known for a long time. traditionally china. the average growth in oil demand in china over the previous 10 years was approximately half a million barrels per day.
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last year the increase exceeded 1 million barrels per day. this year, apec expects growth from china to be somewhere around 0. india's needs should increase. under houthi control and bapalmandep strait. in december last year , 18% less oil was transported through it than on average from january to november. in may, according to some forecasts, the brand may rise in price to $90 per barrel. growth is also expected. in response to the latest reports and forecasts from the opec and the international energy agency on the situation in the oil market, they will be released in mid-may, spurring prices and actions of opec plus, the participating countries intend to continue reducing crude oil production at least until the end of the second quarter of 2024. the united states, as an oil producer , plays against the alliance, that is, when the alliance
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reduces or restrains production, and, accordingly, exports. oil supplies to the world market, well, from the supply point of view, the united states of america is trying to occupy this niche, increasing volumes, yes, well, this is how supply is controlled. at the end of april, beginning of may, the price of oil is in the range of 83-87 dollars per barrel. today's trading opened with an increase in quotations; in the very first minutes, a barrel of messi brand rose in price almost by half a percent and now remains at approximately the same level. some analysts do not rule out breaking the $100 mark in the coming months, but not everyone thinks so. for now, i would say that oil is most likely in the range there, not you... 90, but rather in the range there of 80, maybe 95, somewhere like that, or maybe 85, 95, that is, it doesn’t seem like it,
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that oil is ready to hit some three-digit levels, for us, in fact, being in the 890 zone is already very, very good, experts are paying attention, further price movement of the brand will depend on the may news, so the message about the shortage will provoke growth. then prices are expected to rise to $90 per barrel. if the expected reports talk about a surplus, the cost of the brand will be 9-10 dollars lower. these are the forecasts given by analysts, sasha. thank you. masha, it was maria filippova with a story about the dynamics of oil prices. and let's move on to other news. the sixth world forum on intercultural dialogue ends today in baku. participating in it representatives from more than 100 countries. the russian delegation is headed by minister of culture olga lyubimova. what topics will be highlighted by our special correspondent, boris vanina. the forum in azerbaijan is so
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large-scale that on the second day the intercultural dialogue went far beyond the scope of just one platform. this is the very center of baku. and here the russian academic drama theater has been operating for more than a hundred years. in general, this building itself is a former cinema. at the beginning of the 20th century, films were shown here. since then, the building has been rebuilt more than once, but all these years scene. remained the main one in the republic for productions in russian, in the repertoire today is chekhov’s cherry orchard, pushkin’s captain’s daughter, lermontov’s masquerade, with the russian minister of culture olga lyubimova, we are talking about joint creative work and tours, there will be a trip , yes, you will take the captain’s daughter , we are just celebrating the anniversary year of alexandrovich pushkin, we are ready, we would really like to work with your theater and let’s think about it together.
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different cultures, different countries, different peoples, different histories were looking for a place for dialogue, the russian house in baku also helps this dialogue, an exhibition dedicated to
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the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of crimea was opened here on the anniversary of the great victory, the 7th infantry division fought for the peninsula, where there were mainly immigrants from azerbaijan, a memorial was opened for them in sevastopol, the memory of this common struggle is related our peoples, i like that people know russian, that the russians’ attitude towards us is very favorable. more than 200 people were arrested during the storming of a pro-palestinian protest camp on the ucla campus. the police broke through the barricades using cheats.
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eyewitnesses say. that security forces used stun grenades, rubber bullets and tear gas. students threw rocks, water bottles and fire extinguishers at them. there is no information about casualties; now there are mountains of garbage near the campus, remnants of dismantled tents. at least nine people were injured as a result of an israeli air raid on the central part of the gaza strip , the arabic tv channel al jazeera reports. the aircraft carried out a series of strikes on residential buildings and a tent. more details about the situation in our correspondent alexander belibov will tell you about the region. in the north of the gaza strip, israeli troops launched another series of attacks on the capital of the palestinian enclave. the attack killed at least five civilians, including a child, local sources said. at the same time , another humanitarian convoy of thirty trucks with flour and canned food entered gaza itself, but
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due to the huge number of people who wanted to receive it. help a stampede ensued, reportedly killing one person and injuring several others, driving them to despair people are ready to literally fight for food and water, and the socio-economic situation in the palestinian enclave, according to estimates by the united nations, is deteriorating exponentially. poverty rates have already risen from 38 to 60% in the first six months of fighting, and are expected to rise further if the conflict continues. the refugee issue became the main topic of the visit of the head of the european commission, ursula fondern, to lebanon. she flew here to announce the provision of a new financial assistance package to the country in the amount of 1 billion euros, but as you know, everything has its price. we are committed to maintaining legal routes to europe and resettling refugees from lebanon in the european union. at the same time, we look forward to good cooperation in preventing illegal migration and combating
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migrant smuggling. converting from euros. not allowing further west, to the shores of cyprus, for example, as was the case before, but in beirut many were dissatisfied with this state of affairs, handouts from the eu will not help resolve the issue with refugees, only migrants from syria in lebanon now more than 2 million people, almost the same number of internally displaced persons may appear as a result of an israeli ground operation... in rafah, a city in the very south of the gaza strip and its environs, hundreds of thousands of people from all over the enclave have now accumulated. local refugee camps are already overcrowded and the living conditions there are intolerable, bringing the situation to the brink of a humanitarian catastrophe. the situation here is unbearable because there is sewage here and this sewage directly affects the residents, especially women and children, starting with allergies and abdominal pain, ending with illness. this
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affects us all. if israeli armored units get here, then almost 2 million refugees will need to seek shelter somewhere else, and the final desired goal for many, of course, will be the european union, and therefore the eu and the usa are now persuading tel aviv to abandon the invasion of rafah, because the consequences of this step will be felt far beyond the palestinian enclave. a truce and exchange of hostages between israel and hamas could save the situation, but releasing the captives would be radical palestinian
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