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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 3, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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with the state defense order, since the beginning of the northern military district we have significantly expanded production capacity, most of our enterprises have switched to a three-shift operating mode, the volume of production and major repairs, for example , tanks at our factories has increased by 3 times, light armored vehicles by three times, the production of rounds for tanks infantry combat vehicles almost nine times, our specialists continue to work on adapting standard aviation ammunition to the planning and correction module, this is a flying... aviation bombs, which are in great demand today, and such long-range weapons are very necessary today, today there is an increase in the production of aerial bombs, of all calibers and types of actions for use with these modules. employees of the russian guard discovered a whole network of hiding places in the donetsk people's republic. as the department's press service reported, they contained 8.00 rounds of ammunition and hundreds of kilograms of explosives.
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military counterintelligence received information about the caches. after this , sappers moved to the site and checked for booby traps in the caches. after after this, the national guard began examining what was found. in addition to explosives , two machine guns, a hunting rifle and thousands of ammunition were discovered. all this has been handed over to investigators for further study. and two strategic missile carriers tu-95 ms, long-range aviation of the russian aerospace forces, carried out a flight on... the neutral waters of the berengov sea near the coast of alaska, the patrol duration exceeded 11 hours, as reported by the ministry of defense. the missile carriers were accompanied by crews of su-30 sm aircraft and aerospace forces. at certain stages foreign fighters took off along the route.
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their situation with fires in a week, the area of ​​forests covered by fire in the khabarovsk territory has tripled, more than 90,000 hectares have already been damaged by fires. 77 units of equipment and almost 400 people are involved in extinguishing, including specialists from the amur region and buryat. with the support of the federal air forestry service, it was possible to localize a large fire on 24,000 hectares in the territory of the evoron forestry. all the details are in the report by elizaveta yurova. sunny area, everon forestry, from the air, fire paratroopers estimate densely smoky areas on fire for 24.00 hectares. and this is how
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the flames destroy everything in their path in seconds, they are stopped by employees of the federal aviation forestry service, they are encircled, despite difficult conditions, the fire is localized near... there is no spread, we record the third, fifth class of fire danger in development depending on municipal formations, wind, plus dry grassy vegetation, all this combined with meteorological conditions, is spreading rapidly, a state of emergency has been introduced in the region, more than 90 thousand hectares of taiga have already been covered with fire, another 50,000 are burning , the main outbreaks are in the khabarovsk, amur, solnechny and ulsky regions, almost 400 people, dozens of pieces of equipment and aircraft are involved. squeezed-out land in the khabarovsk region, timely liquidation helped save the nearest forest fund from fire, but this is not always the case; most often, the fires are located in difficult terrain and it is not so easy to get to them. therefore, to help the regional
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groups additional forces, 52 specialists from the amur region and buryatia. firefighters were deployed to a remote forest area in the urmi river area. the first may holidays. apparently, with the large influx of people into the forests, this means that the forest fire situation has become quite complicated for us. a ban is being introduced, including on staying in the forests. in addition, it allows us to attract additional services in a simplified mode. a state of emergency has been introduced in the vanyu national park. first of the fire season, a fire there recorded on 3.00 hectares, all their own means were thrown into rescue especially. gas pipeline, we will work there. the situation is monitored every minute using space monitoring. the screens show where the hottest zones are in the region. and so far the weather situation is only heating up. a reduction in the fire hazard class is not predicted.
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small short-term rains, more in the southern part of the territory, but rains that will not extinguish the fires. a decrease in wind speed is not expected, at least until the second ten days of may. elizabeth. and now about the weather, today, in the vologda region , snow removal equipment was again on the road; in the nizhny novgorod region, due to colder snowfalls, the heating season was extended. we'll talk more about this with meteorologist ekaterina grigorova. ekaterina, i greet you, tell us where else the snow fell and whether we can expect snowfalls in moscow. it’s too early to say anything definite about the intensity of snowfall in the capital, but the likelihood that in the middle of next week precipitation in moscow will be in the form of snow is quite high, but today snowfalls are observed throughout the eastern half of the european part of the country. the trial version of summer is over, winter is back, this is how people on social networks are commenting on today's snowfalls. in the regional center of kamskoye ustya , tatarstan, the day before yesterday it was +16, today there is
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several centimeters of snow. the following footage is from a section of the m-12 federal highway in chuvash; it is impossible to distinguish them from winter videos. the highways looked like december this morning in... may, a beautiful highway, i’m leaving the village of uva. snowfalls are making their way further south, in the last hours of precipitation began to turn into snow in the samara and penza regions of bashkiria. it’s not just people who are surprised by the sudden cold snap. well, what is the weather, such is the entertainment, in several regions today they made may snowmen,
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a special name was invented for may snowmen, there is enough snow, in udmurtia the maximum height of snow cover on the morning of may 3 was 5 cm, in the kirov region four. well, let's open the weather forecast. map today, the influx of cold air onto the russian plain has increased even more, because the length of the air corridor has increased, according to to which the northern wind drives the arctic cold to the south, this air corridor stretches from novaya zemlya to the caspian sea along the border between a vast anticyclone and two cyclones. under the influence of the frontal sections of these cyclones , precipitation continues in the eastern half of european russia, mainly in the form of snow. snow will occur in the east of the central region. in the middle volga, and even in the caucasus mountains, the temperature continues to drop; this coming night the cold snap will even reach the resort areas. in crimea, stavropol region and on the shores of the caspian sea in the morning about +10, in the chernozem region and the middle volga - 0, +5, east of the st. petersburg-bryansk line
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north of voronezh and orenburg frosts. in the north of the russian plain -5 -10. it's getting colder every hour in the capital of bashkiria. a reverse temperature trend is observed. at noon. it was +5, there is sleet with rain, by the middle of the day it will be +4, by the evening +3, at night it will get colder to zero, by the morning it will freeze to -1°, the precipitation will gradually turn into... into snow, in the morning the roads will be very slippery. in moscow it’s sunny, now it’s already +8, but despite the sun’s efforts, it won’t get much warmer. the maximum temperature for today is +10°, a noticeable north wind is blowing. with sunset the temperature will drop to +5, by the middle of the night to -1°. by the morning , the clouds of the atmospheric front will reach the capital region, it will become warmer, +7 in the morning, 12° in the afternoon, light rain is possible in the evening. a new wave of cooling will come early. next week, the forecasts, of course, will still be updated, but the weather will be cold, that’s for sure. ekatrin,
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thank you about the snowfalls and colder temperatures in european part of russia, said ekaterina grigorova. almost half of our citizens have completely switched or began to buy domestic brands more often, this is ruskachestvo’s assessment based on the results of last year. in particular, the share of perfumery on the russian market has sharply increased by more than a third. immediately after the advertisement, the deposit is the best interest up to 16% per annum in sberbank online magnet candy zhivinka 2999 magnet - the price is what you need! are your items faded after washing? use
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in order to make a russian soul, we will take three main ingredients, this is juniper, this is keder and this is java vitiver. that ’s how, in a small moscow laboratory , perfumer polina kazakova found the formula for the russian soul, that’s the name of its scent. from the outside
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it looks like painting a picture, only instead of paints there are perfume solutions, and to complete the work, like... an artist can take several years, in order to make a perfume formula, sometimes he has to do 10, 20, 30 and even 50 iterations, when once you catch that same balance, then you already understand, yes, the formula is ready, then you work further with it in terms of technology, its introduction into products, and so on, then the fragrance is bottled and sent to store shelves, in the last few years everything more buyers are choosing domestic perfumes, according to rosk.
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here, both small brands and manufacturing giants all agree on one thing, the industry is now in its prime. international expert in the field of marketing, perfumery and
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cosmetics, anna dycheva tells how difficulties only gave the industry an incentive to develop. perfumers are no longer so dependent on foreign bottle manufacturers. 100 km from izhevsk, the city of mashga. there is a glass factory here with almost a two-hundred-year history and at the moment it is the only one that produces perfume bottles in russia.
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three production lines operate around the clock. 120 bottles per day, almost 130 designs, generally the glass is transparent, but in the first seconds on the conveyor, the bottles are bright orange, after molding the glass red-hot almost 600°. on the line, the operator -setter monitors production, checking the fiery vials that have just been cast from the mold. the jars are sent along the conveyor to be annealed, this is where the internal stress in the material is removed in order to increase durability. then they are sent to the quality department. for packaging, new lines were launched in august last year, this project, we have already invested 540 million in it, today investments continue, together with our chinese partners, together with institutes, we have developed this this is a large project that allows the production of 45 million bottles per year, this is a very high-quality bottle,
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a furnace was specially designed for it, the glass texture was specially developed for it, this super... perfume is bottled all over russia, the largest such enterprises , according to the department of chemical industry of the ministry of industry and trade, they are located precisely in the moscow region, and there is also a plant in kazan-izhevsk, all of which can produce, including small batches, which is very important for start-up brands. nowadays everything appears on the market more. organizes, tells, here they not only show beauty and analyze seasonal trends, but also help in promotion. we train perfumers, we help them find
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good raw materials, a raw material base, individual fragrant components to create their own compositions, albeit small, small volumes, for now for their own creativity, maybe for some small samples that they could present to the general public , and then, of course, there is the task of getting them into industrial production. maryana calls the present time silver century of domestic perfumery, saying that already now, at least three cities in russia can lay claim to the title of capital of fragrances. well, of course, no one denies that moscow is ahead of the curve. i really like the work of perfumers from st. petersburg. and the second such city is novosibirs, where there is industrial production, where. there are several creative laboratories of russian perfumers. why has the russian soul, as a concept
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of domestic fragrances, become so attractive right now? for an answer we go to vasilyevsky island in st. petersburg. here is the largest private collection of perfumes and bottles in russia. the most rare from the first years of the 20th century. it lies in bins, away from light, to preserve it longer. invented in 1882, and this is the beginning of the 20th century, well , naturally paris, well paris, elena arsenyeva shows part of her collection, here are classics, domestic perfumes, familiar to several generations and completely new brands that are just about to make their way into history, they believe that... . national perfumery school is being born right now, if earlier the trends were dictated by the west, now there is a transition to the so -called russian code, something that only exists in our country. in russia, i noticed that they began
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to actively use marsh plants, siberian plants, some endemic plants that do not grow anywhere else, we have a huge range of conifers alone, this is not a repetition of some already existing style. polina kazakova also initially found herself in a different profession; 7 years ago she
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worked in fashion retail, engaged in marketing, while on maternity leave i realized that i wanted to be a perfumer. i found a specialized one-year training program at the grasse institute of perfume, and studied the last module in france. after i learned how to create fragrances, i realized that a perfumer must be not only a perfumer, but also a technologist for... in order to adapt a perfume fragrance in a wide range of cosmetic products, including aerosols. now polina herself is participating in the development of a curriculum for the master's degree at the mendeleev university of chemical technology, along with others manufacturers of perfumes and cosmetics with the support of the ministry of industry and trade. recruitment is underway now. traditionally, students will come in september to study as technologists and perfumers, and this is the first such program in russia. we already. for 25 years we have been producing engineers and analysts specifically for the industry related to the production of medicines and various
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cosmetic products, so to speak, we will continue these traditions by organizing a new master’s program in perfumery. more than ten perfumery and cosmetic enterprises have already entered into an agreement with the university and... will accept students for internship. another step in the development of the perfume industry in russia is entering foreign markets, experts say. our perfume and cosmetic networks are beginning to actively develop in the middle east, qatar, the united arab emirates, many russian brands, with the help of the state , take part in various perfume and cosmetic exhibitions around the world, they are in very high demand there, mainly of course.
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all over the world they appreciate the courage of the russian perfumer. playing not only with the aroma composition, but also with the philosophy of serving. at exhibitions you can find brands that dedicate fragrances to achievements or significant events for the country. for example, perfumer alexandra gluck dedicated a line of fragrances to the moscow metro. our first metro station to open at all is sokolniki. and initially there were plum orchards in sokolniki. countries, wines, now people who have moved to other plums, i imagined how in the form of plum they just take, they want to remember their homeland, their then, so to speak, habits, favorites and so on and order this scent to enjoy, so to speak, something familiar.
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remember, the moscow metro itself is fragrant, for example, the filyovskaya line has the aroma of tea, and the escalator gallery on vorobyovy gory smells of white peony. the air-water-climate system of the cars has more than 485 aromas installed, which emit a subtle smell every 9 minutes; all this also becomes part of russian history in aromas, becoming a collection of the most demanding and sensitive collections. and you and i, contemporaries, witnesses of this process, that is, those perfumers whom you have now observed live at some events, they will be included later in encyclopedias, we will write memories that we knew them, so collect autographs at meetings, this is a wonderful future valuable antiques. according to collectors, the next russian seasons await us, but not in ballet, in perfumery, and this whole story
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gur. the device was found.


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